The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male...

By JasonCheng1223

83K 3.4K 659

Ellie Williams X Male reader. After the event of Salt Lake City, Ellie begins doubting Joel's promise. Until... More

Before Jackson
Arriving Jackson.
Jackson Community.
Ellie Williams.
You And Me.
His Past.
Let It Out.
It Begins.
No Wrong. Just Needs.
A Chance.
First Snow.
Not An Update.
The Calm.
Storm Is Coming.
Who's Going?
Not an but a FUCKING RANT‼️
Seattle Day 1.
Seattle Day 1(Part Three).
Seattle Day 1(Part Four).
Seattle Day 1(End)
Seattle Day 2.
Seattle Day 2(Two).
Seattle Day 2(Three).
Seattle Day 2(Four).
Seattle Day 2(Five).
Seattle Day 2(End).
Seattle Day 3.
Seattle Day 3(Two).
Seattle Day 3(Three).
Seattle Day 3(Four).
Seattle Day 3(Five).
Seattle Day 3(Six).
Seattle Night 3(One).
Seattle Night 3(Two).

Seattle Day 1(Part Two).

1.1K 64 3
By JasonCheng1223

In the inner city of Seattle, Ellie, Joel and (Y/N) got ambushed after one of their horses stepped on a minefield.

"Get them!!"

*Bang! *Bang!

It was chaos from the moment the bomb got triggered.


Joel began fighting back, at the same time, keeping his eyes on the downed Ellie, who seems to be out of it.

"Ace!! Get her outta there!"

(Y/N) didn't have to be told twice, and he quickly fight his way through.


One slash from his machete to the female soldier in front.



The other one fell victim to Joel after he let his emotion distract him.


With (Y/N) fighting and dodging, while Joel providing cover for him, the teamwork and trust proved how much fate they have in each other.

But their luck has to run out sooner. Or more specifically, now.



(Y/N) accidentally stepped on another hidden minefield, but thanks to his quick thinking, he managed to leap away.

The explosion didn't kill him, but it didn't mean he's any safer than it should be.



Abby has decided to take Owen's matter into her own hands.

And she's currently outside the FOB by herself after Manny helped her sneak through the WLF patrol teams.

"Hope you're still there." Abby muttered to herself, setting sight on the aquarium in the distance.

And with that, she starts her mission.

But it wasn't smooth sailing for the brute. It's filled with ambush after ambush by both Scars and infected.

Eventually, she met her match. A Scars who's taller, buffer, and crazier than her cronies.

Abby was already exhausted, and the numbers game got the better of her.

She was held down by the other Scars and suddenly, one of them who seems to be of higher authority, knocked her out, putting her quest of searching for Owen uncertain.


"Search the area! He can't be far."

(Y/N) survived the explosion, but the damage is no joke. Blood leaking from his head, as he hit face first after falling.

Damaged body, and tired soul. The young man has to limit his action for the day.

He's currently hiding behind the counter in one of the coffee shops within the city.

"Fucking prick. I don't see any scars around his cheek."


"Could be a smuggler. Or a stray."

Two of the many pursuers enter the place, and (Y/N) readied himself for combat.

"Damn. As if Scars weren't enough trouble. We shouldn't be wasting time here with these clowns."

(Y/N) grips his machete tightly in one hand, and fingers by the trigger of his gun on the other.

"Then fucking find find him and end this shit. Jordan said he got the girl. As for the old man, the others are on him."

The information doesn't put (Y/N) at ease. Not one bit. Especially when it involved Ellie.

Just mere feets away, he can sense their approach.


"What the-"



Now that came outta nowhere.

(Y/N) who was ready to come out his spot, was taken aback by the sudden ambush on the soldiers.


(Y/N) twitched after hearing a new voice.

"We have freed more Wolves for you. May you guide their tainted souls to the light."

'The fuck is he talking about?'

(Y/N) waited for a bit.

And a bit.

More bit.

Until it's silent. Dead silent.

He slowly, carefully crept out of his hiding place. And what's in front of him, ain't pretty.

The two WLF goons that were after him is dead. One was shot by an arrow, piercing through the eyeball.

The other got his head blown, presumably with a shotgun as there's no head remain on the body.

'Scars... That's what they called them.'

(Y/N) takes a quick breather, patching himself up. After he's done, he steps outside the place, and notices more WLF soldier's corpse, presumably killed by the same group.

But it didn't matter. Not to (Y/N). He's here for a different reason. And that's to annihilate the WLF and prevent them from going after Ellie....


The boy just realize the most important thing after that. Ellie and Joel.

They have been seperated.

He begins looking around, with no signs of shooting or fighting.


And Joel even has the map and the rest of the stuff, so he's pretty much lost.

Without much of a choice, (Y/N) decided to let fate and luck guide him.

'Hotels and schools.'

Those are the places where the stationed WLF were supposedly at.

So he just kept walking until he reaches one.

A high school. Or former high school. It was ruined anyway, but judging from the looks of it, it's also used by FEDRA as military school before WLF took over.

Inside, wasn't a pretty sight.

WLF soldiers were hanged, with their guts and organs leaking out their slashed stomach. It's sickening.

'Okay... This is not Joel. So the Scars...'


(Y/N) was startled by the sudden whistle, and he quickly rushed to take cover. But it was too late as one arrow coming from the back pierced through his shoulder.


Taking cover behind the wall, he forcefully pulled out the arrow, causing blood to leak out the spot.

"He's hit! Go!"

(Y/N) wasted no time in grabbing his weapons, getting ready for combat.

One of the pursuers reached his side, but it was a dumb move to close the distance, allowing (Y/N) to strike him face on, ending him.

(Y/N) stands up, taking in his surroundings. He could make a few in front of his vision.


And thanks to his hearing, two more are sensed behind the walls in the next room.




Bullets and arrows are flying across the place as they begin engaging in a close shootout.

No one in the building are amateurs. Other than the one arrow that caught him by surprise earlier, (Y/N) managed to evade all oncoming onslaught.

But so does the enemies.


Another miss. Partially due to his constant lookout for the two that are still hiding.

'Fuck it!'

*Bang! *Bang!

He fired two more as a cover while rushing towards the other room, where his ambushers are waiting.

"Damn it!!"

(Y/N) cuts off her upper face, follow by a throw of his machete towards the one at the far end.

It was a good throw as the machete lands right in the center of the face, killing him instantly.

'Two down.'

The other three rush in to back up their allies, but it was too late.



A well aimed headshot.


(Y/N) aimed his gun at the distracted Scars.



"He's out!!"

One of the man, charged at him with his sledgehammer, striking left and right at the young man.

(Y/N) dodged all the oncoming attack, and he quickly counter with a hit to his head using the back of his pistol.

With a heavy thrust kick to the abdomen, he sends the guy crashing backwards against his comrade.

And thanks to that, (Y/N) bought some time for for himself to reload.

Or so he thought.


A sudden shot from distance, with the bullet plowed through his waist, sending him down on his knees.

'Damn it!'

He turned his head slightly, realizing that there's a camper outside the building this whole time.

With the rifle in hands, still aiming at him, (Y/N) tries to get up but was knocked out by the sledgehammer fella.



A light slap to the cheek wakes Ellie up.

She slowly open her eyes, looking up front. It's Jordan, one of Abby's crew back in Jackson.

"Never thought I'd see you again. How did you find us?"

Ellie looks at him, dead in the eyes.

"I asked a dude with a bitch scar across his face."

How could she not? She's the artist that gave Jordan a new makeover in Jackson, as a souvenir for their failed mission.

"That's funny." He takes out a pocket knife from his back. It's Ellie's, and threatening Ellie by the throat with it. "How many came with you?"

"You can't stop this."

The tension almost blown over before one of WLF soldiers came in the room.

"Jordan! The fuck are you doing here? You're supposed to be out there looking for the other one."

Jordan pulled back the knife, stabbed the armrest of his chair, leaving it there.

"Remember the mission Isaac sent us to Jackson for?" He gets up, approaching the man. "It was her. Isaac wants her."

"The fuck?"

"And the other one? That's Joel Miller, the guy who ended the Fireflies."

He can't believe what he's hearing right now. Joel Miller has a reputation as the guy who destroyed an army. And now, here in Seattle, he's making am enemy out of the WLF.

"What does Isaac want with her anyway?"

A beat.

Isaac didn't told anyone but Abby, who relied the message to her crew that Ellie is the immune person.

He hesitated for a moment before answering.

"She's immune."

Ellie doesn't like where this is going.

"Say what?"

"She's immune. And Isaac wants to find a way to create a vaccine with her or something."

"That's bullshi--"


"Oh shit!!"

The dude just got his head blown off by Joel with his shotgun.

He quickly reload and aim at Jordan.

"Try anything, and you're joining him. Hands up."

Jordan comply, and did as ordered.

Joel exchange glance with Ellie for a bit, then return his focus on Jordan. Lowering his shotgun at his knee, he fired.


"Arrgghhhhh!!! Fuck!!!"

Jordan fell on the ground, screaming in pain. And Joel quickly went over, freeing Ellie by cutting the rope that's restraining her with her pocket knife.

"You okay kiddo?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

The two stand up, with Ellie quickly went over to grab her bag.

Joel looked over the table, and he found some notes and a picture of a girl.

"Now what?"

Ellie asks, approaching the old man who's reading the note.

"TV station. This girl, Leah," He gave Ellie the picture. "She's with Abby back then as well."

"Okay. TV station it is." Ellie turned towards the dying man on the floor.

"You wanna take him?" Joel question her.

He remembers how Jordan kicked her a few times back in Jackson, and Ellie deserves a payback of her own.

"With pleasure."

She walked over to the downed man, and kick him in the face a few time, follow by a shot to the head.



She smiled at Joel. What a psychopathic duo they are.

And the smile dropped after Ellie remembers something. Or someone.

"Where's (Y/N)?"


Somewhere in the woods, the sky is dark as hell. So is the surroundings.

Abby slowly rose up from her slumber, and she noticed that there was rope around her neck, while standing on a barrel.

Looking around, she could make out some of her fellow ELF soldiers, died with their organs cut and hanging from the stomach.

"I don't give a shit about your dumbass cause."

A voice caught her attention.

There stood a few Scars around a man, who's also in the same condition as her.

But the face, the person who she thought she'd never see again. The one who she searched for four years ago.



Here. Part two of Day 1.... That sound confusing. But you guys get it.

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