Lyra || Charlie Weasley ||

Oleh TheBlackLegacy

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𝐼𝓉'π“ˆ 𝓁𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 π“Œπ‘’ π“‰π‘œπ“Šπ’Έπ’½, 𝐿𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž οΏ½... Lebih Banyak

It's Charlie, alright?
Good surprise, I hope?
Go on, give her snout a little pat
You know, I wish I could stay.
Oh Charlie, I miss you so much, I simply can't bear us being apart!
If you're here just to annoy me, please leave
Oh, Merlin, We are going to die
You're my best friend too
Don't you dare tell him
Whatever you say, troublemaker.
You are an old wizard with a waistcoat and pipe!
Ow! Ginny, quit hitting me!
All the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart.
Reckon you want to get up close and personal with that necklace
You're all I think about. I know it's selfish,'re my whole world.
Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company.
Oh just peachy, considering I'm being held hostage by homicidal relatives
You take that back, I am anything but dramatic!
Oh sure, of course, you'd say that, Mr. Star Quidditch Player
I'll always be right here to catch you
There will be no wooing me or knocking sense into him
The dare was to kiss the cutest boy in the room
β˜†:**:. π’žπ’½π’Άπ“‡π’Άπ’Έπ“‰π‘’π“‡ π’œπ‘’π“ˆπ“‰π’½π‘’π“‰π’Ύπ’Έπ“ˆ **:.β˜†
You sure you don't wanna come to Hogwarts with us? (Charlie's POV)
That was the best part of my day so far. Charlie's POV
Bells wanted to play matchmaker. Annabelle's POV
I am too young to be an uncle
Charlie Weasley! Open this damn door!
Anyone expires on my watch, I'm treating you with Skele-Gro shots!
What, no 'hello darling, so wonderful to see you'?
New Story Alert!

Looks like you've got some competition, cousin

310 10 35
Oleh TheBlackLegacy

I sat amongst the sea of black robes at the Slytherin table, anticipation thrumming through me. It was hard to believe this was my final welcome feast at Hogwarts. So much had changed, but it still felt like coming home.

The heavy doors swung open and the new first years filed in behind Professor McGonagall, faces upturned in wonder. I caught glimpses of Ara at the Gryffindor table and Ginny's bright hair further down.

McGonagall stepped up to address the Hall, stoic as ever but with a glimmer of warmth in her eyes. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!"

As she launched into the usual start-of-term notices, Draco leaned close on my left and whispered, "Your man's going to be teaching Care of Magical Creatures this year? I can not believe, Merlin this place has gone to the dogs." I followed his gaze and my heart leaped. There sat Charlie, looking unfairly handsome as if sensing my eyes on him he glanced at me, our eyes met and he winked sending my heart into a frenzy

I rolled my eyes at Draco's dramatic proclamation. "He's not 'my man'. Stop calling him 'my man'," I said evenly.

"Who is not your man?" Daphne asks

Draco smirked and jerked his chin toward the head table. "Him." Daphne leaned around me to peer up at Charlie appraisingly. "Well if he's not your man, maybe he can be mine." She fanned herself dramatically. "Merlin, he's fit."

Astoria huffed at her sister's brazenness. "Daphne! He's a professor."

Daphne just shrugged. "So? Look around, every girl here is making eyes at him."

I scanned the Great Hall surreptitiously. Sure enough, clusters of giggling girls were eyeing Charlie appreciatively. I had to resist the urge to hex them all as irritation simmered in my gut. I clenched my fist under the table as Irritation simmered in my gut. One minute into term and he already had ridiculous amounts of female attention.

I stabbed moodily at my roast chicken, appetite vanishing. Beside me, Draco chuckled knowingly.

"Looks like you've got some competition, cousin."

I smacked his arm without any real force. "Stuff it, Draco."

He held up his hands defensively, gray eyes glinting with humor. "Not my fault your man's capturing all the ladies' interests."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "One more word and I'll aim lower next time."

Draco mimed zipping his lips, though his gray eyes still glinted with laughter. Prat. I huffed and turned my attention back to my plate, cheeks warm. I couldn't deny the flicker of jealousy I felt watching other girls fawn over Charlie. But he was here as my professor and we are just friends and I am okay with that, I reminded myself sternly. I have no claim over him. Merlin, this was going to be a long year if every girl in school was fawning over Charlie.

For the next week it was becoming increasingly harder to keep my temper in control as Daphne had decided that Charlie was going to be her new obsession, "Ugh, so can we talk about how fit Professor Weasley is?" she would sigh dreamily at breakfast. "I could stare at those arms alll day."

In potions, she nudged me smirking. "Reckon Professor Weasley's got some good moves to tame those dragons. Bet that translates well in the bedroom, if you know what I mean."

I grit my teeth, choppingfluxweed more forcefully than necessary while Daphne and her friends tittered.

Even just passing Charlie in the corridors spurred a fresh round of fawning from Daphne. "Look at that tousled hair, so roguish," she cooed to her entourage. "And those chocolate eyes? I could just melt."

I gripped my books tightly, nails digging into the binding at her comments. My irritation mounted daily. It was illogical - Charlie and I were just friends, after all. But hearing Daphne's excessive mooning made me want to jinx her pretty blonde head. Well, I guess it wasn't that illogical since I am in love with him, not that he knows or cares.

"Ugh, I would let Professor Weasley ruin my life," Daphne proclaimed dramatically as we watched him talk to some students leaning in an alcove. "The things that man could do to me..."

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Daphne. It seemed like every girl at Hogwarts was fawning over Charlie.

In the halls, they would "accidentally" bump into him, blushing and stammering excuses while running their hands along his muscular arms. During meals, groups of giggling girls waved and flirted shamelessly from across the Great Hall as he ate. Even walking the grounds, there was no escaping the hoards of lovestruck students trailing after him.

And Charlie didn't seem to mind the attention one bit. He gave them all his easy, dimpled grin and laughed off their obvious flirtations. It was infuriating. And it bothered me more than I cared to admit. I started avoiding Charlie out of irritation. Even when Ginny dragged me along to visit him one evening, I remained snappy.

"Lyra, great to see you!" Charlie smiled warmly when we entered his office. "How are classes going?"

"Fine," I bit out, perching stiffly on a chair rather than my usual spot beside him on the sofa.

Charlie's brow furrowed. "Everything alright?"

"Perfect," I said tightly, avoiding his concerned gaze.

An awkward silence fell until Ginny made conversation. My irrational irritation with Charlie didn't seem to be going away. I thought I was fine with us just being friends, but that was proving difficult with the constant female attention he received.

It had been over a week since I started avoiding him. In class, I came late and left as soon as possible. When he tried to talk to me, I snapped some excuse and hurried off. The hurt and confusion on his face left me feeling guilty, but I couldn't seem to stop my behavior.

By Sunday, Ginny was begging me to join her in visiting Charlie again. After much reluctance, I let her drag me along to his chambers.

Charlie looked up in surprise when we entered. His welcoming smile faltered slightly when I avoided his gaze.

"Ginny, Lyra! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Ginny immediately launched into a story about Quidditch trials as I lingered by the door, arms crossed defensively. Charlie's laughter at his sister's antics normally would have lifted my mood, but today it just irked me further.

After fifteen painfully awkward minutes, I interrupted Ginny's monologue. "Well, we should probably get going. Don't want to take up too much of Professor Weasley's valuable time." I imbued the title with faint derision.

Charlie's eyes flashed at my tone. "Ginny, could you give Lyra and me a moment?"

Ginny looked between us curiously but slipped out without argument. "I'll see you at the lake." She said as she left. An uneasy silence descended.

"What is your issue lately?" Charlie demanded, running an agitated hand through his already disheveled red hair. "You've been snappy with me all week!"

I shifted uncomfortably under his stare. "Nothing. I don't know what you mean."

"Bullshit." Charlie rarely swore. He took a deep breath, clearly trying to rein in his temper. "Just tell me what is going on is it something I did or si-"

"Fine, you wanna know what it is?" I snapped, cutting him off, and glaring at him. "It's you and...and all these girls, that you keep flirting with!"

Charlie's brow furrowed. "Flirting? Lyra, I haven't been flirting with anyone. What are you on about?"

"It's completely inappropriate how they fawn over you!" I burst out, pacing agitatedly across his office. "Batting their lashes, finding excuses to linger after class. Have they no shame?"

Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You're being unreasonable. They're just students with a silly crush. I've done nothing to encourage them."

"Yeah right," I shot back sarcastically. "You certainly don't seem bothered by their blatant flirting! Smiling indulgently, letting them hang around..." My jealousy boiled over at his eye roll. "Do you fancy having a fan club following your every move?"

Charlie's expression darkened dangerously. "You can't honestly think I'd be interested in them? I don't even know them, Lyra! I can't really control their behavior. I don't get it, what do you want?" he says as he closes the distance between us.

Charlie's nearness makes my pulse race and my thoughts scatter. "Isn't it obvious, Charlie? I want you." Before I can catch them, the truth tumbles out unfiltered. Charlie froze, staring at me with an unreadable expression. The room went silent except for our harsh breathing. "I want you to see me as more than just a friend or little sister. I want..." I falter, nerves threatening to fail me. Charlie's intense brown eyes haven't left mine, his expression unreadable. I take a steadying breath. "I want you to kiss me."

The words hang suspended between us. My courage spent, I drop my gaze, unable to take the silence. Strong fingers catch my chin, tipping my face back up. My cheeks burned but I forced myself to hold his gaze. "Say that again," he commanded, his voice low.

I nervously wet my bottom lip. "I want you, Charlie," I whispered. "I want you to kiss me."

His hand slides to cradle my jaw, his calloused thumb feathering over my parted lips. I can't tear my stare from his mouth as he slowly dips his head.

"Well, troublemaker," Charlie murmurs, his breath warm on my tingling skin, "far be it from me to deny a lady's request."

In an instant, he closed the remaining distance between us. His strong hands gripped my waist and hauled me against him. I gasped as our bodies collided, every hard line and angle of him imprinting on my softer frame.

The first brush of his lips instantly overwhelmed my senses - warm, firm pressure followed by the tantalizing scrape of teeth along my bottom lip. I melted into him, kissing him back fervently, desperately. A rough noise rumbled from his chest. Tilting my head back, his tongue slipped between my parted lips to stroke mine. I tentatively met the slick caress, learning his taste.

We broke apart panting, pupils blown wide. A cocky grin I knew so well spread across Charlie's handsome face. Still trying to catch my breath, I couldn't help but smile back shyly.

"Well troublemaker, I'd say your wishes just came true," he drawled. His hands resumed their previous grip on my hips, kneading suggestively. "Now the question is - what do you want me to do next?"

My head spins, drunk on Charlie's kisses and the desire darkening his azure gaze. His strong hands brand my hips as he pulls me tighter to him, letting me feel exactly what our embrace has done to him. Anticipation and longing coil within me under the promise of that intimate pressure.

"I-I'm not sure," I stammer, melting under the heat of his stare. This far surpasses the fevered dreams that have tormented me during our time apart.

Charlie traces the rapid flutter of my pulse with his lips, nipping lightly. I gasp at the contrasting sensations of bliss and faint pain.

"We'll take this slow, love," he murmurs into my neck. "I want to savor every inch of you...learn all the ways to make you come undone..."

My knees nearly buckled at his words, my core aching and restless. I fist my hands in his shirt, clinging to him lest I dissolve completely from desire.

Charlie notices and chuckles darkly. "But right now, I need to get you off your feet before you collapse."

In one smooth motion, he gathers me in his strong arms. I automatically wrap my legs around his lean waist. Groaning as the position aligns our most sensitive areas, his erection presses directly against the dampening spot between my thighs.

He claims my mouth again as he walks us the short distance to the opulent bed. My mind clouds further with each insistent stroke of his tongue against mine. I'm only distantly aware of him laying me across silken sheets.

Propped above me on his elbows, Charlie breaks our heady kiss. His gorgeous features are taut with restrained lust. Still, his voice holds a note of tenderness. "You want me to want you, Princess, I have wanted you for so long it's embarrassing."

"What...what do you mean?" I whisper.

A rueful smile tugs at his kiss-swollen lips. Calloused fingers trail down my flushed cheek with surprising gentleness.

"I mean I've been fighting my attraction to you for longer than I should have," he admits. "Watching you grow into a stunning, brilliant witch these past years, all I could think was 'hands off.' You were my baby brother's friend. Off-limits."

My heart races hearing Charlie echo my own inner turmoil. Does he truly feel what I do?

His expression grows tender, if still tinged with banked desire. "But you're not a little girl anymore, are you Princess? And I can't lie to either of us about how I want you."

"For how long?" I press, needing to understand the full depth of his hidden longing.

A faraway look enters Charlie's eyes. "If I'm being honest, I think I've loved you since the first moment I saw you."

My lips part in surprise, but he continues on.

"You came into our tent at the World Cup, all laughing eyes and floating blue dress. Your smile lit up the room. When you looked my way, it was like the first bloom of spring - fresh, sweet, full of promise."

His calloused thumb traces my bottom lip tenderly. "Later, as we reached our seats at the stadium you whispered that it felt like we floated amongst the stars. I already adored your wonder and joy. In that moment, I knew I adored your soul too."

Charlie's intense brown eyes meet mine, vulnerability shining through his usual bravado. "After that, falling for you felt as natural as flying. As breathing." His voice drops lower. A muscle in his jaw ticks. "And then I walked in on you fresh out of the shower three summers ago. All sleek skin and curves in my old Quidditch jersey." His pupils dilate at the memory, making him look positively feral. "I'm only human, Lyra...Merlin, it awoke such fierce longing I could hardly breathe around you after."

One large, rough hand comes up to cup my flushed cheek with exquisite tenderness. "You captivated me then as a woman, Lyra, not a girl. And you must know by now the power you wield over me still."

Charlie leans in, his nose brushing mine, his words ghosting warm and low over my parted lips. He kissed my lips softly once more before continuing "Maybe I shouldn't want you like I do. But I know wanting you at all is as inevitable as the tides coming in, the stars wheeling overhead. You're in my blood now, Lyra. I'm helpless to resist you and I don't want to fight this attraction another second not if you want this too. However you'll have me, I'm yours, my bright star."

Joy and astonishment rush through me even as delicious heat pools low in my belly. I trace a shaking hand over the hard lines of muscle and sinew I've admired from afar for so long. Charlie inhales sharply.

Gripping his fiery hair, I guide him down until our raging breaths mingle. "I've wanted to be yours from the moment I first felt your arms around me at the World Cup," I confess in a passion-roughened voice. "Holding you in my arms, I knew even then I never wanted to let you go."

I press feather-light kisses to his jaw, feeling stubble prickle my lips. "Loving you feels like the most natural thing in the world to me too, Charlie."

His strained groan vibrates through me as I nuzzle just below his ear. "Maybe this goes against logic but never has anything felt more right or real." I pull back to meet his darkened gaze, equal longing shining in my own. "Make me yours. However you want, I'm already wholly and completely yours."

A growl rumbles deep in Charlie's chest. His restraint snapped, and he crushes his mouth to mine. I open eagerly to him, tongues tangling in unrestrained desire. My fingers claw at his shoulders, and his arms, needing him impossibly nearer. With a rough sound, he pulls off my dress. I gasp, arching as his hard frame covers me again. Strong hands trail liquid fire over every inch of bared skin.

Charlie's breath is hot against my skin as his lips blaze a trail from the tender spot below my ear down to the curve of my shoulder. I arch into him instinctively as he finds a particularly sensitive spot and sucks gently. When he lifts his head, eyes darkened with desire, my heart skips a beat.

In one smooth move, Charlie grasps the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head, muscles rippling. The sight of his bare sun-kissed chest makes my mouth go dry even as warmth pools low inside me.

With feline grace, he stretches out on the blanket next to me, propped up on one elbow. Charlie trails a single finger slowly down the side of my face and along my collarbone, touch feather-light yet setting every nerve-ending alight.

"As much as I want to have you here and now..." His voice comes out husky before he pauses to gently grasp my chin. "You deserve more than a quick shag you deserve everything. I want to do this right - nice dinners, moonlit walks..." Charlie presses a soft kiss to my lips, smiling. "Watching the stars reflect in your eyes as I show you just how much you mean to me."

My heart thrums wildly hearing his heartfelt words and I can't help the giddy laugh that escapes. "Getting sappy on me, Weasley?" I whisper against his mouth.

Charlie chuckles, low and arousing. His lips brush mine as he murmurs, "Only for you, Black." And as he draws me in for a deeper kiss.

☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆


I am so happy for them.


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