Partners In Crime (lietpol/Po...

By justanothercringe

58.6K 4.6K 6.6K

When Toris meets Feliks, he is overjoyed; Toris doesn't have many friends to start with. However, when Feliks... More

7 years later...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2
Bonus chapter 3

Chapter 13

1.7K 146 133
By justanothercringe

By the end of the week, Toris heard news that Feliks was out of the out of the hospital and in a rehabilitation facility.

A couple of days later, he got a call that Feliks had requested to see him. Toris had run to his parents and practically begged them to set up an appointment and drive him there. Of course, they obliged.

By the time Toris was stepping into the Facility, he was beginning to have his doubts. Did he want to see Feliks? Well, yes, of course he did but more importantly; did Feliks want to see him?

It was too late to turn back. The lady at the front desk was already checking Toris in.

"This way," she smiled sweetly and led Toris in the direction of the little Pole's visiting room.

"Do you want to be alone?"

Toris nodded. "Yes please."

"Okay sweetie," the lady replied. "You have 30 minutes. Try not to be too sensitive; Feliks has been through a lot."

Toris nodded. He was so nervous. How would Feliks react to seeing Toris again? Was the Lithuanian the reason Feliks had wanted to end his own life?"

Feliks entered the room, sweating with a fresh wave of nerves. "Feliks?" He asked.

The little Pole was sitting on a bench on one side of the room, a smile lighting up his face when he saw Toris.

"Omg Liet, I was like totally waiting for you! What took you so long to get here? While I was alone I had to like, play with my imaginary ponies because I was sooo bored, what now you're totally here but you're late and I should be mad at you but I can't because you're like the most beautiful person I've ever met but wait I'm not supposed to say that oops please don't like be mad at me I'll totally teach you my new secret hand shake if that makes it better or does that just make it weird dang it now I am just making it weird I'm sorry but-"

Toris couldn't help but catch Felik's goofy grin. "It's fine," he interjected. "I'm just so happy to see you." Then, Toris ran up to Feliks and squeezed the blond into a tight hug. He held Feliks close, breathing in his rain-like scent and feeling a million times better than he had since he'd first heard the bad news about Feliks over a week ago.

"Ow," Feliks groaned. "You're like, hurting me."

Toris dropped the embrace. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you! Do you have any idea how much I worried about you? Are you okay?"

Feliks nodded. "Yeah, I'm totally fine. I'm sorry I like, made you worried."

Toris hugged Feliks again. "No need to tell me if you're not ready but... Why did you, uh...?"

Feliks's smile dropped a fraction. "Did you see my video?" Feliks asked. Toris nodded. "I loved your video."

Feliks bobbed his head solemnly. "I like, made that video right after I left your house that one day you got mad. I made it because I totally know how much you like Natalia and-"

"I broke up with Natalia."

Feliks's eyes widened. "You did?"

Toris sat down next to the Pole. "Yeah. I figured out that I liked someone else even more."

Feliks said nothing for a while. After about a minute, he continued his story. "So, um... Where was I? Oh, like the video. Right right right.

"So, after the first day, I saw that it was starting to like, gain some popularity. That was totally the plan, y'know? I wanted it to hit 1,000,000 views.

"Well, when I saw it get popular I was like, 'omg. Feliks what are you going to do? People are actually seeing that you came out on the Internet.'

"I figured that I had to like, show my parents. I showed it to my dad and was he was like, totally cool at first. He hugged me and said he totally loved me, but then," Feliks stopped. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "He said that we could 'work through this'. That if I like, tried hard enough I could change."

Toris lowered his head in sympathy. "Feliks I had no idea. I'm sorry I asked."

Feliks held up a hand and shook his head. "No, no. It's totally okay. It just felt like shit. Knowing that your dad doesn't like you the way you are, y'know? And after he said that, he like, started crying. Because he was disappointed in me.

"So then he told my mom and she like, flipped. My parents are both really religious Catholics and my mom was like, totally furious about my 'poor life decisions'.

"She started yelling and my dad was just crying and I don't know, I just wanted to die. I have these pills that I take for my ADHD and the next time I was alone I..."

Feliks trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. Toris blankly stared at the carpeted floor. So it wasn't his fault Feliks had tried to kill himself.

The Pole opened his eyes and turned to make eye contact with his friend.

"It was such a stupid thing to do. I wasn't thinking. It was impulse. I guess I just... don't feel that rejected all that often and I didn't know to do and I felt worthless and stupid and I don't know. I've been told I'm stupid before, all the time, but I've never taken it to heart. Maybe I am stupid after all."

Toris didn't know how to comfort Feliks. He should. After all, Toris was completely aware of Felik's pain. The Lithuanian just couldn't will himself to speak. He was transfixed by Feliks's story.

The Pole went on, "I was just sitting around, waiting to die. A couple of minutes in, I started to panic. I didn't feel any different. Was it working? Would I die slowly? Would I live and just be really messed up for the rest of me life?

"My dad came downstairs before anything happened. He saw me sitting next to a bottle of pills, and when he picked it up, he realized it was empty. He asked me why and I was all 'I totally don't know'. And then he asked again and I broke down and told him that I took them all.

"I vaguely remember him calling a poison control center and yelling something at my mom, and then I started feeling dizzy and I was screaming my head off at the volcanoes exploding on the ceiling and the men with knives running at me and then there's just this blank gap in my memory.

"The next thing I know, I woke up in the hospital. My dad was by my side, and he totally apologized. He was crying, and he like, said he was so happy he hadn't lost me and that I was perfect just the way I was. My dad came and visited every day."

Feliks's eyes grew red and puffy. He was still smiling, smiling through it all like the brave person Toris had fallen in love with.

The Lithuanian wanted to comfort Feliks. He wanted to say something, anything, to make his friend feel better. He was never good with words though. He just stayed silent.

"My dad visited me every day," Feliks repeated. "My mom," The blond choked up. "She never showed up. I waited for her, and I asked for her, but she never came. Not even once."

And then Feliks was crying into Toris's shoulder, clinging to the Lithuanian with all he was worth.

Toris felt tears prick his own eyes.

"I'm sorry," Toris said slowly. "I don't know if this makes anything any better but-" He spoke his next words in his own language, just as Feliks had for him.

"Aš tave myliu."

I love you.

It was absurd. Everything about it was absurd. Toris had known Feliks for only about two weeks.

But Feliks was the first person who made Toris feel truly happy since he was first diagnosed with depression. He had almost forgotten what it felt like until Feliks was dropped into his life.

And the Pole brought another emotion to Toris too, an unfamiliar one: love.

Toris loved Feliks. He loved the way Feliks smelled, the way Feliks dressed, the way Feliks talked, the way Feliks was Feliks.

The little Pole gazed up at Toris. "R-really?" He sniffled.

Toris pulled Feliks close. He never wanted to leave the blond's side. "Yes. You're my partner in crime." Feliks still looked doubtful. "I'll prove it," Toris offered.

Then, taking a leap of faith, Toris murmured, "Kiss me."

A/N: Sorry if I offended anyone by the whole Catholic comment. I do know that most Catholics are good, accepting people. I added that part because a) while most Catholics are not homophobes, most homophobes are catholic. Kind of a trade off there. b) Most Poles actually are Catholic, so that's just a little realism. I hope no one took offense ^J^

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