The Ugly Dare

By imkindaofficial

1.2K 108 40

《 A truth may embarrass you but a dare will put you to the test 》 Calista Winters, a big mouth, queen of pran... More

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By imkindaofficial

Tyson pulls up to a Taco Bell and I squeal. He parks the car and I jump out running inside. I rush to the counter about to order but realize Tyson still hasn't gotten out the car.

I stomp my foot and rush back outside to see what the hold up is.

"Hey! Come on, the tacos are calling me!" I say impatient.

"Sorry sweetie didn't know you liked tacos that much," he says getting out his car slowly.

"I don't have time for this!" I say pulling him out the car and into Taco Bell.

"Whoa! Where did that strength come from?" He says.

"When a girl is hungry Tyson, you get them food quickly or pay the price." I say bringing him to the counter.

He shakes his head and we both order what we want. The Taco Bell was pretty empty so we got our food quickly and sat at a table. I dug into the food quickly and finished one soft taco in two bites. I was about to go into the next one when Tyson clears his throat.

"What?" I say opening the wrapper.

He just stares at me wide eyed and points to the empty wrapper. I shrug and start eating the next one. He stares at me a little longer before eating his tacos. We eat in silence and then I decide I need some questions answered.

"So why did you take me here? I thought I was ugly to you. And why didn't you just drop me off in the first place? Do you like keeping me around? Hmmmmm." I ask him.

"Slow down sweetie, one question at a time." He says.

"Stop calling me that Green." I say to him crossing me arms.

"One because I was hungry. Two because I have stuff to take care off. Three, honestly your annoying as heck. Four, I will not stop calling you sweetie." He says crossing his arms.

I huff in response and drink my soda angrily. He smirks and laughs triumphant. I put my soda down and put on a calm face. I then proceed to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

He stops laughing and falls off the chair, letting out a stream of curse words. I laugh in response and drink my soda again.

He rolls on the floor covering his area and he starts to draw attention from the people here. An employee comes over to us and tells Tyson he has to get off the floor or else we'll be kicked out.

Tyson whines in response and slowly gets off the floor unto his chair. I continue to laugh at his pain and he gives me a deadly stare.

"That wasn't nice sweetie." He says barely getting the words out.

"I told you to stop calling me that. I can do it again if you want." I say kicking his leg to tease him.

He turns his whole body away from me and gets up to throw out our food. I follow him ready to leave but he turns around abruptly catching me off guard. He spills the tray onto my shirt making the meat that fell off the taco come onto my shirt. I glare at him and he just snickers.

"My bad sweetie," he says turning around and throwing out the wrappers.

I go to the bathroom to wipe myself and I curse Tyson internally because I was wearing my favorite shirt. I try to get the stain off as best as I can but it wouldn't come off. I groan and walk out the bathroom to see Tyson is no where in sight. I panic and run outside to see him sitting in his car.

I stomp toward his car and get in the passenger seat. I slam the door and cross my arms.

"You like crossing your arms don't you?" He says.

I glare at him in response and turn toward the window.

"Fine, be that way sweetie." He says starting the car.

He pulls out of the Taco Bell and drives us to our block. I point to which house is mine and he drives on front of it.

I get out the car and slam the door. I walk toward my door and then I hear his voice behind me.

"Aren't you going to ask me where my house is?" He says.

I turn around and shake my head no.

"Well I'll tell you since you are dying to know." He says smirking.

Gosh I'd loved to wipe the smirk straight off his face.

"My house is across the street from yours sweetie." He says driving into his driveway and hopping out his car.

My mouth drops open and he waves, walking into his house slamming his door. I stand there for a couple more seconds shocked. I can't believe I never noticed he lived right across the street from me!

I throw myself together and walk into my house. I walk into my kitchen and get bombarded with questions.

"Where were you young lady? I was calling you nonstop and you never answered. I was so worried! Who was the boy outside? I saw him go into the house across the street. Oh is he the Green's son? Such a nice family, I should invite them over for dinner!" My mom says walking toward the phone.

"NO! Mom I mean hi, I'm home now so no need to call anyone or worry." I say.

"Well honey answer your phone next time and I won't be worried!" She says coming over to me and hugging me.

"Sorry mom, I had detention and th-

"DETENTION!" She yells.

Did I forget to mention that to her? Dang it I'm in for it.

"Young lady why did you get detention? You know what forget it, you are grounded for a week!" She says walking to the living room.

"Mom! You know I was suppose to hang out with Papaya tomorrow." I say.

"Well cancel it, you should have thought about it before getting detention." She says pointing upstairs.

I groan and stomp up the stairs into my room slamming it.

"We do not slam doors in this house! Another week for you!" My mom yells.

I dive unto my bed and scream into my pillow.

"Stupid teacher. Stupid detention. Stupid Tyson. Stupid dare!" I yell hitting my pillow repeatedly.

I stop hitting my pillow and fall face first into my bed. I lay there for a little bit and then take my phone out my bag, texting Papaya that I can't hang out tomorrow. She automatically responses with a sad face and I throw my phone on my nightstand.

My phone then vibrates again and I ignore it. Then it does it again and I get it from the nightstand. I look and see an unknown number texting me. I delete both texts and throw my phone back on the nightstand.

I remember I have homework but I decide to not do it and go to sleep. It was late anyway and thanks to Tyson I was dead tired.

I get under the covers and grab my pillow, drifting off to sleep.



I put the gif because that's how I feel when I'm about to eat tacos.

I hope you enjoyed!

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