From The Rift

By Mightyenaboy975

4.1K 148 188

Ahri and the rest of KDA just returned back to the Summoner's Rift. They are suddenly called to the Main Offi... More

What Have we Done?!
Possible Mates
Possible Mates pt.2
Possible Mates PT.3
The Academy
Proving Ones Strength
Could I be Redeemed
Small Training Session.
The Target
A Midnight Struggle
Can't Keep Me Down

A New Group

316 11 5
By Mightyenaboy975

I do not own KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV The next day-

I sit in the lunchroom watching the girls make friends. I'm happy for them and I'm glad they are having it much easier than me. "What's wrong Hun?" Katarina asks and I sigh softly.

"I'm fine." I say and she sits across from me.

"Bullshit." She says and plays with one of her knives. "I basically raised you Grey. So I'm going to pretend you didn't just try to lie to me." She says and I groan.

"I'm fine. Truly I am. I'm just not good about making... friends." I say and she smiles.

"See? Was it really that hard?" She asks and I scoff.

"Easy for you to say. I hate being vulnerable." I say and she smiles.

"Why don't you try and make friends?" She asks and I scoff.

"I did. But all they did was ask about the girls and how they could get with them." I say and she frowns.

"What about female friends?" She asks and I groan.

"Then tell those four and Ahri to back off. Do you know how hard it is to make female friends, when they barge in and basically assault her with questions?" I ask and she smiles.

"I've got just the girl for you. Wait right here." She says and throws her knife before disappearing. I'm really confused until a few minutes go by and she walks up with a small girl.


"Grey this is Briar. She was made by a cult to be the ultimate weapon. She also doesn't know how to interact with people. Maybe you two could help each other out and make new friends." Kat says and I nod.

"Hello Briar." I say and she smiles nervously.

"H-Hello. May I taste your blood?" She asks and quickly covers her mouth. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone." She says and I grab her wrist gently.

"Sit and chat with me. Why did you want to taste my blood?" I ask and she shifts slightly.

"Blood helps me relax thanks to my necklace. It might be easier to talk to you. But I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable!" She says and I grab a knife. She flinches but I put it to my wrist causing both of them to look at me.

"I would like to be your friend." I say as I slit my wrist and offer it to her. She looks up at me shocked as I smile. "Do you accept my friendship?" I ask and she gently grabs my arm. She looks up at me as I smile. She licks my blood up gently and consumes it. She hums happily and I use a little magic to heal the cut.

"Thank you." She says with a little more confidence.

"Anything for a new friend." I say and she smiles showing off her sharp teeth.

"Your blood...I feel like it's empowering me." She says softly.

"Really?" I ask and she nods.

"Sup you guys?!" Layla says as she sits down and kicks her feet into the table.

"Hello." Sinder says and sits down calmly with her food.

"Is it okay if we sit here?" Melania asks and we nod. Both her and Tori sit down and immediately begin talking about magic.

"I can't properly control that Sun Sphere. If I could have Mizure would have lost." Tori groans as Melania pats her hands.

"Why don't you ask your Dad for help?" Melania asks and Tori sighs.

"I get my magic abilities from my Mom. Dad can't really help me and I already surpassed my Mother." Tori says and I look at her.

"I can help you." I say and she immediately looks at me with stars in her eyes.

"Really?! Even though I fought Mizure?!" She asks quickly and I nod.

"Yeah. Just because we fought in that arena, doesn't mean we're enemies." I say as I eat.

"That's very mature considering who your mother is." Sinder says and I sigh.

"I wasn't raised by her." I growl lowly and she nods.

"Understood. Sorry if I touched a nerve." She says and I sigh.

"It's okay." I say and Layla sits up.

"Hey. We're all pretty strong. Let's try and beat that impossible simulation." She says and I look at her.

"Layla. Even our Fathers couldn't beat it, and remember that it takes OFF the protective barrier. So whatever happens in there is what comes with you." Sinder says and Layla looks at her.

"Oh come on Sinder! What if Grey is what we needed to have an edge?! Even without his tails we could probably win!" She says and I look at her.

"That does sound interesting." I say and Layla fist pumps excitedly.

"Fine." Sinder says and we all get up. We follow Layla to a futuristic looking room. Layla looks around the room and locks the door. "Why lock the door?" Sinder asks and Layla smirks.

"We don't want anyone to walk in and see us doing this. 'We're too important to risk.' or whatever." Layla says mockingly. "Besides. We can always end the simulation if it gets too rough." She says as she messes with the console. "There. Let's step inside." She says and we all walk in and the room changes. Buildings rise up out of the ground, a huge hotel rises up next to us, I look at the sky to see a black sun with a pentagram in it.

"Where the hell are we?" I ask and we hear a soft chuckling followed by the clicking of heels. I look over to see a very tall woman with a microphone cane. She has long red hair which cascades down her back with black tips, two animalistic ears, very sharp claws, an old styled outfit which is blood red with a few accents, very pale and fair skin, blood red eyes with red Irises, and sharp yellow teeth that stayed in a creepy smile.

(The Radio Demoness. Difficulty: Impossible.)

"Well hello there! It seems like the children have come to challenge me!" She says and her voice sounds like she's talking through a radio.

"We came here to win!" Layla says as we all get ready. She laughs before suddenly looking at me.

"Oh? How interesting. I see that he was right about being connected to others. Tell me." She says as black chains quickly subdued the others.

"Girls!" I say as they struggle to break free.

"Why do you not use your real power?" She asks and I growl at her as they are suspended high above the ground.

"Because I don't need to!" I snapped at her already not liking her attitude.

"Oh! Seems I've plucked a nerve! You remind me of my own Grey. But I'm rambling! Why don't we skip to the fun part?" She asks and sends a blast of demonic energy at me.

"Shit!" I say and roll out of the way. I grab the handle of my blade and rush her while dodging her attacks. I go to stab her only for her to dodge it. I start getting frustrated as she easily dodges all of my attacks.

"How interesting. Your Mother was able to land a hit on me. Though just barely." She says and I shake in rage.

"Don't EVER compare me to HER!" I yell and begin to attack as fast as I can.

-Small Ahri POV-

I sit in the lunchroom talking to Omega and the others. Suddenly the screen turns on and we see our kids fighting the Radio Demoness. "Oh no!" I yell and stand up. I watch as Grey always just barely misses her, and I see him beginning to lose control.

"Ahri we'll go and rescue them! Stay here!" Omega says as he and the others sprint out of the room.

"Grey. Please get out of there! She's just toying with you!" I yell and begin to tear up.

-Grey POV-

"Why won't you just die?!" I ask as my sword is overheating and is slightly on fire.

"Because this is too entertaining!" She says while chuckling.

"I'm not a fucking toy!" I scream as my sword now completely bursts into flames. "Why can't I hit you?!" I yell out loud as she always nimbly dodges me. I jump up and get ready to impale her. Suddenly a black tendril appears from her back, and before I could react it wraps around my throat. I gasp and drop my blade which sinks deep into the floor.

"Grey!" The girls scream and struggle against the chains. I try to release my tails but she squeezes my throat tighter making me lose focus. I begin to struggle to breath as she brings me closer to her face.

"My fox. I taught early to always go for the kill. But he's such a timid boy and I'll kill everyone so he doesn't have to." She says and squeezes my throat even tighter making it almost impossible to breathe. As my vision gets blurry she takes her claw and begins to push it into my chest. "I'm not going to kill you. Just something to remember the Radio Demoness." She says before choking me until I black out.

-Timeskip Ahri POV-

I sit beside the hospital bed holding Grey's hand. He was brought to the brink of death, and his healing was being delayed by dark magic. "My sweet little Prince. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you again." I say softly and kiss his forehead. Suddenly I hear multiple girls saying ouch. I turn to see Morgana and the other Mother's holding the girls by their ears.

"Mom stop!" Tori says in pain as Melania is bent down to her Mother's level.

"What do you have to say for yourself Layla?" Her Mother asks and Layla goes down to one knee.

"I'm sorry! It was my idea and I didn't know what would happen!" She says and I frown.

"Zoe. It's okay. Grey chose to go in there." I say and she looks at me.

"Grey almost died Ahri. The Demoness was only toying with him." Zoe says as Shelby walks up with Sinder.

"Sinder actually bothered me to bring her here. I'm not happy with her and she's grounded. But she said she didn't try and stop them." Shelby says and I look at Sinder.

"I'm sorry Aunt Ahri. I should have tried harder." She says and I smile at her.

"It's alright Sinder. It wasn't like you were able to help him anyway." I say and she frowns.

"I'll get stronger. I won't ever fail him or another comrade again." She says and I ruffle her hair.

"I'm sure Grey would love to help you." I say and Katarina walks in.

"How is my son?" She asks and my eye twitches.

"My Grey is going to be fine." I say and calm down. I pet his head gently and my eyes widen as his black and red ears pop out of his head.

-Layla POV-

I groan as we walk out of the room and I rub my ear. "Why did I get it the worse?" I ask and Sinder shakes her head.

"You dragged us all there and put Grey in that situation idiot." She says and I roll my eyes before looking as Grey's friends walk up to us.

"Stay away from Grey." Yune says and I get in her face.

"Who the fuck are you talking to shorty?" I ask and she glares at me.

"A bitch who doesn't know she doesn't have a chance." She responded and we all get in each other's faces.

"Be careful who you threaten dumbass. Cause it might earn you an early grave." I say and she smirks.

"Took the words out of my mouth." She says and I clench my fists tightly. We all push past each other with insults.

"Next time we fight them. I'm going to bury them." I say and Sinder nods.

-Alright! So Grey befriends Briar and it's revealed that his blood actually makes her stronger. Layla convinces Grey and her group to try the impossible simulation, the one that even The Boys with Ahri couldn't beat. The Radio Demoness reveals to Grey that she also has a Grey. Does this mean that all of the Grey's are somehow connected? As Grey gets frustrated as she clearly outclassed him, she begins to strangle him, and we find out Grey needs to focus to undo the seal on his power. She also tells Grey that she won't kill him. Ahri is then sitting by Grey's medical bed as the girls are forced to apologize. Katarina comes in and claims Grey as her son again, but Ahri only says My Grey. What does that mean? Layla's group runs into Yune and the others. Now both groups actually dislike each other and will try to steal Grey from the others. But there are other women to meet. Who should Grey meet next? Until next time everyone!-

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