Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

18K 370 22

13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part 2

wedding day part one

20 0 0
By faithboken

at the boarding house

 Elena gets out of her and tries to make her to her house before Caroline calls her. 

she managed to make it to her 

Damon  saw Elena walk out the door 

Damon: did you forget to sleep at your house? 

Elena: Yep, I'm making my way there now before my phone goes off. 

Damon: did you leave a note for Stefan? 

Elena: yep all covered Damon 

Damon: let me know when you are at your house i can then wake up Stefan 

Elena: got it 

Elena made it her house 

 at Elena's house 

Jenna:  let me guess you forgot to make it here last night 

Elena: yeah I was too tired to make it here. 

Caroline walks into the door 

Elena: hey 

Caroline: I was about to call you 

Elena: well I'm here 

Jenna: let's eat something then get all the stuff together 

Jeremy: we are off to the boarding house 

Alaric: I thought we were gonna help set up

Jeremy: nope Tyler's partners got people to do that for them 

Alaric: alright 

 at the boarding house 

 Damon goes and wakes up Stefan 

Stefan: were is Elena? 

Damon: she left a note no worries you will see her later today 

Stefan: All alright. 

Alaric yells: we are here 

Tyler: let's get ready 

Stefan and Damon head down the stairs 

 at Elena's house 

 Bonnie comes knocking on the door 

Elena rushed to the door

Elena: hey bonnie 

Bonnie: you ready today 

Elena: yep 

there was a knock on the door 

Jenna: I got it 

Emma was at the door 

Emma: I'm sorry but have you seen Jeremy? 

Jenna: he is at campus taking classes the whole day 

Emma: All alright. can I come on in? 

Jenna: sorry Emma but Elena is sick 

Emma: Well tell her I said to feel better soon.

Jenna closed the door 

Elena: ugh I can't believe she up and decided to show up without calling ahead of time.

Jenna: Elena you need to chill I took care of it 

Elena: sorry didn't have any blood yet 

Bonnie: you need some if you want to not snap at people or pass out 

Elena: I know but I forgot to grab some see I  was to try to make my way. I was not able to make it here last night. I wanted to make it before Caroline showed up and then she called me. 

Jenna: I will get Alaric to bring some it's not a big deal Elena 

Elena: Thanks 

Jenna calls Alaric 

Jenna can you get two blood bags and bring them here 

Alaric alright 

 at the boarding house 

Alaric:  I got to run blood bags to  the house 

Damon: I will give them to you 

Stefan: let me guess Elena forgot to drink some blood 

Alaric: yep she was trying to make it out of here before Caroline called her 

Stefan: I figured that since the note she left me 

Alaric got the blood bags from Damon 

 at Elena's house 

 there was a knock on the door 

Caroline: I got it 

Alaric: here you go 

Caroline: thanks also tell Jeremy Emma stopped by looking for him 

Jenna: I told Emma he has classes all day today 

Alaric: got it 

Alaric left 

Jenna: let's start to load up the cars to get the stuff for today at the Lockwood 

The day of the real wedding at the Lockwood's house

The girls are in one of the small rooms helping Elena get ready

Caroline: How is Elena feeling about Elena?

Elena: nervous and excited at the same time

Damon comes into the room

Caroline: Damon get out

Damon: I was told by Stefan to drop these off to Elena

Damon hands the flowers to Caroline

Elena gets up from the chair and takes them from her

Elena: were on earth did he find blue roses

Caroline: I got no clue

Jenna: Elena they are ready for you to put on your dress

Elena follows Jenna

Bonnie: Where did Stefan have the time to get blue roses for Elena?

Caroline: no clue unless he has someone else pick them up for him

Elena comes back out to shower her friends in her dress

Bonnie: Elena you amazing

Jenna: one more thing your hair Elena

Elena: right i thought we could curl my hair then I can put it all to one side

Caroline: how your hair was the night we night the ball at the Michelson's house?

Elena: yep

Bonnie: how does it feel to soon be a Salvatore

Elena: weird and exciting at the same time

Jenna: I can do her makeup while the two of you do her hair

Elena: Caroline got professionals to come in and all that while you three get ready for the wedding

In another the guy's room at the Lockwood

Stefan is pacing back and forth

Damon: take a drink it will help you calm down i get your nervous

Stefan: I'm freaking out I can't believe this is about to happen

Tyler: yeah then we got another wedding tomorrow

Stefan: don't remind me about the other one. this one is the real deal wedding. The second one is Emma does hate us. 

Klaus: Well, what are we gonna do after this wedding?

Damon: go to the boarding house after losing some of our guests then we will have the small party there  we should get going now

They all leave the room and take their places at the wedding

In the room where the girls are at

Elena: I'm ready

Caroline: so are we

Jenna: One more thing, I want to take a picture of all of us together in this room.

Jenna hands her phone off to one of the other people in the room. They take the picture of them

Elena: shall we be going

Jeremy nocks on the door

Jeremy: Elena you ready

Elena: yeah

Jeremy and Elena walk down the aisle

At the altar

Elena takes her place

Pastor: We are gathered here today to witness the beautiful Margie of these two people. Is there anyone who objects to the wedding? the bride and the groom have their wedding vows

Stefan: when I met you for the first time Elena I knew you were the one for me. Yeah, I was scared to tell you about what I am. When I'm with you I honestly forget who I am. you make me feel human. I wanted to say thank you for being the light I needed when I fell into that dark place and I wanted to thank you for helping me with my control of blood as well. I want to spend the rest of my immortal life with you.

Elena: when I met you the second time I felt like I could tell you anything and you just listened to me. I wanted to say thank you for helping me with the loss of my dad. I want to say thank you for coming into my life. I would dream of this day. I couldn't figure out why now I do because we were meant for each other. I want to say thank you for saving my life all these times. I want to say I will always love you for you no matter what happens in our future.

Stefan turned over towards Damon

Elena turned over to Bonnie

Stefan and Elena decided to hold hands

Pastor: Elena Gilbert do you take Stefan Salvatore to be your husband in sickness and in health?

Elena: I do

Pastor: Stefan Salvatore, do you take Elena Gilbert to be your wife in sickness and in health?

Stefan: I do

They put the rings on each other

Elena: with this ring, I  be wed

Stefan: with this ring, I be wed

Pastor: you now kiss the bride

Stefan kisses Elena and dips her down a bit

The audience is cheering

Elena and Stefan walk down the allies to the other room where the dancing is held at

Elena: Stefan may I have this dance

Stefan: of course

Elena and Stefan did their first dance as Mr and Ms. Salvatore

They finished the dance they all sat down at the tables

Damon taps his glass

Damon: I would like to do a speech. I never thought of the day when my brother had found his one true love and would do anything to protect her from anything bad. he loves her like crazy. He stood by her on her worst day and he has made her the happiest person on this earth. He will love her forever. She will do the same as well

Caroline: Elena has been the best friend anyone could ask for. I remember we all met Stefan in our junior year of high school. He seemed like a nice caring person then once I got to know him more I counted him as my big brother. Literary that is what his name is in my phone. When they started to date I noticed how happy they both were. It seems like they both made each other feel alive somehow.

Bonnie: though all the crazy that has happened you two managed this long to stay together and decided to get married. I say you two were meant for each other so much. I mean Elena went on and on when Stefan left about how she wanted to save him and how much she missed him.

Tyler: I have seen all of Elena's past relationships fail and then when she met you Stefan you wanted and gave her time to prove her wrong that you are not the other guys that she dated. When she saw that she fell for you a bit more. I am happy she has found someone who can be there through the bad and good times and be there for he no matter what happens

Klaus: crazy or not, the love Stefan and Elena have for each other will not die. I noticed this when I had Stefan turn off his switch once he thought about Elena he had something to keep him from fully losing it and fully becoming the ripper.

Jenna: I wanted to say to Elena your parents will be proud of you that you found one. I also know Stefan still will keep his promise to your dad. I'm happy that you two found each other Stefan, you brought Elena out of the dark place that she was in at the time.

Elena was sitting at her table with Stefan and started to cry a bit

Stefan: happy tears?

Elena: yeah

Hope comes up to them and gives them a big hug

Hope: congrats

After everyone finished their speeches everyone left the Lockwood's house and headed to the boarding house

At the boarding house

Elena: I will be right back

Elena went up into her and Stefan's room to change into their other dress for the party part of the wedding

Stefan saw her come down the stairs

Stefan: wow you look amazing in both dresses

Elena: who knew you could pull off blue so well

There was a knock on the door

Jeremy: crap it might be Emma since its night time now she thinks I'm here or at home.

Elena: text her saying you are here to have a guys' night

Jeremy: thanks

Elena: do it fast i know she is about to bust open the front door

Klaus: who could that be

Stefan: don't it Jeremy's girlfriend he is taking care of it

Klaus: she doesn't know

Elena: no she doesn't need to know tomorrow we are doing a fake wedding

Elijah: smart then she feels like she invited to the real thing

Elena: yeah

Jenna: me and Alaric have work tomorrow so we are going to go

Jenna and Alaric left

Elena: bye see you tomorrow night

Haily: the theming looks so amazing

Elena: thanks for tomorrow night

Jeremy: I got to go before Emma comes back

Elena: tell her about tomorrow night

Jeremy: got it

Jeremy left

Caroline: Elena you ok?

Elena: yeah

Stefan saw Elena

Stefan: Elena you don't look so good

Elena: I feel fine

Klaus: What's wrong with Elena?

Elena: everyone I feel fine tho

Stefan: Elena let's go upstairs

In their room

Elena saw herself in the mirror

Elena: what's going on

Stefan: Did you have any blood tonight?

Elena: Yeah, I had some this morning and some when everyone was doing their speeches.

Stefan: it got to be something with your powers then

Elena: don't think so

Stefan: what is going on with you then

Elena: not sure I feel fine

Stefan: but you look like you were killed as a vampire tho

Elena: it got to be my powers

There was a knock on the door

Bonnie: it's not Elena's powers it's magic someone did this

Stefan: the only two witches we know of are here right now

Bonnie: who else knows about the wedding

Elena: Emma, probably found out from Carol that her parents must be witches or warlocks then.

Bonnie: I can fix it tho

Bonnie did the spell

Elena: thank you

They all walk down the stairs

Haily: you look better now

Elena: I'm all good someone used magic on me but no worries it was no one here we will deal with them tomorrow night

Klaus: if you need us to deal with anyone we are a call away

Elena: I know

They went back to chatting and drinking hope fell asleep on the couch

Marcel: Elena, where do I put the little one?

Elena: she has her guest room I will put her into her bed later

Marcle: ok

Stefan: Everyone, thank you for coming to witness this amazing day.

Elena: You all mean a lot to us that is why we invited you all. pulse we all have to help each other or we are family. We wanted to say thank you so we made goodie bags for you all.

Bonnie: when did you have time to make these

Elena: my idea as a thank you

Liz: I gotta go i got work in a few hours i will see you tomorrow night

Elena: bye Liz

Elena went to put Hope in her room. 

Caroline: bye mom

Liz left

Jeremy text Elena

Jeremy Elena Emma's mom is a witch

Elena: I'm sorry to cut this short on all of you but we need to sleep some of at least anyway. If you to say and chat then please take it outside to the back patio.

Caroline: I'm going to go to bed good night everyone

Everyone else besieged Bonnie and Damon went outside

Out on the patio of the boarding house

Elena: Sorry about that, I knew Caroline and Bonnie were tired and Caroline was trying to drive home.

Klaus: it's ok we understand

Elena: I also had Bonnie put Hope into her bedroom

Stefan: we are glad you could make it

Hailey: thank you for having us

Rebekah: I wanted to say congrats to you two

Elena: Thanks

Stefan: I need to talk to Elena in private

Elena and Stefan walk back into the house

Stefan: Jeremy texted me to say Emma's mom is a witch so she must have found out about today and did a spell

Elena: oh, well Caroline had my phone but she gave it to me but I put it in our room

Stefan: we will deal with it tomorrow

Elena: let's get back outside

They walk outside

Damon: Everything alright?

Elena: yeah

They counted to chat for a bit and drink for a bit more. Around one am they decided to go to bed

The next day

Elena wakes up then she walks down the stairs


Elena: Wake up!

Marcel: You are gonna take the whole house up if you start yelling like that.

Rebekah: He is right you know and sorry for sleeping on the couch we had too much to drink.

Elena: no it is ok I figured someone would

Stefan comes down the stairs

Stefan: What's wrong?

Elena: nothing i wanted to wake everyone up so then we can get ready for later tonight

Marcel: good luck with the second wedding

Stefan: thanks we might need you to be a bodyguard for tonight tho

Elena: I'm gonna head to my house to find Jeremy

Stefan: ok I will make sure people are gone and fed as well

Elena kisses Stefan and then walks out the door

At Elena's house

Elena: Jeremy you home?

Jeremy: Yeah, what's up?

Elena: Did you talk to Emma yet about tonight?

Jeremy: yeah she is excited and well she wanted to drop something off for you

Elena: I got a bad feeling now

Jeremy: After the fake wedding I'm gonna break up with Emma since her mom told me what she did to you was not right.

Elena: I'm glad Stefan noticed and Hailey noticed it as well. Im happy Bonnie knew what was wrong with me. What did you find out

Jeremy: Klaus has to leave town as soon as possible Emma's mom wants to get rid of freaks like you and Klaus and get rid of the whole vampire race.

Elena: I will let Stefan know.

Jeremy: One more thing Emma is not like her mom but she does know some magic spells and they are to help people. But I can't date her anymore because she has been clingy lately.

Elena: ok here's an idea you get the thing from Emma and have Bonnie make sure it's not spelled or anything like that then give it to me when you can.

Jeremy: ok but hurry up and get the ornialgas  out of here

Elena: ok I'm on it

At the boarding house

Elena walks back to the boarding house

Elena: Everyone listens up, I found out why I looked like I was dead last night. Somehow Emma's mom found out about the wedding and she is a witch who wants to hurt people who are supernatural creatures. As much we would have to like all at the second wedding tonight. We don't want to risk everyone getting hurt. im sorry but everyone who is not from here needs to go home as soon as possible. We don't know what the witch wants. we will let you all know that we are safe.

Klaus:  I had no idea this would happen

Elena: no one knew my brother's girlfriend's mom was a witch until tonight. im sure she is trying to get payback for her daughter not being invited to the wedding.

Rebekah: What about me kol staying here?

Elena: I say go back to New Orleans until we stop the witch

Marcel: Does that mean I got to go back as well?

Stefan: no just the original family but if you feel safe back at home then go back we will watch over the mansion you have here

Kol: thanks

Haily: what about me and hope can we stay

Elena: no because once Emma's mom finds out about hope things will go downhill.

Haily: ok well we need to eat then we will be on our way

Elena: I'm truly sorry about this. We didn't know until last night and found out more stuff today.

Elijah: Elena we know it's not your fault

Elena: Thanks

Caroline: I will have Mom look into Emma's family

Stefan: that would be great

Damon: what do we do about tonight

Bonnie: I'm strong where I can spell it where no one can do magic

Elena: thanks also Emma wants to give me something and I'm not sure if it's spelled or not I need you to meet up with my brother to find out if it is get rid of it

Bonnie: ok

Rebekah: we are leaving now we wanted to say bye

Everyone who is leaving says bye

Klaus: we are just a phone call away

Stefan: we know

The originals and Hayley and Hope leave the boarding house

Damon: well I got everything all set up outside for tonight then we just have to sit and wait

Bonnie comes running into the boarding house

Bonnie: I just got done spelling the grift from Emma.

Elena: ok well I'm going to throw it out soon anyway

Bonnie: Is Caroline: up yet?

Stefan: no she is not

Bonnie: we need to wake her up tyler needs her help

Elena: ok

Bonnie goes and wakes up Caroline

Caroline: hi everyone

Elena: hey care you want to drink coffee then go see Tyler something came up

Caroline: ok, well what are the plans for tonight?

Damon: we got it covered

Bonnie: I'm going to do the spell now before I forget

Elena: thanks make sure you do it outback as well

Bonnie: on it

Bonnie does her thing

Stefan: I thought we could take a short trip

Elena: New York is far and Lexie left when I told everyone the news

Stefan: I know but that's not what I'm talking about

Elena: Were then?

Stefan: you are gonna have to trust me on this one

Elena: ok?

Damon: what about the rings

Elena: deal with them later tonight

Damon: ok but aren't they spelled as well

Elena: yeah our wedding rings are spelled to be daylight rings so we have to take off are ones we are using to wear for tonight

Damon: make sure Bonnie spelled them already

Elena: yeah she did

Stefan: Are you ready Elena?

Elena: yeah

Stefan and Elena got into Stefan's car and he put a blindfold on her

Elena: Are we there yet?

Stefan: yeah take the blindfold off

Elena took the blindfold off

Elena: what are we doing at the high school

Stefan: going down memory lane a bit

Elena: it seems like a lifetime ago that we went here

Stefan: it was the best day of my life

Elena: same here

Stefan: remember the first day I met you in the hallway in the last class of the day then you ran out of school after talking to Tyler then you tried to run away from Matt

Elena: yeah I remember that day, can we head somewhere else bad memories are coming back

Stefan: ok, we can go up to the waterfall or the bench in the woods near the house

Elena: waterfall

They walk to the waterfall

Elena: this place still looks amazing

Stefan: yeah

Elena looked down at her watch

Stefan: What's wrong?

Elena: we got to head back or we are gonna be late for the second wedding

Stefan gives Elena a kiss

Stefan: ok let's head back before Caroline kills us for being late

Elena and Stefan headed back to the high school to get the car then they drove off to the boarding house

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