I Can't Lose My One True Love...

Von keekeesg7128

2.3K 79 20

This story is about Andy and Ashley. Something terrible happens and Andy has to be there for Ashley and the b... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

110 4 0
Von keekeesg7128

Andy finally had Ashley move in with him. Andy and Ashley 's sex life was doing great and BVB was doing great.


Everything is going Well. Andy and Ashley are happy CC is dating a girl name Morgan while Jake is working things through with Ella and Jinxx is going through girls like purdy use to. Ever since Sammi Doll Jinxx doesn't trust women as much any more. But Jake and Jinxx still kept an eye on Ashley and still tried to tell Andy to watch him closer.

Everything was going fine one day Andy went to go talk to Jon about some BVB things. Ashley was tired and just wanted to be lazy and stay around the house. So Andy left him home thinking it was ok.

When Andy came home several hours later he found the front door wide open the dogs and his cats running around outside which was strange. But what worried him the most was Ashley was no where's to be found.

"WTF why is the door open? Ashley Why did you leave the door open? The dogs and cats got out. Ashley! Ashley where are you?" said Andy.

When Ashley didn't answer Andy searched the house then when he couldn't find him he search the grounds. Ashley was no where. Andy was worried so he thought maybe the guys would know maybe Ashley is with one of them.

Andy called CC first "Yo CC have you seen Ashley?"

"No man not since three days ago. What's wrong bro?" asked CC.

"I came home found the door opened Ashley no where to be found. I'm worried." said Andy.

"Maybe he's with Jake or Jinxx or maybe I don't know call is grandma.," said CC. "Look call me back with any news ok."

"Ok thanks man," said Andy. So then Andy called Jinxx.

"Hey Jinxx Ashley wouldn't happen to be with you?" asked Andy.

"No man haven't seen him since the last time. Why you ask?" said Jinxx.

Andy began telling him everything. Then he said,"Well maybe he's with Jake I'll call him."

"Man he ain't with Jake." said Jinxx.

"How would you know?" asked Andy.

"Because Jake's with me has been all day. Look Andy me and Jake are headed over there we'll find him ok. Get CC too. We'll find him." said Jinxx.

Jinxx told Jake everything and they went over to Andy's they met Andy and CC which Andy did call.

They went all in two separate cars searching for Ashley for hours found no sign of him. When they got back Andy realized after going to the bathroom Ashley left his wallet, ID, phone and anything else he could use. Ashley just up and walked right out the front door.


Its been a week Ashley has been missing and no sign of him. Andy and the others went to the police and made a missing report on Ashley Abrocket Purdy. But still no news.

They were all seating around at Andy's house talking.

"Andy our next TOUR date is in two weeks what will we do if we don't find Ashley?" asked Jake.

"Jake now's not a good time." said Jinxx.

"No its ok Mama Jinxx. Don't know Jake haven't really thought about it." said Andy sadly.

"Hmmm," answered both Jake and Jinxx.

CC was quietly sitting in the corner on the computer.

"HOLY SHIT FUCK FACE!" screamed CC at the top of his lungs.

"Goddamnit CC scare the Shit out of us why don't you." yelled Jake. Andy and Jinxx stiffled a little giggle.

"Guys! Guys you've got to come see this." yelled CC.

"What CC some new drum set you want." said Andy shaking his head.

"No its Ashley he's on Facebook in a photo with some girl. It was posted like three hours ago." said CC.

Andy quickly got up and ran to CC and grabbed his computer.

"Its my ashybear. It really is my ashybear." said Andy.

Jinxx looked and the Facebook account then text the girl a direct message and asked her to Skype.

The girl at first didn't believe it really was BVB until she Skype and saw all their faces.

They began to tell her about Ashley and that he's been missing for a week and they believe him not to Well.

"That explains why he seemed a little confused. He was here not to long ago so I don't think he's gotten that far. Give me your phone number and head this way while I go look for him. If I find him I'll call and let you know where. By the way my name is Sarah Good."

"Thank you Sarah Good. My name is Andy Biersack, Jinxx, Jake Pitts and CC." said Andy.

So they finished talking and got off. Sarah quickly went looking for Ashley. After about 15 minutes she found him near a park looking confused. She stopped him "Hey Ashley remember me. You took a picture with me about 40 minutes ago."

Ashley though a few minutes and faintly remembered. "Oh yes your the nice fangirl. I can't seem to find my friends can you help me find my friends?"

Sarah looked at him grabbed his hand said,"Yes I'll help you Ashley. Your tired why don't we sit down."

"Can we sit on the swings I like the swings," said Ashley.

"Sure," said Sarah. Then Sarah called Andy's number.

"Hello" said Andy answering it on the first ring.

"Hello Andy it's Sarah I found Ashley." said Sarah smiling at Ashley watching him swing.

"Oh thank you Sarah. She found Ashley. Where are you?" said Andy.

Sarah told him about the park.

Andy in turn told Jinxx where to go. They were about ten minutes away.

Sarah started swinging with Ashley.

"Sarah who were you talking to?" asked Ashley while swinging.

"Actually Ashley I was talking to your friends they are coming." said Sarah.

"Oh that's nice Sarah," said Ashley.

Sarah watched he didn't seem to really seem to be listening. So she talked to him. "So Ashley what's your favorite color?"

"Black and chrome. What's yours?" he asked.

"Pink. Who's your favorite band?" asked Sarah.

"Black Veil Brides. They are great especially the singer he's hott. I really like their music they are cool guys." said Ashley.

Sarah looked at him strangely Ashley acted as if he didn't know he was part of the band. Then she asked him another question,"Ashley what do you do for a living?"

"I..I..I work at a clothing store. What do you do?" said Ashley smiling.

Sarah smiled back and knew something was wrong. "I'm a senior in high school."

A couple of minutes later the guys pulled up. Sarah saw them get out she stood up.

Andy saw him and ran towards him yelling,"ASHLEY! BABY!"

Ashley stood up looking at the man screaming his name.

Then Andy ran and threw his arms around him.

Ashley frowned then put his arms around Andy's neck and said,"Oh hello Andy what are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Ashley you walked out of the house and just disappeared." said Andy.

Ashley looked at him confused.

Sarah pulled Jinxx and Jake aside and spoke,"Guys something is wrong with him."

"What do you mean?" asked Jake and Jinxx.

So Sarah told them the conversation they had.

They all thank her for her help then left. They didn't tell Andy at first.

"Andy I'm hungry I want to go home now. Let's go home please." said Ashley.

"Yes were going home." said Andy. Andy didn't notice anything because he was happy he had Ashley back.

They got Ashley back to Andy's and Andy fed him Then Ashley got tired and went to bed.

After Ashley laid down the guys Sat Andy down to talk to him.

"Andy we need to talk. Ashley 's not well. Sarah said he doesn't even know his in Black Veil Brides. He said it was his favorite band and the singer is hott. He needs help he's confused. Something is wrong." said Jake.

"No he's fine," said Andy.

Jinxx shook his head and spoke,"Andy your in dential. He needs help."

"Dude we all know how much you love him but really..." said CC.

They tired really hard but Andy just wouldn't listen. After a while they left.

"Andy is just joining to have to learn the hard way," said Jake.

"Yeah and that's going to devastate him when he realizes that Ashley needs help." said Jinxx.

CC nodded in agreement.

"Well whatever it takes." said Jake sadly.


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