Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is bad.

In the eerie quiet of the desolate landscape, the group approached the looming confrontation, tension palpable. Knucks felt an unsettling unease lingering in the air.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Knucks turned to Shadow, the brooding leader of the group. "Shadow," he ventured cautiously, "what are the names of Sonic's counterparts?"

Shadow's gaze remained fixed ahead as he responded, "Phantom, Sato, and Crela."

A sudden stillness gripped Knucks, freezing him in his tracks. Disbelief etched on his face, he repeated, "Phantom?" as if grappling with the unexpected revelation. "But that's... He... "

Rebel, alongside Knucks, mirrored the shock. "He's alive, but..." Knucks uttered, his voice revealing a mix of relief and disbelief. "I thought he had turned good."

Rebel, meeting Knucks' gaze, shared a silent understanding.

Knuckles, torn by conflicting emotions, redirected his attention to Shadow. "Phantom used to be Knucks' friend before falling prey to the Chaos Council's influence," he explained, the weight of the revelation settling on his shoulders.

Shadow, maintaining a stoic expression, nodded in acknowledgment. "We'll unravel the complexities later. Our immediate focus is on saving Sonic and preventing further chaos."

As the group pressed on through the desolation, a growing sense of urgency hung in the air. Shadow's typically composed demeanor betrayed a subtle unease, his instincts whispering that time was slipping away faster than they could catch up.

Minutes later, the group arrived at the outskirts of the Eggman base, only to be met with a chilling scene of destruction. The once-patrolling Badniks lay dismantled, and the imposing figures of Eggforcers were reduced to scattered parts. The air crackled with an unsettling energy, a testament to the chaotic clash that had transpired.

Shadow, sensing the impending truth, dashed ahead and entered the base with unwavering determination. The metallic echoes of his steps reverberated through the cavernous corridors as he navigated the remnants of Eggman's fortress.

As he reached the heart of the base, a haunting tableau greeted him. The lifeless bodies of Dr. Eggman and the Chaos Council lay strewn across the floor, their ambitions extinguished in the wake of Sonic's devastating power.

A hushed silence settled over Shadow as he took in the grim aftermath. The weight of the realization pressed upon him, and a profound sense of loss crept into his stoic expression. "We're too late..." he murmured, the words escaping with a heaviness that resonated through the cavern.

The group, now catching up with Shadow, witnessed the somber scene. Tails, Knuckles, Rebel, and the others surveyed the destruction, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Rusty, Nine, Sails, and Mangey exchanged somber glances, understanding the irreversible turn of events.

Shadow, his gaze fixed on the lifeless forms before him, spoke with a heavy heart. "Sonic did it... He succumbed to the Prism's influence, and now, this is the result."

The desolation within the base mirrored the turmoil in Shadow's eyes. The once-formidable figures now lay defeated, their grand plans obliterated by Sonic's uncontrollable power.

Tails, usually the beacon of optimism, appeared visibly distressed as he surveyed the aftermath. A pallor had washed over his features, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and concern. He turned to Shadow, seeking guidance in the face of the grim reality.

Shadow, his gaze still fixed on the scene, felt Tails' eyes on him. As he met Tails' gaze, the young fox spoke with a tremor in his voice, "Shadow, what are we going to do now?"

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