On The Surface | WooSan

By cheriyun

3.7K 345 291

The fear of drowning has haunted Wooyoung ever since an incident that took place in his childhood. Keeping hi... More

01 - A different kind of casting
02 - Introduce yourself
03 - Don't worry, I got you
04 - Next destination: Commitment
05 - Mirrored Souls
06 - Bound to You
07 - Could it be?
08 - Welcome me (or don't)
09 - The calm before the storm
11 - Shout it out
12 - Snowflakes
13 - Moonlight
14 - Facing the Enemy
15 - The Truth (always comes out)
16 - Wounded
17 - Competition
18 - The Pain (and what takes it)

10 - Lie to him (and to yourself)

187 17 9
By cheriyun

Chandeliers. Jewelry. Dresses of glitter and sequins. Champagne glasses in the hands of people. Everything caught some of the illuminations that went off the spotlights, shining and mirroring the light that tinted the location in white, blue, and red colors, creating the illusion of purple spots where the beams of light crossed.

There was a real band playing. Wooyoung was greeted with the classical tune when they walked in immediately, and although that was not really the genre he'd listen to in his free time, he was not bothered by it. It was the opposite, he welcomed it. All of this was untouched territory for him and he was interested in everything he could see and learn about it.

Wherever his eyes looked, he saw pretty people. They looked elegant in the way they talked, the way they laughed, and even the way they moved. He couldn't help but feel intimidated. What if even one wrong gesture would throw a bad light on San?

A hand gently snuck up to Wooyoung's back. San moved in close to his ear and hoped to be able to deliver his words in a calming manner. "The most important rule is to not think too much, otherwise it will look forced. Okay?"

Wooyoung turned his head to San and nodded once. From his side view, he was able to see Mingi and Yunho walking behind them. Not close enough to breathe onto their necks, but not far enough to let someone pass between them and the couple either. When he looked straight forward again, he let his eyes wander around the location.

They were walking towards a bar. While they did, San already asked Wooyoung what he wanted to drink. The latter answered that he'd just take whatever San would get as long as it wasn't coffee and Yunho chuckled at that.

After each of them got a Coke, they decided to look around some more. Some people greeted San already, but it was obvious that he was looking for something or someone specific. Wooyoung didn't mind that at all. He just followed San, kept his steady and calm walking pace, and let his eyes roam over the decorations.

He felt eyes on him. San must've been known by a lot of people here, and they surely must've wondered who Wooyoung was since everyone knew that his bodyguards usually walked in front or behind him, never next to him. So that must've been what caught the strangers' interest.

People smiled at him, some even greeted him shortly with a handshake. San got caught in a short conversation here and there. It must've been mostly curiosity that caused the people to approach him because all they asked was how the business was going, if his casinos went well, and if he had special plans for the winter. Usually, he answered with smart responses, inviting them to come and see for themselves. Wooyoung wanted to see too, he finally wanted to visit one of San's casinos, but he knew he should still be patient for a little longer. He would embrace it once San thought the moment was right — until then, he'd just continue to wait.

Questions about Wooyoung weren't asked. Maybe the people didn't dare to ask or simply didn't care, but some definitely did acknowledge Wooyoung with a polite smile or a quick glance. He was okay with that if he was being honest. Wooyoung was sure that he wouldn't do a bad job talking to these people, but that didn't change the fact that this still intimidated him in some way. It had been his first time at an event after all, but he was sure that he'd get used to it eventually.

The location was pretty big so it took a while to look at most things. With interest in his eyes, Wooyoung continued to look around and tried to not stand out too much with that. He kept it subtle.

Then, a few steps later, Wooyoung's curious eyes landed on two guys, one around the same height as him and one taller. They were walking straight in their direction. The first guy must've been a businessman too and the second one was definitely his bodyguard. Wooyoung was able to tell by the earpiece the tall guy wore. To his surprise, the two men stopped in front of San, and a weak smile formed on the lips of the stranger.

"Good evening. Long time no see," the guy said cockily and started the conversation.

"Hello, Hongjoong."

Wooyoung widened his eyes slightly. So that is his brother... The looks must run in the family. Hongjoong had dark brown and wavy hair, and just like San, gorgeous cat-like eyes. The significant difference though was the fact that, unlike San's eyes, Hongjoong's did not look gentle at all. They looked dark and threatening. When his eyes met Wooyoung's for a moment, the latter's heart skipped a beat at the intenseness of the gaze.

Hongjoong scoffed as he averted his eyes. "I don't get it," he let the back of his hand brush against San's suit jacket, his fingernails provocatively scratching at the fabric. "What about you is so special that you need not one, not two, but threebodyguards?"

"I did get the part about Mingi being incompetent and hiring a second one, but if the second one is just as bad, why not fire them and hire one who actually does the job right? Instead, you get a third one and no offense, but I can tell by just looking at him that he'll do a crappy job too-"

"Cut it." San didn't look amused at all. Mingi and Yunho on the other hand looked unphased. Wooyoung wondered if this was just their professionalism or if they were already used to this. And one thing he definitely witnessed other than Hongjoong's bodyguard having an apologetic look on his face was the thick air forming around them.

"Seonghwa could take all three of your bodyguards out in a minute."

This was uncomfortable. Wooyoung could practically see the bolts of lightning between the brothers' eyes, and while San tried to stay composed, Hongjoong just chose cruelty. He didn't even want to know how awkward it felt for each of the bodyguards.

"Two bodyguards, and no, I'm not interested in seeing them fight, thanks."

Hongjoong's eyes found Wooyoung's again and raised an eyebrow. He eyed him with interest, actually taking in his presence now. Wooyoung was getting studied from top to bottom, and when Hongjoong was done, a sound that was similar to a chuckle left his throat.

"You bring your flings to events now? This actually surprises me, San. I have to admit, I do believe you are straight-up dumb and lack any kind of thinking capability, but this is something that not even I expected of you."

"Careful." San smiled provocatively. "I would not bring a fling, but I definitely would bring my husband."

It took a few seconds for the words to reach Hongjoong's brain. Once they did, he laughed. "Your what? Husband? Oh, come on."

Hongjoong realized that his brother was not joking. He took a step forward, and Wooyoung could've sworn he saw fear in his eyes. "You're fucking lying."

"I don't think so," San answered and brought his hand up to show off the ring. Hongjoong's eyes immediately snapped to Wooyoung's hand to see another ring there and clenched his jaw. San leaned a little forward and the next words left his mouth only in a whisper.

"Time is ticking now, brother."

"You son of a bitch!" Hongjoong hissed and grabbed San by the collar to pull him even closer.

"Ah, the casino brothers!" a middle-aged woman said and laughed while looking at their position. She wore a sparkly black dress and her hair rested flat on her shoulders. The champagne glass in her hand somehow topped off the elegant look. Wooyoung had to admit that she looked very pretty, especially considering her age, and he was proven once more how much difference clothes could make to an appearance. The woman faced Hongjoong and shook her head. "Is this how you treat your older brother?"

Hongjoong let go of the collar immediately and smiled. "I was just so happy to see him again! He didn't show himself to me for two months and just told me exciting news. I couldn't help but want to hug him. That's all!"

With a deadly glare, he looked at San one more time before turning his back to him. The woman excused herself after exchanging a few short sentences with San too and Wooyoung grabbed his hand. He didn't know why he did that but something inside of him just told him that it would be the right thing.

"Your brother is awful!" Wooyoung whispered and San chuckled at that.

"You should've seen him as a teenager."


As expected, both brothers got assigned the same table to sit at. While Mingi, Yunho, and Seonghwa calmly listened to the music, Hongjoong was busy eyeing San and Wooyoung with judging eyes.

"You can let go of each other's hands now, you won't fool me."

"I hold my husband's hand whenever and however long I want to," Wooyoung countered.

San smiled and squeezed his hand gently at that. Wooyoung wasn't entirely sure why, but that squeeze somehow felt like a reward.

Hongjoong raised his eyebrows. "Sassy. Is he always like that?"

"I'm right here, you can talk to me instead of asking San," Wooyoung countered, "But to answer your question, yes. I hate when people try to tell me what to do."

Hongjoong leaned back a little and shook his head, then laughed. He didn't believe them one bit and San was able to tell. The latter grew a little nervous but he wouldn't let his brother notice that.

"How much money do you get for this?"

"How much do you get for acting like a dick?" Wooyoung asked with a tone that almost sounded innocent and leaned forward, rested his elbow on the table, and propped his chin up on it.

Hongjoong laughed and looked at San. This situation was amusing to him. He seemed to look straight through the lies. His eyes roamed around the table, investigated Mingi and Yunho, and then stopped at San's glass. The younger brother looked up to Wooyoung, then narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled at San.

"Are you enjoying your Coke, brother?" Hongjoong asked, emphasizing the name of the drink for some reason, and stared San down.

Wooyoung didn't know what it was, but this situation felt super uncomfortable. He sensed the stress that radiated off San simply by the way his hand suddenly started sweating.

"I am, why wouldn't I?" He answered and sounded confident, but Wooyoung was able to hear the way his voice was shaking in the slightest.

Hongjoong's eyes shifted to Wooyoung again and the latter's stomach dropped for a second. Can he stop looking at me like that? This dude seriously creeps me out. A smirk covered Hongjoong's lips and it looked evil, then his eyes met San's again.

"He doesn't know, does he?" he asked, "Shouldn't your husband know about this, San?"

Hongjoong sounded so stable. He was just speaking ahead, posture calm and unbothered, and his aura was straight-up terrible. Wooyoung felt it press down on him. Know about what? He was confused but definitely on high alert too. Whatever was about to be revealed now, he would play along. He couldn't blow this up.

Wooyoung dared to look at San and saw him clench his jaw. The latter exhaled shakily and shifted the hand that was in Wooyoung's a little as he seemed to prepare for the next words. Wooyoung felt bad. He shouldn't have to talk about something that he doesn't feel ready for and he couldn't understand how much hatred one must feel for their brother to intentionally make him suffer.

"Do you really think I don't tell my husband that I struggled with an alcohol addiction?" San scoffed.

Wooyoung didn't know what he expected, but that was definitely not it. His eyes widened in the slightest bit and he hoped no one noticed that he got caught off guard for a second. Fuck, San! Why did you hide something like that from me?!Wooyoung wasn't mad, just shocked. Maybe he was a little upset. He understood that this was personal, but it was also irresponsible. What if he had brought alcohol to the house? It was important to not make a mistake that would have a fatal outcome. The possibility of this happening just because he was clueless... The thought alone caused his stomach to twist.

Wooyoung felt sorry that San practically got forced to reveal that information but he also felt relieved this happened. Now he knew and would keep it in mind. And with that, his thought process was over and he joined the conversation.

"Why else do you think I'm drinking Coke? I could've gotten something alcoholic to drink, but I'm not disrespectful." Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at Hongjoong. "Can't say the same about you."

San exhaled the breath he held and Wooyoung was able to feel the relief that washed over him by the way his stiff hand softened again. San intertwined their fingers and squeezed his husband's hand softly. It was his way of communicating right now. Wooyoung couldn't tell what exactly San tried to get across, but it felt something like 'I'm sorry for not telling you earlier', 'Please don't be mad', and 'Thank you'.

Wooyoung squeezed back. It may have been a shock and he wished that he didn't have to find out under these conditions, but nothing about this changed his view of San now that he knew.

Hongjoong watched the scene with observant eyes. Wooyoung couldn't read what was going on inside his husband's brother at that moment, but he didn't seem to believe them just yet.

He asked questions about how both of them met, to which they improvised and said that they had met sometime earlier this year. He asked why they married so fast considering they had known each other for less than a year and to that San simply answered that he had found his partner for life and didn't want to wait much longer. The moment had just fit and Wooyoung agreed. Hongjoong laughed again and it was unsettling. No matter what they did, no matter what they said, San's brother didn't seem to buy it.

"I want to see you kiss."

"Are you a pervert?!" Yunho suddenly burst out and San just lifted up his hand, a sign for his bodyguard to not speak any further. Yunho honestly had enough of it at that point. He was used to a lot already, but this took it too far in his opinion.

Hongjoong had his arms crossed and leaned back in the chair. His face was challenging San, and the latter shook his head while sighing.

"Don't push it. That's inappropriate, and you know best that I'm not a fan of public display of affection."

"Yes, I know, that's why I thought that at least for the sake of proving this you'd go out of your comfort zone a little."

Wooyoung joined in too now. "This is ridiculous. We don't owe you anything, and I think it's a little too much to ask us to kiss in a crowded location, especially as a gay couple. Are you out of your mind?!"

Hongjoong just let out a silent laugh. He got up from his seat, rested his hands on the table, and looked San dead in the eyes. "The ones that are out of their minds are clearly you two. You may be married, but that doesn't change anything. I'll let Dad know that all of this is a lie. A fake, and then you can say goodbye to the chance of taking over the family business. Goodnight."

With that, he left. Seonghwa sighed, didn't dare to look at anyone at the table though, and followed the person he was supposed to protect outside.

Wooyoung let himself sink deeper into the chair. God, what an asshole!


Fresh air. That's what all four of them definitely needed after this. They were currently standing somewhere quieter outside of the building. They were still able to hear people chatting from far away and were able to hear the band play from the inside, but no person passed this spot so it was good to calm their minds a little. Wooyoung wouldn't bother San with the newfound information for now. They had something else to worry about, and he was sure that when the moment was right, San would eventually open up about the topic.

Mingi and Yunho were still within reach but definitely distant enough to barely hear what San and Wooyoung were talking about anymore. While San stood with his arms crossed, Wooyoung walked back and forth.

"What do we do?" San asked frustratedly and Wooyoung sighed.

"I don't know either. I guess we'll just have to convince your father once we see him."

"I wish that would work, but believe me, we need Hongjoong to believe this. His mother is very manipulative and has our father wrapped tightly around her finger. If Hongjoong doesn't believe us, it means his mother won't either."

Wooyoung understood quickly what San was trying to say. He hated that this was so twisted, but he was determined to do whatever it would take to make this work. A few blinks later he heard footsteps approaching and silent voices getting louder. He shushed San and brought his index finger in front of his lips. Wooyoung only earned a confused look from San.

He decided to lurk behind the corner of the wall and saw Hongjoong walk closer while lighting a cigarette. Panic rushed through his veins at the sight, and then San's words from earlier that day popped up in his head again. "Wooyoung, we need to convince him no matter what, okay? I'm serious."

An idea struck Wooyoung. A shaky breath left his throat and as he started to whisper, he could feel his heart beating faster with each second passing. "San, do you trust me?"

"Well, I think I do. Why are you asking?" he whispered back, clearly confused.

Wooyoung looked around the corner once more and there wasn't much time left until Hongjoong would pass them. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and he pressed himself up against the wall.

"Kiss me."


Wooyoung pulled San closer by his neck and the latter widened his eyes at the action but didn't make any intentions of backing away. He froze and so did his brain. It was as if error pop-ups filled his mind, his heart threatened to beat out of his chest and his breathing turned shaky and irregular almost immediately at the closeness.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Wooyoung whined inaudibly, pulled San even closer, and whisper-shouted, his eyes already shifting from San's eyes to his lips. "Just fucking do it!"

Their breaths brushed against each other's. San hesitated for a few more seconds before crushing his lips on Wooyoung's, absolutely hating that he gave in to it. He didn't know why Wooyoung asked for it and also couldn't explain why he became weak, but what he did realize was that at that moment, he was okay with crossing a line. And he absolutely, seriously hated that. What he hated, even more, was the fact that he didn't hate it as much as he was supposed to.

Although his mind screamed at him, he couldn't help but not regret it. Not at this moment. San's right hand rested against the wall while his left hand cupped Wooyoung's cheek. He didn't know for how long this would still go on, but he started to get lost in the feeling of Wooyoung's lips against his — and just like Wooyoung, he did not like getting lost in it like this at all.

It was wrong, but it tasted even better for that reason, and they didn't stop kissing. They kept the perfect rhythm of their lip movements going and grew more and more aware of the air shortage in their lungs. He almost forgot that he strictly told himself to not get close to Wooyoung, but when San heard someone interrupt them he realized what Wooyoung wanted to achieve with this, and he snapped back to reality.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Hongjoong snorted and blew some cigarette smoke in the air.

Both immediately withdrew themselves and Wooyoung cleared his throat. San rubbed his forehead with his fingertips a few times and was completely overwhelmed. He looked lost and Wooyoung almost felt bad at the sight but had to focus on calming his own heart rate first. Hongjoong eyed both of them suspiciously, but by the red tint that was covering his brother's cheeks, he figured that it looked a little too real to just be acting and sighed.

"Well, I guess I can't beat that anymore."

Wooyoung widened his eyes a little. Did he really buy it? Once he added that he'd still keep an eye on them, he was sure that he did. Hongjoong smiled at him. It wasn't a sincere smile, that was for sure.

"Nice to meet you, ...?"


"Wooyoung," he repeated amusedly, and let the name roll off his tongue in a deep, almost seductive manner. Hongjoong inched closer, the threatening glint in his eyes sparkling again.

"Welcome to our fucked up family."

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