Relationships & Partners and...

By Lumna10

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Here I give my opinion on my favorite characters and their relationship with others both as friends and some... More

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5 Best Villain Cliches
Good Vs. Bad Dialogue Issues & How To Fix Them
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Good Vs Bad Dialogue Round 3 Is About To Begin
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Letting Characters Learn To Spell
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Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P15
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P16
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P17
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P18
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P19
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P20
Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P21
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10 Character Flaws of A List of 100 Character Flaws
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Character Flaws #33-43 out of 100 Character Flaws
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Good & Bad Dialogue Round 4 PointersSpecifically for Fantasy
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Character Flaws 66- 76 out of 100 Character Flaws
Character Flaws 77- 87 out of 100 Character Flaws
Character Flaws 88- 100 out of 100 Character Flaws
Foreshadowing Techniques
Flash-Forwards And Flashbacks
Adding Supense and Withholding Information
Flat And Round Characters
Round Characters P2
Minor and Round Character Differences P3
What's A Major Character?
Lecture 3 from this book being How Are Characters Different From People
Lecture 4 Fictional Characters Imagined and Observed
Lecture 5 How To Properly Introduce A Character
Lecture 8 Integrating Dialogue within A Narrative.
Lecture 7 The Mechanics of Dialogue
Lecture 7: The Mechanics of Dialogue P2
Punctating Dialogue Editing
Clash About Point Of Views From Two Writing Guides
Clash About Point Of Views From Two Writing Guides P2
Lectures 16: I, Me & Mine First PersonPoint of View
Lectures 16: I, Me & Mine First PersonPoint of View P2
Lecture 17: He, She, & and It-Third Person Point of View
Lecture 17: He, She, & and It-Third Person Point of View P2
Temporal Distance?! Is It Really A Point of View? I Don't See It.
Dialogue Lecture Lesson by Gabriel Arquilvech
Word Choice: The Antidote To Vocabulary-Gabriel Arquilvech
Wordiness and Word Economy
Prefixes, Roots & Suffixes
Word Choices: Adjectives & Adverbs
Word Choice: Verbs
Dialect And Slang
Onomatopoeia & Alliteration
Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases
Transition Words Lesson
Punctuations: Colons & Semicolons
Punctuation: Parentheses & Dashes
Fragmente & Run-ons
Parallel Construction
Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers
Repetition Vs Repetitious
Sentence Combining
Sentence Variety
Stream of Consciousness: Medicine For Writers
Simile Vs Metaphors
I will Get Back To Gabriel Lectures But TheseDontsWithRomanceBuilding
Answer Key For Some Correct Examples
Lecture On Style of Writing
Writing A Boring Piece Lesson
Copying To Annotate An A Response
Brainstorming & Outlining Lecture
Setting Lecture
Lessons On Creating Plots For Stories
Plotting with the Freytag Pyramind Lecture 10
Lecture 18: Evoking Setting & Place In Fiction
Lecture 2: Building Fictional Worlds Through Evocation
Lecture 20: Building Scenes
Lecture 13: How To Start A Plot
Lecture 14: How To End A Plot
Lecture 12: Narrative Without A Plot
Write The First Draft-Gabriel
Lecture 21: Should I Write In Drafts?
Lecture 19: Pacing In Scences and Narratives
Lecture 9: Turning Story Into Plot
Thirty Minute Essay & Beginning Drafts-Gabriel
Free Verse Poetry & Group Poem Lesson -Gabriel
Writing A Sonnet -Gabriel
Writing A Limerick -Gabriel
Writing Song Lyrics -Gabriel
The Art of Imagery-Writing Haiku -Gabriel
Writing A Blank Verse -Gabriel
Lesson On Line Breaks -Gabriel
Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge -Gabriel
Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins
This Book Is Closed

Star Wars Luke and Winx Club Musa Are Similar Characters P4

12 2 0
By Lumna10

Some stories are meant to be mysteries held onto to write out later when the world does
need them and loads of the time when they're released they're hit with busloads of crappy nonconconstructive critic critques that actually have nothing to do with the story but actually people that these reviewers hate change to an absolute t and will try to do everything within the power of their life to cover it up to make it seem like change has never existed in their life. And that all the myths and lies they trust and even idolize are still true in their brainwave powers. There are plenty of people out there who believe abortionists are okay when it's not being any better than being a poacher or an illegal pet trader or an ill drug dealer, there are false Christians' out there still to this day that still outrightly bad oh bad things happen to your children because you were sinful in the past. That's a crappy lesson to teach. And it's not true! And it's not what real Christians should ever trust in believing. This sentiment started in the Catholic church and ended in the time of Martin Luther Reformation because he could not stand the lies that were being told, and felt that God wanted it to come to light and it did come to light that these people were wrong. And it came to light because it was speaking to the glory of God. Racists, Nazism and even Slave Sex trafficking is still round especially here in North Carolina where that kind of stuff is literally not allowed it is still happening quite frequently her. And the schools lowered than the largest high school in the state here are full of  bullies and we have had several shootings within several of the middle schools. I've seen more bullying and heard of more shootings here in the state of North Carolina than I saw either of those in my public schools in Ohio. I only ran into one bully in middle-school who actually had a crush on me. And I've only been in a lockdown during a shooting once in middle-school. The shooting took place at the high-school I was to attend the very next year that was quite alarming shock was right next door only a parking lot of school buses apart, precious Skylights. No matter how hard you try to change minds of bitter people the more irked you'll get unless you turn the power of prayer and let God strength you. Certain writers hold on onto negative challenging mindblowing aspects of their story most of the time until way later until it's needed because they know when the world doesn't think its needed the majority of the audience won't understand it or they'll never accept it's the truth in measurable worthy grain of salt. That is why J. K. Rowling has Harry Potter's and Draco Malfoy's hardest moments exposed at the end of the series because she knew the audience who started book one would never fully rightly completely understand Book 6 & 7. And people still tease Draco to this Day about his dark side when it's not funny anymore he's grown a lot in a much shorter time frame than Harry had to grow and mature in. And I absolutely hate commentors and Harry Potter fanfiction writers who say Draco has Mommy issues! We know that isn't true! It's pulling his story relationship with his Mom way out of his freaking original story context. Even the movie franchise does not make this stupid claim. Get outta of here you silly, people! Because you're beating upon a dead horse that never existed! Draco's issues are with his Dad 100% of the time and majority of it is from Lucius' neglectfulness and displeasure of his sons' academic skills. Where it is very clearly in book and movie, and extra media provided by the Wizarding World website that Narcissa loves her son so dearly both in the book and in the movie that she goes extra lengths to one make sure he is closer to home so she can be there both as a comfort and a shield. People who say Draco's got Mommy issues only but never bring the real true problem to the picture being his Daddy issues makes my heart sting and my mouth and stomach churn at this disgusting revelation that people have gotten stuck on. Just stop and don't make me and other people gag at your disgusting inaccurate nonconstructive comments. And if you can't think of something other to complain about a nonexistent relationship that isn't part of the author's book anyway don't comment anything at all, people.

There are still U. S Citizens who think the British people are a bad as they were during the War of Independence. Now why in the World would I say that? Glad you asked.

In the video up listen to one of Sarah Whitney's lines it's quite detailed and this one line tells a whole lot about Sarah Whitney's childhood without a single flashback needed she states. "Well, I'm English American and I'm suppose to wear a Redcoat?" This tells us that our main protagonist in the Horseland show grew up in the Eastern United States coastline where the History of the brutality of the British actually happened, but that perspective doesn't exist in Bailey, Alma, and Molly who are Western U. S citizens and have probably never been really taught much of what really happened in the past of the Eastern U. S and here is why. It's because the West of the U. S did exist during the hostility of the Red Coats. This is an old show, but Sarah Whitney's assumption and thought is not ancient at all. This exact episode Heritage Day was released on November 15, 2008 four years after the first Season 1 of Winx Club got released. And that was about 15 years ago only barely two decade ago did that line of hers first air. I was 10 in 2008 when she says that on her tv screen when the show first aired. This Horseland info goes to show you how dumb a general public audience can actually be. And you can do four things about it one doing nothing, join the propaganda bad tasting bandwagon, or complain about storylines that actual don't ever exist yet or you can step up and be a voice of healthy reason for all the nonsense around you to stop. And for me my choice is the later because this unhealthy nonsense is unhealthy nonsense it won't improve anything and needs to be stopped. And I'm happy to be one of the first healthy voice of reasons that this world deserves to have here and be heard.

The best chapters of a really good book do feel like they have a three act structure and often times authors can build this so well without having to deliver their moral lessons within them. But the chapter becomes more grounded and real when you do include morals. (This is what movies do they take millions and millions pages worth of hard written work and piece it together into multiple three act scenes which is exactly what Luke Skywalker'd journey in the Original Trilogy besides the essential simple hero's journey. There is something left to be desired on Luke's part because Luke's blindspot in Return of the Jedi is never completely sealed and healed up and I don't think even George Lucas noticed this part of the story was missing from Luke. In Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader offends him by talking about how Leia may be able to turn to the Dark Side rage, anger, violence and revenge rise right up in him and because he is so blinded by his revenge he can't even snap out of his even in his eyes there is the look of bloody murder that the 3 members of the Winx have against Valtor in the Fury episode that being Stella, Musa and Bloom. The same look Aisha has in Season 4's finale.
In this Luke and Aisha's hero choices are the same both of them when they get pulled into revenge by forces far superior than them they are unable to snap out of Luke physical gets pulled out of it by the Emperor appearing and laughing at what he almost did and that shock pulls him back from the edge of doing the worst thing he could have done killing his own Father. Aisha physically gets her eyes open that victory cannot always be won one against many 24 7 nobody's that successful except Jesus Christ. We're so used to see the perfect protagonists we imagined and hate it when their character is thrown through such an ugly curveball we pretend to acknowledge or this character arc doesn't exist or why the heck would the author write this? I'm sorry let go of your high and mighty opinions this is excellent story writing there is nothing wrong with a character going through a revenge arc. Stella got a revenge arc in Season 3 against Chimera and Cassandra but she never let it rule over her mind, so why is it so bad when Aisha has one at the end of Season 4 or that Musa has one that's actual very internal in the midst of Season 4 and throughout Season 6. Your excuses and complaints do not make sense. You don't stop being enlightened at 21 years of age research proves a young man's and a young woman's brains are still growing and maturing therefore you will always be learning. And there is nothing wrong with learning about life in general. And even though I'm just 25 years old I still say. "Nobody knows everything, and we all still have a lot to learn, Skylights." And it's true.

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