Again | See You Sequel โœฎ ๐‘ฏ๐’–...

By pinktormaline

3.6K 228 117

๐€๐ ๐š๐ข๐ง- ๐’๐ž๐ž ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐’๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฅ Some people don't know what they have until it's gone. But what abou... More

โ™กAuthor's Noteโ™ก
CHAPTER 1 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 2 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 3 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 4 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 5 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 6 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 7 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 8 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 9 -York New-
CHAPTER 10 -York New-
CHAPTER 11 -York New-
CHAPTER 13 -York New-
CHAPTER 14 -York New-
CHAPTER 15 -York New-
CHAPTER 16 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 17 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 18 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 19 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 20 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 21 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 22 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 23 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 24 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 25 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 26 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 27 - Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 28 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 29 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 30 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 31 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 32 -Devil's Sea-

CHAPTER 12 -York New-

87 7 2
By pinktormaline

Third Person POV

The rustic café nestled in the heart of the bustling city was adorned with dim lights and the gentle hum of conversations. Gon, Killua, Alluka, Kurapika, Leorio, and Ringo occupied a corner table, discussing their next steps in hushed tones. The air was thick with anticipation as the group pondered how to gather the Dragon Balls.

"I can arrange for us to get a ship to sail to the northern sea. It's the fastest way to reach our destination," Kurapika suggested, his brown eyes focused on a map spread across the table.

'This is pointless, I can't even understand a thing.'

As the others engaged in the planning, Ringo's attention shifted beyond the confines of their strategic discussions.


Her perceptive gaze caught sight of a lone girl, seemingly lost and ignored by the indifferent crowd. The girl's distress was palpable, but the world around her remained oblivious.

'Is she lost?'

Unable to turn a blind eye, Ringo felt a pang of sympathy. Excusing herself quietly from the conversation, she rose from her seat. "Excuse me."

"Rin, where are you going?" Gon looked up and questioned.

"I'll be back in a minute." A warm smile adorned her face as she assured him.

"Oh, alright then."

With that, she navigated through the tables, weaving through the sea of patrons until she reached the forlorn girl. The girl, a picture of vulnerability, looked up in surprise as Ringo approached.

Ringo crouched down to the girl's eye level and asked gently, "Are you lost?"

The girl, her eyes brimming with uncertainty, nodded.

"I don't know where my mommy is..." Rin's heart went out to the child, and without a second thought, she decided to lend a helping hand.

"Don't worry, I think your mommy might not be that far."

Glancing back at her friends, Ringo saw them engrossed in their strategic discussions.

'This will probably just take a minute.'

Convinced that assisting the girl would only take a moment, she flashed a reassuring smile.

"I'll help you find your mommy." With those comforting words, Ringo took the girl's small hand in hers.

"Thank you, Nee-chan!"

"Where did you last see her?"

"Over there!" The girl pointed.

"Alright, let's get you to your mommy!"

As they navigated through the crowded street, Ringo skillfully maneuvered through the crowd of people, the little girl in tow. She maintained a reassuring grip on the girl's hand, a lifeline in the chaotic sea of people. Ringo, with her keen awareness, scanned the surroundings for any signs of distressed parents. She exchanged a few comforting words with the girl, learning her name and assuring her that everything would be okay.


Ringo's initial concern deepened as the little girl led her through the narrow, dimly lit alleyways.

"Are you sure this is where you last saw your mommy?" Ringo asked as her eyes scanned the area.

"Yeah!" The kid chimed.

'What kind of parents bring their child in this dark alleyway?'

The ominous feeling in the air heightened with each step, but Ringo pressed on, driven by her determination to help.


As they ventured deeper into the alley, Ringo noticed they were now far enough from the café and her group of friends. The girl suddenly loosened her grip and darted away into the shadows, leaving Ringo bewildered.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

She turned around, trying to make sense of the situation, only to discover that the girl had vanished without a trace.


The echoes of her voice seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, and as Ringo turned around to retrace her steps, she bumped into an unexpected obstacle.


"Hey, watch it!" Rubbing her nose from the collision, she looked up with an intent to voice her frustration, but her words got caught in her throat.


Instead of a person, Ringo found herself face to face with a machine-like humanoid creature, its cold, metallic exterior gleaming in the dim light of the alley. Its red eyes glowed menacingly in the dim light, and its mechanical features revealed a lethal intent. Ringo's heart raced as she realized she had unwittingly stumbled into a perilous situation.

'Ah... shit! It's a trap!'

"Hey, there, mister-uh... You need help with something?" Ringo smiled awkwardly. 

Fear and confusion gripped her, but Ringo quickly assessed her surroundings. There was no sign of the lost girl, and the narrow alley provided limited escape routes. The android, with an unnerving mechanical precision, advanced towards her.



In a desperate attempt to defend herself, Ringo acted on pure reflex. With a swift and powerful kick, she aimed for the android's face, and the sound of cracking metal echoed through the dark alley. However, to her shock, the machine's neck snapped back into place, as if healing from the damage.

"What the f--?!"

'I should really run from it.'

Panic surged through her as she sprinted through the narrow alleyways, the android hot on her heels. The chase intensified, with Ringo displaying incredible agility, leaping over obstacles and weaving through the labyrinth of the urban landscape.

As she ran, Ringo's eyes scanned her surroundings for any sign of escape.


Spotting a manhole cover, a daring idea formed in her mind. Without a second thought, she lifted the heavy cover and swung it with all her might at the pursuing terminator. The makeshift weapon connected with the metallic frame, causing a temporary halt in the relentless pursuit.


Seizing the opportunity, Ringo wasted no time. She darted towards the open manhole, making a daring decision.

"Ah, fuck this shit."

With a leap of faith, she propelled herself down into the dark sewer below, leaving the chaos of the surface behind.


The murky water splashed around Ringo as she landed in the sewer, disgust evident on her face.

"Oh god, this is disgusting. I just got this outfit!" she quickly shook off the discomfort. However, her momentary reprieve was shattered by a loud metallic sound echoing from above.


Realizing that the android had found its way into the sewer, Ringo didn't waste a second. Determination fueled her every step as she sprinted through the dim, damp tunnels. The acoustics of the confined space intensified the reverberations of the android's pursuit, motivating Ringo to push her limits.

The sewer's twists and turns became a maze of uncertainty, the dim lighting casting eerie shadows on the walls. Ringo's footsteps echoed alongside the clanking of the relentless machine behind her. With each stride, she could sense the android gaining ground.

Ringo's agile movements allowed her to navigate the challenging environment, utilizing pipes and walkways to her advantage. The dank air filled with the stench of sewage as she raced against time and the mechanical adversary that pursued her.

Cornered at the dead end, Ringo's heart pounded in her chest. "No.No. No. No."

The echoing footsteps of the android signaled its relentless pursuit, closing in with each passing moment. Anxiety gripped her, and despair threatened to overwhelm her senses.


Suddenly, a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling any potential scream. Startled, Ringo's eyes widened as she was forcefully dragged into a narrow tunnel. Panic surged through her, and she instinctively tried to break free, but the mysterious figure's whisper silenced her protests.

"Shut up. It can hear you," the voice hissed coldly. Ringo's eyes darted to the figure, struggling to make out the person's features in the dim light. The unexpected savior was shrouded in shadows, identity concealed.

Ringo, still catching her breath, nodded in understanding. The grip on her mouth loosened, but the urgency in the atmosphere lingered.

The figure's hand remained firmly over Ringo's mouth, but the urgency in their voice was accompanied by a sense of calm.

"Take a deep breath and calm down. It can sense your heart rate," the person whispered. Ringo, still in the grip of anxiety, nodded and followed the instruction, inhaling deeply to steady her racing heartbeat.

With a momentary pause, the figure then instructed Ringo, "Conceal your presence. I'll count to three. One... two..."

As the mysterious figure counted, Ringo felt the android's ominous presence drawing near. Despite her racing heart, she focused on the count.

"... three."

When the count reached three, Ringo exerted all her willpower to conceal her aura. The dank tunnel seemed to embrace them in shadows, hiding them from the prying senses of the approaching android. In that concealed state, Ringo watched as the metallic menace walked right past them, unaware of their presence.

The figure's hand finally lifted from Ringo's mouth, and they both waited in silence until the sound of the android's footsteps faded away. The relief was palpable in the tunnel as the danger passed. Ringo, still catching her breath, turned to the mysterious figure with gratitude in her eyes.

"Oh god, you saved my life."

However, as she looked at the person, she realized that that person's face was concealed by a dark hood. The dim lighting in the sewer made it impossible for Ringo to discern the figure's features. The enigmatic savior stood almost the same height as her, a silhouette against the shadows.

"Thank you."

The figure, seemingly unfazed by Ringo's silent appreciation, motioned for her to follow. "Come."

Ringo, still curious and a bit wary, trailed the hooded stranger as they navigated through the labyrinthine tunnels. The dank and foreboding atmosphere of the sewer gradually gave way to a ladder leading upwards. Ascending the ladder, Ringo found herself emerging into a hidden passage, concealed from the prying eyes above. The hooded figure, their silhouette blending seamlessly with the shadows, guided her through this clandestine route. The journey continued in silence, and Ringo couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this mysterious ally than met the eye.

'Who is this guy? He seems to know a lot about the human-like machine' She couldn't help but wonder about the person who had just saved her from the relentless android.

As they emerged from the underground, Ringo found herself once again in the hustle and bustle of the city streets.

"Thanks again--" she turned to face her mysterious savior, only to find an empty space where the hooded figure had stood just moments ago.

"Huh? Where did he go?" Confusion knitted her brows as she scanned the surroundings, but there was no trace of the enigmatic person.

"Well, whatever, I need to go now. They must've been worried sick." With a sense of urgency, she sprinted back through the bustling city streets, leaving the mysterious encounter in the sewer behind her.

Unbeknownst to Ringo, a pair of piercing sky-blue eyes observed her every move from the top of a nearby roof. The mysterious figure, hidden in the shadows, watched with an intensity akin to that of a hawk tracking its prey. The hooded observer remained silent and vigilant, the person's gaze following Ringo as she navigated through the bustling crowd of people.

"A Saiyan, huh?"



The chasing android is finally back only this time it's not Chrollo who helped her. So, who's our mysterious savior? Is it an ally or a foe? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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