A Legacy Of Sky And Sea

By BanefulBard13

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~*~{Chapter One}~*~
~*~{Chapter Two}~*~
~*~{Chapter Three}~*~
~*~ {Chapter Four} ~*~
~*~Chapter Five~*~
~*~{Chapter Six}~*~
~*~{Chapter Seven}~*~
~ * ~ { Chapter Nine } ~ * ~
~*~Chapter Ten~*~
~*~Chapter Eleven~*~
~*~Chapter Twelve~*~
~*~Chapter Thirteen~*~
~*~Chapter Fourteen~*~
~*~ {Chapter Fifteen}~*~
~*~ Chapter Sixteen~*~
~*~Chapter Seventeen~*~
~*~Chapter Eighteen~*~

~*~{Chapter Eight } ~*~

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By BanefulBard13


We arrived at the Fontane building and the sub docked, we stepped out of it, my eyes now scanning for more of those Splicer things. This place was very different from the rest of the city, where the rest was artistic and art deco. This place was barren, the white floors were vinyl, unlike the rest which was either metal or stone, where there were walls, they were pure white as well, the smell of antiseptic and bleach filled the place, this lab was almost hospital like. Were it not  for the fact that the glass windows looked out on the ocean floor I'd think I were back in the Iscariot labs. We walked  over to the reception desk and I spoke, Alucard still holding his side.

"Hello, we'd like to speak to Doctor Tenenbaum, please." I asked putting on the politest face I could master.

"Of course, let me just see if she is free.... oh no your friend is hurt! Sir, please feel free to use our first aid station, they are the latest in medical technology, able to heal all but the most lethal of wounds." 

She gestured to something on the wall, it looked some what like a pay phone, but had a first aid symbol flashing above it. I looked at Alucard who shrugged with a 'couldn't hurt' kind of look. He walked over to the thing and it sprayed him with a fog, a fog which smelled frankly like crushed pills, and within seconds the wound was healed.

"What is it girl?! I am at a critical junction! If this works, I could save them!" The heavy German accent rang over the intercom.

"Two young gentlemen are here to see you ma'am."

"Just tell her Ryan sent us."

"Ryan's dogs! Send them away for the girls sake! I need this to work and I will not have that tyrant meddling in my affairs!"

" Wait, no! I want to help save them, I swear! I am here on my own accord, he merely pointed the way!" 

" And why should I believe you?" 

" Because if I didn't care about them, why would I bother showing up in the first place? I'm not from Rapture, lady, so the least you can do is give me the benefit of the doubt." 

" And your friend, what is he?" 

" My partner is my security, and since we ran into a splicer, I'm certain I'm not on Ryan's good side right now." 

" And how do you know him?" 

" I'm the bastard he abandoned back topside oh so many years ago. I'm here to save the little ones and to make this place burn." 

She paused for a moment as if to think on her next words. "Would you kindly come to my office then, and would you kindly leave your weapons at the front desk." 

As the intercom, shut off I raised an eye brow. "Strange turn of phrase."

"Oh, come on, she's just being polite. Not everything is a veiled threat, you old wolf."

We go in and once we were inside, the German looked to be concerned, but once she saw me, she relaxes. 

" So, what's your name?" 

" Sashka Anderson, but most folks call me Alexander. "

"I see," she said pausing. "Tell me, how was life on the farm?" 

"Lass, I grew up in an orphanage, not a farm. Besides, the smell is horrid." I replied curtly, a little confused at why she would ask that.

"I see, then please,  Herr Anderson,  forgive me. I have you confused for someone else. Tea, coffee, rum, vodka?" 

" I'll take a calm tea, please. Victor, you want anything?" 

" Vodka, and make it a double, please." 

She putters around, getting our drinks, when I see a pair of little ones come out from behind her desk. They were sweet girls, with the blonde on of the two coming over to say hi, her ginger friend keeping back. I carefully offer my hand, and they take them, smiling widely. Tenenbaum turns to see me with them, and gives a dejected sigh.

" These little ones seem to like you." 

" I have a way with kids. They trust me, it's like they can tell I was like them once." 

" So, who is your mother, if I may ask?" 

" Lady Elizabeth Comstock. Apparently, I was an unwanted bastard born in Columbia, but raised on earth in a catholic orphanage Ryan dropped me off at." 

" I see. Do you speak German, either of you?" 

"  Ich weiß nichts über meinen Partner, aber ich kann es genauso fließend sprechen wie meine Muttersprache Rumänisch. Why?" (I don't know about my partner, but I can speak it as fluently as my native Romanian.)

" Yeah...I barely speak English and Latin." 

" I don't trust Ryan...and I know he can't speak it." 

"  Ich werde es später übersetzen, aber glauben Sie mir, ich traue dem Mistkerl auch nicht. Ich habe die hässlichsten Menschen gesehen, die beim Militär gedient haben, aber Herr Ryan hat das Beste." ( I'll translate it later on, but believe me, I don't trust the motherfucker either. I have seen the ugliest shades of folks, having served in the military, but Mr. Ryan takes the cake.)

" Ich kann diesem Gefühl zustimmen. Ich bin nicht stolz auf die Dinge, die ich getan habe. Ich habe schreckliche Verbrechen begangen und die Arbeit an und mit diesen Kleinen hat mein Herz verändert. Wissen Sie, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, diese Kleinen zu retten und an die Oberfläche zu bringen?" (I can agree to that sentiment. I'm not proud of the things I have done. I have committed horrible crimes, and working on and with these little ones has changed my heart. Do you know if there is any way to save these little ones and get them topside?)

"Ja, aber ich habe eine Frage an Sie. Warum verraten Sie Ihr Volk? Ging es ums Überleben, oder geschah es außerhalb der gefundenen Verwandtschaft über Stockholm?" (There is, but I have one question for you. Why betray your people? Was it for survival, or was it out of found kinship via Stockholm?)

" I...I was a child, and I didn't know better then. I was just happy to be spared, and so I did what I had to to survive. To them, I was known as The Wonderchild-Das Wunderkind, and I ran with it." 

" Do you regret it?" 

" No. I survived, which is more then I can say for most of my people." 

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