The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)

By tmntyolo

105K 2.1K 2.1K

At Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused b... More

Chapter 1~Falling
Chapter 2~Twist
Chapter 3~Closure
Chapter 5~ Jealous Bonnie
Chapter 6~ Decisions
Chapter 7~ Choosing
Chapter 8~ A New Night Guard
Chapter 9~ Outside?
Chapter 10~ I'm Here
Chapter 11~ Killing Sprees
Chapter 12~ New Against Old
Chapter 13~ Gold Or Mold?
Chapter 14~ Gaby's Cousin
Chapter 15~ The Date
Chapter 16~ There's No Such Thing As Magic!
Chapter 17~ Under New Management
Chapter 18~ The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 19~ Shelter
Chapter 20~ Searching For Foxy
Chapter 21~ Broken
Chapter 22~ Just A Dream
Chapter 23~ Mr.Blue Sky
Chapter 24~ Pizza Delivery
Chapter 25~ Trust Me
Chapter 26~ Forgive Me?
Chapter 27~ I Forgive You
Chapter 28~ Foxy's Day Of Creation
Chapter 29~ Foxy's Appetite
Chapter 30~ Impossible
Chapter 31~ Breaking The News
Chapter 32~ Nightmare
Chapter 33~ You Choose
Chapter 34~ An Antidote
Chapter 35~ Names
Chapter 36~ Peanut
Chapter 37~ It's Time
Chapter 38~ I.O.U
Chapter 39~ Competition
Chapter 40~ BackFire
Chapter 41~ Chains Of Love
Chapter 42~ Deadly Memories
Chapter 43~ A Second Chance
Chapter 44~ Back On Track
Chapter 45~ I'm Still Here
Chapter 46~ Separated
Chapter 47~ Help Me
New Book

Chapter 4~ Always Alone

5.7K 113 67
By tmntyolo

Foxy's Pov:
I woke up, weak and hurt. I looked around me, my curtains, and
Everything around me was either scratched, or torn. I was torn, I abused myself, since everyone else was...
I peeked out, and stared at the clock,
It was 12:30 pm, and the children would be here any minute. I still didn't have any idea why Freddy did that to me last night, was it a test? Whatever it was, it didn't feel right.
I closed my curtains, and laid back, closing my eyes, I didn't want to go through anything like that ever again.
"Well someone added a bit of a decoration." I heard Bonnie say, I opened my eyes and see Bonnie who had opened my curtains. I gotta hand it to him, he really didn't know how to take a hint. "You ok? What happened?" He asked, looking at my curtains. "Aye, just a tantrum of mine."I replied, quietly looking at my hook.
" doesn't seem like just a tantrum to me. You even scratched yourself...are you sure you're ok?" Bonnie asked, letting go of the curtains and climbing right next to me, sitting down. It felt awkward, but I didn't want to be rude. " got remember last night?" I asked, feeling my face start to heat up. Bonnie smirked, and nodded. "Not even my lips forget what happened." He said, leaning in closer to me.
Whoa, back it up Bonnie, I'm not in the mood. "After our little 'moment'..I ran into Freddy.." I said, looking towards the front door. "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?" Bonnie asked, leaning back away from me.
"No...He hugged me, I don't know why he did.." I said, feeling a bit down. I looked towards Bonnie, who had opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted when the front door opened. We both looked towards it, watching children walk in, and looked back at each other. "I'll talk to you later, ok?" He said while climbing out and heading on the stage, I nodded and watched him. I closed my curtains all the way, and laid down, hearing the laughter of children fill my ears once more. I heard footsteps, that were getting closer to my cove, I quickly went to the back of it, getting a little worried.
"Hey guys! Isn't this where that Fox is?" I heard a voice say behind my curtains. "Yea! The one that bit Eric's Dad, Mike!He's scary!" I heard another one say. "Yup. That's him, Oh see look at the sign! It says 'out of order!'." Oh please don't open the curtains! Anything but the curtains! "I feel bad for him. He's alone in there." A little girl said. "He is alone in there. And he always be alone." That's it! I've had enough! I'm gonna kill them! All of them! Don't they know how I really feel?! It wasn't my fault I accidentally bit one of the children. Yes I am alone and being alone Is the worst feeling I've ever felt, it was the same as pain, you faced them yourself. I felt my eyes start to water, and without thinking, I ran out of my cove, the children that were there screamed. "He heard you Eric! Now he's gonna bite you Next!!" I heard one of them say. I looked back to where they were. "You shouldn't have have said he will always be alone!" The little girl said, screaming.
I ran towards the one that was called Eric, I was gonna snap at his puny, annoying little head. I opened my mouth and lunged towards him, But something grabbed my top and bottom jaw from doing so, I looked up to see Freddy, He was angry. Everything went quiet, I looked with my eyes to see the children with their parents, clinging onto them, some were behind Chica, looking very afraid, then I saw Bonnie, with a horrified look on his face. Freddy was still grabbing onto my mouth, protecting Eric. Eric, was paralyzed in fear, He wasn't moving.
"Eric! Get out of there!" I heard a woman's voice behind me say. It must have been his mother. I tried to close my mouth on Freddy's hands so I could get away, but before I could, Freddy threw me down the hall by my mouth. I blacked out, whatever happened next was a mystery to me.

Freddy's Pov:
After I threw Foxy, I felt hurt at what I did to him, I knelt down in front of the boy he almost bit. He didn't look to good, I grabbed both of his hands, making him look at me. Before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged him back, and carried him on my shoulder, walking to his mother. I took him off, and put him in his mother's arms, She smiled and held him tightly. "Oh..thank you.." she said, smiling. I tipped my hat in response, smiling back. I walked towards the stage, looking at the parents and their children, and started to think. They can't stay here, they need to leave, before Foxy wakes up. It won't be long till he does. "Everyone, I'm afraid we're closing early today!" I said into my microphone, looking down the hall. "We can't have our Fox friend hurting someone else right? I want to keep you safe, so please go home and take good care of your children for us." I said, smiling. They didn't protest, which made sense since they just witnessed Foxy attempting to bite a child. One by one, they packed their things and left. The last one to leave was the mother and the child Foxy was going to bite, when they walked out the door, he turned back around and put his finger to his throat and slid it across. A few hours later, Foxy was still knocked out, which made me start to worry, did I kill him?! Please no! I walked down the hall and knelt down next to his body, gently shaking him. He moaned in pain a bit, but his eyes slowly fluttered opened, and I started to feel relieved, I opened my arms to hug him. "Oh Foxy! thought I ki-" He punched me in the jaw before I could finish, making me fly backwards. I guess that was payback for me throwing him. He stood up, using the wall for support and gave me a weak, angry look. "Foxy look, I'm sorry for throwing you. I didn't mean it honest." I said, getting up. "Don't ye try to lie to me Freddy! I don't think I trust ye anymore! Locking me in a room by me self leaving me to wonder why ye did so! Bonnie is a much better friend than ye!" He yelled, touching his own, jaw, letting go of the wall. I got angry, I didn't like how he compared me and Bonnie to each other. "It wasn't my fault you tried a bite a kid again now was it?! And if Bonnie is a much better friend than me then why don't you go out with him already huh?!" I couldn't believe what I was doing, I was yelling at my best friend. "Bonnie didn't lock me in room like ye did!" He yelled, walking closer to me. "Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie!! All you ever talk about is Bonnie! Geez why don't you just marry him already and get it over with?!" I yelled, putting my hands in the air, I was very frustrated. Foxy looked down, and put his hook in his hand, and looked back at me. "Because I wouldn't marry some mate I didn't love..." he said, his eyes starting to water. Was he crying..? Oh great now he's crying, how will he ever forgive me now? But his answer really took me by surprise, I always thought he loved Bonnie.
"But...if you don't love Bonnie...then who do you love?..." I asked, feeling very uneasy. His tears seemed to flow more right after I asked that. He walked slowly towards me, sniffling. He then looked up at me. "Ye really don't ye..?" He asked me, wiping his tears with his hand. I really didn't know, which made me feel stupid. I desperately wanted to know. " don't know." I said, my anger starting to turn into sympathy. He sniffles, then gets closer than I would have imagined, he then pulled my bowtie, pulling me closer to his face, and slammed his lips onto mine. I didn't know how to react, I just didn't, the kiss was quick, just as fast as it went he ended it. When he did, he was blushing, so was I, he then ran off, outside, while it was raining.
He kissed me, so...I'm the one he loved. Wasn't i?
"Pretty shocking huh?" I heard Chica say behind me. I turned around and saw her holding a plush, a little plush of me, was it hers? "Who's is that?" I asked, trying to hide my blush.
"It's Foxy' means a lot to him..just like you do. Does he mean a lot to you?" She asked holding the plush in front of me. I grabbed it, looking at it, did Foxy really love me? I..I'm flattered...really I am..all those times, he was with me, because he loved me! And I pushed him away! Why did I do that?! I was looking for the one he loved when I was actually the one! I walked to his cove and placed the plush inside. I grabbed an umbrella and walked towards the front door.
"What are you doing?" Chica asked, walking over to me. "Something I should've done a long time ago." I answered, popping the umbrella open. "But you'll rust out there!" She yelled, grabbing at my arm. "That didn't stop Foxy, so it's not stopping me." I said, opening the door and going outside.
I'm coming Foxy...

Foxy's Pov:
I was out in the rain, I think I'm starting to rust. But I didn't care, not anymore, I kissed Freddy but I'm more than sure he didn't want to kiss me. I started to cry, I closed my eyes, gagging and choking over my own sadness. My tears didn't seem to stop as they fell down my cheeks to the ground. I started to hear footsteps, but I didn't dare try to open my eyes. I sniffed and wiped the side of my face. I didn't feel the rain drops hitting me anymore, did it stop raining? No...I still heard it. I looked up to see an umbrella, stopping the rain from hitting me. I looked to my right, and saw Freddy was the one who was holding it. Why was he doing this? I wiped my eyes clean of my tears, and tried to look ok. "What ye be doing here? Ye will rust." I said, crossing my arms, turning away from him, glad he brought an umbrella. "Well...I couldn't just leave the one I loved out here." He said, pulling me close. I felt my face start to heat up, I started to blush. "L-Love..?" I asked, stuttering as he moved his hand down my back. Ooh, I loved that feeling. "Yea....hey Foxy? Can you that again? You know...kiss me?" Was he serious? Did Bonnie put him up to this? Well..whatever it was, I just smiled and blushed more. "Aye, Aye Cap'n!" I said, pulling him close to me, kissing him passionately. I felt the rain hitting me again, and felt him pull me closer with both of his hands, kissing back. He must've let go of the umbrella to pull me closer, which was soooo worth it!! I mean, even if we were getting rusty, at least I was rusting with my beloved. I pulled him even closer to me, enjoying our connection. His furry metallic lips against mine were the best thing I've ever experienced. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip, asking for an entrance, and I accepted. I felt his metallic tongue exploring in my mouth, man...who knew Freddy was such a good kisser?
He wrapped his tongue around mine, earning a tiny moan from me within the kiss. We started to have a hot tongue war, until I short circuited, electrifying me and Freddy. I was embarrassed as we were both separated from the impact. The dang rain had made its way to my wires. was good while it lasted. The electrocution was so strong it knocked us both to the ground. Freddy was the first one to get up, and then help me up. I blushed, and rubbed the back of my neck, he must've noticed because he kissed my cheek. I smiled and reached for his nose, squeaking it. He looked surprised, and swept me off my feet, literally. He suddenly picked me up bridal style, and walked towards the front door. "What about the umbrella?" I asked him, my arm around him, carefully trying not to poke him with my hook. "Huh? Oh that's not mine. That's Mike's." He said, laughing as he opened the door and walked in.
We both looked towards the flashing of a camera, which was held by a smiling Chica. I felt my face start to feel hot, and I looked at Freddy, who was red. Aww, he looked so cute when he was like that.
"W-Why did you take our Picture?" Freddy stuttered, holding me closer to his chest. I could tell he was nervous, well I shouldn't say I wasn't because I was too. "Well duh! So I could hang it up! And mess with you two for the rest of your days!" She laughed, holding up the picture. With that, Freddy dropped me. "WHAT?!?" He exclaimed, letting me go. He then realized what he did and looked towards Me with big blue eyes. "Oh..geez sorry Foxy..I didn't mean it." He said, quickly standing me on my feet and holding me close. I couldn't help but turn red and smile, his arms around me made me feel so safe. " be quite alright.." I said, feeling quite embarrassed. "I was only kidding you two. I would never do that to my dear best friends!" She said smiling, handing me the picture, and walking off. I took it in my hands, looking at it as if it where something as if it were something I've never seen. I showed it to Freddy, who then took it in his own hands and smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled so hard I thought my jaw would fall off. I was finally with him!
My Freddy! Oh wait, I had to make sure...
"Freddy..?.." I grabbed his hand, and looked up at him. He looked at me smiling, which froze me in his gaze.
"Yes Foxy?" He asked, interlocking his fingers with mine, Dang it! He's making this harder to explain than it already was. "I uh...well..does this mean, that we be a couple now?" I asked, blushing, feeling his fingers with mine were incredible. His smile faded, and I thought he was going to walk away, he took his hand away from mine, then wrapped them around my waist, taking me off guard. He pressed his nose to mine, making his squeak. "I thought we already were." He said, smirking, pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck, again, being careful not to stab him. He put his forehead against mine, I did the same, closing my eyes, smiling. We stood there for a few minutes, enjoying our time together. I didn't want any of this to end, I wanted it to last forever. But eventually my legs started to ache, and I winced a bit, worrying Freddy.
"What's wrong?" He asked, looking at me with concern. "It be me legs..don't ye worry about it." I said, walking to my cove. "Of course I should worry about it!" He said behind me, I was already climbing in my cove when he said that, and I closed my curtains.
He reopened them and looked at me, sitting down holding my Freddy plush. Oops. I quickly put the plushie next to me, I smiled, and patted a space next to me. He smiled back and crawled in, sitting next to me. I snuggled against him, getting comfortable as I started to feel drowsy, I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed. Did he fall asleep?
I gently shook him, he jumped a bit.
"Huh? What happened?" He asked, yawning and looking at me. I just shook my head. "Ye fell asleep mate..why don't you sleep with me tonight?" I asked, laying down, closing my eyes.
I felt him laying down beside me, I also felt his arms pull me closer, until he was hugging me to his body. I smiled, and fell asleep in his arms, I was more than happy. Nothing could make me even happier. I finally wasn't alone. After all these years, thinking I would never feel loved again by the loving children, feeling like complete scrap, but I was loved..for the first my whole entire animatronic life. They were wrong, Eric was wrong, I was finally happy and loved. I was loved. By someone very special...
And His Name Is Freddy Fazbear.

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