The Essence of Balencia

Da the_ink_of_balencia

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When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted, there is still one thing that will always belong to me... Altro

I wish to smell heaven
He who reeks
The Water Surveillant
The Warriors in Dresses
The Blood for His Gain
I Heard The Weeping Willow
She Who Smiles
The Enternal Evanescent
The Fire that Sparked It All
The Psithurism
I Desire The Infiräd
She Who Destroyed
The Distribution
The Masked Ones
The Blighted Bay
I Ate The Lemon
He Burned Coal
The Lightening Illuminances
The Era of Zulumat
The Smokeless Fire
I Acended From The Dirt
She Stained The Ink
The Creator of All Things
The Birth of Balencia
The Mirage in The Desert
I Saw The Rafflesia
He Feasts blackened
The Dine and Dash
The Lips that Sealed Hers
The Veiled Samurai
I Held a Staff Similar
She Was The Flame Blade
The Clysmic Ocean
The Pandemonium
The Start to Ruler
I Voyage With or Without You
She Was Tamed by Illuminances
The Calling Eminence
The Obsidian Ignite
The Viridian Cure
I Ended The Alsaru
She Awakened
The Mountain Didn't Crumble
The Day of Reckoning
The Sea and In-between
I Am The Blacksmith Daughter
He is The Elevated Summit
The Comforting Musk
The Drink of Death
The Kingdom of Balencia
I Am The Queen
The Sisters of Yazzir
The Devil Queen and Khushboo
I Turned Destruction Into a Speck of Heaven
The Land of Daweyt (healed)

He Honoured The Flames

21 3 7
Da the_ink_of_balencia

"HAHAHA! You were incredible! The way you gathered all the evidence!" Jamshar laughed as the two lovers stumbled into Balencia's room. The newly dubbed queen giggled from the approbation from her husband.

"And did you see Talbazar's face, me dowo?!" Jamshar continued passionately and he swung he mountainous arms around Balencia, hugging her petite figure into him like the trees that cave their branches into the forest.

(Giggle) "Heh, yeah even Raff was smiling!" Balencia answered as she stood admiring her lovers face. Even though he was her husband, a shyness like never before had taken over the illuminated warrior. The two lovers had an intimate wedding with just themselves in the middle of the forest, but that moment only lasted a few days before Jamshar was taken away. Alas, the two never truly had the opportunity to indulge in their fairytale love.

Balencia rumbled through her secret stash looking for her wedding ring and she was pleased to see the beautiful diamond resting in its box. But, the box seemed less full than normal which caused Balencia great concern.

"Wa-wait..." Balencia muttered anxiously. Jamshar watched her smile disappear faster than the night catching up to the day and immediately walked over to her. Balencia's eyes widen and her heart started beating a thousand slaps as she put out the box, that was once filled with gold, forward.

"My gold... The gold The Sir's gave... It's gone..." Balencia bespoke still not completely comprehending how something as such could have happened.

"Omid... It was that civilian... I'm- I'm sorry" Mareeb spoke quickly in the background with his head down in great shame.

"MAREEB! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH OUT FOR THIS!" Balencia bellowed with great anger, so much so, that her golden electricity lit up automatically in her veins turning the blue lines aureate.

"I know Omid, I have no excuses" Mareeb answered shamefully as he knelt down for forgiveness.

"Get up Mareeb. Don't lower yourself for another human." Balencia commanded and the servant boy followed, standing back up again.

"I need to know I can trust you with these things. You need to focus. Do better." Balencia demanded as she frustratingly pulled her hair back into a bun leaving some of the strands that framed her face, slithering down her face like the carcass of a snake. The atmosphere had grown tense for the queen was certainly not pleased with her most trusted servant.

"Civilians. They can't be trusted. When desperate they make immoral decisions. Take it as a lesson" Jamshar implored, and as his soft deep voice reverberated through the room like the booming of thunder, it calmed the illuminated warrior. Turning Balencia's veins back to their blueish hue.

"It won't happen again, I promise!" Mareeb pleaded with desperation in his slanted brown eyes. Balencia simply nodded and in that moment, choose to move on.

"How's Khushboo?" She asked.

"She's not good Omid. Not good at all" Mareeb answered unable to control the neverending shake in his voice. Even the thought of the doe-eyed maiden gave Mareeb physical pain.

"Visit her more Mareeb, go now" Balencia stressed and she watched her water surveillant rush out as he discreetly dried his falling tears in his sleeve.

Balencia sighed as she took out a deep violet shawl and started to wrap it around her head and drape it down her chest. Jamshar watched his lover as she elegantly wrapped the chiffon fabric around her hair twice, framing her face perfectly. The mountainous man tilted his head in endearment, for surely nothing was as pure as his beloved wife whom he could once again lay eyes on without fear or hesitation.

"What a beautiful wife I have" Jamshar sighed watching Balencia blush like a youthful maiden experiencing her first love. Her eyes shyly pierced down towards her steel boots and when she looked back up in the mirror, her eyes were different. They had teared themselves up into shattered pieces of fragments and all the moments leading up to this one, the painful ones mostly, aligned themselves with her.

"Ah, now I think eyes that reminisce pearls like that shouldn't be covered in tears" Jamshar poeticly comforted as he came up behind Balencia like a shield of love, turning her around to face him. He cupped her small delicate face in his large, roughly-soft hands and pulled her face closer to his.

"Has it been hard, me dowo?" Jamshar asked softly. Balencia nodded slowly having flashbacks to Melaniee, Husayrah, and the Naida's. Everyone she loved flashed through her mind and everyone she lost were like ships ashore never returning, just lost at sea.

"For every moment of pain you've endured, surely our creator will reward you in the heavens" Jamshar spoke again as he kept his eyes pierced into hers, despite her ongoing attempt to cut away.

"I'm so happy you're here" Balencia said as the tears her pearls had held, suddenly came flushing down her face like a heavy monsoon. Balencia ran her fingers across his face and over the deep set scar.

"What happened?" She asked tracing the lines and curves. Jamshar sighed and closed his eyes, just for a fleeting moment and when he opened them back up his eyes held the same kind of pain Balencia's had.

"I went back to Obsidian... Just for a moment. I was naive and thought I'd easily make peace. But I met a... Creature... He and I, had a fight so intense I thought it would be my last time seeing the sun. He told me things about darkness and well... Imagine the Boblas but even worse. He promised to finish me off but somehow I made it out. Escaping like a coward once again!" Jamshar explained suddenly angered by how things ended.

"You're not a coward. Was you just supposed to stand there being eaten by wolves? Me hene, there's nothing honourable about being broken or dead" Balencia comforted as she watched the disappeared smile reappear on Jamshar's face.

"My most loyal, dedicated companion. Life has been too sad without you" Jamshar said once again before bringing Balencia close into him, hugging her so tightly you would think she was going to float away.

At that moment, the door busted open and there stood Zunaid and the little dreamer, Ahmali. Both of their faces lit up, their expressions were priceless and their gazes were pierced onto Jamshar Iwaloye.

"Waaaaaaaah" Ahmali admired, whilst even the hot-headed Sir leader had to nod along with her appreciation.

"So you are the great Jamshar aye?!" Zunaid said bewildered and extremely fascinated.

"I am Jamshar Iwaloye, the proud husband of queen Balencia" Jamshar replied as he proudly wrapped his arm around his blushing wife.

"Quickly Ahmali, time is of the essence!" Zunaid nudged as the little Sir was completely mesmerised by the mountainous samurai. Ahmali ran over to Jamshar analysing him from head to toe.

"You're... Huge... You're... Amazing" Ahmali gasped as the shadow flames laid their silhouettes on the melanin face. Ahmali took the hands of Jamshar and when she placed her tiny hands on his, immediately Jamshar felt an intense heat.

Then, fire erupted from Ahmali's hands and reached the ceilings circling around the room before flashing back into the hands of Mister Iwaloye. Without a trace of smoke or charred ceiling, the fire had been harmless.

"Wh-what?" Jamshar said confused as he stared at his hands that had no markings of fire. Ahmali rubbed her palms together like two branches creating fire, but nothing erupted.

"I was right! The fire is gone, I mean... No- it's... Um... It's yours now Jamshar" Ahmali said confusing the three others in the room.

"Ahmali, what was that?" Balencia asked as she knelt down to the little Sir, aware that this was way to overwhelming for her.

"Sis, I've had dreams upon dreams... Nightmares! Of what's about to happen! Terrible stuff! And the night of lightning I had another one, and when I woke up something led me to Husayrah's grave. And fire was given to me... But... Only for a little while. It's not mine to keep but I knew who it was for. And when I saw... Him! I knew!" Ahmali finally explained.

Jamshar stood still confused for was he really worthy of such a power, and why was it given to him?

"You're a gift bearer" Balencia said to Ahmali watching her face lit up with a shy gleam.

"Sis, something... The nightmares... It's pulling me towards... OBSIDIAN!" Ahmali bellowed as she ran to the window to get a far away glance of the land beyond the Ghamdoor sea. Balencia caught Jamshar's eyes glisten as he once more was filled of hope.

"I have some loose ends to tie, then as promised, Obsidian is my next destination!" Balencia reassured. Ahmali turned around, her eyes were filled with a glow for finally someone understood and appreciated the dreams that haunted her for years. Finally, she was important. The dreams were no longer just a curse for they finally came to benefit.

"Alright, me and Ahmali should get going. Tonight we're connected the routes between tribes and kingdoms!" Zunaid bespoke as he held his hand out for Ahmali.

"Thank you, Zunaid. What would I do without you!" Balencia praised.

"And where shall we reside tonight?" Jamshar asked.

"We are heading to the Boblas. Their time has come to an end" Balencia said with a sinister undertone as she had waited patiently for their destruction. The Boblas had ruined her family, aided her father, killed innocent people and nurtured Laham. It was a personal vendetta now.

In the midst of the forest, Balencia and Jamshar stood staring at the Boblas. Regardless of anything, being that close to Boblas would send shivers down anyone's spine. Their chanting sounded like a sinister summoning and the air was always thick around them as if there were unseen creatures living amongst them. Their faces were so dark that even the sun wouldn't be able to light up a single droplet of it.

"We cut them no chances" Jamshar requested and Balencia nodded in obligation. The two approached their chanting and when the Boblas could sense strangers they stopped their ritual to stare up at the foreigners.

"Did your father not show your worth enough? Why are you here unknown?" The Bobla leader hissed like a slithering snake shedding layers of his skin through black magic. But Balencia didn't reply for she knew speaking to them would be a waste, she knew exactly, what she had to do.

The Bobla got up slowly for he knew she hadn't come to chit chat. Another Bobla handed him his sharmon rod that was laced and intertwined with darkness. As he was walking towards the two warriors, Jamshar pulled out his podao, holding it far from his body with one hand. His strength could be seen for anyone knew how heavy a podao truly was. The blade started lightening up with deep crimson flames. Balencia complimented her husband as she pulled out her sword and hook, shooting her illuminances through her veins.

Jamshar and Balencia stood opposite a herd of Boblas. Looking from the outside it seemed like a battle that was already destined to fail.

"YAH!" Balencia roared as the two came jolting towards the Boblas, both stabbing their weapons in the earth. Jamshar's flames and Balencia's electricity travelled through the earth both heating it up to unbearable temperature, and electrifying every Bobla it touched. The Boblas yelled in agony as they fell to the ground from the electricution, then yelled some more from the burning heat they encountered.

"YOU WRETCHED BITCH!" The Bobla yelled as he summoned darkness, protecting himself from harm.

Balencia dashed towards the leader faster than lightning itself and started slicing him. She was so fast, that he wasn't able to see or predict where she was going to be, all he could feel, were stabs and slices.

Jamshar took care of the rest. (SLICE, SLICE, BOOM) As he used his podao to slice the Boblas before charring them with his flames. The rotten vessels fell to the ground like flesh on a grill.

"HIIIYAAAA" Balencia yelled as she punched the Bobla leader in the face with her elbow before pulling him over herself in a perfect half circle, elegantly crushing him into the ground with her steel boot coming down like the sentence of a guillotine, right in his sunken face.

(CRUSH) His bones cracked against her boot. The illuminated warrior then hammered down and grabbed his coat from both sides, as she dragged him across the soil before slamming her golden fist into his face once more (CRACK).

"Your magic doesn't affect me, I'm superior, oh ugly Bobla" Balencia roared watching the Boblas face shiver in fright.

"RAAAAAAAAARH" Jamshar bellowed as he took the last two Boblas and crushed their heads into each other creating a huge burst of flames.

"You see that, now that's fearing" Balencia said to the Bobla leader before crushing her hand into his chest, electrifying him until his heart stopped beating.

A last Bobla stood watching, fearing his fate. The two walked slowly up towards him like the death sentence.

"Go find the other Boblas, and tell them to leave my land for if I find them... Well... You can tell them what you saw" Balencia threatened. The Bobla nodded aggressively as he threw his sharmon rod away running deeper into the forest. He would occasionally look back in fear for he thought they'd kill him anyways. Alas, he was out of sight.

"ARGHHHHHH NOW THAT'S WHAT I'VE MISSED! AND THIS ISN'T EVEN MY TRUE POWER!" Jamshar roared clenching his fists and spreading his arms. He was no longer locked up and stored away under another king, he was finally free.

The trees delighted in the endearing laughter of the queen as she teased her husband's passion.

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