The World Tour Turnabout

By DreamersWriters

41 2 3

Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... More

Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!
Chapter 5: Crashing Concert
Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 1: Before Departure!

22 1 3
By DreamersWriters

(And we are back in court! I had to do something for Apollo. The boy deserves it.  Also, yes, I am planning another story too. Look forward to that! For now, enjoy this story! Yes, this is inspired by a Pixar movie! Take a guess which one? Enjoy!)

 (Apollo's POV)

Khura'in Courtroom, Courtroom Number 1

May 5th, 12:04 PM

           I slammed my fist on the bench as everyone in the courtroom turned their attention to me. I held a confident expression before pointing at my adoptive brother with a grin.

"I suggest the prosecution rethink that claim! There is a clear contradiction to your claim in the testimony!" I shouted with pride as I felt this case as good as mine!

"Satura!" my foster brother, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, shouted in reply before chanting a prayer and clutching his beads, "Do rethink that claim of yours is correct? I believe you should rethink this again. Isn't that Rayfa?"

Rayfa is our younger sister and the princess who will inherit the throne. She has a power to channel spirits and perform divination scenes of the last moments of the victim. She has short, black hair in loops and behind her face while being held by a white ribbon. She is wearing a pink dress with a purple ribbon. She has a pair of dark pink sandals on. She has a white cloak hanging from her neck with a pink ribbon tied from her wrists. On the top of her head is a small, golden tiara.

"I must agree with my brother, Justice" she spoke in a high manner with her head held high and hands on her hips, "You didn't read my divination correctly! I suggest you change your way of thinking!"

I rubbed my short, brown hair and let out a nervous laugh. Well, it looks like I got that wrong. Shake it off, Justice! You've got this!

Khura'in Courtroom, Courtroom Lobby

May 5th, 4:46 PM

At least the truth was found in the end. I was worried that the culprit was really going to get away with it! Ah, right, I should introduce myself! My name is Apollo Justice. I am a defense attorney who trained under the Phoenix Wright. Right now, I am helping adoptive family with trying cases and finding the truth behind it.

I do miss home, but I know my friends and partner are doing well! It isn't just me who moved here though. Ema Skye, a forensic scientist, is also with us! Though, I have another reason why she's here. Sure, the pay must be great since it is coming from the royal family, but I have a feeling my adoptive brother wanted her to be here. He may pretend to not have an interest, but mom and I know otherwise.

"Ah, Justice. How are you?" speaking of my brother, he spoke with elegance and grace.

"I am fine. Thanks for helping me out there! Without your help, I do not know if I would be able to find the truth" I said with a grin, "But I thought you were going to meet up with mom and sister? Is something on your mind?"

"Well, yes" he replied with a serious expression, "I actually have a question for you, Justice"

He has long, light purple hair tied into a ponytail and braided. He has piercing green eyes with a red mark on his forehead. He was wearing a white, priestly and royal robe with a green pendent clasp onto it. He has red beads hanging around his neck with golden earnings hanging from his ears. He has white pants and brown boots. He has a dragon tattoo on his hand.

"I am thinking of our planned, upcoming vacation" Nahyuta answered with a hand holding his face, "Do you have a location in mind?"

This is honestly a surprise to me, but I suppose that makes sense. Nahyuta loves to see the world and travels whenever he could as a prosecutor. As for me, I don't really have a place to visit, but I am sure that wherever we go, it will be long, nice, and relaxing.

(Al's POV)

English Channel Docks, Yacht of the Ridiculous Rich

May 6th, 8:00 PM

Well, this is not how I planned to spend my Friday night, but who really cares about that? This is the perfect way to spend a Friday! Ah, that's right! Your feeble minds do not know who I am, but I am sure all of you would know our dear old daddy is! I am Alfendi Layton! One of the best Inspectors of Scotland Yard! I should mention one tiny detail about us. I am Al and the other me is Fendi. There are two of us inside this body of mine.

"Do not forget to take a photo of the place and send it to our dear, younger sister" Fendi spoke in our minds in that annoyingly thoughtful tone of his.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I replied to him, but make no mistake, I am the original host of this body!

Currently, we were sent to investigate something stirring in the channel. I didn't expect this though. So many wonderful criminals and I get to fight and interrogate them! Ah, I am a kid in a candy store!

So, I am on the top floor of an oil platform and overlooking the entire event happening below me. What is happening? I looked over the railing to see so many of them speaking about something together.

"Oi! Prof! Didja find that lot?!" Lucy Baker, my assistant, shouted with a grin, "I wanna be there, but old boss wants me here. How is that fair?!"

"Well, one of us has to watch that stupid detective agency of my little sister's and I have no intention of leaving it to that idiotic assistant of hers!" I answered her simply, "And do not break anything while you are there! We will not have the money to replace anything for a while!"

She only laughed in reply, but that didn't reassure us in the least. Though, she's becoming a better detective in her own right. To be entirely honest, she has no reason to be with us. She can pursue her own cases or do others with the rest of my family. Why does she stick around us? Out of everyone I've met and including my family, she's the biggest puzzle of them all. Though, that can wait, because I believe the big bad is about to show themself. I looked over the railing to see my conclusion coming true as usual. The goons were stepping away from the giant, steel doors and two ridiculously large ones pulled it open.

"You have got to be kidding me" I spoke thoroughly annoyed when I saw a former culprit we locked up quickly.

"Wot?! Who is it?! Tell me!" Lucy shouted excitedly.

"Lucy pull up the files on Mike de Bonair" I ordered as I glared at this and also felt annoyingly frustrated by this.

Out of everyone who got out of jail and could vow revenge against me and those I love, why is it this dolt?! He was a murder on some radio show that I could care least about, but who the in name of the Queen of England let this idiot out?!

Oh, right, you need to know what this fool looks like. He's an old man with brown hair slicked back and matching, boring eyes. He's got some stupid orange jacket around his neck along with a stripped purple sweater for some reason. He's got a yellow, pale shirt and has white pants with brown shoes. Regardless, he was somehow in command in these even bigger idiots!

"Come now, please show a little decorum!" he announced in that haughty tone of his and a clap of his hands, "We are planning a grand event to take those who have wronged us!"

I have many questions about this and him, but I can easily solve this. For now, I should listen to this fool and hope he's still an idiot to the point he will confess their plans. Would make my life easier.

"And now, our leader will make his appearance" he spoke as he waved his hands downward with the rest of the goons doing their work.

Ok, he's an idiot. The biggest one I have ever met in my life. Sure, I've met the most idiotic and moronic people, but they've also met me, so I believe this is fair.

"Please take the photo, Al" Fendi spoke seriously as if he was aware how dangerous the situation we are in, "This is far too easy if you ask me. Though, you rarely ask for my point of view on the situation"

"Who even asked you?!" I snapped at my brother before realizing his words, "Though, you do have a point for once. Something isn't right. This is too easy. Why is this too easy?!"

Great! Now I have doubt! Why is this so easy? I stared at the idiotic goons and their pathetic excuse of a leader. They were moving something along the yachts. There was one container that someone opened before the idiotic leader.

"Ah! Is it here?!" he asked in delight before clapping his hands to have two goons open the container to see a T.V camera?

A T.V camera?! Out of everything that they could've had! A simple, useless T.V camera?!

"This is the last piece of technology that the Phantom had. Are we sure this will work?" Mike asked as he held a hand to his face.

The Phantom?! How on the Queen's earth did they get an item as dangerous as that?! Who let any of these idiots near it?!

"I believe I was correct this time, my dear brother" Fendi spoke with pride as I felt like ripping my hair out of my head.

"Not now!" I snapped at him, "Especially since we've got to do something to stop him for being an idiot and hurting innocent people! Mainly for Lucy's worried, little mind. Anyway, time to arrest them!"

"I must disagree with this course of action, Al" Fendi advised seriously for once, "We need a cautious plan. They have a dangerous weapon. We are an amazing detective and understand the beautiful and chaotic minds of criminals, but we are only two personalities in one body"

My pathetic twin has a point. How do we even go about this?! They took the camera out and examined it with many common items such as plates, phones, gaming, instruments, and certain clothes.

"What are they doing?" I wondered as I grabbed the railings to see them pointing the T.V camera at the items.

Nothing was happening! How idiotic can they be?! I let out a snort as everyone turned to us. Oh, I guess I am the idiot. Everyone held puzzled expressions until Mike gasped as he pointed at us. Well, this was bound to happen.

"You know, this would've been better if you kept your sense of humor in check" Fendi pointed out as I shrugged.

"Yeah, but this was bound to happen sooner or later" I confessed without a care before holding a gun at them.

"You'll have to excuse me, but I couldn't help it when I saw idiots handling a device that his beyond their feeble, little minds!" I commented before pointing the gum at them, "So, I accept your surrender!"

"I do not want to die and leave our family, friends, and Lucy alone" Fendi reminded annoyingly.

"Relax. They don't have guns. They can't kill us!" I reassured him as my expression fell to see everyone holding a firearm of sorts, "I do not want to hear it, Fendi"

With a step of my heel, I turned and ran as fast as I can!

"Kill him! We can't let Alfendi Layton escape! He will ruin our plans!" Mike shouted in a panic as he gestured to us.

Correction, I plan to ruin their plans! Whatever, time to get off this rich yachts! I turned and jumped to the ground level and took a turn to the exit. Well, this is going wonderfully! That was until the bullets fired! I covered my head and groaned as I turned away from the goons. I found myself running the other way and towards the edge of the yacht. Well, I've attempted worse before. I took a deep breath and jumped into the water to dive lower and lower and lose my annoying lab coat.

"He fell into the water! Fire away! Kill him!" Mike shouted as he pointed to the water.

The goons did point their weapons into the water and opened fired like the idiots they are, but here is the crucial thing you need to be aware of. They are complete idiots, and I am genius. I knew I couldn't avoid their bullets, so I swam underneath the yacht and held my hands over my mouth. I waited for a good few minutes before the yacht drove away from the dock. I popped my head out of the water and grinned.

"Ha! Fools! None of you can kill me!" I shouted with a cheer and raised my fist in the air.

I swam upward and to the dock as Lucy was buzzing from my phone. I sat up and tapped the phone to answer her.

"Prof! What happened?! You stopped speaking ta me!" Lucy shouted with concern.

"Yeah, I am fine" I reassured her with a wave of my hand, "But things are going to get complicated. We've got our work cut out for us as well! Now, let's get to work!"

I eagerly rushed out of the docks and towards our detective agency at full force! Oh, yes! I can feel the drive of a case needing to be solved! And no one was going to hold us back from solving it.

(Apollo's POV)

Khura'in Royal Palace, Living Room

May 5th, 5:13 PM

And so, my adoptive brother and I were sitting together and having a nice meal before dinner. I was surprised to see him in a confused manner about our upcoming vacation. He was sitting across from him while eating a bowl of rice. He had placed his noodle bowl down and closed his eyes. I am always patient with him, so I decided to wait until he spoke to speak.

"Apollo" he spoke simply, "Do you know where you are going for your vacation?"

"Oh!" I answered in relief, "I am planning to back to the Wright Anything Agency! I wanted to check in on everyone and see Athena of course. What about you? What are you going to do?"

Nahyuta finally opened his eyes to confess, "I want to take Ema to see her older sister again.

I nearly choked on the rice I was eating. Is he going to do what I think he's going to do?!

"Relax" he said with slight annoyance in his voice, "I am not planning to ask for her hand in marriage. We know that it is the women who asks for the man's hand in our lands. I will only wait for her for me to drape her in gems and golds"

I have to explain to him that Ema was not brough up like that at all. However, it would be funny to see him and her blunder. Just a little bit. I should probably let Ema know more than my brother. I don't know how to even explain this.

"This brings me to my point" Nahyuta spoke, "Would it be wrong to ask for his big sister to attend a few events with us? I imagine it would make Ema happy, but would it be wrong to ask her older sister since she's the elder among us?"

Ah, well, at least he's trying to give himself and Ema a break. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing really.

"Well, just give her a phone call and a nice gift" I suggested with a simple shrug and grin, "Take them out to a nice restaurant, pay for the meal, and have a nice night home. That should be helpful, right?"

I spoke as simply, plainly, and straight to my adoptive brother that even he was sure to understand this. Right?!

"I see" Nahyuta spoke an interesting voice, "Thank you for the help, Justice. I will ensure our return to our friends is one to remember! Now, I must inform my lady that we are departing to her home"

He excitedly departed from our living room, leaving his warm food there. I could only smile at him before turning to my food to finish. I already told Athena I would be back and that we could have a date. I leaned back and grinned. Yeah, I am sure everything is going to be fine! What's the worst that could happen?

(Klavier's POV)

Prosecutor's Office, Klavier Gavin's Office

May 4th, 4:30 PM

I was busily working on the cases that my boss was tasking me to do. Ah, but Herr Edgeworth always knows what to do! I hope my plans will not be ruined along with my break either! That's right! It is time for my introduction!

Ladies! Gentleman! It is I, the rockstar prosecutor, Klavier Gavin!

I have striking, blond hair. A gorgeous skin! As well as a pair of striking, gray eyes to match as well. I am wearing a designer purple jacket with a silver necklace holding the initial of my last name. A pair of black boots are strapped onto my legs. I do have a chain belt around my waist and a few rings but worry ladies! I am still single! For now. If only a certain prosecutor would give me some time. Oh well!

"Ah, why must my boss always give me so much work?" I said as I leaned back in my leather chair and closing my eyes.

My phone buzzed as I jumped and cheered before taking the device to hold close to my ears.

"Hallo! This is prosecutor Klavier Gavin speaking! Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?!" I cheerfully greeted with a laugh.

"Hi Klavier" a sigh, meek and relieved voice spoke, "It's me, Sebastian. How are you doing? Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth is keeping us busy, but I am grateful we are getting a break soon. Speaking of our break, is it ready?"

"But of course, it is!" I shouted in delight, "We are ready to go! I cannot wait to see him along with everyone else! Oh, this is going to be wunderbar!"

I could hear my friend only laugh in reply before another voice shouted over his. Ah, I believe I know who that is.

"Hey there, Klavier! It is me! The Great Thief and Detective Kay!" she greeted loudly, "How are you doing with this world tour travel? Did you tell Apollo yet?!"

"Not yet! But soon enough! I plan to meet with him once he arrives! I cannot wait! It has been a long time since we've hanged out!" I announced before standing up and placed a hand on my chest, "So, stay tuned everyone for the World Tour Turnabout is about to embark!"

There was a knock at my door as a groan escape the mouth of my boss.

"May I come in, Prosecutor Gavin?" Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth asked with a tired expression.

"But of course!" I said before bidding farewell to them, "Remember! Come to the Wright Anything Agency once I am done!"

I turned my phone off as the chief prosecutor entered my office. The chief prosecutor is an older man, but he is one I greatly look up to. He has a very big, white cravat tied around his neck. He is wearing a red suit and black dress shirt. He has black shoes and glasses on his face. He has gray hair neatly comb and all-knowing gray eyes.

"Prosecutor Gavin, are you sure about this?" he asked seriously as he was looking at the paperwork, "Although he was behaving well in his sentence and off for good behavior, I do not know if this is a good idea"

"Don't worry" I reassured my boss, "I will be looking over him closely. You will have nothing to worry about. I promise. So, may I please have the paperwork?"

The chief prosecutor sighed before relinquishing the paperwork to me. I flipped it over, flashed a smile, and then saluted to him before leaving heading to my car to drive to the prison.

Detention Center, Prison

May 4th, 5:00 PM

I drove my car up to the detention and waved when I saw my former band mate!

"Hello! Daryan Crecend!" I greeted warmly with a wave.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Yes, he did try to frame me for murder and a smuggling ring, but so what? Water under the bridge! Everyone has done that to someone at one point or another in their lives in the law.

Anyway! He's a guitarist too! He has an amazing black pompadour with a white tip. He has a black jacket with a yellow zipper. He has black, leather pants and high steel boots. He has bright, black eyes as he waved back to me.

"Hey buddy!" he greeted before I opened the passenger's seat for him.

He climbs in and took a deep breath in to comment in relief, "Ah, it is so nice to be outside again without the threat of someone watching over me"

"I imagine!" I said before starting up the car and driving towards my house, "I cannot wait for our world tour turnabout to start!"

Which is true! This is going to be so much fun! My friends and I playing music and touring the world! How could this be anything but a joy for us?! With that happy thought of mine, I drove us back to my house and couldn't wait to for this adventure to start!

(Apollo's POV)

Khura'in Airport, Boarding Gate A4

May 5th, 11:21 PM

Well, it was time for us to depart from our home. Our mother let us leave, but Rayfa was crying the most when we were leaving. We reassured her we would return and would even bring gifts. She sniffled and nodded her head before letting us go. So, it was me standing at the gate with my adoptive brother, waiting for Ema. She wanted to grab a few snacks before our long flight to our friends!

"Hey!" she shouted as she waved her hand at us with her other hand holding her luggage and bag of snackoos in the others, "I am ready to go!"

She was much better after everything that had happened. She has her brown hair tied up in a ponytail with her brown eyes shimmering and her special glasses hanging from her neck. She has her lab coat tied around her waist. She's wearing a dark green shirt and brown shorts with a pair of brown high heel shoes.

"Wonderful" Nahyuta said with a gentle smile as I only grinned at them.

"Ah, don't worry, Apollo" Ema said with a grin, "You'll see Athena very soon. I bet she'll be excited to see you first anyway!"

I didn't even say anything! Sigh, who cares! We are going to be on vacation! We won't have to worry about cases at all! We finally get a chance to relax and be with our friends and family! What is the worst that can happen to us? 

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