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By LuluShinazugawa

30.4K 880 89

Being reborn into Naruto isn't something you'd expect when you just wanted to go to sleep. In any case Aki wo... More

Character profile
Ep 1 - A Dangerous Mission!
Ep 2 - Assassination Of The Mist
Ep 3 - Oath Of Pain
Ep 4 - The Sharingan Warrior!
Ep 5 - Forest of Chakra
Ep 6 - Where a Hero Onces Lived
Ep 7 - The Return of Zabuza!
Ep 8: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Ep 9 - The #1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja
Ep 10 - The Sharingan Shatters
Ep 11 - Broken Seal
Ep 12 - Hidden Ambition
Ep 13 - The Weapons Known as Shinobi
Ep 14 - The Demon In The Snow
Ep 15 - A New Chapter Begins
Ep 16 - New Rivals
Ep 17 - Rocklee Vs Sasuke
Ep 18 - All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Ep 19 - The ChΕ«nin Exam Begins!
Ep 20 - The Forest of Death
Ep 21 - Panic in the Forest
Ep 22 - Naruto's Counterattack
Ep 24 - Bushy Brow's Pledge
Ep 25 - Sakura Blossoms!
Ep 26 - Ino-Shika-Chō!!
Ep 27 - No Peaking Allowed!
Ep 28 - Clones vs. Clones

Ep 23 - Sharingan Revived

451 15 1
By LuluShinazugawa

"I knew it. It's finally happened. His Uchiha blood has come to a boil." The snake lady said. "I think I'll play with him a little and learn the full extend of his powers."

Sasuke took out a kunai and placed it into his mouth. 'All I cared about was surviving in order to defeat my brother. What a fool I've been, I see the truth now. Naruto, Aki, Sakura. If I haven't got the courage to face this demon, how can I ever hope to face him!'

Sasuke quickly rushes towards the snake lady as she releases a powerful gust of wind to which Sasuke dodged my jumping high into the air.

Sasuke response my throwing multiple kunai at her to which she dodges with just a move of her head, Sasuke uses a tree branch to boost up his speed as he lands blows after blows.

Aki watched in awe as the Snake Lady and Sasuke fought each other, none of them getting the upper hand on the other. Punches and kicks were thrown each dodged and blocked.

'Holy shit! She's fast!' Aki thought as she watched the Snake Lady zone across the trees.

'I can see.....I can see!' Sasuke thought as he let of a fire jutsu one after another.

'I can feel the heat all the way from here.' Aki thought.

But it seems like it did nothing to the Snake Lady who went underground to attack Sasuke who was able to dodge it before it could strike him.

Sasuke quickly resumed his fighting stance.

'Your good. You anticipate my attacks and your aim is true. You can see my moves can't you?'

The snake lady slams her fists into the ground creating a powerful wind gust that Sasuke quickly dodged as it destroyed the branches. With this distraction Sasuke takes the opportunity to hug the Snake Lady from behind and pulls them down.

Aki couldn't help but feel bad for the Snake Lady as her head it the ground hard cracking it, you could even hear the crack too.

But it was a substitution. Sasuke quickly dodges the kunais that where thrown at him and he used strings to swing himself back into a branch.

'Damn, this is even worse in person.' Aki thought as she watched the Snake Lady punch and kick Sasuke who could do nothing but receive it. 'Talk about child abuse.'


"What a disappointment you turned out to be. Your ancestors wimp, the Uchiha clan should thank me for killing you." She said. "Silly little worm.

Suddenly there was an explosion at her back as Sasuke jumped back and throws shuriken with strings attached to them. He manipulate them as they wrapped around the women pinning her into a tree before sitting her on fire and she screamed in pain.

"He did it!" Sakura cheered.

"Sasuke!" Sakura rushed towards him, Aki was quick to follow behind, of course after making sure Naruto was secured and wouldn't fall to his death.

"You did it!"

"You definitely have to teach me that." Aki praised.

"Your okay? Don't worry, it's all over." Sakura said but it was definitely far from over as the Snake Lady snaps the strings before doing a hand-sign that had all three of them struggle to move.

"No! Impossible."

"Such mastery of the sharingan at so young in age. Your a true Uchiha after all." She or should I say He said. "Yes, you'll do nicely."

'I can't move!' Aki thought.

"Your definitely his brother. If anything your eyes are even better then Itachi's."

"Who are you! What do you want?!" Sasuke demanded.

"My name is Orochimaru....." He said as he throw the scroll into the air catching it as he begin to burn it. "But as to what I want, that will have to wait until we meet again which won't happen until you finish this test with the best score of all."

"The scroll!"

"First you'll have to defeat the hidden sound ninjas who serve me."

"I have no idea what your talking about, but if your finished why don't you just beat it!" Sakura angrily said. "If we never meet again it'll be to soon."

"Oh? He and I will meet again." He said as he stretched out his neck all the way here hitting Sasuke in the neck.

"Sasuke no!"

"Sasuke!" Aki yelled. 'Omg what kind of grown ass man gives children fucking hickeys!'

Sasuke grabbed his neck as he groaned in pain.

"You! What have you done to Sasuke?"

"I just gave him a little parting gift."

"Parting gift? That anything but a parting gift!" Aki tched.

"Very soon, Sasuke seek me out and desire my power. In the mean time, I enjoyed the demonstration of the powers you already possess." Orochimaru laughed as his body merged with the tree.

Sasuke let out a scream as he held his neck, Sakura quickly rushes towards him with Aki right behind her.

"What is it? What's he done to you?" Sakura asked.

"His neck....." Aki whispered as he looked at the mark that was left behind by that Snake man.

"It's okay....." Sakura said as she grabbed Sasuke hand, Sasuke let out another scream as Sakura continued to try and comfort her. "Your gonna be okay, Sasuke. Sasuke?"

Aki couldn't help the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes, damn this body.

"Naruto! Sasuke's hurt! I need you!" Sakura begged. "Naruto! I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do........"

"Sakura!" Aki yelled making Sakura look at her. "We can't stay here, we have to move. Find someplace to stay the night. They've been protecting us, so let's protect them this time, okay?"

".....Yeah, okay."


We're able to find some place safe to stay for the night hidden underneath a tree. Aki had gone to grab some water while Sakura stand with the two of them.

"Sakura....I brought water." Aki whispered as she crawled in.

"Yeah, thanks. He's breathing easier but his fever is still high." Sakura said as she watched Aki remove Sasuke headband and put the wet heated towel on Sasuke head before doing the same for Naruto.

"It looks like it's up to us for the time being." Sakura said as she tried to give out a small smile.

"Yeah, looks like it." Aki smiled back. "Get some rest I'll watch first and we can switch later."

"Yeah, I'll do that."


It was finally morning, but both Sakura and Aki were complete out and it seemed like there weren't the only ones there.

"Found you. Alright, just as Orochimaru ordered we strike at daybreak." Dosu said. "And remember our target is the Uchiha."

"Yeah, but if the other two get in our way, it's okay if we take them out, right?" Zaku asked.

"Of course."

The sunlight glared through the open holes in the tree Aki and the others were resting waking up both her and Sakura.

It was strangle quite and too peaceful.

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