Again | See You Sequel โœฎ ๐‘ฏ๐’–...

By pinktormaline

3.6K 228 117

๐€๐ ๐š๐ข๐ง- ๐’๐ž๐ž ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐’๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฅ Some people don't know what they have until it's gone. But what abou... More

โ™กAuthor's Noteโ™ก
CHAPTER 1 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 2 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 3 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 4 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 5 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 6 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 7 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 8 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 9 -York New-
CHAPTER 11 -York New-
CHAPTER 12 -York New-
CHAPTER 13 -York New-
CHAPTER 14 -York New-
CHAPTER 15 -York New-
CHAPTER 16 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 17 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 18 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 19 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 20 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 21 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 22 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 23 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 24 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 25 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 26 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 27 - Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 28 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 29 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 30 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 31 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 32 -Devil's Sea-

CHAPTER 10 -York New-

101 8 1
By pinktormaline

Third person POV

The air inside Gon's bedroom was charged with a mix of excitement and determination as Gon, Ringo, and Killua gathered in a tight circle. The room, adorned with maps and sketches, felt like a war room for their mission to gather the Dragon Balls.

Gon sat cross-legged at the center of the circle, his vibrant brown eyes focused intently on the Dragon radar he had placed before them. The device emitted a soft, rhythmic hum, indicating the locations of the Dragon balls.

Killua sat to Gon's right. His blue eyes darted between the radar and the map, trying to discern patterns and connections that might aid them in their quest. His nimble fingers tapped against the floor, showcasing his impatience to unravel the mysteries ahead.

"There's only two Dragon Balls left to find. I'm sure we'll be able to get it faster now that we're together." Gon's eyes lit up with determination as he smiled.

"I can see why you're saving these two balls for last." Killua leaned forward. His analytical mind is already at work. "The first ball is in the middle of the sea, and the other one... it's like it has a mind of its own. It keeps shifting, almost like it belongs to someone on the move."

"So, we've got a ball playing hide and seek. Lovely. Any clues on the owner?" Ringo, twirling a strand of her black hair, chimed in.

Killua furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "If we can figure out who these people are and why they're moving, we might get a lead on the ball's location."

"But do we have a lead on that?" Ringo asked.

The room fell into a heavy silence, a collective sigh escaping the lips of the trio.

Gon, usually the optimist, sighed audibly. "It's kind of frustrating. Whoever has that ball is playing smart. They're covering their tracks well."

"It's as if the owner is deliberately concealing their presence... " Killua muttered as he was deep in thought before his eyes flashed to Gon.

"Gon, could it be that your father has the last ball?" Killua asked.

"What? I don't think so. He told me he doesn't have it anymore."

The once vibrant and energetic atmosphere in Gon's bedroom now felt weighed down by the uncertainty of their situation.

Killua leaned forward, his electric blue eyes sharp with resolve. "Gon, I think we should focus on tracking down the ball in the northern sea first. It's a more tangible lead, and we can't afford to split our efforts too much. Let's head to York New City."

"York New City?" Gon asked, genuinely puzzled.

A mischievous smirk crept onto Killua's face. "Don't you think it's time for the gang to get back together after five years of being apart?"

Gon's confusion turned into a mix of surprise and excitement. "Kurapika and Leorio! That's right. I'm sure they'll be a lot of help!"

Killua nodded, the smirk never leaving his face. "Absolutely. Imagine the five of us working together again. We'll be unstoppable."

Gon's eyes lit up with realization and then pure determination. A wide grin spread across his face. "I can't believe it. Let's go to York New City and find them! The team's finally back together!"

'... and with Rin too!'

As Gon and Killua shared their conversation, Ringo couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion creeping in.

"Ehem." Clearing her throat to get their attention, she interjected, "Um, sorry to interrupt, but who exactly is Kurapika and Leorio?"

Gon and Killua exchanged a glance before realizing that not everyone in the group might be familiar with their old friends. Gon grinned and began, "Kurapika is a friend we met during the Hunter Exam. He's incredibly skilled and has a unique Nen ability. Leorio, on the other hand, is a doctor and was also part of our team. Both of them are strong, reliable allies."

"Got it. It sounds like they'll be valuable assets to our mission. Let's head to Yorknew City or whatever that place is and meet up with them, then." Ringo nodded, appreciating the explanation.

"Absolutely! You'll love them, Rin. We make a pretty unstoppable team when we're all together." Gon grinned.

Ringo found herself unexpectedly caught off guard by the genuineness of his smile. Her cheeks flushed, and she quickly turned her head, attempting to conceal her embarrassment.

Killua, ever observant, noticed Ringo's reaction. His suspicious gaze locked onto her, and a furrow appeared on his brow. The similarity in Ringo's response to Gon's smile triggered a memory – an old, now-departed friend who had shared a similar reaction.

Killua couldn't shake off the sense of familiarity. The suspicion lingered as he observed Ringo for a moment longer, silently contemplating the uncanny resemblance in her response to Gon's warmth. The room held a brief moment of tension, unnoticed by Gon, who continued discussing the mission details.

Deciding to let it slide, for the time being, Killua refocused on the task at hand. A certain topic crossed his mind, and Killua's curiosity got the better of him.

Killua turned to Ringo, his eyes narrowing. "Hey, Ringo, your brother once mentioned a third prodigy. He told you to find that person if you're in a pinch. Who is that supposed to be?"

Ringo, caught off guard by the unexpected question, hesitated for a moment before delving into deep thoughts. She took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Every generation in the Kamesenryuu martial art school has a prodigy. In my brother's generation, there were three. My brother, Son Gokuro, was the first, and he became the Grandmaster of Kamesenryuu. The second was Boxer Brief, I think he's the successor of Capsule Corp, but I've never met him before..."

'Boxer's a prodigy too? Well, go figure, no wonder Gokuro's office was filled with Capsule Corp tech.' Killua rolled his eyes.

"But the third one... she was something else..."

"Oh, the Third Prodigy's a girl?" Gon asked.


"She didn't come from a warrior bloodline like the others, but her skills were said to be on par with them. Extraordinary talents like hers are incredibly rare, maybe one in a million people. She was like the embodiment of a natural genius in martial arts." Ringo's eyes seemed to reflect a mix of reverence and mystery.

Killua's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't resist asking, "If this third prodigy was so superior in martial arts, she should be famous, right? What's her name?"




Ringo came up blank, and a look of alarm crossed her face. "I... I can't remember."

"You what?!"

"How the hell are we supposed to find her if we don't even know her name?"

Ringo shot him a glare, retorting, "Hey, it's not my fault! Her name is a taboo. Nobody talks about her, and it's been that way for years. Even my brother rarely mentioned her. But maybe I'll know once I see her, I saw a picture of them together. Although that photo is kinda old." Ringo murmured her last words, and Killua slapped his forehead.

Ringo's mind raced with memories as she recalled the old photograph that captured the trio of prodigies. The image painted vivid pictures of the past, each detail etched into her memory.

In the photograph, her brother, Son Gokuro, stood tall with unruly black hair, donned in a pristine white changshan that contrasted sharply against his youthfulness. Next to him, Boxer exuded an aura of strength, his tan skin and distinctive lavender locks making a striking impression.

Yet, it was the third figure in the photograph that caught Ringo's attention once more. A young girl, her blonde hair cascading down, and her eyes shining with an innate elegance that seemed at odds with the martial arts prowess. The girl's features were delicate, and her posture hinted at a subtle grace that belied her young age.

(The Kamesenryuu prodigies drawn by yours truly)

"What happened? Why is it a taboo to mention her?" Gon asked.

A solemn expression clouded Ringo's face as she continued, "One fateful night, she disappeared. Her whole family was wiped out. Ever since then, the island's restrictions have become tighter. Somehow, it became a taboo to even mention her name. Not many people know about her, and speaking her name is considered forbidden."

"You speak as if she was the one who wiped out her family." Killua's eyebrows furrowed.

"Nobody knows. They say it's an omen just speaking about her." Ringo added. "But there must be a reason Gokuro told me to find her, she must be an answer to something."

Killua scoffed, a hint of skepticism in his voice, "A reason? What kind of reason could there possibly be? And why would your brother want you to find someone whose name is practically forbidden?"

Ringo shrugged, "I don't know. She's supposed to be strong, right? Maybe the third prodigy has some unique skills that could help me become stronger?"

Killua rolled his eyes, "Well, we don't have any leads aside from this vague story you told us. Gon, any brilliant ideas?"

Gon, ever the optimist, chimed in, "Well if Boxer knows her, why don't we just ask him?"

Ringo looked confused, "Boxer? How do you know Boxer?"

Gon grinned, "We met him five years ago during our time in Heavens Arena."

Killua nodded, "Yeah, unfortunately, I lost contact with Boxer."

'Ever since Rin's funeral.' His eyes faltered.

"Oh, but I still do."

Killua snapped his face at him. "You do?"

"We occasionally exchange messages. He was the one who gave me the Dragon Radar since the old one was broken. I can reach out to him and ask if he knows anything about the third prodigy. It's worth a shot, right?"

Ringo, though still puzzled by the boys' connection with Boxer, nodded in agreement. "Sure, if Boxer can help, let's give it a try."

"You still want to find that person?" Killua raised his eyebrow.

"Well, Gokuro told me too. It's not like I have anything to lose by finding her." Ringo said.


Gon looked at his phone with anticipation after hitting send, expecting a quick reply. However, as minutes passed without a response, confusion crept into his expression. "Strange, Boxer always replies immediately. I wonder what's taking him so long."

Killua, ever pragmatic, interjected, "He's probably busy, Gon. Don't count on him. We can't afford to wait around for his reply. Let's get ready to head to Yorknew City. We can handle things on our own if we need to."

"We're still going to find her, right?" Ringo asked as the two stood from their seats.

Killua, while skeptical, respected Ringo's wishes. "If you think it's that important, we'll keep an eye out for any leads on the third prodigy. But our main focus is still the mission for the ball. We can't let this sidetrack us too much."

"You're right, once we're ready, we can send messages to Kurapika and Leorio, letting them know we're on our way to Yorknew. The sooner we regroup, the better." Gon said.

"Sounds like a plan." Ringo nodded.



Hey guys, it's a short chapter this time. I know it's filled with conversation but bear with me, the next few chapters will be packed with action.

Well, since we already have Goten and Trunks descendants, who do you think the Third prodigy is? Let me know in the comment section >.<

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