🏴‍☠️~My Captain~ 🏴‍☠️ Buggy...

By TheRealSJ10

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A One Piece fanfic Buggy the Clown x Oc Lydia has a secret. She isn't human. While living in a peaceful villa... More

Chapter 1: Best Friends Forever
Chapter 2: Arlong
Chapter 4: Rescued by a Old Friend
Chapter 5: You Did Keep Your Promise
Chapter 6: Ambushed by a Whale
Chapter 7: Casted Away
Chapter 8: Alone with Friends
Chapter 9: The Kingdom
Chapter 10: Mihawk and Luffy
Chapter 11: Arlong Returns
Chapter 12: Bruce
Chapter 13: Arlong's Torture
Chapter 14: Reunited with Buggy's Crew/The Fight
Chapter 15: His Return
Chapter 16: Guilt
Chapter 17: I am Proud of You
Chapter 18: The Search for Buggy's Pieces
Chapter 19: Father and the Anestors
Chapter 20: Mini Buggy vs Bird
Chapter 21: Lydia Saves Buggy
Chapter 22: Buggy's Secret
Chapter 23: Giving Buggy a Bath
Chapter 24: Arlong is not Dead
Chapter 25: You Can't Escape From Me, Little Girl
Chapter 26: Buggy vs Arlong

Chapter 3: Chained and Forced Marriage

218 4 0
By TheRealSJ10

Lydia had been chained up all night below deck. She couldn't sleep due to what happened last night. She was so traumatized. Even seeing the mutants. Her lips were starting to get dry from not drinking water for the several hours on their ship.

Soon she heard the door opened and shivered. It was Arlong. Arlong's heavy footsteps echoed as he made his way down to the brig. When he saw Lydia on the floor of her cell he laughed, "did you have a comfortable night? You know....my bed is much more comfortable."

Lydia shivered and pushed herself away. He then pulled his keys out and unlocked her cell. Her lips quiver. She didn't know what he was going to do to her, but she sensed something awful.

Once the cell door opened, he yanked her out of the cell and she squeaked in fear.

"How old are you now, little girl?" he leered at her as he drew closer.

"....six-s-sixteen...," she shivered tearing up.

He grinned, "so....you're old enough for a husband. And funnily enough, I'm looking for a wife."

"N-n-no, I-I don't want one...," she shivered. She rather she killed herself than be with him.

"I'm not asking. I'm telling you. We're going to be married. Right now."

Another member of his crew then came down to the brig and handed Arlong a bundle of material. Arlong took it and threw it at her. It was a wedding dress.

"Get ready. You have five minutes to make yourself pretty for the ceremony."

Lydia shivered. But she noticed Arlong wasn't leaving. "C-can I have some privacy please?"

He smirked, "No. why hide what I'm going to see later anyway? I already told you, you're mine. That means I can see all of you as I please."

"But we're not married—"

"And who cares about that? I'm only looking at you. Besides I'm not asking you. It's an order!!"

Lydia started to tear up and sniffle as she undressed down to her undergarments and slipped on the dress. She then jump feeling his fingers grabbing the zipper and zipped it up. She held in her breath when he sniffed against her neck.

".....you smell surprisingly well considering you've been mixed up with humans for so long," he then scraped his pointed teeth across the back of her neck, "I hope you taste as good as you smell and look."

She started to whimper and slipped up, "...Buggy...," she just missed him so much.

Arlong froze, "what did you just say? What was that name???" he demanded.

Lydia shivered. He must hate him so much so she kept her mouth shut.

"How do you know of that sniveling bottom-feeder? That pathetic clown...HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM?!"

Lydia whimpered shaking, but still kept her mouth shut. That angered Arlong more so he slammed her against the wall and she screamed. "STOP!"

"You don't tell me what to do!!!" he growled and gripped her hair, pulling her her head back painfully, "has he ever touched you? Don't tell me you're another one of his whores!!"

Hearing that hurt her more than him tugging her hair, "n-no. He's my captain...he is my best friend...since we were kids. He gave me his word he would come back for me. I will be his first mate...," she then broke down fearing for Buggy's life was in danger.

Arlong then laughed deeply, "you think knowing him as a child means you know him? That clown is pathetic. He's a coward, selfish, and spends all the money he steals on rum and harlots. He's long forgotten about you. That's why he never came back for you, you stupid naive girl!"

He then threw her down to the floor. Lydia broke down shaking. "H-he gave me his word..."

"His word is meaningless. He was just a child. He's a grown man now. A selfish man. If your family fed him as a child, he would promise you anything. He uses people."

Lydia was hurt hearing Arlong say those things. She was now angry, "You're the monster...Buggy is better man than you!" She yelled.

Arlong lost his temper completely then and slapped her across the face, "he's no hero, you stupid girl. Now get ready and don't let me EVER hear you speak his name again. In fact, don't even think about him again."

"FUCK YOU!!" She screamed.

"Oh you will, after the ceremony," he smirked.

She shivered when he said that. He then grabbed her arm and dragged her up on deck. All the crew members laughed and leered at her. Arlong then grabbed onto her arm tightly and held her in front of another captain. Technically he was a marine, but a corrupt one. He had the authority to perform a marriage, and he would do whatever Arlong bribed him to do. (You will know more about him in the sequel) Lydia wasn't even looking at anyone or even Arlong. She couldn't stop thinking of Buggy and wished he was here to stop this. They promised. He made a promise to her. Before she realized, the captain had pronounced them husband and wife. She didn't even have to say "I do" it was done.

The crew then began drinking and celebrating. They knew the reason why Arlong wanted to do this. He wanted to become the ruler of all the oceans. Lydia was shaken up when he took her down the brig again and grabbed her locket and ripped it off her neck.


He smirked. Now he had his other treasure. He knew this locket showed her true form, but without it she couldn't turn into her true form.

"This is mine now!" he smirked and put the locket around his own thick neck. The chain was tight, but he managed to get it on just about, "Now, if you behave I'll take you to my cabin. If you're going to fight I'll have you chained up here in the brig! Either way....I will have my way with you."

Lydia shivered crying. He then grabbed her arm tight and tugged her to his cabin. She stayed quiet the whole time.

Lydia laid on Arlong's bed completely undressed and bleeding down below since she was virgin until now. He was rough with her, he was forceful. He didn't care if he was hurting her. He just enjoyed her cries and pain. He was alseep, but she was awake shaking and crying as she held and covered herself.

"B-Bug.....," she whimpered softly. Luckily Arlong didn't hear her.

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