The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

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I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
A Twist Of Heart
A Change In Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

Passage Of Time

11.4K 442 20
By War_Goddess_Nae

 Time has passed slowly over the last five months , peace has became something I have grown accustom to. I have been free to grow and fluoresce as a person from the grasp of Lord Aku's oppression. Kai has done everything he's promised by protecting me from Aku who seems to have lurking eyes everywhere. I dream of being home and having my child there so that my son may grow up and take back our kingdom from my evil step father but trouble had arise and I am now to far along with child to travel so no ship or merchant wants to travel with me aboard. I stay confined to Kai's simple room but everything I want and need I have access to and at night I am allowed to travel outside among the star's.

I woke up to a sharp pain on my side I gently put my hand on the side of my swollen belly and rubbed my angry child. I felt the kick of him again, I looked at the flesh of my stomach as it pushed out from my belly and I couldn't help but giggle. Why did my child do this and cause me so much pain I rubbed his foot a little more to let him know I was up.

"Are you hungry little one ? " I whispered still giggling

The wall that lead to my room opened Kai walked in with the tray of food smiling ear to ear, I quickly went to stand slowly walking up to Kai. He stood up after putting the tray down and grabbed my waist bringing me in for a kiss.

"Look at how large you have become." He said laying his large hand on my stomach as my child kicked his hand.

"What have you brought me to eat , I giggled rubbing my hands over my stomach . Kai quickly moved his hand and kissed me again

" I have brought him what he likes fresh melons and meat to make him strong." Kai moved over to the table where he laid my tray and removed the lid.

I went to the table and sat down as Kai pulled out my chair as soon as I sat down he pushed me in and rubbed my back as I began to eat.

As I was eating a knock came to Kai's door and he quickly shut the wall and I listen as he opened the door.

"Hello brother what can I do for you ? " Kai's voice was annoyed and aggravated

"I came to let you know Lord Aku will be here in two days time, you must get rid of her if you do not wish death on your town." Kadri said in a angry tone

"I am not turning her over to the wild she is 2 and half seasons pregnant is she is to have the child in the wild it may die." Kai sound as if his anger might be getting the best of him

" I AM NOT GOING TO ALLOW OUR TOWN BE RIPPED AWAY FROM US BECAUSE YOU WONT GIVE AKU HIS BED WHORE , GET HER OUT OF THIS VILLAGE BY TIME HE GETS HERE OR I WILL TURN YOU BOTH IN." Kadri yelled at his older brother but he was right death would be fall Kai and I am not sure of what would be done to me but surly it wouldn't be good.

I couldn't expect him to choose me over his town his people of flesh and blood people he has known all his life for me. I was no one to him not any of his entitlements on top of that I was already used and pregnant with someone else child.


I pushed against the wall and it open they both stared at me in shock

"Please do not fight I will leave." I cried out as Kai came to me and embraced me in a massive hug pushing against my stomach.

"Look at her brother, she is not yours that child is not your heir and Aku will kill you if you think he will give you a second chance to bed his whore you are foolish. " Kadri said frowning and walked out slamming the door behind him.

"I was foolish to think this would last, I cant believe this I am sorry Kai but its better if I leave." I held on to his shoulders to keep balance but that didn't help me I leaned deep into his shoulders

"Neania nothing will make me turn you into the woods, not even the faint heart of Aku's hands that would provide death." Kai kissed my head

"What are we going to do love ?" I said moving back and rubbing my stomach feeling my child kick

"I am going to move you and we will work things out from there but until then I am going to have to keep a closer eye on the town because I know Aku will send spy's to watch me first before he arrives."

I walked over to the table and grabbed an apple, biting into it I knew Kai would once again prove himself as the man I knew him to be.

Kadri's P.O.V

~Later the Same Day~

My brother was stupid he was going to let our whole town be massacred by Jarl Aku's hands, he knew that Aku was crazy enough to kill everyone if he even found a reason that Kai was helping that whore. I gently grind my foot into the side of the horses side to make her go faster as the horse picked up speed I could see Aku's town from the side of the mountain. I knew this was betrayal but I might be able to save our town and even my brother's life but someone has to pay a price and I know Aku is not going to turn a blind eye to this behavior.

As I finally came to the end of the rode I heard the horns being blown which is a sign of royal coming into town which would alert Aku of my coming. I slowed down as three men came to greet me riding horses,

"My Lord Kadri Jarl Aku is waiting for you. " Marruk said turning his horse around leading me threw the town

I started to feel this painfulness in the pit of my stomach that was the first sign I was betraying my brother, he would never forgive me but this has to be done for the great good of our people. Our father worked hard to make the great town we have now, showing our people to trust in our family protecting them and leading them in the right way. Not to betray them for a random whore of another Jarl who was our King I knew I was betraying him but he had betrayed our Jarl and King Aku.

Once we reached Aku's home I jumped off my horse and the door's open reveling lady Lillth which was one of Aku's women she was larger then last time and her belly was large as if she was with child the brown dress draped over her stomach.

"Greeting Lord Kadri." Lillth greeted as she waited for me to enter

"Greeting Lady Lillth, It seems you are with child." I said walking past her

She shut the door smiled bowing her head and leading me to the main hall where Aku was sitting in his chair eating his lunch for the day. He stood up and greeted me

"Hello Brother, how are you this evening ?" He asked sitting back down shoving meat into his mouth as mead fell form his beard.

"I am fine Jarl Aku." I said sitting down at the table removing my fur's

"Where is your brother ?" Aku asked leaning forward not wasting time as if he knew something

"Aku I have came on good faith that we may be able to work something out as an agreement ?" I asked leaning closer to the table but Aku paused and looked at Lillth waving his hand she walked out shutting the door behind her.

"Where is she ?" His voice seemed to be taken by anger

"She is safe my brother has watched over her for 2 and half seasons, but I must request of you this. Please do not kill our people, crops, or cattle and that if you take Kai from Jarl that you will give me the honor of Jarl of my town." I said all my request getting everything I need out so that nothing goes left un- turned.

"I am surprised you do not ask for your brother's life, but I will think about your offer but first I want Neania back and in chains behind her your brother after we have talked about things and I make sure my Neania is still in shape and bearing child then and then will I give you jarlship of your town. Until then I would advise to to watch your back around your brother because soon everything will fall on him and I wouldn't want the new Jarl to be taken down with him." Aku said shoving more meat into his mouth with some fruit.

Neania's P.O.V

~That Same Night~

I leaned back in my chair as the door slowly open it was Kai holding my tea I had started drinking to help my child grow. He came around the chair so that we were in full view of each other, I covered my belly with the large furs that Kai had brought me to keep us warm. He handed me the drink and I started to slowly sip it down, I felt the warm liquid slide down my throat coating it with steam as it entered my stomach. As I kept drinking soon the top of the blanket extend off my stomach due to my child pushing against the thing skin that separated him from where he wants to be held in the comfort of my arms. Kai took the cup after I finished and walked out shutting the door behind him, I looked over my shoulder and the room was empty behind me.

I stood up and walked to the fire place throwing all my furs to the ground I grabbed the cushion that Kai had created for me and lowered myself to the ground I laid facing the warm fire as it felt so good against my cold flesh. I laid there thinking of my child, how he would be when he reached an older age would he take after his father being a monster or would he be like me free and balanced in life. I want my son to be a strong man to be great and willing to understand the weak and to provide them with protection. My son would rise to power and I will take him back to our homeland to over throw my step father and restore our kingdom back to its glory. I laid my head back dreaming of all the amazing things my son will do and who he will be I was safe, he was safe and everything was now alright.

Lord Aku's P.O.V

~Same Night~

I moved from Lillth side and sat on the edge of the bed we shared just a few moments ago, I pushed my hair back and took a deep breath. My Neania would son be home and everything would be back to normal I would have my son and she was soon to give birth I had to make sure she is home by the time she is to birth my son into this world. I looked over my shoulder at Lillth who's belly was also swollen with child hopefully another male to add to the family. I reached over and touched her belly as she stirred in her sleep, I knew she missed Neania dearly Lillth spends a great amount of time in Neania's room cleaning it and things even though she is instructed for bed rest. The only one that seemed to benefit from Neania's sudden rebellion was Krista who seemed to beg me to lay with her at every chance she gets but she has still not manage to bear another child.

"Is Neania coming home ?" Lillth's voice was cracking as if she was going to cry

I pushed her hair away from her face and looked at her beautiful face, I knew that her heart was set on finding Neania. Lillth has worried herself crazy thinking of all the place Neania could of found running, even before she knew she was pregnant she spent a lot of her time with me help looking for Neania she feared Neania would miscarry the child she bared. I knew Neania meant the world to Lillth, it wasn't only important to me that Neania came home but also to Lillth.

"Yes Neania will be coming home very soon." I whispered to her keeping our voice down I didn't want to deal with Krista's behavior any time soon so I keep everything away from her.

Lillth smiled and leaned up to look at me better "Do you know if she still bear's the child ?" Lillth was hopeful everything would be alright but until I seen her for myself I could promise nothing.

"I am unsure of her child baring status right now, but we must pray to the Gods she is well with child." I started to rub circles on her stomach as she slowly started to fall back asleep, I kept rubbing her stomach until she was fully asleep and her breathing became even.

I got up and threw my furs around me, I walked out quietly I couldn't allow Neania to be away from us any longer tomorrow at the first break of dawn I would return with Kadri to his town and bring back Neania and Kai in chains.

I laid back down and though of how soon all of my women and children would be under one house. Soon the idea of having everything restored to peace sent me into a deep sleep of how things were going to be.

Kadri P.O.V



I slowly started to open my eyes adjusting to the light that was blinding me until I seen Aku already dressed in his armor. He stood tall over me in the bed I was sleeping, I rolled off the bed and stood up now looking at Aku.

"Gather yourself and ready to depart soon, I need to see her as soon as possible." Aku said moving around turning away walking out the door.

I quickly got up and changed into my things for the rode, I came outside and Aku was sitting on his horse full armed looking as if he was ready for war. He was being accompany by 20 of his men all dressed and ready for war, I walked to my horse and climbed up. Aku lead the riding pack as we made our journey back to my town where things were about to change for everyone.

Neania P.O.V

I sat across from Kai as we ate breakfast enjoying the company of one another. I smiled to think after this visit with Aku, Kai and I could have a bright future with this child until he is able to get me back home. I was smiling so much in thought I hadn't notice that Kai was talking to me.

"Neania do you hear me love ?" Kai said smiling from across the table

"I am sorry I wasn't paying attention, what did you ask ?" I smiled putting some bread in my mouth.

He laughed and started leaning against the table looking at me more closely

"I asked you what would you like to do today ?" Kai said to me showing me all of his attention

Right before I could answer the bell was being rung someone royal was coming into town. Kai's face wore a frighting look, he quickly stood up and I pushed away from the table. I wobbled around the table to Kai, quickly grabbing my hand we started to walk away from the dinning area towards my small room. Once we reached his room he pushed the wall open and walked me in,I sat on the bed watching Kai put things in one of my bags he had one of the women make for me.

"I am packing your things, I will see who it is and I will come back for you Neania and we will run but until then stay in here and be quiet please." Kai kissed my cheek and walked away shutting the wall behind him.

I leaned down on the side of my bed and begin to pray I knew God was still listening in all this mess God would hear me out.

Dear God

Please don't let Aku find me, protect Kai in his way of protecting me. I need you to watch over him as you watch over me. Give me the strength to fight temptation and to resist evil. Give Kai the strength to face any adversity that may come his way God. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.

I silently prayed hoping God was listening to my prayer's soon sleep over took me and like a fire splashed with water I was out. I must of slept for a great amount of time when the wall open back up I jumped and looked only to be met by Kai's eyes.

"Neania." He whispered walking to me standing on his knees

"My sweet Neania," Kai said again rubbing his head against my lap

"What is wrong ?" I asked truly worried about Kai as I rubbed his head moving his hair away from his face.

"My own brother has betrayed me he has brought Aku here on the grounds of him being Jarl of our family's town. He has promised to turn you and me over to Aku for the lives of the towns people and Jarlship of the town Neania, I have made plans Neania for you to travel to another land further away with some monks they are decent men but they will want you fully covered. They hold no loyalty to any man but they are people of their words. You will have to travel to the beach a few towns over I can give you a horse but some will have to be done by walking." Kai said all of this with only a few breaths which confused me

"Kai what are you saying ?" I asked tears coming down my eyes as I already knew what Kai was saying he wanted me to run but I knew once again he would pay for such a crime towards his king.

"Come we leave while it is night." Kai grabbed my one bag and stuffed some things in it which was most likely food. I put my cloak on and pulled my hood up as Kai grabbed my hand and lead me out of my safety stop.

We walked around the house until we came to the back quarter where the slaves came in and out through the house. We slowly made our way to the barn where a horse was waiting already packed with two bags and ready to go Kai tied the bag in his hand to the horse and picked me up with all his power putting me lightly on the horse. I groaned at the weight I felt as my child held me down making me fill heavier then normal.

"Just head north of this town and a smaller town will be waiting there a monk will be waiting to guide you on the ship." Kai said rubbing my leg I bent as far over as I could and kissed him so softly on his lips it was as I had kissed a flower peddle. Once I moved back and leaned forward Kai open the back barn doors and the night was exposed to me. The forest held wild noise's that scared me but for my child I must keep moving I will not be caught only to be made a bed whore.

I put pressure in the horse's side as it started running off into the night, I glanced back just as I hear Kai yell and his body falls to the ground and another figure came from the shadows of the barn. I turned back around pushing the horse to move fast and soon night started to be gone and the break of dawn was near.

I felt my child make slight movements to aggravate me as to kick me in my chest which caused me to be shortness of breath. I rubbed my belly as soon me and my child would be free we would not be under the hand of his father. What shall I tell my child of his father maybe I could say he was a good man from my town that dies in honor of my name. Something my child could be proud of, as the day went on hunger started to get the best of me and I knew I had to stop I slowly came to a stop and slide off the side of my horse landing on my feet causing a sharp pain in my side. I felt so heavy and full of pressure but I ignore it.

I grabbed the blanket and laid it next to the stream which seemed nice but I had no time for baths. I pulled out two apples and a small loaf of bread, I smiled knowing Kai picked this bread out it was my favorite, this bread had some type of nut in it that my child loved and when I ate it he rubs against my skin with his small hands. I started to eat my apple when a wave of pressure hit me and I cried out, gently I rubbed my stomach and inside of me I felt a pain that I have never experienced before. I rubbed harder against my belly as I started to cry at the pain I was having. I felt another wave of pressure, it pained me so bad I laid back on the blanket and started to pray.

The pressure seemed to last for hours, I rubbed my belly over and over again trying to make sure I wasn't miscarrying the child. I still have time before the child is born so what could this be, I have to move I am in the wide open and can be easily seen from a far. I slowly moved so I was on my hands and knees looking at the ground I pushed myself up and another wave of pain hit me my legs gave out and a liquid started to gush from between my legs soaking the bottom of my dress and cloak. I cried in pain as the though that this child I have grown to love will not live. I laid back down in the soaking wet grass where I had all this liquid coming from my womanly area's. I bent forward and moved my dress up, gently I moved my hands down to my area only to feel that something was right there.

At that moment I knew my child was coming my baby would soon be joining me in this world. I knew I needed to be in the water the stream was deep enough for me to sit in but not deep enough for me to drown or lose my child in the stream. I slowly started to move towards the stream until I felt my leg touch the water, I lowered myself into the water still crying and have great amounts of pressure on my stomach once I was in it the water came to my lower chest. I pulled my dress up past my knees and braced myself to push as what I have heard you are suppose to do when you are giving birth. I pushed and my leg moved from under me and I lost balance which caused my to fall sideways in the water. I busted out in tears I cant do this alone, I closed my eyes and slowly started to breath deeply. I heard horses and movement the ground around me was moving I open my eyes and looked over at my horse as she started to go wild. I couldn't get out and go to her so she ran off with in seconds I looked deeper in the forest as the trees and things started to move. I panicked I was easy picking anything or anyone could kill me I was left out in the open weak and exposed. Three massive horses came into view and riding on the one in front was none other then Aku covered in furs and armor with his large sword at his hip.

They all dismounted and Aku looked at me, I frowned at him until another wave of pain hit me. I closed my eyes and tears poured down my face as I felt more pressure. I heard something hard hit the ground Aku had removed his sword and was taking off his fur he removed everything but his pants and booths as he walked into the stream. I leaned further away from Aku as he came closer, He grabbed my left leg placing it on his knee along with my right leg. He slowly moved his hand to my womanly area and felt the baby, another wave of pain hit me and I lifted up out the water crying.

"Neania, take deep breaths." Aku spoke so calm and relaxed I started to deep breath.

"I am going to tell you when to push so you must push and listen closely." Aku moved his hands to my knees holding my legs apart to where he could see everything.

"Push." He commanded and with all my power and strength I pushed with his knees there to reinforce my power it helped balanced me.

I felt something move inside of me causing less pressure, I reached my hand down and felt the head of the child. I smiled and Aku rubbed my hand, I quickly snatched my hand back and glared at him.

"Burj go and bring my sister and Lillth along with a wet nurse." Aku said to one of the men behind me.

"We must get him out now." Aku said talking to me I said nothing in respond I just frowned

"Push." He commanded and I pushed with all my power but the child didn't move.

I begin to cry I was hurting and tired, sweaty and soaking wet. My child will die inside of me and I shall die soon. Aku rubbed my legs and moved away letting my legs fall he went over and grabbed his shirt. He wiped all the sweat from my forehead and wrapped his shirt in a bundle until it was small.

"Bite down on this, you have bitten your lip." Aku said putting the shirt in my mouth frowning. He went back down to my legs and lifted them up again on his knee.

"Push." he commanded and I did so

After a while I was so tired and exhausted I couldn't move , I was limp and weak. I cried harder and shook my head no

"I CANT DO IT." I whined as Aku rubbed my legs

"Neania, you must push one more time, just once." he leaned down in the water and came back out after a few seconds he came out.

"Push." He commanded

With every force in my body I pushed, I pushed with the force of everything in me and I felt the pressure from inside me slip away. I leaned against the bank and sighed, breathing deeply I watched as Aku held my small child in his large hand. I listen for the weak cry of my child as black spots danced in my vision and soon I couldn't see anything in one moment I couldn't hear and I felt my body slowly start to lose feeling. 

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