S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽t͓̽i͓̽c͓̽ ͓̽A͓̽n͓̽g̽...

By Fantasy_Simp

14.4K 539 958

When Y/n was alive, she lived wither her Mama and Papa(Alastor), she loved them very much. Alastor would brin... More

The Fall
Welcome To Hell
The Pilot
Radio Killed The Video Star
Scrambled Eggs
Dad Beat Dad
Welcome To Heaven Again
Hello Rosie!
The Show Must Go On

Welcome To Heaven

1.8K 57 63
By Fantasy_Simp

Y/n's P.O.V
"Sweet Adeline." Papa sings into his microphone.

"My Adeline." I sang with him.

"My Adeline." Papa repeats.

"My Adeline." I repeated along with him.

"At night, dear heart." Papa's voice continued to sing out.

"At night, dear heart." I smiled as I kept singing.

"For you I pine." Papa's voice was soft and gentle as he sang the words.

"For you I pine." I backed him up.

"Your fair face beams." Papa picks me up, looking at me with a smile.

"Your fair face beams." I continued to sing more.

"You're the flower of my heart, Sweet Adeline." Papa hugs me as the song finishes up

"My Adeline." I hugged back.

Papa sat me down as he spoke through the radio. "That was Sweet Adeline sung by me and my daughter Y/n, hope you enjoyed it, we'll be back next time with another old-time favorite, and be careful out there, the Louisiana murderer is still lurking."

When Papa stopped talking, I immediately jumped around him, happy as can be. "Was that good, Papa? Did I sing well, Papa?"

Papa chuckles, picking me up once more. "You sang wonderful, my little doe."

"Really? Yay!" I hug Papa's neck.

"Now, let's go home, your mother's probably wondering what's taking us so long." Papa told me.

"Yeah, Mama does get upset sometimes when we're late for dinner." I pointed out.

"Yes, so we better get going, don't want to face your mother's wrath." Papa ruffles my hair, making me giggle.

When we got home, I ran to Mama and gave her a big hug.

"Did you hear me and Papa sing on the radio today?" I asked her excitedly.

Mama pats my head, giving me a warm smile. "Yes, I did, and you were wonderful, Y/n."

"Aw, thanks Mama." I say.

"You're welcome, now wash your hands before dinner." Mama told me.

"Okay, Mama." I nodded, going into the kitchen to wash my hands.

As I washed my hands, I heard Papa and Mama shouting.

I peeked my little head around the corner, listening to them shouting.

"What have you been doing late at night, Alastor?!" Mama shouts at Papa.

"Nothing that doesn't concern you or Y/n, dear." Papa argues back at Mama, wearing his usual smile.

"It does when I notice a splat of blood on your clothes." Mama looks at Papa. "And don't think that this is the only time I've seen you come home late at night with blood on your clothes!"

Although Papa may not look angry cause of the smile he wears all the time, his eyes twitch in frustration and anger. "As I've said, it doesn't concern you."

Before they could continue arguing, I interrupted them. "Papa? Mama? Why are you shouting?"

Papa bends down to me. "Oh, we're not shouting little doe, just talking very loudly, right dear?" Papa looks at Mama, who glares at him.

Mama put on a fake smile. "Yes, me and Papa were just talking."

"Okay..." I say in an unsure voice.

"Now, let's eat, I heard your mother made some jambalaya, my favorite." Papa clasped his hands together.

After dinner, it was my bedtime. Mama already told me good night before I went upstairs so she could wash the dishes.

"Goodnight, my little doe." Papa tucks me in, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I yawned as my eyes closed. "Good night, Papa."

I was sleeping peacefully for about a good hour or two, until I heard a scream.

I woke up, scared. That scream sounded like Mama.

I got out of bed and quietly crept to my parent's room.

The door was slightly cracked open, so I peeked inside.

My eyes widened at what I saw.

On the floor of my parent's room, was Mama's dead and bloody body, and standing over her body was Papa, gripping a blood-stained knife in his hand, the blood from the knife dripping onto the floor as he held it.

I took a step back, the floorboard creaking.

Papa's head quickly shot toward the doorway.

I panicked and quickly and quietly made it back to my room, got back into bed, pulled my covers over me, and pretended to be asleep.

I heard my door slowly creek open, footsteps heading toward my bed.

I kept pretending to be asleep, scared at what I just saw.

I felt a warm and delicate hand caress my face

It felt like Papa's hand.

I wanted to wake up and run away from him.

I loved Papa, but he killed Mama.

"Wake up, little doe, I know you're not sleeping." I hear Papa's voice.

I opened my eyes and saw Papa, but he was demonic-looking. His hair and clothes were all a bright red, his skin paler than normal, and sharp teeth.

I screamed at the sight. This was not my Papa.

I woke up in a cold sweat from the nightmare.

I remember that night, I was only 6 at the time, and I remember the horror I witnessed that night.

Although, the nightmare didn't play out like it did in real life, it was still scary.

I didn't wake up when Papa came into my room. I waited for Papa to leave, and got out, hearing him carry Mama's body out the back, I called the police, and he died, which resulted me in being sent to an orphanage.

The next morning, the news spread like wildfire, that the Louisiana Murderer had been caught.

When I was sent to the orphanage, the kids, and the adults there treated me like shit because I was the daughter of the Louisiana Murderer.

I suffered bullying and abuse from them for years now.

Now, I'm 16, all I gotta do is wait 2 more years to turn 18, and I'm outta here.

"Hey! Murder! Get up!" The head of the orphanage, Ms. Henley shouted.

I growled, getting up out of this rickety old bed.

Everyone has always called me murdered, cause I'm relayed to a murderer.

I've never hurt or killed anybody in my life, and anytime I tried to talk back, they would just beat me to the ground until I bled.

That's why I have so many scars on my body.

Ms. Henley busted into the room, grabbing my arm in a vice-like grip. "You just love taking your sweet old time so you waste everybody else's!"

I flinched as she kerk and dragged me downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Now, wash these dishes, and if you get them done, then maybe you'll get to eat!" Ms. Henley shouted once more, leaving the kitchen.

The orphanage would barely let me eat, and when I did get to eat, the food they would give me would look like throw-up after it's been through the garbage. Half the time, I wouldn't even eat it because of how disgusting this was, but when I was really hungry or starving, I would force myself to eat it so I wouldn't die.

I rolled up my sleeves, grabbed a sponge, and started scrubbing the dishes.

After a while of cleaning dishes, someone entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Y/n." James, the only good person in the forsaken place greeted me.

James had chestnut-colored hair, hazel eyes, and freckles on his face.

He was the only friend I had and kept me company when I was alone.

"Morning, James." I greeted back.

"Ms. Henley is so awful for making you do all these dishes." He scoffs.

"Yeah, but at least I only have to survive two more years of this, and I'm free." I sighed as I kept scrubbing.

"Let me help you." James said as he grabbed a sponge of his own and started scrubbing.

"Thanks." I smiled lightly.

James helped me as much as he could when no one else is around.

I tried to tell him no, becuase I was afraid of getting in trouble, but he was very insistent on helping, and I couldn't stop, so I eventually let him.

After what felt like years, James and I got the dishes cleaned.

"Thanks for helping me with the dishes, James." I said as put the cleaning supplies up.

"No problem, the people here give you a hard enough time already, it's the least I could do." He smiled at me, making me smile back.

As I put the supplies up, I picked up a bottle that had a skull on it. "What is this?"

"Huh? I don't know, Ms. Henley did say that she would bring a different kind of poison instead of rat poison to get rid of the mice and rats more effectively." James explained to me.

"Regular rat poison would've been just fine." I sat the bottle down. "Now let's get out of here before Ms. Henley has our hides."

Just as usual, I didn't get any food after me and James cleaned the dishes. I learned not to expect much from this place not like you could expect much anyways.

"Y/n..." James voice rang out, entering my room, his hands behind his back.

"What is it, James?" I chuckled at his antics. "And what are you hiding behind your back?"

"Something you're gonna like." James pulled out a playmate of jambalaya from behind his back.

My eyes widened at the sight and smell of it.

It gave me a nostalgic feeling of when Papa and Mama made it.

"Ms. Henley gave this to me, and told me to bring it to you." James told me.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." James smiled excitedly. "I'm quite shocked myself, so here you go."

I took the jambalaya from James hand, not believing that after so long, I get to eat real food.

I felt a single tear run down my cheek.

"Hey, you okay?" James asked me.

"Yeah, it's just that, jambalaya reminds me of my Papa and Mama." I wiped the tear away.

"You must miss them a lot." James said, handing me a fork. "Here, so you can eat it."

"Thanks." I say as I took the fork, taking a bite of jambalaya, getting a bitter taste.

"Is it good?" James asked me.

"No." I coughed, pressing my hand against my chest. "It's bitter, it's not suppose to be bitter." I coughed more and more as the plate fell to the floor.

"Y/n, what's going on? What's wrong?" James frantically tried to help me, but couldn't figure out how to do so.

"James..." I groaned as everything went black.

I woke up, expecting to feel pain, but I felt good, and what was weird, all scars on my body were gone.

"What?" I stood up, standing on a golden pathway, and golden gates right in front of me. "Where am I?"

"You're in Heaven, my dear." A man appears in front of me.

He had angel wings, a golden halo above his head, bluish-green eyes, and bright skin.

"Ah!" I jumped, startled. "Wait, did you say I was in Heaven?"

"I sure did, my name's Saint Peter, or Peter for short, I'm the gatekeeper, and I let in souls that lived a good life into Heaven." He said with a bright smile. "Name please."

"For what?" I raised a brow.

"So I can let you in, silly." He chuckles, summoning a big book in his hands. "Now, your name please."

"Uh, Y/n, Y/n Altruist." I told him, watching him flip through pages of the book.

"Let's see, Y/n Altruist, Y/n Altruist, aha, there you are." Peter pointed to my name in the book.

"What does that mean?" I asked him curiously.

"It means you made it into Heaven." He shuts the book, smiling. "Oh, I love welcoming new souls into Heaven."

"I never thought I would make it into Heaven when I died." I told him.

"Don't worry, if you're name was in the book, that means you made it, so let me be the first to say, welcome to Heaven."

The golden gate in front of me opened, revealing a vibrant and colorful city with streets of gold.

"Wow." I gasped in awe as I explored the place.

I stopped walking when I saw my reflection in a window.

I looked exactly the same, but I had a golden halo above my head and medium-sized white fluffy angel wings.

"Cool." I spun around, admiring my wings.

I decided to keep on exploring Heaven, finding this place so beautiful.

As I kept exploring, I bumped into someone.

"Hey! What where you're going?" A female voice said.

"Sorry." I said, looking up and saw an angel with pale white skin, sharp yellow eyes like a cat, white hair, and a black halo, wearing a mixture of gray clothing.

Beside her were two other angels. One had golden wings, a golden halo, what seemed to be two big horns on his head, and wore white and light grey clothing.

The other one was just like the first one, except she had short white hair and pinkish eyes.

"Go easy on the chick, Lute, it was an accident." The male angel said. "Anyway, nice to meet you, you already met Lute, I'm Adam, and this is Vaggie." Adam pointed to the other female angel.

"Hello." I smiled and waved.

"What were you doing wandering Heaven?" Lute asks, glaring at me with an unspoken hatred.

"Uh, I just died, and wanted to familiarize myself with the place, still sorry I bumped into you." I say timidly.

"Oh shit, sorry chick, you know, if you ever need something to do, you can always come to me." Adam said, smirking, and I knew what he was implying.

"Yeah, no thanks." I said, slightly disgusted.

"Suit yourself, let's go Lute." Adam shrugged his shoulders, Lute following behind him.

"He was an a-hole." I rubbed my arm.

"Tell me about it, and I have to work for him." Vaggie, the other angel there, finally spoke.

"Uh, yeah, that must suck." I chuckled nervously. "Hey, do you know anything fun to do here?" I asked Vaggie.

"This is Heaven, there's a zoo with fluffy animals and all sorts of other stuff, and a karaoke club." Vaggie told me.

"A karaoke club? Can you take me there? If you're not too busy that is." I asked her.

"Sure, it's this way." She made a gesture for me to follow her.

A few minutes later, me and Vaggie went into a building that said 'Karaoke Club'.

I looked around the place in awe, it was so colorful and bright inside that anybody could go blind just by looking at anything in here.

I looked toward the stage to see an angel singing.

She had a golden halo, like almost every other angel had, pink puffy wings, dark skin, brown curly hair, and black eyes.

"Who's that?" I asked Vaggie.

"I think her name is Macy, I don't know her personally, but she likes to sing here a lot." Vaggie explained to me.

I walked up to the stage as Macy came off the stage. "Your singing was amazingly spectacular." I commented her.

"What? You think you can do better?" She laughs and scoffs. "Your just a little bitch who thinks she's all that, but go ahead and try."

I glared at her, angry, jerking the microphone from her hand. "You know what? I will."

I got up on the stage, looking at all the people in the karaoke club, getting nervous and looked toward Vaggie, who gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled, taking a deep breath in and let it out. Just as I let the breath out, poof, the microphone I was holding turned into a staff-like microphone, a dark red color.

I didn't even know I could do that.

I held up the microphone staff to my mouth, and began to sing. "Oh, when you walk by every night. Talking sweet and looking fine. I get kinda hectic inside. Mmm, baby I'm so into you. Darling, if you only knew
All the things that flow through my mind."

I let my voice flow as I sing, the words running of my tongue like soft butter.

Getting to the end of the song, I sang the final lyrics.

"Sweet sweet fantasy baby. Sweet sweet fantasy baby." I smiled as I finished the song.

Everyone clapped, and out of the corner of my eye, Macy left in an angry huff.

Vaggie aproaches me. "You did great, uh..."

"Oh, sorry, I know you're name, but you don't know mine, it's Y/n." I told her. "My Papa taught me better manners then that when I was alive."

"It's fine, as I said, you did great, Y/n." Vaggie complimented me.

"Thanks, I will definitely be coming back here." I smiled, feeling something I haven't in a long time.

The feeling of being able to sing again reminded me of the times I sang with Papa on his radio show.

I wonder if Papa would have been proud of me.

A/n-I do not own any of the songs mentioned in this chapter, and the next chapter will have a multiple year time skip.

Have a good day or night.

Next Up: The Fall.

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