Ben 10 loud's wild

By Christopher569218

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In this alternative universe of the loud house. Watch as young 10 year old Lincoln Loud. Join his best friend... More

Lincoln Loud bio
And then there were 10
Linc 10 starter playlist
The Krakken
Linc-10 Alien Loc-jaw
Permanent Retirement
Linc 10 Alien Main specter
Kevin 11
Linc-10 alien Diamond-tiel
The alliance
Lucky girl
Linc-10 Alien Multi-web
A small problem
Side effects
Linc 10 Alien Polar Frost
The Grudge match
Camp fear
Linc 10 alien Waterspike
Ultimate weapon

Washington B.C

141 0 0
By Christopher569218

[Inside a horrible burning building, a mother and her son are trying to escape from their apartment. As they about to reach the door,piece of ceiling fell down and blocked their path]
[Another one is about to fall right on top of them. The mother covered her son and they closed their eyes,accepting their fate. Although, the impact never reached them. They opened their eyes to see Ben in his fire alien form named heatblast caught the falling debris]
Heatblast:I'm here to help.[He threw the debris away and absorbed the fire around him. He guided the two outside and as they about to go down, the stair in front of them collapsed. He guided them to the other way around and found a window. Heatblast cut the wall around it and with a concentrated heat and the three of them made it out to safety].
Heatblast:I'm sure you want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for-No way! [He spotted something that the kid he saved is holding].  

[He kneeled down in front of the kid with excitement]
Heatblast:A gold sumo slammer card! [He cheered] where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for that!
Kid:I-it was a prize inside a box of sumo slammer cereal. [he nervously explained as suddenly, a familiar RV horn caught Heatblast's attention]. Gwen:Yo,Super doofus! [She called from the RV] the fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry story robbery. And sting rush is on the chase!

[Meanwhile somewhere in the city of the night, Sting rush was running quickly after the robbers as he quickly rammed the car off the road. Resulting vehicle hitting a lamp post putting car out of commission]
[The criminals got out the vehicle as they see sting rush smirking]
Criminal 1:are you nuts just how do you think you are freak?!
Sting rush:Just stop and turn yourselves in or else you're gonna find out the hard way how I deal with evil doers like you.
Criminal leader:pump him full of lead now!

[Sting rush sighs he did give them a chance dodging every single bullet as he stings each criminal one by one with his tail as after 1 second criminals fell on ground]
criminal 2:what happened to us?!
Sting rush:that would be my paralyzing poison taking effect don't worry it only lasts a day or two on humans. Now be good little boys and wait right here. [He laughs,then a police siren alerted sting rush. He quickly ran away quickly high atop buildings roof as the police quickly arrived and arrested them all]       

[Sting rush ran away quickly to rendezvous point where there are no witnesses. A beeping sound rang out as red light consumed him turning back into Lincoln]
Lincoln:Now that's what I call,A job well done. [He walked out from the alleyway and the Tennysons arrived to pick him up]
Lincoln:Hey,Did someone cook something?

[Meanwhile somewhere else someone picked up a frog from the ground, placing it back in a plastic container. It hopped, bumping into the walls of the container. He turned back to the odd machine in front of him, picking up the helmet of it. He smiled a bit after observing it, putting it next to the frog's container]

[The door suddenly, and randomly opened, causing him to look back at the door]

Animo:How did you get in? [he hissed at the person walking into his lab]

Landlord:Pass-key. I am still your landlord, remember? Maybe not, since your rent is six months past due [the person replied, readjusting their tie]

[He scoffed] Animo:All my funds go into my research. Now get out! You're disturbing me, [he replied, turning away from the person and picking up an odd vest]

Animo:Hmm. Looks like you were disturbed long before I got here, pal. Listen, Doc, you and your furry friends are out on a street unless you pony up the green, [the person replied, glaring at him as he put on the vest]

AnimoPony up... [he mused] Interesting choice of phrases... You must be an animal lover. Then you're gonna love this [He picked up the helmet and put it on, followed by grabbing the frog and putting it on the ground]

[The person laughed before saying] landlord:What's that? You a member of the moose lodge or something?

Animo:This is my Transmodulator. Phase number one: it creates and accelerates mutations at the genetic level, [he explained] Observe [He twisted a dial on the vest, the horns on the helmet lighting up. Energy came from the horns towards the frog, mutating it and making it grow]

[When the frog finished growing, the person let out a startled scream, which was quickly silenced by the frog eating them]

Animo:I'm sorry! I can't hear you. It sounds like you have a frog in your throat. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Or is that the other way around? [he hummed, looking at the frog. He laughed as the frog spat the person out, the person passing out once they hit the floor] So close to having what is rightfully mine. All I need is a few lousy components to finish my work! [he smiled, dropping his laugh]

[He finally paid attention to the TV running in the background, a voice finishing,] Tv women:...So whether you're in need of hair spray or state-of-the-art electronics, you'll find them under one roof at the grand opening of the district's newest Mega Mart!

Animo:Ahh! Just what the doctor ordered, [He grinned, looking at the TV]

[The next morning, Lincoln and the Tennysons are now in a supermarket to boy some groceries. As they navigated the store,Ben found a cereal isle and went there in excitement. In there, he found what he's searching for; A sumo slammer cereal with a sumo slammer card as it's prize]
[Meanwhile,back with the rest of the group, max is inspecting a can food]
Max:Only canned Octopus? Huh,I thought this store prided itself on a wide selection.
Gwen:Uh,Grandpa,no offense but can we have a normal dinner for once. Y'know,one doesn't involve stir fried tentacles.[She suggest]
Lincoln:For once I agree with her,After dealing with my dad's Cal-Lynnmary I do not like tentacles at all. [Suddenly,a flash of Green light caught his attention]

Lincoln:No please tell me he didn't.

[The boy approach the cereal isle where Ben was while max and Gwen continued their shopping. In there, Lincoln found the place in complete chaos. Cereal boxes are rummaged left and right. Lincoln navigated the place until he found a sumo slammer cereal box tilting left and right]
????:Oh,man. Another red card. [A voice of complaint came out from the box]
[Lincoln pickup up and reached out a tiny frog alien from inside the box]

Lincoln:Really Ben? All of this over a card? [He questioned Ben who is alien called Grey matter] Greymatter:Duh,isn't it obvious?
Lincoln:Ben this is most dumbest reason use your powers for, we're hero's not Scavengers.
[Alerted by a cough from behind,Lincoln turned around to face a store manager and quickly hid Grey matter behind his back]
Manager:Just what do you think you're doing,young man? [He interrogated]

Lincoln:Heheh, sorry sir my idiot friend of mine did all this he created this mess will be back soon.
Manager:Well someone gotta pay for all these?

[Lincoln groaned in the end, They bought all the entire cereal in the isle, putting them all into max cart as luckily Lincoln paid for it with one of criminals wallets he 'borrowed' during the fight as sting rush earlier]
Ben:What was that about not being a scavenger buddy?
Lincoln:hey I need to eat and you have no right to talk like you have the high ground with me Ben! Max:So,uh why did Lincoln have to buy all these cereals?
Ben:Well,we would've only had to buy the one I found the golden sumo slammer card in it if a certain someone hadn't butted in with his big butt! Lincoln:Dude you were trashing an entire isle to find a stupid card that you're obsessed about! Max:Ben,now,I appreciate how much this card means to you. [he said calmly] But don't you think you're getting a little...obsessed?

Ben:Maybe you're right,Grandpa. I don't deserve a golden sumo slammer card. I mean, it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that!
Lincoln:Wow Ben Just wow are you being serious right now over a stinking card?!
Gwen:Your best friend was there too you know! He did just as much as you!
[He shrugged] Ben:Whatever it takes.
[The group continued their shopping until Ben is distracted by a display with sumo slammer cards in it]

Max:Let's check out the pet department [Max Walked off with Gwen behind]
[Lincoln decided to join max and Gwen as much he cares about him not even he can stand his current behavior at the moment]
[At the pet department,they found a lot variety of pets,big and small. Lincoln played with the bunny rabbits and Gwen played with a caged Guinea pig,teasing it a bit].
Lincoln:I really hope none of these pet's are our breakfast tomorrow.
Gwen:Don't give him any ideas,Lincoln.

[All of a sudden, a man in a wired suit riding a giant mutated frog appeared,alerting max and the kids]      

[The man twisted a knob on his suit, and the horns on his helmet began to charge up a red electricity. It fired a beam toward a cage where the Guinea pig was,turning it into a giant mutated beast. The man fired another one. This time,he mutated a parrot].

[Lincoln runs off unaware his Nemetrix glowed yellow scanning the mutated creatures. He split up from Tennysons so he can transform. Once the cost is clear, he activates his watch]
Lincoln:Let's get loud! [Lincoln slammed the faceplate and transformed into giant white lizard he called, Buglizard].

[Buglizard returns to the scene where he found the tennysons,including Ben are cornered by the man and his army of mutant animals. As the man named Dr.Animo is rambling,Buglizard stalked his way around back. The beast hugged the ground and quickly made a jump at his target]

[Buglizard dropped animo off from the mutant frog and pinned him down. He raised his claw,aiming to destroy the suit but the frog wrapped it with its tongue]
[The frog yanked the lizard to the side,hitting a drawer. And before the drawers fell on top of him, Buglizard quickly evaded it. And now,he facing the mutant Guinea pig one-on-on]
[The mutant screeched at him before Buglizard breathed out a yellow fog at its eyes, blinding it temporarily. Using the chance, Buglizard used his powerful tail and wrapped it around the mutant's front leg. He tossed the mutant to a nearby drawer and it fall on top of it in result. Not wanting it to get up, Buglizard made a huge jump, passing three drawers before them all on top of the mutant Guinea pig with a back kick,trapping the beast]

[Buglizard landed on top of fallen drawer and roared at animo and his mutant army]
Animo:Fascinating! [He said in awe] I would love to study you but for now,I must take my leave.
[Animo jumped onto his mutant bird]
Animo:know this,foolish beast! I will turn Washington D.C. into Washington B.C.! [He declared then took off,followed by his mutant frog]. [Seeing that the civilians are coming out from their hiding, Buglizard sprayed out the yellow fog from his mouth cover himself and then vanished as soon the fog subsided]

[Later that night, the group is chasing Down Animo in the city. As Max on the steering wheel, Lincoln is drawing comic book versions of animo creations into his sketchbook as Gwen is browsing the web to find the villain's history in order to learn his motive]

Max:Just like the old days before I retired. [He told himself]

[His statement caught Lincoln attention]
Lincoln:Uh,What kind of plumber were you,Mr.Tennyson?
[He flinched] Max:Ah,uh, a darn good one.

Gwen:are you really adding animo to your comic book?
Lincoln:Why not? He's literally a mad scientist he's perfect to add my story. Plus his animal minions are fun to draw I bet my sister Lisa would love to learn more about his tech. [Lincoln smiled Gleefully] Found anything about our mad scientist,yet?

Gwen:Wait a moment ...and Bingo! 5 years ago,Dr.animo was a promising researcher in veterinary science. [Gwen showed Lincoln the laptop] But it turns out,he was doing all these twisted genetic experiments where he was mutating animals.
Lincoln:Reminds of Lisa early experiments luckily she stopped once she got older. I know Geo and our siblings most thankful of all.

Gwen:remind me not to get on her bad side then. anyway,when he didn't win some big prize called the Varieties,Award,he flipped out.
Lincoln:Reminds me of a certain someone I know.

[Both Gwen and Lincoln gazed at Ben who is sulking due not get anything for his hero works. Max watched animo flew to another direction and lost sight of him].
Max:We lost him he could be going anywhere in Washington D.C.
Lincoln:Soon to be Washington B.C.
[He gasped in realization] Ben:That's it! I know where he's going!

[After a while,the group made it to a national history museum. They found a huge hole in a wall and a large white feather nearby]

Lincoln:Nice job locating him Ben.
Gwen:Guess even a doofus can surprise you once in a while.
Ben:And you should know.

Lincoln:Gwen go back and tell max yo stay inside the rust bucket until we return.

Gwen:No way! You're not hogging All the action why should I?!
Lincoln:Because it's a history museum full of dangerous extinct dinosaur's and predators. Just trust me and don't argue please Gwen!
[Gwen sighs and relunctantly goes back to rust bucket]

[The mutated cockatiel screeched, quickly noticing them. Animo, who was nearby, looked over to see the two. ]

Animo:You... are very persistent. I hate persistence.

Lincoln:What are you trying to do?

[Ben stepped to the side and activated his watch, the Green hologram washing over his face as he lifted up his wrist.]

[Animo smirked like a maniac]

Animo:Breathing life back into that which has been long since lifeless. Observe,[he said before facing the mammoth display. The mechanical horns activated, red energy washing over the mammoth, giving it flesh and fur]

[Ben twisted the dial four times counterclockwise until he got to a green hologram of a massive, four armed creature. He pressed down, changing in a flash of Green]

Animo:Behold!" [Animo said, motioning towards the mammoth. He then seemed to notice the Big four armed guy and promptly booked it as the mammoth glared at him, alongside the cockatiel]

Four arms:You stop Ani-freak, I'll hold off these two [Lincoln nodded before going running after him .]

[Lincoln eventually made it too another display area where he encounters Animo again]

[The mad scientist activated his suit again and fired it towards a T,Rex skeleton reviving it from the dead]

[The Apex predator roared at Lincoln. But Lincoln remained unfazed he approached the huge Dino as he reached his watch]

Lincoln:Alright,you wanna get prehistoric animo Then let's get loud and meet my heavy hitter Quartillasaurus! [Lincoln hit his watch and transformed into Spinosaurus like alien growling]

[Quartillasaurus roared at the T-rex,challenging it as it roared back,accepting the challenge. The two giant beast scratched the ground and let out steam from their jaws and nostrils]

[And after a moment of stand off,they both rushed at each other with an incredible speed. As they are about to collide,Quartillasaurus went for a sidestep,evading the The T-Rex's jaws and quickly giving hard punch to the face as it crashed into a wall]

[The T.rex struggle to get up due to force of the blow,but Quartillasaurus quickly pinned it down his front foot and quickly went for a bite on its neck. The T-rex struggled to get free as it roared before Quartillasaurus snapped its neck,killing it once again]

Animo:NO!you ruined everything! [He screamed]

[Quartillasaurus turned his attention to animo and glares at him. He stomped his way At frightened mad scientist. He was about to attack Quartillasaurus with his mutant beam but he quickly Graps the dear doctor in his firm grip bringing closer to his face]

Animo:you,you wouldn't dare?! [He opens his jaws wide roaring at Animo as he screams in terror out of pure fear and terror,he fell unconscious]

[Quartillasaurus quickly stops putting animo down,he picks up his helmet and smashed it to the ground,resulting it to give off a red pulse that reverted the effects of the mutations]

[The next morning,Animo is arrested for his crimes and gang continued their road-trip]

Lincoln:look on bright sides Ben. You didn't get that golden sumo slammer card,but at least we snagged a trophy from animo.

Ben:Maybe. [Ben said in disappointment while putting the mentioned trophy inside a cardboard box]

Lincoln:Ben being a hero not about expecting rewards,it's about doing good because it is right thing to do. Saving a life is it's own reward don't you think so?

[Hearing his words brings a smile to Ben face] Ben:Thanks dude I promise I'll try.

Lincoln:Do you mean it truly Ben?

Ben:Yeah I do I'm sorry for the way I treated you Lincoln your my best friend just trying set me straight earlier. Card or no card your worth more than any sumo slammer in this world [He hugs Lincoln causing him to blush a bit]

[Max smiled as he overheard the conversation]

Max:wise words,Lincoln, fitting for a hero.


((That brings this episode to a close sorry took awhile. It's gonna take longer my job and personal Been taking up my time. recently my Grandpa recently went to heaven. Bless his soul were still trying plan his funeral. I really wanted to show him my stories and the art I made for them. While I'm upset he won't get see them I'll carry on, he given me so much strength in body and In character I dedicated this chapter to you. James Timothy Freeland may you rest in peace knowing you left behind a legacy of hardworking,dedicated and strong willed genes in me and the rest of younger generations of our family peace out

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