Beyblade Burst BU: Elemental...

By DeltaZakuroWBO

16.7K 524 164

Set a few months after the climactic showdown between Bell and Rashad, a new age of Beyblade is around the co... More

Episode 1: Voltage! Elemental Power!!
Episode 2: Rebirth! Divine Belial!!
Episode 3: Ignite! Explode! Battle League!!
Episode 4: Voltage! Pandora's Element!!
Episode 5: Valkyrie VS Pandora! The Elements Rise!!
Episode 6: Demonic Howls! Chain Kerbeus!!
Episode 7: The Demon King's Predicament! Defeat Kerbeus!!
Episode 8: The Water Element: Tidal Pandora!!
Episode 9: The Gates Of Hell Challenge!!
Episode 10: To The Skies! Ultimate Legacy Tour!!
Episode 11: GT! Gatling Dragon!!
Episode 12: Raging Clash! The Battle In The Skies!!
Episode 13: Sky High! Extremely Serious!!
Episode 14: Almighty Explosion! Belial VS Dragon!!
Episode 15: Ultra Flames! Xiphoid Xcalibur!!
Episode 16: Destruction! The Mighty Sword's Wrath!!
Episode 17: The Wind Element: Twister Pandora!!
Episode 18: Sword VS Wind!!
Episode 19: Unrivaled Clash! Belial VS Xcalibur!!
Episode 20: A Champion Returns!!
Episode 21: Super Z! Zest Achilles!!
Episode 22: Elementals Unleashed! Achilles vs Pandora!!
Episode 23: Devastation! Belial's Revenge!!
Episode 24: Blazing Battles! Special Training!!
Episode 25: Guardian Of The Wind! Wind Knight!!
Episode 26: The Fire Element: Flame Pandora!!
Episode 27: Grand Finals! Ultimate Legacy Tour Final Battle!!
Episode 28: Scorching Flames! The Fires Of Change!!
Episode 29: Breaking The Limits! Hyperion And Helios!!
Episode 30: SuperKing! The Ultimate Fusion!!
Episode 31: Dark Desires! Ruin Pandemonium!!
Episode 32: Rivalry Unbound! Explosive Battle!!
Episode 33: The Ultimate God Of Fire! Burst Spriggan!!
Episode 34: Rival Showdown! Valt VS Shu!!
Episode 35: Burst Ultimate! Ultimate Gear!!
Episode 36: The Rising Darkness! Elemental Power!!
Episode 37: The Jet Black Sun! Barricade Lucifer!!
Episode 38: Spriggan VS Lucifer!!
Episode 39: Mysterious Mission! Special Training!!
Episode 40: Showdown! Dark Elementals!!
Episode 41: Blazing Hellfire! Hatred Salamander!!
Episode 42: Darkness Unleashed! The Fierce Gates Of Hell Battle!!
Episode 43: Pandemonium's Rampage!!
Episode 44: Truths Unveiled! What Is Elemental Power?!
Episode 45: Belial VS Pandemonium!!
Episode 46: Dark Forces! A Vancouvers Destiny!!
Episode 47: Elementals VS The Legend Of Legends!!
Episode 48: Spirit! Bell VS Ranzo!!
Episode 49: Shining Light! Belial's Element!!
Episode 50: The Demon King Takes Flight! Divine Evolution!!
Episode 51: Elemental Battle! Final Showdown!!
Episode 52: Destinies Collide! Bell VS Phoebe!!
S2 Ep.1: Elemental Tournament! The Demon King Returns!!
S2 Ep.2: The Secrets Within! Ancient Ruins!!
S2 Ep.3: Sun and Moon! Aeclipse!!
S2 Ep.4: New Rival! The Mysteries Of Quinn!!
S2 Ep.5: Dark Mysteries! Bite Of The Past!!
S2 Ep.6: Upgrade! The Demon King's Ultimate Launch!!
S2 Ep.7: Thunder and Lightning! Fierce Bazilisk!!
S2 Ep.8: Relentless Challenge! Extreme Mastery!!
S2 Ep.9: Demon King Bell VS Elemental Phoebe!!
S2 Ep.10: Spark Of Fate! Ragnaruk's Test!!
S2 Ep.11: Shining Elementals! The Dragons Return!!
S2 Ep.12: Fierce Battle! Bailey VS Valt!!
S2 Ep.13: Certain Destiny! Fate Morpheus!!
S2 Ep.14: Special Training! Wyvern's Challenge!!
S2 Ep.15: Glorious Purpose! Forever Loki!!
S2 Ep.16: Riptide! The Legendary Perseus!!
S2 Ep.17: Counterattack! Purgatory Satan!!
S2 Ep.18: High Stage! Battle Marathon!!
S2 Ep.19: Clash Of Insanity! Bell Goes Dark!!
S2 Ep.20: Fierce Rampage! Fall Of The Demon King!!
S2 Ep.21: Rising Stars! Prism Star Bey Tournament!!
S2 Ep.22: Extreme Battle! Elements Collide!!
S2 Ep.23: Invincible Bonds! A Great Showdown!!
S2 Ep.25: 2nd Round! Clashes Of Destiny!!
S2 Ep.26: Spark! Pushing Through!!
S2 Ep.27: Decisive Battle! Semi-Finals!!
S2 Ep.28: High Stakes! Valkyrie vs Loki!!
S2 Ep.29: Finals! Bell vs Valt!!
S2 Ep.30: Secrets Revealed! Explosive Battle!!
S2 Ep.31: Sword Of Destiny! Sovereign Perseus!!
S2 Ep.32: The Final Countdown!!
S2 Ep.33: Elemental Of Destruction! Riot Pandemonium!!
S2 Ep.34: Belial & Pandora vs Pandemonium!!
S2 Ep.35: Ultimate Rebirth! Destined Belial!!

S2 Ep.24: Emperor Of Destruction! Extinction Loki!!

228 3 0
By DeltaZakuroWBO

The next day had arrived and the final 2 Battles of Round 1 were about to start - Drum Koryu was waiting patiently in a Training Room, he was about to face Aiga Akaba

Drum: This is it Dragon, we're about to face off against Aiga!

Drum was starting to get super stoked, his face turning a concerning shade of red - It had been some time since his last 1v1 with Aiga


Aiga was doing some last minute training as Valt was with him

Valt: I think Drum's gonna come at you with full strength, last i checked on him, he seemed pretty determined.

Aiga just laughed as he reached down and retrieved his bey

Aiga: Let him come, i'll blow him away easily! Just watch!!


The 7th Match of The Prism Star Bey Tournament was on and it was Aiga Akaba vs Drum Koryu - The 2 bladers stepped up to the stadium

Aiga: Drum, i can't wait to send you and Dragon flying! You better get ready!!

Drum: Nuh uh! We're gonna get super serious and Achilles is going to be the one sent flying!!

Drum held up his bey, Gatling Dragon with a smile as Aiga held up his bey as well
Bell and the others watched the battle closely, this was a battle between 2 Legendary Bladers

Bell: Drum is facing off against Aiga, this ought to be good..!

Ranzo: Gatling Dragon is an Attack Type.. But Zest Achilles is a Balance Type with many different mode changes..

Quinn: Depending on what Mode Aiga goes with, this could go either way.

Phoebe observed the 2 bladers carefully, she knew how strong both of them were, this battle really could go to either one..
Wakiya: Aiga has one big challenge ahead of him, Drum isnt one to back down easily.

Valt: That is definitely true.

Shu: But Aiga has the stronger Elemental Power, unless Drum pulls off a miracle, Aiga has this in the bag..
Aiga placed his bey into Right Spin Attack Mode with Quattro' in Attack Mode as well

Drum: Attack Mode.. looks like he's holding nothing back.. in that case, i'll just to get ultimately serious then!

Referee: 1st Battle!!

The 2 bladers took their position and the battle began

Referee: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 Go Shoot!!!

The beys were off and Achilles and Dragon charged around the stadium at full speed

Drum: Let's do this Dragon! Dragon Shoot!!

Aiga: Achilles! Zest Shoot!!

Achilles and Dragon charged to the center and began to clash back and forth with relentless and powerful attacks - Their vibrant glows cast from the Aether Stadium bouncing all over the arena

Drum: Hit them even harder! Dragon!!

Aiga: Dont give in Achilles! Push them back!!

Both beys locked together in a fierce and powerful clash as sparks began to fly
Ranzo: They seem to be pretty evenly matched down there!

Bell: This is.. so intense!!
Achilles and Dragon were struggling to get an edge over each other - Drum grinned as he had a trick up his sleeve.

Drum: Dont think you've bested Gatling Dragon just yet, we're just getting warmed up!

Aiga lets out a gasp as realization hit - Achilles shoves in one of Dragon's wings, causing it to awaken

Drum: Yes! Dragon has now awakened!!

Dragon disengages and it speeds around the stadium at full speed as it headed for the Drift Zone

Drum: Let's do this! Dragon!!

Dragon: I'm with you! Drum!!

Dragon drifts along the Drift Zone and it was coming right for Achilles

Aiga: Big deal! We'll show you our true power!! Achilles!!

Achilles: We are invincible!

Drum: Time to get serious! Gatling Break!!

Aiga: Blow it out of there! Zest Buster!!

The 2 beys slam into each other and lock together in the center with brutal force as a massive burst of energy was unleashed from the stadium

Aiga: Get em Achilles! Show no mercy!!

Drum: Hold on Dragon! We're almost at the finish!

The explosion got even stronger and the 2 bladers were nearly knocked off their feet
Bell: I can barely see anything down there, who won!?

Ranzo: It's hard to tell!

Quinn: So this is what its like when 2 Legendary Bladers clash!!
Wakiya: What is going on down there?

Valt: I can't tell!
The 2 beys were sent flying as the bright light soon cleared and they were both flying out of bounds

Drum: I-I won!!

Just as Achilles was about to hit the ground, Dragon suddenly burst into pieces

Drum: N-No way!!

Aiga: Yes!!

Referee: Zest Achilles with a Burst Finish! Aiga Akaba is the winner!!

Loud cheers erupted from the crowd as Drum ran over to Aiga's side, his face as red as a beat

Drum: You beat me! That's impossible!!

Aiga: Y-You're incredibly close..

Drum: But still, that was a fun battle!

Aiga smiled as he picked up his bey from the floor

Aiga: Yeah it was!


The 8th and Final Match of Round 1 was about to start, Lyra was walking down the hallway and he soon ran into Quinn

Lyra: You better be ready Quinn Knight, i want to see you in the Semi Finals.

Quinn: That's assuming you make it to there..

Lyra: You underestimate me, i will destroy Hyuga Asahi right here.. you will go to the Semi Finals, because if you dont, i will your pain so much more extreme when i do face you..

Quinn just glared at him and continued to walk away, Lyra just grinned as he continued on to his match
The match was now starting as Lyra and Hyuga stepped up to the stadium

Hyuga: Saw your battle against Bailey, you're strong but i'n stronger!

Lyra just scoffed, raising an eyebrow

Lyra: Is that so? If im not mistaken, your brother was defeated by Sisco Karlisle, im sure i can take you my friend!

Hyuga: Dont underestimate me just because Hikaru lost!

The viewing screen displaying Hikaru popped up next to Hyuga

Hikaru: Remember the plan we came up with Hyuga, just stick to it and you'll win!

Hyuga: Got it!!
Bell and the others were watching the battle

Bell: So Hyuga is up against that guy huh?

Ranzo: He might be in trouble, Lyra is a super strong blader!

Phoebe: Something isnt right though..

Ranzo and Bell looked at Phoebe, confused

Quinn: He seems more confident than usual..

Bell: What is that supposed to tell us!?

Quinn: Just look at him, he's up to something as usual..
Valt and the others were also watching the battle, Valt was starting to feel very uneasy

Valt: What are you up to this time.. Lyra?
Lyra: Nice of you to have a plan.. however..

Lyra's hand opened to reveal his new bey, much to everyone in the entire Arena's suprise

Hikaru: What the-!?

Hyuga: That's not Forever Loki!

Lyra: I believe your plan only applied to Forever Loki.. however that is not the case, this is Extinction Loki!

Hyuga/Hikaru: Extinction.. Loki!?
Bell: Extinction Loki!? When did he make that bey?!

Ranzo: Can he really do that?! Just switching out beys like that?

Phoebe: It does not appear to be an Evolution, i guess the same rules would apply like they would've with my Pandora.

Quinn stared at Lyra and was starting to get anxious

Quinn: Lyra.. just what are you up to this time?
Valt and the others were shocked to see that Lyra had a new bey all of a sudden

Wakiya: Well i didnt see that one coming.. Lyra has a new bey.

Valt: From the looks of things, it appears to be an attack type!

Shu: Not only that, but it appears to be inspired off Belial... and Valkyrie..!

Valt looked down into the arena and saw Lyra looking up at him with a sinister grin

Valt: Lyra..!
Hyuga: New bey or not, it doesnt matter to me! I'll still go Zoom Zoom and knock you out!

Hikaru: You got this Hyuga!

Hikaru's screen vanished and joined the rest of the Digital Audience

Lyra: You've got guts kid, i'll give you that, but guts won't get you far in this competition!

Hyuga's face began to turn beet red with determination as he prepared for battle

Hyuga: Let's do this!

Referee: 1st Battle!!

The 2 bladers took their position and the battle began

Referee: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 Go Shoot!!!

The beys were off and Extinction Loki charged around the stadium at full speed but Super Hyperion was speeding even faster

Lyra: Hmm.. it's fast, i give it that..

Hyuga: Hyperion! Zoom zoom!!

Hyperion climbed the slope of the stadium and it used the Drift Zone to accelerate

Lyra: Loki! Extinction Shoot!!

Loki began to pick up speed and its jagged shape slashed across Hyperion and sent it flying

Hyuga: We're not done yet! Hang in there Hyperion!!

Hyperion recovers by hitting the wall and lands on the upper deck

Lyra: You're still holding on?!

Hyuga: Ha! This is nothing!!

Hyperion was starting to gain speed as its Xplosion Driver began to spark

Hyuga: Let's go! Hyperion!!

Lyra: T-Tch! Don't test my patience kid!!

Hyuga: Go for it! Attack now, Hyperion!!
Bell: What is Hyuga doing out there?

Ranzo: It just seems like he's wasting his stamina and power!

Phoebe: He's fine.

Bell: Huh?!

Quinn: They're both attack types so they have weak stamina levels, all Hyuga has to do is weaken Loki and pray he outlasts him!

Ranzo: Ah i see now!

Bell: Go get em Hyuga!!
Hyuga: You scared yet!?

Lyra: Hardly, your feeble attempts to dethrone Loki is useless!

Loki was starting to pick speed as its Assault Driver began to grind against the stadium floor

Hyuga: W-What the-!?

Lyra: Now, im going to show you the power of a God!

Loki began to accelerate even more as it uses the Drift Zone to redirect itself towards Hyperion
Hikaru was starting to get worried and called out to his brother

Hikaru: Hyuga get out of there now!!
Hyuga: H-Hyperion!

Loki began to trap Hyperion in a corner and began to fire off a barrage of attacks on it and didnt even give it a chance to breathe

Lyra: This is the power of Extinction Loki in its purest form! Rampage even more, Loki!

Hyuga: Hyperion! Dodge it!

Hyperion tilts on the ring of its Xplosion Driver and narrowly evaded Loki's attack

Lyra: Do it now Loki! Unleash your might!!

Extinction Loki instantly changed colors as it began to accelerate even more

Hyuga: End it! Super Strike!!

The metal part within Super Hyperion began to glow as it came right for Loki

Lyra: You're doomed! Extinction Break!!

Loki and Hyperion clashed with full strength and Loki's jagged shape allowed to burst through Hyperion easily

Hyuga: H-Hyperion..!!

Referee: Extinction Loki with a Burst Finish! With a Final Score of 2-0, Lyra Forsythe is the Winner!!
Hikaru's eyes widened with shock, Hyuga had lost the battle

Hikaru: H-Hyuga..
Bell: What incredible power that bey has..

Ranzo: Aiga might be in some serious trouble, this guy is on a whole nother level..

Phoebe: Lyra Forsythe.. what an interesting blader he is...

Quinn stared at Lyra through the screen, her fists tightening

Quinn: Just you wait Lyra, i'll defeat Valt and i'm coming for you!
Wakiya and the others oversaw the stadium, Valt began to smile

Wakiya: Looks like the 2nd Round Bracket has been stacked, it'll be interesting to see where this goes

Valt: Yeah, me too..


In the dark corners of the Snake Pit, Ashtem stood in the Main Chamber as he awaited his destiny to be completed

Technician: Evolution Status at 45% Sir, we are gathering battle data from the Tournament.

Ashtem: Very good, and how are Lyra and Michael handling things?

Technician: Both of them have moved on to the 2nd Round, Lyra will be facing Aiga Akaba and Michael will be facing Phoebe Vancouver

Ashtem sighed with delight at the mention of Phoebes name

Ashtem: Now there's a familiar name.. that'll be an interesting battle to see.

Technician: Phoebe has significantly improved her strength, how much faith do you have in Michael and his ability to win.

Ashtem: It makes no difference to me, we dont need them any longer, but i know Michael has way more to show than what he's put out

Ashtem gave a sinister smirk and began to laugh maniacally!

To Be Continued...

Next Episode: 2nd Round! Clashes Of Destiny!!

The 2nd Round has officially begun as Bell and Phoebe take on possibly their strongest challenge..!

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