From Shattered to Mende

By Loneliness4322

1.6K 22 25

Sonic Prime season 3 spoilers so don't read this if you haven't watched the season yet. Sonic is back in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

117 2 6
By Loneliness4322

A/N: Just a warning for you guys. The story is going to be dark for now on. In this chapter, there will be manipulation.

As Sonic groans in pain, a ripple of discomfort courses through his body. His eyes lock onto Tails, a determined glint despite the agony. "Tails... The Prism... If I have this, I can control the energy."

Tails, torn between concern and caution, responds urgently, "Sonic, it is too much for you. It will make you feel insane soon."

Shadow, witnessing Sonic's struggle, steps forward, a stern expression on his face. "Sonic, listen to Tails."

Sonic's gaze shifts from Tails to Shadow, a mixture of determination and frustration in his eyes. "Shads, I can handle it. I need to do this."

Tails, realizing the severity of the situation, directs his attention to Nine and Sails. "Is there any way to get a lot of the energy out of him?"

Nine, furrowing his brow, contemplates the options. "We could try a controlled extraction, but it's risky. Sonic absorbing the Prism's energy wasn't part of the plan."

Sails, sharing the concern, adds, "If we don't act quickly, the energy might overwhelm him."

Shadow, not willing to take chances, steps forward. "Do it. We can't let Sonic bear the burden of all that power."

Sonic's anguish reaches a crescendo as he suddenly screams, "No!" The room falls into stunned silence, everyone turning to look at him, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and helplessness.

Knuckles, his gaze fixed on Sonic, steps forward. "Sonic, we..."

But before Knuckles can finish, Sonic's eyes flare with an intense light, mirroring the vibrant hues of the absorbed Prism energy. He exhibits an erratic behavior, reminiscent of moments when he harnessed the Prism's power.

Nine, fear gripping him, stammers, "This is bad. He's losing control."

Without warning, Sonic bolts out of the room, a blur of speed that catches everyone off guard. Attempts to stop him prove futile, as he maneuvers through the space with such velocity that no one can intervene in time.

Shadow, Knuckles, Tails, and the others exchange concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Shadow grits his teeth. "We need to find him before he does something he'll regret."

The urgency of their mission intensifies as they rush to locate Sonic, uncertain of the consequences of his unbridled connection with the Prism's energy.


Shadow dashes through the Boscage Maze, his determined strides carrying him deeper into the labyrinthine foliage. As he navigates the intricate paths, he stumbles upon an unexpected gathering. Amy, alongside Rusty and Black Rose, engages in a conversation with the Scavengers – Prim, Gnarly and Hangry. 

Breathless, Shadow interrupts, urgency etched on his face. "Amy, have you seen Sonic?!"

Amy, turning towards Shadow, senses the gravity of the situation. "Shadow, what's wrong? Sonic is in trouble?"

Shadow nods, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any sign of Sonic. "He absorbed too much Prism energy, and now he's losing control. We need to find him before something happens."

The counterparts exchange concerned glances, realizing the severity of the situation. Rusty speaks up, "We'll help you look for him. The Scavengers know this maze better than anyone."

Prim nods in agreement. "We've got it."

With newfound determination, the group, a unique alliance of Sonic's friends and their counterparts, sets out into the depths of the Boscage Maze. 


In the heart of Green Hill, Sonic finds himself in a secluded cave, the vibrant surroundings contrasting with the turmoil within him. As he collapses to the ground, holding his head and letting out agonizing screams, the cave echoes with the intensity of his inner struggle.

In the midst of Sonic's torment, a mysterious trio of hedgehogs appears, each bearing a striking resemblance to him. Sonic, disoriented, squints through the pain and locks eyes with them.

"So, you are Sonic..." one of them remarks, a figure clad in a jacket adorned with the Chaos Council logo.

Sonic, still recovering, manages to inquire weakly, "W... Who are you?"

"I am Phantom," the jacket-clad hedgehog declares with an air of authority.

A second hedgehog, with a pirate-like voice, steps forward. "And I am Sato."

The third, a wild-looking hedgehog, introduces himself. "And this is Crela," Sato adds.

Sonic, still grappling with the effects of the Prism energy, pieces together the situation. "You are my counterparts..."

Phantom nods solemnly. "Yes. You created us after your Green Hill was fixed."

Sonic, bewildered, attempts to make sense of their presence. "Why are you here now?"

Phantom gazes at Sonic with piercing eyes, a hint of manipulation in his demeanor. "Tell me, Sonic. What does the Paradox Prism energy feel? Evil? Good?"

Struggling to articulate his experience, Sonic responds, his voice wavering, "B... Both... Mostly evil... I guess..."

Phantom leans in, his expression taking on a sinister quality. "And what are you? Evil or good?"

As Sonic grapples with the question, Phantom's face twists into a more malevolent expression. Meanwhile, Sato, with a more benevolent countenance, and Crela, exuding an air of calculated malevolence, stand beside him.

Sonic hesitates, torn between the conflicting energies within him. "I... I've always fought for what's right, but the Prism's power... it's changing me."

Phantom's smile widens as Sonic expresses his inner conflict. "Let it change you. It is for the best."

Sonic's demeanor shifts abruptly, his once benevolent expression turning dark. "Is it?" he questions, his voice taking on a sinister tone.

Phantom, still smiling, continues to play his manipulative game. "Tell me, Sonic, who is your enemy?"

"Eggman," Sonic responds without hesitation.

Phantom's eyes gleam with a malicious glint. "And what did he do? In the past?"

As Sonic recounts the memories, a surge of emotions wells up within him. "He tried to control everything, turning innocent creatures into robots, causing chaos. I've always stopped him, no matter what."

Sato's evil look intensifies, mirroring the growing malevolence in his voice. "And yet, despite your efforts, the cycle repeats. Eggman remains a constant threat. Perhaps it's time for a different approach, Sonic."

Phantom, reveling in the chaos of Sonic's emotions, adds with a sly grin, "Embrace the Prism's power, and you may find a new way to deal with your enemies. The lines between good and evil are not always clear."

Sonic, caught in the web of conflicting emotions, slowly looks at his counterparts. "Like kill Eggman?"

Phantom nods, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Yes. Do you always want it?"

Sonic hesitates, uncertainty etched across his face. "N... Ye... I don't know..."

"If you want to kill Eggman, after it, you can control the world," Sato interjects with a sinister promise, his voice dripping with manipulation.

"Sonic?" A voice cuts through the tense atmosphere. It's Shadow, who has finally found Sonic in the cave. His eyes narrow as he takes in the scene, focusing on the enigmatic hedgehogs that accompany Sonic.

Phantom turns to face Shadow, a challenging smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, the infamous Shadow. We were just discussing Sonic's potential. Care to join the conversation?"

Shadow's gaze flickers between Sonic and the counterparts, suspicion evident in his eyes. "What are you up to?"

Phantom's grin widens as he leaves a cryptic message hanging in the air. "Merely guiding Sonic toward his true destiny. The choice is his."

Shadow's concern deepens as he steps forward, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What true destiny? What choice?"

Phantom, still wearing his enigmatic smile, responds with a cryptic air. "Sonic's destiny is not confined to the roles he's played before. The Paradox Prism offers a chance for evolution, for a new path."

Sato chimes in with a sinister tone. "A choice between clinging to the old ways, endlessly battling Eggman, or embracing a power that transcends those limits."

Crela adds with a hint of malevolence, "And with that power, Sonic could reshape the world in ways unimaginable."

Shadow's concern turns to a subtle warning as he addresses Sonic directly. "Sonic, don't let their words sway you. We've always fought for justice and to protect the world. What they're suggesting could lead to unpredictable consequences."

Phantom, undeterred, leans in with a manipulative glint in his eyes. "Shadow, the world is constantly changing. Maybe it's time Sonic embraced change as well."

Sonic slowly looks at Shadow, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "Shadow... What are we? Friends? Enemies?"

Shadow meets Sonic's gaze, a complex mix of emotions playing across his features. "Sonic... When I protected you for Nine... I began to have feelings for you."

The revelation hangs in the air, a palpable tension settling between them. Sonic, taken aback, processes Shadow's words, his mind navigating the uncharted territory of their relationship.

Shadow continues, his tone sincere. "We've been through a lot together, Sonic. Friends, enemies, and something more. I can't deny the connection we share."

Sonic, still grappling with the Prism's influence and the enigmatic choices ahead, searches Shadow's eyes for a deeper understanding. "Shadow, what does this mean for us now?"

As Sonic and Shadow engage in this emotional exchange, Phantom's patience wears thin. His anger flares, and he directs a commanding glare at his counterparts. "Sato, Crela, let Shadow away from here! We are losing Sonic!"

Sato and Crela, under Phantom's orders, move swiftly toward Shadow. Sensing the danger, Shadow attempts to dodge them, but Phantom, fueled by frustration, throws a mysterious object. The projectile connects with Shadow, and an icy chill envelops him, freezing him in place.

Sonic watches in alarm as Shadow becomes immobilized, trapped in an unseen force. "Shadow!"

Phantom smirks, satisfied with his control over the situation. "You can't escape the inevitable, Shadow. Sonic is facing a choice, and nothing will interfere."

As Sonic looks helplessly at Shadow, the realization of the precarious situation sinks in. 

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