You Decorated My Universe (St...

By toybonnicaFNAF

9.3K 307 103

Steven feels his life is just an ordinary until one night where everything changed. During the celebration of... More

You Decorated My Universe Playlist


91 3 0
By toybonnicaFNAF

You guys thought I forgot about this book, didn't you?

Apologies for the long hiatus (been pretty busy since I started working), but guess what? I'm back on track!


Anyways, on to Chapter 15!


After a long dreadful shift, I pulled to a stop in front of the house. With a coat on my hand and a bag full of groceries, I swung the door open after unlocking it with Steven's keys. I felt a temporary ache in my back, but the discomfort was moderate and brief, so I easily overlooked it as it wasn't particularly intense. I entered to see Steven covered in a blanket watching a movie and a bottle of water on top of the table. His countenance was blank, trying to focus on the character in the movie.

I pondered about how Steven spent his entire day. Recently, I've found myself growing more caring and protective of him; even a minor mishap becomes significant in my eyes. The closer I am to the boy with the puffy hair, the stronger my attachment to him becomes. Yet, I constantly suppress these feelings for a single reason: I shouldn't be capable of experiencing such emotions. It's highly unusual for a gem designed solely for protection and care to harbor such sentiments.

"Steven," I called. He looked at me with surprise. "Why are you still up?"

"I couldn't sleep," he said. He set aside the remote, finishing the remaining water in the bottle he had filled. Wrapping himself in the blanket, he made himself comfortable and gazed at me with a desolate expression. "I just feel lonely without you. I don't know what to do here, except just roaming round the house and constantly re-watch Dogcopter 6: Til Death Do We Bark over and over again just to keep me company. But I need your presence, Pink."

I smirked as I raised a brow and chuckled. "You really miss me that much?"

"Yeah," he weakly smiled. Pointing from a distance, he indicated that the tap water from the sink continued to leak even when closed. "Also, the water sink is broken again and I can't fix it on my own because of my weak arms."

"Figured this much." I laughed, "I'll fix it later." I placed the groceries on the kitchen table and proceeded to change, taking off my outfit and headed over to the closet inside the bedroom to get a black star shirt. A glance at the dining table revealed that he hadn't eaten the dinner I had prepared. I asked again for reassurance, "Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"I have not."

"Why?" I went to the bathroom to wash my oily face. "I have already prepared you food to eat; why haven't you?"

"Yeah, but, I decided to wait for you. I just need company."

"I'll join you then," I smiled after wiping my wet face with a towel, "if that's what you want."

He stood up, still wrapped in his blanket and went over to the dining area to eat. I pulled two plates, two pairs of utensils, and two glasses. I watched him dig in to the beef stroganoff I had made and the baked potatoes I reheated on the microwave. I got some tomato juice from the fridge and poured on to his glass.

I kept gazing upon him, thinking how cute he is and that seeing him with pure joy is all I ever wanted to see. I wanna make him happy even more than I ever did from the previous attempt. I just couldn't stand a chance seeing him with full despair in his eyes; I don't wanna see his condition worsen. Frankly, I can't bear the idea of anything unfortunate happening to him, it ignites a fury and worry within me when I see him in distress.

My chest was pulsating and my face is getting hotter all of a sudden.

What is this? Is this another emotion? I asked myself in my head.

Why am I getting flustered so suddenly again? It's a sensation I wanted to feel, yet the ingrained belief to set aside my feelings persists in my mind. I should disregard whatever this is and concentrate solely on caring for and protecting Steven. Nevertheless, there's always that lingering part of me contemplating my purpose and incessantly questioning whether I am merely a gem fulfilling my objective, comprehending his emotions without truly empathizing with Steven or making an effort to reciprocate it.

Steven's voice echoed to a maximum volume, calling my name. I snapped back to reality. He looked at me with wonder and curiosity in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Steven furrowed his brows along with a tilted head.

I shook my head yes.

"Seems like you're having deep thoughts," said Steven. "What are you thinking about?"

I found it challenging to express the sudden emotions I was experiencing toward him. I had to divert the conversation to keep him from knowing. That led me to recall my encounter with Connie at Staples earlier and how she initiated our talk about what had happened to them. Initially, I hadn't considered mentioning it to Steven, thinking it's best to leave her out of the discussion. However, he started looking at me with genuine curiosity about what was on my mind. I had no option but to let him in on the event that had happened.

I sighed.

"I saw Connie," I turned to face him with a pressing countenance. "She was trying to apologize about what happened."

"What'd you say?"

"I told her to stay away from you as possible. I don't want her to cause anymore trouble that might aggravate your condition."

He looked away, trying to avert the topic. He looked at the gift she gave hanged on the wall. "I don't wanna think of what happened either. The more it circles in my mind, the more it bothers me, which is the very least I should pay attention to. All of these depressed feelings got me so fucked up that it makes my belly button's condition worse than the last." Steven turned to look at me with content as he scooched over. "But, thanks to you. You never gave up on me even at times I am also the problem for being so stubborn and putting myself down. I appreciate it, Pink. Unlike her, she made me look like a fool as if I'm not her partner at the time. I tried everything but all I ever gotten was that."

"You don't have to think about that, Steven. What you two had is gone now. It would be much better if you can just become indifferent and move on from that situation." I held his hand and gazed at him with sweetness. I rubbed my thumb against his knuckles. "And that I care about you so much that's why I'm very protective of you. My existence is pointless if it weren't for you. My objective to make you happy and be there for you whenever you need me is the most important thing I need to achieve.

"You are too important for me, Steven, you know that. It makes me happy seeing you happy because me being a vital part of you; it's I'm just looking myself in the mirror as your emotions reflect onto mine. And it would totally elevate it you have grown your dream business, have a bigger house you've always wanted, get really fucking rich—"

Steven chuckled.

I continued, "and meeting plenty of people to socialize, to befriend with, and especially the girls you should get to know of. You know what they say—"

"I'm sorry, Pink, I'mma stop you right there." He interrupted me, distancing himself slightly, and his expression shifted from sweetness to seriousness. I wondered if there was anything in my words that might have provoked him.

"Why?" I asked. "What's the matter?"

"Why do you keep suggesting that I should meet and consider other girls, even though we've shared kisses and romantic moments, as if we're already together?" He questioned. "If that's what you wanted me to do, what's the purpose of all that we have done?"

I deliberately kept my distance from him, pursing my lips as beads of sweat trickled down my face. My chest started pulsating in an unfamiliar manner, an experience entirely new to me, and my complexion swiftly transitioned from a light pink to a sudden fuchsia. Fidgeting with my fingers, I strategized a quick diversion to prevent Steven from catching on to what I had unintentionally revealed. The concerned intensity of Steven's gaze was captivating, causing my face to flush even more intensely than before.

"Are you trying to hide something from me?" He asked.

"No! It's not about that."

He moved closer to me. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing; it's not important, Steven."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I tried to look at him directly, causing my heart to race even faster than it already was. "Besides, it's lame and I do not want you to know about it."

"Hey, you know I can handle it." Steven yanked my shoulder, forcibly making me meet his gaze. He scanned my state, looking how awkward and embarrassed I was. He touched my face, noticing the state of my countenance. "Are you... blushing?"

"What? No!" I lied, even though it was blatantly obvious.

"Pink, I know you. You're just me but way hotter and strong," Steven held my face. "I can sense myself if I am trying to hide something I do not want anyone to know."

I parted away, trying to avoid his gaze once more. "That's ridiculous! You know that I am not capable of reciprocating feelings." I chuckled. "I'm just here to take care of you and protect you, that's all."

His gaze lingered longer than I could have ever imagine, a vacant expression etched across his face. He gave a subtle pout as his eyes darting to something with an intensity that hinted at a hidden emotion as if he's harboring a sentiment yet to be expressed.

"I see. Got it."

He got up and removed the sheets wrapped around him, only revealing his gray trunks and his black shirt. He stepped toward me and got on my lap, his gaze allured my attention, causing me to have shivers down my spine as my lips quiver.

"Steven, w-what are you doing?" I stuttered as my hands trembled.

Steven remained silent. He caressed my face as he gazed upon my lips and rubbed it across with his thumb. The word "soft" escaped his lips, though it reached my ears as a mere blur. He fixated on them for seconds before leaning in to passionately press his own against mine. His sudden groans were the only thing I could hear as he went in even further, wrapping his arms around my neck as his fingers ran through my hair. My hands instinctively traced a path from his hips to his waist, enveloping him in a warm embrace. The intensity of the sensation heightened, my heartbeat quickened, and adrenaline surged through my veins, tinged with a rush of excitement.

Why am I feeling such intense emotion? I'm not used to such intense feelings but why does it felt so good? It made me warm to the gut and the sensation was very addicting. His passionate kiss was my drug, I could not stop how good this was for me. The good feeling from the kiss slightly shifted when Steven stopped and looked at me right in the eyes. He made a soft smile. "I love you, Pink."

He continued, "And I know how complicated that is to process; it's weird even thinking about the thought of loving yourself but in the most literal sense. I just could not help but admire every part of you. You are my gem but I am way different from who you are. You are nothing like me. You may have my features but you still are a completely different person. I just hope that, you know, I am not someone you'll disregard only because of the whole idea surrounding the situation that we have."

Internalizing his confession, it gave me a warm spot that shifted my perspective toward Steven. All I ever wanted was to make him happy so that we could fuse again and have everything back to normal, yet, witnessing his happiness upon revealing his emotions not only filled me with contentment but surpassed my usual level of satisfaction. In that moment, an instinctual understanding washed over me. Despite any perceived unnaturalness in our connection, it felt imperative for me to deepen our attachment, to prioritize the person I have known whose significance outweighed among others and having the worry of what might happen to him really emphasized his importance in my life.

I caressed his face. "I don't care what other people say. I've been longing to delve into uncharted territories within myself, something I've always yearned to experience yet it only restrains me because of my belief. But this time, I will follow what my gem is telling me."

Steven smiled.

"I don't just like you, Steven," I said, only to smile afterwards. "I earnestly love you, beyond the stars."

I yanked his head to press my lips onto his once more. Rising to my feet, I lifted him, and he wrapped his legs around my waist as I carried him to the bedroom.

I laid Steven on the ground as I took my shirt off. He took his shirt as well, only to reveal his bellybutton and its condition. I observed it for a moment, noticing some swelling but not to a severe extent. I couldn't imagine how he managed to endure all of the pain and stressful moments. Despite feeling empathy for him, my primary goal remained unchanged. Now that my feelings outgrew and I have expressed my true emotions toward him, my purpose gave more significance than ever before: my determination grew stronger, the care and attachment I have for him got a more firm grip, and his emotions began to lighten and elevate away from his depressive state. I wanna make him feel this way every day, because it makes me happy to see him in this kind of state.

I need to. 

I gazed at his glimmering eyes as I went to give Steven a kiss in a passionate manner when I crawled on top of him. His arm touched my chest while the other was on my face. I felt the electric fusion of our lips sparking within us when I leaned closer. I went down and pecked his neck all the way to his collar bone. the hair on his skin stood, perhaps he sensed the hot breath that came out of my mouth. That intrigued me to go further than I intended it to be. My lips explored his body, first stopping at his chest as I kissed both sides and giving it small bites that left tiny marks.

Steven moaned softly, tugging at my hair while curling his feet from the sensation. The sharp breaths escaped from his mouth as his heartbeat sped than its usual tempo when my face landed on top of his chest, circling my tongue on to his nipples.

I never had experience this quite intense, but having to try it for the first time felt like a frenzy that I just couldn't stop. I never had this kind of feeling before and because of this, our connection grew larger than it was previously. Steven is amazing and wonderful; I don't want him to get in danger, I need to protect him because I admire and love him deeply, despite the situation that is happening to him right now.

The trace I did with my hands on the curves of this body as he sat on top of me, switching to a different position. Steven planted a kiss once more, leisurely felt his lips going down to my chest. With his tongue, he trailed my rippled abdomen  as he stopped right at my V-line. He stopped, gripping the waist band of my pants. He gazed at me for consent to open it, to which I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

He lowered my pants, only to reveal my black underwear. He gazed upon me and smirked, signaling me what his next move was. He lowered my brief, revealing my throbbing cock. Steven held onto it, contracting with his fingers to feel how hard it was. My face was redder than a ripe tomato, escaping sharp breaths from the squeezing Steven was doing. He pecked the tip, pulling his tongue afterwards. Shivers crawled, tingling down my spine sensing his soft mouth. I grabbed a handful of his puffy hair, tugging it towards me as he continue to do his thing. He increased speed, seems like he enjoyed sucking every single part of it. Slight tears prickled from his eyes the moment he let go of his hand, going deep and holding it in for a few seconds. I groaned, gripping at his hair pushing his head down. He lifted his head up, taking deep breaths as his saliva drips to my member. 

"You alright?" I asked.

He nodded, smirking at me as he sat up. Steven pointed at the drawer. "Get the condoms."

I got up and headed over to the drawer to get a sachet of Trojan condom alongside the bottle of lube beside it. I looked at him with a smile as he was taking off his gray trunks, leaving completely nude trying to prepare himself. 

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I furrowed a brow. "You know we can totally skip this, Steven. You may be not ready for this kind of stuff."

"No, it's okay," replied he. "I'm curious how this would turn out, Pink. I might as well do it since this is my first time."

"Okay." I ripped the sachet and slowly inserted it on my pulsating dick. "But I have to warn you: this isn't just some normal pain. It's like your ass is burning."

Steven's expression shifted to a worried tone.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle for you." I hopped on the bed and laid beside him. "Just let me know when you want me to stop and take a breather, okay?"

He nodded.

"Come here." I sat up and yanked him on both legs, pushing it slightly toward him. I slowly rubbed the tip of my cock after adding some lube as well as on his butthole. Gently but surely, I inserted my hard, throbbing genital area and I immediately felt how hot and tight he was inside. Slight moans escaped his soft mouth from the starting pain he will endure and the pleasure he'll be experiencing as time went on. His legs trembled a bit, sensing the uncomfortable feeling he must be having. I paused to ask, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-yeah, yes, Pink," he fumbled. "Just be g-gentle with me. Ah, keep going."

I smiled at him dearly.

I continued where I stopped and I slowly entered all the way up to his G-spot. A large exhale came out of his mouth, little tears ran down his cheeks from the pain. But little did I know he would pulled my hips toward him. I humped like a bunny, releasing the heavy pants because neither of us anticipated that the lustrous sensation would be so irresistibly compelling.

As time went on, we continued to discover another and explore the undying love I completely restrained for such belief I engraved into my mental. Switching the position, Steven laid on his stomach, sweat showering my chest but I continued anyway. I inserted it once more, yanking his hips up as I pound his peach and thrust my hips deeper in his manhole. I grabbed a fistful of his puffy hair, the other hand pressing his back down.

"Harder, Pink," demanded he.

I gave in, doing as he told me to. All of this thrusting made me tired, but I couldn't stop. It felt too good to to halt at a certain point that interrupting it would lose the feeling completely. His ass was tight even after multiple pounds, it was still smooth going back and forth with the help of the lube I added. "Damn," I said. "Steven, you're so tight."

He only responded with continuous pants. The moment I sped up my thrusting, his moan intensified. Steven slightly turned to look at me with pleading eyes. "Don't stop, please."

How can he be so cute and hot at the same time? It did not make any sense but it was. The friction increased its momentum, until I could feel that something is going to come out.

"Steven," I called his name. "I think I'm gonna—"

"Do it on my face, Pink."

I rapidly removed my pulsating member and took off the condom. Steven immediately sat up, preparing himself with his tongue out and mouth open. Ejaculating myself while enjoying my view from below, looking up at me so adorable. I blew on his entire face, some of it went to his mouth.

We both took a breather after a tiring session we both enjoyed. 

"That... was intense," I said.

"I'd say." Steven got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself. I followed afterward cleaning the entire bed and throwing the condom I have used. I got two towels and got a hand towel to wipe the sweat from my body. I peered through the door and gazed upon him, opening the shower. He looked at me and produced a faint smile.

He stepped into the shower to get a warm, cleansing bath as he began scrubbing his entire body. Steven couldn't reach his entire back so I stepped in, placing the towels on the side. Lending him a hand. "Let me help you with that."

I grabbed the body scrub from him and started scrubbing his back. 

"Hey, Pink?" he called my name.

"What is it, Steven?"

He turned to face me as he placed a hand on my chest. "What you said earlier...did you really mean it?"

"Of course," I said. I furrowed a brow. "Why? What makes you think that? Trust issues?"

"No, I do believe you," said the puffy-haired boy, wrapping his arms about my waist. "I'm just happy that you do love me the same way as I admire who you are, even though I'm just a part of you. I'm just"

I kissed his forehead. "I love you beyond the stars, Steven. I don't really care what others might think of us, I am very unbothered about it. People may think what we are doing is wrong. And, to be honest, it's okay. As long as we love each other and we're not hurting people, our emotional bond ain't that much of an issue."

"Yeah," said Steven. "You're right."

I gave Steven a long, passionate kiss on the lips. "I will take care of you and give you the love and world that you wanted, because you deserved to be happy and I'm very happy to see you filled with joy."

"I love you, too, Pink." He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my neck as mine wrapped around his waist.

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