Guns & Roses (Eminem Fanfic)

By do_ilook_likeicare

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Aurora Hill is an up-and-coming R'n'B singer/dancer who also happens to be part of a rapper Ja Rule's entoura... More

Cast & A/N
1. The First Lady Of Murder Inc
2. All About The Disrespect
3. Retaliation Plans
4. All Eyes On Me
6. Celebrity Crush
7. A Simple Favor
8. The Next Round
9. Exes
10. Eye For An Eye
11. Darkness
12. Why Did You Do It
13. Broken
14. Disloyal
15. Ungrateful
16. What's Done In The Dark / Trust No One
17. Go To Sleep
18. Nothing Serious
19. Netflix & Chill
20. Come Home With Me
21. Redemption
22. NDAs & Lame Ass Dance Moves
23. I Know It Was You
24. Threatened
25. Destructive Mode Activated
26. The Switch Up Is Crazy
27. Why R U The One
28. Indulge
29. Not The Type To Bring Home To Mama
30. Petty Shit
31. Evil Plans
32. Don't Play Me
33. The Set-Up
34. Use Them & Abuse Them
35. Careless
36. Put That On Everything
37. The Showdown
38. Complication
39. Change Of Heart
40. Flip-Flop
41. Weak Spot
42. Happy Birthday
43. True Crime Part 1
44. True Crime Part 2
45. Who Shot Ya
46. The Ultimatum
47. Motives
48. Midnight
49. Quiet But Deadly
50. Marriage vs. Murder
51. Kill You
52. Stubborn
53. Ambush
54. Seduction
55. Superman
56. A Shady Records Girl (The Last Chapter)

5. Chill The Fuck Out

961 44 64
By do_ilook_likeicare

Aurora's P.O.V.

The deadly silence in the room is then interrupted by Em chuckling nervously as he walks up to where his brother is standing holding his daughter's hand, and he picks her up and lifts her into his arms.

"Hai, I ain't make Aurora mad at all, cause I'm actually cool with her. In fact, Aurora and I are real good friends, ain't we, Aurora," he then says to me, kissing the top of the little girl's head, ice grilling me real hard as he does this, clearly wanting me to go along with what he's just said to his daughter.

I smile, but I don't say anything.

Honestly, this is a really crazy and awkward situation, because never in a million years have I expected for his kid to be there.

And like... I want to say something and blow Em's spot up so badly, but at the same time, his daughter is innocent, so does she really deserve to know that her dad is a piece of shit?? And at such a young age too??

"But daddy, she looked so angry with you," the little girl softly says, looking at her dad's face with huge blue eyes, identical to his own. She then glances at me shyly, then looks back to Em again. "Mommy looks at you like that sometimes, when you guys are... upset with each other," Hailie Jade then whispers sadly, lowering her eyes.

"Nah, baby girl..." Em says in this strangely stangled low tone of voice and he looks absolutely defeated for a few seconds, and there's like... an almost pained expression on his face and so much softness in his eyes when he gazes down at his daughter.

"It ain't even like that, honey, I promise you that," he then kisses her cheek and lowers the little girl back down, making her seat at a tall chair near the soundboard, her legs dangling from it. "Okay?" He then bends to her level for a few seconds.

"Okay, daddy," Hailie Jade smiles.

Em then straightens up and the moment his eyes land back on me again, the same anger is very clear in them that he is so well known for. His jaw clenches, settling firmly in place and he gives me a death glare, discretely eyeing me up and down.

His voice though, remains deceptively sweet as he says to his kid, "Now, excuse dad for a second, Hai. Cause dad and Aurora, we do need to talk about something right quick. Imma be right back though. You behave yaself, honey, aight?"

"Okay," the little girl says sweetly, and Em then makes his way back over to me in two long strides. His fingers lock around my arm, just above my elbow and digging harshly into my skin to the point where I almost wince, he then proceeds to promptly drag me out of the room so quick that I don't even get the chance to protest.

As we are walking out of the recording room, Em harshly orders one of his security guards to watch his daughter, simultaneously turning to his younger brother as well.

"Close ya mouth, Nate!" He barks at the teenage boy who gulps and then proceeds to snap his jaw shut.

Eminem scoffs and continues to drags me out of the studio room, slamming the door behind us.

"You and I, we about to have a lil talk, bitch," he harshly whispers into my ear as we continue to walk through the hallway.

"Let the fuck go of me, where the hell are we going?!" I exclaim indignantly, attempting to dig my heels into the ground. I don't want to be anywhere near this man, to be honest. And for the first time since meeting him, he does scare me a little bit right now, the angry scowl on his face truly menacing.

"Em!! I'm not going anywhere with..." I try to protest again after my first attempt was being simply ignored by him.

"Shut the fuck up," he scowls again and his grip on my arm tightening.

He's going to leave a fucking mark!!

Eventually, we arrive to what appears to be our destination.

An empty cafeteria room at the end of the hallway where there wending machines and water coolers in the corners.

Entering the room and quickly looking around it and making sure that there isn't anybody there but us, Em pretty much throws the door closed shut and unceremoniously slams my body against it in the same motion, pretty much knocking the breath out of me. And before I could even recover, his hand then grabs for me, fingers locking around my throat just like he'd done that day, and a small part of me starts to panic, because I've learned by this point that the crazy ass white boy really is capable of anything.

Those cold blue eyes burn right into mine as he brings his face near mine, stepping way too close for comfort.

"Now, you listen to me, bitch," his voice surprisingly enough coming out calm, in start contrast to the damn near crazed expression on Em's handsome face. "I ain't give a fuck how much you feel I had disrespected you before, you dumb slut. And I ain't give a fuck how ya lil feelings apparently got hurt by that diss track. Do NOT. NEVER IN YA GODDAMN LIFE come at me and stop popping your whore mouth at me while my daughter is present in the room. Cause next time you do that shit, trust. You ain't gonna like what imma do to you next, got it?" He practically snarles the last part at me, the false calmness leaving his voice then.

He abruptly lets go of my throat, the back of my head involuntarily banging against the door again.

I feel myself rapidly inhale, feeling my lungs with air again as he continues to hover over me.

"Imma need you to say it to me, girl. I need you to fucking tell me that you understand," Em says angrily, and I finally manage to force myself to look up and into his face that still has that same ass evil expression on it.

"Fuck you!!" I choke out. "I should go back to that studio right now and blow your whole spot up. Tell that little girl exactly the kind of disrespectful abusive ass piece of shit she has for a da..."

My words are cut off when he grabs at my jaw this time, squishing my cheeks in his hand and making it hard for me to talk. I try to stare back at him as angrily as I could though, to match his intensity.

Because even though the boy scares me half to death right now, I've never been one to back down from anybody. My momma taught me better than that. Plus, I can be a stubborn ass bitch.

I was only bluffing just now though, I would've never actually went back there and talk shit to his daughter about him. I just wanted to get under his skin, get a rise out of him.

And boy, did it work...

Hearing him laugh a sort of short angry laugh, I attempt to push him off of me, but he only squeezes my face tighter.

I watch him slowly nod to himself, locking his lower lip, dragging his tongue against it like he usually does.

"Try that shit, bitch, and I'll ruin you. I will fucking destroy your life, Aurora," he simply states. "By the time I'm done with you, you'd wish you were never even born."

His face is completely drained of emotion, and his eyes are dark, but he does finally losen his grip on me, and I back away from him as quickly as I could. Even if all it does is just make my back hit against the door again for like the third time.

Simultaneously, I raise my hand to him and slap his face as hard as I could, causing redness to spread instantly against the skin on the side of his jaw where my open palm had connected.

And I had expected him to get even angrier at that, but he actually barely reacts. A smirk spreads across his face, as he takes a step closer to me.

"I fucking said what I said, bitch," he states.

"Fuck you, Em. And I said what I said too. Never put your hands on me how you did that day, or I will fucking ruin YOUR life," I threaten, but admittedly, it probably comes out all meek, especially considering the fact that I'm very soft spoken.

Something shifts in his face then, and it abruptly morphs from angry to smug.

The quickest switch I've ever witnessed a person make.

Is he bipolar?! I think to myself in total confusion.

"Bitch please, you liked that shit," Em says to me, sounding all cocky as he licks his lips again, and I frown.

"Are you... are you fucking insane?" I whisper incredulously.

He cannot... possibly believe that!

Watching him shrug and then smirk that absolutely infuriating smirk the white boy does so well.

"I mean, maybe that's why you so angry with me, baby? You want a round two?" He cockily asks me, and I literally feel sick to my stomach.

"Holy Shit, you are vile. You fucking disgust me," I mutter, turning away from him and placing my hand on the doorknob, finally realizing that the crazy ass dude is not even worth arguing with, because something is clearly wrong with him..

"Tell me something, baby," Em says behind me, "If I disgust you so much as you claim, then how come when I had put my hand inside your panties that time and felt on that tight lil pussy of yours, how come my fingers came away from it soaking wet?"

I freeze with my hand on the doorknob, and I suddenly can't even freaking move at all.

Like... there's literally so much anger coursing through my body right now that it hits me in waves and sort of paralyzes me for a few seconds and I can hardly think straight at all.

This man is...

"I mean, if you wanna jump on my dick so badly, all you gotta do is just ask, Aurora. But I get it if pretending to be pissed as fuck at me turns you on more," Em drawls behind me and next thing I know, this asshole is sliding his arm around my stomach, pulling my body into his, and I can feel his hardness against my butt.

What the fuck is wrong with this man?!

I feel my own breathing intensify, and I shut my eyes tight.

"You... you know what, Em? You are right," I then breathe out, leaning more into him. "I do... fucking want you. So bad," I slowly back my ass into his crotch, and hear him chuckle as his arm wraps more around my body, and I involuntarily shiver.

"See, I fucking knew it. All of you sluts are the same, and I knew you was a fucking dirty ass whore, Aurora," he speaks lowly into my ear, his lips brushing against it.

"Uh-huh," I practically moan, making sure to keep my tone breathy and weak sounding.

I slowly turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, looking up into Em's freckled face, seeing his eyes turn dark with lust like an idiot he apparently is.

"You got me, nigga. I been wanted you to fuck me ever since I first laid eyes on you, Em. See it's just something about you, you are such a fucking asshole, but like... it's so hot. You are so hot," I whisper to him, laying it on thick.

The white boy smirks and licks his lips for like a hundredth time today.

"Yeah?" He asks me.

"Mm," I'm eagerly nodding my head, giving him my best fuck me eyes, looking at him seductively through my long lashes.

Em smirks again, and leans in to kiss me, but I put my fingers against his lips.

"You know what I want you to do right now, baby? Like more than anything?" I ask him sweetly, slowly backing him towards the water cooler near the door.

"What's that, girl?"

"I want you to chill the fuck out, motherfucker!!" I then practically bark at him, pushing him as hard as I possibly could towards the water cooler, causing it to tip over, icy cold water being instantly dumped all over the front of Em's pants.

Getting the satisfaction of watching his face contort in shock then anger again, those blue eyes narrowing.

"Fucking bitch!!" He angrily blurts out, reaching for me and attempting to grqb me, but I jump back with the quickness.

He continues to talk shit to me then. Some more insults and obscenities falling from his lips easily, mostly women degrading stuff, when the both of us are suddenly interrupted by the sounds of loud as hell laughter coming from somewhere to the side of us.

I turn my head, quickly straightening up my top and the short skirt I'm wearing, and then I see those D12 guys, friends of his along with 50 Cent standing in the now wide open doorway, cackling wildly.

"Yooooooooooo," 50 Cent practically kneels over, laughing his ass off. "She really got cha dumb ass good there, Em, not gonna lie!!" He grins that infamous huge grin the rapper often has on his face. "I swear to fuck my stitches is about to open back up in my fucking side," He adds and then rubs the spot where one of Ja's entourage had stabbed him the other day.

I shrug and just cross my arms over my boobs, standing there prettily.

"Laugh harder, motherfucker. I hope your goddamn stitches do burst, stupid ass cocksucker," Em then grumbles, angrily looking down the front of his now wet pants.

"How long all you dickheads been standing there?" He then asks his entourage angrily.

"Long enough to see your dumb ass get fooled by this chick, nigga," the chubby guy from D12 whom I think they all call Weird or something (no, not weird, Bizarre) Then exclaims loudly. "Ayo, this like that shit with Mariah Carrey all over again," he then adds looking to the other guys, and they all start busting out laughing all over again.

"Welp, that's my cue to leave," I then smile sweetly and start walking out of the room. Turning briefly to Em and tossing over my shoulder, "Remember what I said to you, nigga. Keep your hands to yourself from now on."

I then walk out of the room without waiting for his response, which no doubt would be more threats and profanity. Hearing all of the men's laughter still booming behind the door. Quickly making my way towards the elevator.

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