Power Hungry

By tayrov

5.4K 114 6

"I love leati Joesph anoa'i not this- this monster named the tribal chief" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Joe anoa'i
The devil
Back bitch
Roman gone missing
Pen to paper
Romans gone missing pt2
Late night confessions
Crazy bitch
Payback part 1
Pay back part 2
The rise
Talk and Talk and Talk

Food fight

161 5 0
By tayrov

Lottie pov
"Lottie wake up right now" i roll over and put the pillow over my face to block the sun out "one more hours please"
"nope we got raw in a hour"
i jump out of bed oh shit I guess I slept to long

"a hour what the hell" Roman laughs
"you have been sleeping forever"
I run my eyes and walk out of bed
"I am going to go take a shower"

At the arena
"Lorence Roman pleasure"
Paul greets us at the door
"enough with the ass sucking what are we doing tonight"
I admit it's a little rude but whatever I am not in the mood
"Harsh words lorence but moving forward let's see it looks like you have a back stage promo with AJ and the usos than for Roman you have nothing they want you coming out at payback to be the first time people see you since your debut" 
I feel bad for Roman I know he loves what he does
"sorry love I know you wanted to do stuff" Roman looks at me and smiles
"it's whatever"

We start walking to our dressing room when we get interrupted by one of the production crew
"uh Lottie here's your script for tonight if there are any problems feel free to alert one of the production crew"
she tries to push past me but I put a hand on her chest
"sorry I think this is for the wrong person I don't use scripts"
I don't wanna hold her from anything or be mean she is just trying to do her job but I have never used a script only on my debut
"I apologize Ms but if your name is Lottie it's yours maybe talk it up with triple h"
I release my hand from her chest and nod
I definitely will be taking it up with triple h
"I am going to triple h office I will let you know how it goes"
I kiss Roman goodbye on his check than turn my direction towards his office

"triple h what the hell"
I walk into his office no regards to whose in there and of course it's Seth again
"fucking hell how come every time I come here you are in here"
Seth smirks than grabs my wrist with the
Script in it
"Aweee did the doggy finally get put on a leash you have to use a script now"
I push Seth off of me I am not in the mood for his tone toned snoopy lookin ass right now "Fuck off Seth I am not in the mood"
I try to walk over and take a seat but Seth pulls the chair from out underneath me and I almost fall but I catch myself on the desk
"You mother fucker"
I spin around and see Seth already walking out the door cackling
"He is such a dick" I mumble to myself than turn around and see triple h fuming
"Lottie sit your ass down right now"

I nervously smile than sit down in a chair
"Well sir I just wanted to know why I have a script for tonight I never used them before"
Triple h raises his eyebrow
"because you are to unpredictable and with this new USA deal we can't afford you saying unpredictable shit"
I am appalled that he would even think that "me unpredictable pleaseee how would you even come to that conclusi-"
he cuts me off he really try's to cut me off
"Lottie enough let's take for example what you just did with Seth and last week almost murdering AJ" well that's true I guess
"uhh alright well i promise I won't go off the rails but I refuse to use this script and we all know I am to popular for me to be fired"
i place the script on his desk and walk out i figured it would be better if i left him alone clearly he needs to cool down

I head towards make up first to see Hannah
"Hannah banna I am hereee"
But all I see is some random girl
"do I know you Ms"
where the fuck is Hannah
"I should ask you that where's Hannah"
She looks displeased
"I am Blair Hannah is gone for the next month"
month what the fuck what happened
" oh well I am Lottie I am here for my makeup"
her face turns to one of shock
"oh I am so sorry for earlier I had no idea who you are please please sit down do you want some water"
What the fuck I never get treated like this
"Uh you don't need to switch up now I am not that famous let's just start"
I sit down on the chair
"So what do you want"
she seems to have the snappy attitude again "just do a natural face please"
I don't have any matches tonight so I don't need anything crazy
We sit there in silence until she is done
"Alright all done"
I just hop off her chair and walk out

"Sandra do you know why Hannah is not here"
I walk into the back of the dressing room "oh she left cause her mom died"
I gasp how did I not know her mom died what
"omg I feel so bad how did she find out" Sandra looks down than back up at me
"Her mother died in a car crash"
I gasp "That is horrible"
Sandra sighs than nods than turns around to grab my ring gear
"Here you goooo pretty girl"
She hands my my ring gear "oh my god I swear you should be designing stuff for the met gala"
she always has the best looks and what she can do with a needle and thread is crazy I grab the outfit it's a two piece with red and black theme than traps and chains around

"I appreciate you so much Sandra I love you but I gotta go I am gonna be late"
Sandra smiles and hugs me
"of course love you now get going child"
I smile and walk in the locker room and see Roman chilling on the couch look hot as ever

"damn are you by any chance taken"
I joke and strut in to the room
"mmm yea I am to this amazing women but I can make a exception you are hot"
I bit my lip and sit on his lap
"mm that sounds good to me"
I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hand on my ass than our lips connect and he moves down to my neck
"Mm such a slut for me huh lo wanting to get fucked in the locker room"
His words sends a wet response in between
My thighs and I start sqruiming as his mouth gets closer to my breast
"Roman please" he chuckle darkly
"what do you want use your words baby"
I let out a moan
"Roman please fuck me please" with those words he flips me around so that I am laying on the couch and he is on top of me

He pins my hands above my head than undoes his pants and rips my underwear off
Than start rubbing my clit
"so wet for me already huh"  I just nod and grind against his hand "so ready for me huh" I groan
"Roman please"  he pulls out his cock and than slides it inside of me
"fuck Roman your so big" my face scrunch's up as Roman let's me adjust than I nod so he knows he can start than he starts pumping in and out

"Ohhh fuck" he start kissing down my neck
"You feel so good love"
I run my hands threw his hair  as I feel the pit in my stomach growing
"fuck I am gonna cum" he start playing with my nipples
"fuck cum for me baby"
I release  and my entire body melts in Roman's body
"fuck Roman what time is it"
He gets off me and check his watch
"uhh 7:45" I jump up in shock
"fuck I am on the first segment I need to get ready"
I grab my ring gear and rush in the bathroom to get changed I walk out and Roman whistles
"still gotta get use to these outfits"
I laugh and kiss him a quick good bye "alright I have to go" 

I walk out of the locker room and to my segment area
"Lottie your late" I roll my eyes "I know I know sorry" they all just laugh
"were is your script" I shrug "I told tirple h to shove it up his ass"
  "your the worst fucking worker"
I touch up my makeup "but you can't fire me everybody loves me"
I suck at timing and I am rude most of the time but the crowd loves me and I bring really good matches so me getting fired is never going to happen
"alright 3,2,1" 
Kathy Kelly walks into frame with her microphone
"so Lottie after AJs new come back how have you been feeling"
I snarl at her name
"I feel fine I just don't cry like the bitch or her Scrubed up husband" Kathy tries to not laugh at that and I smirk at her
"okay well we also want to know you involment with Paul hey man"
I roll my eyes "you know everybody wants to know everything about me listen I get it I am intriguing but you are just gonna have to wait for my answer on that"
Kathy sighs at that response I don't like being this rude to interviewers but it's part of my heel character
"listen can I go now I got better thing to do than listen to you ask me worthless questions"
Kathy is shocked by that and I just roll my eyes and walk off
"andddd cut"
i turn around and hug Kathy
"Thanks for being a trooper girl sorry I was so mean"
  "It's fine it's part of your job I get it but I have to get going see you later"
I turn around and start walking to my locker room when I stop and see AJ and Natalia talking in catering I hide behind the corner and easdropp cause if this bitch is saying stuff about me than I need to hear it

"She is really just a slut I mean texting my husband when she has her own that just a new low even for her"
"we all know she's got pretty low if you know what I mean"
nat adds than they both start laughing I walk in the room and pretend like I didn't hear anything they just said
"oh look who it is"Aj stands up and walks over to me
I whip my body around so we are face to face or more like face to breast but whatever
"You still texting my man you got some  nerve whore"
  "please like I would ever even talk to the homeless scum bag ever again"
she fake pouts "Aweee is sombody mad he put your leaching ass out"
This bitch is crazy I spit in her face than shove her away but she comes back at me jumps on me and start clawing at my face so I grab her tiny ass and throw her into one of the tables it's not like the ones we use in the ring so it stays toghther but it's dented a little bit
"you midget bitch touch me again I fucking dare you"
She layed there squirming in pain and I just laugh with my bloody lip she some how gave me
  "oh and by the way tell Phil to stop sending me nudes than maybe I would be able to forget his number"
that must of set her off because she comes running back at me and start throwing punches and we just start brawling the one good thing about her being short is she is hard to hit but than again I am so mad right now I just blacked out the next thing I rember is being pulled back by two people "woah woah come down lot"
I realize jey and jimmy are the ones who pulled me back than I look over and see AJ laying on the floor with a bloody well just everything
"I need to get out of here before I fucking murder her"
I storm out of the room and back to the locker room
"Woah baby what happened"
I start packing up
"just me and AJ again I am fine you should see her though"
Roman chuckles at that joke
"Lorence my you have changed"
I guess I didn't even notice Paul was in here "yea well when you get your heart broken by people it happens Now Roman let's go"
I walk out and Roman grabs my bags we make it to the car when a video of me and AJ going at it pops up on my insta
"fuck sombody got a video" Roman shrugs "so who cares"
he really is slow sometimes "I do I could get suspended for this and miss payback me and AJ are suppose to have a match at payback"
Roman takes my phone and shoves it in his pocket "enough with work okay we are going to go home and go to sleep let's just hope triple h sees it as a promo stunt"
He knows I always get worked up over things like this I agree and lean my head agasint the window

Back at the house
I hop out of the shower and climb into bed next to Roman "hey love" I get Roman's attention he rolls over to face me "do you think jey and jimmy will come around"
   "One can only hope I really wanna do this as a family and i don't know maybe we could keep this running I wanna represent our family"
I see how his eyes light up as he talks about this it makes me happy that he is happy about this
"I know me too baby but hey we can do it without those two anyways"
he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer
"of course" than we both fall asleep

Auothers note
Thank you so much for 20 reads on the frist chapter and thanks for my people who tune in every week like usual if you have tips or recommendations or ships you wanna see lmk because we are still in early stages of this book not sure what route to take yet-T

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