The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife
Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife Part II
Love, Lust And Lobster
Love, Lust And Lobster Part II
Summer On The Shore
Summer On The Shore Part II
Summer On The Shore Part III
Summer On The Shore Part IV
Summer On The Shore Part V
Summer On The Shore Part VI
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore Part II
Seasons Change
Seasons Change Part II
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising Part II
Semper Fi
Semper Fi Part II
Here Comes The Rain Again
Here Comes The Rain Again Part II
It's The Holiday Season
It's The Holiday Season Part II
Dashing Through The Snow...
Dashing Through The Snow... Part II
Hustle And Holiday Bustle
Hustle And Holiday Bustle Part II
Love Never Comes Without Struggle
Love Never Comes Without Struggle Part II
A True Friend Stabs You In The Front Part II
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do You Hear What I Hear? Part II
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home Part II
With A Little Help From My Friends
With A Little Help From My Friends Part II
Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

A True Friend Stabs You In The Front

90 8 1
By Coleslaw8

Arizona's POV:

"Sophia? Can you do me a favor and watch your sister for a moment?"

I had just put Maddy in her baby walker after gating off the media room. Minutes ago, she had finished some applesauce and chicken and seemed raring to go. I on the other hand, needed to go back to finishing up dinner so the lasagna was in the oven at the appropriate time.

"Okay, be right there, Mama." Sophia was in her bedroom responding before I heard her loud footsteps get even louder as she got closer.

"Thanks Bug for keeping an eye on Maddy. I need to go back to making dinner so it's ready on time this evening. Let me know if you girls need me, alright?"

"Will do Mama, will do." Soph plopped on the floor in front of her sister and started playing peek-a-boo with her. She had become such a tremendous big sister since Madelyn's arrival, 10 months ago.

As I was getting ready to go back to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. Sophia and I exchanged puzzled looks to one other as we weren't expecting any guests.

"Bug, I'll go get the door, while you ladies stay here." Sophia nodded and went back to sticking her tongue out so Maddy would squeal with laughter.

When I opened the door, there was Teddy. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was wearing scrubs. She looked like she was both tired and emotionally drained.

"Well, hello! Come on in and get out of the rain. How are you? Is everything okay?"

Teddy hung up her jacket and said, "Sorry for dropping by unannounced. I was in the neighborhood and was hoping you'd be home. Arizona? Do you have some time to talk?"

"I have time if you don't mind watching me finish up the lasagna I'm making. You're welcome to come chat with me in the kitchen. The girls are playing in the media room and Callie will be home a little bit later tonight."

Teddy nodded and followed me down the hall and to the kitchen. That's when a set of questions hit me regarding what Teddy just said.

"Wait a minute, what were you doing in our neighborhood to begin with? And why are you wearing scrubs? I thought you were weren't working today?"

"First off, can I trouble you for a glass of wine?"

"Sure. Something white, I assume?"

"Please and thank you, Arizona. Now as for your questions, I have been in your neighborhood since the conclusion of the symphony last night. And, I'm wearing scrubs because it was all I had in my car and sounded better than wearing the dress I had on yesterday."

I couldn't help myself and raised my eyebrows at Teddy's words. I wasn't truly shocked, but was more surprised with how bluntly she told me. It almost seemed like she wanted me to react...

"Oh, I see. Sounds like you had a nice date with Chip then."

"It was nice, the symphony was great, dinner was lovely and of course Chip, was the perfect gentleman."

"In that case, it sounds like a wonderful date and Chip, is definitely a respectable person."

I set down a mostly filled wine glass in front of Teddy, who instantly took a large swallow that emptied the Chardonnay down to a third of the volume it once was.

"So, that's all you're going to say, Arizona? I assumed you would make some kind of comment about me sleeping with Chip after knowing him for only a short amount of time?!"

"Teddy, it's not my place to say anything unless you don't feel safe with Chip. I don't think he's an individual that would purposefully hurt you. If you're happy with him, that's all that matters."

I noticed Teddy seemed disappointed and skeptical about my reaction to her sleeping with Chip and I suddenly felt the need to be guarded with the words I was using. 

"I don't think Chip would ever purposely hurt me either, but surely you must have an opinion about me hopping in to bed with him? I don't buy that you've suddenly become, Switzerland."

I had just finished making the lasagna before putting it in the oven so it would bake before Callie got home. I decided to grab a glass of wine and joined Teddy at the kitchen table as I responded back.

"I guess you should call me Switzerland then, because I'm neutral. If you are happy and no one is getting hurt, then, date whomever you like."

"So, you don't care that I slept with Chip last night? Even if I tell you that I slept with Becca two weeks ago?"

"Teddy, like I said, it's none of my business who you are sleeping with. If everyone is a consenting adult, do what makes you happy."

"You must not care much about Becca if you're fine with me having sex with Chip. I'll be honest, it makes you a questionable friend if you don't care about your other friend's feelings."

Teddy and I had always gotten along during the course of our friendship and never in a million years did I ever think there would come a time that we'd exchange cross words with one another. With the way our conversation was heading that late afternoon, I was starting to think otherwise.

"Teddy!? What's that suppose to mean? How am I questionable friend that doesn't care about Becca's feelings?"

"Well, if you cared, you'd stick-up for Becca, but clearly you aren't saying anything about how she'll feel if she finds out I slept with Chip."

"Teddy, I love and care about you and Becca, both. I'm at a huge loss though why you suddenly think that I don't care about Becca?"

"I assumed you both were glued together at the hip the way you escorted her away from me at your house party yesterday. You sure seemed to care about her then!"

I was perplexed where Teddy's animosity was coming from, but the more she spoke, it was beginning to become clear.

"The only reason I shuttled her out of the party, was to talk some sense into her and to get her to keep her mouth shut. I figured after she eviscerated your private life in front of our work colleagues, I should get her out of the party and help her realize how inappropriate her behavior was. I was only trying to amend the situation and thought you'd be appreciative of my response?"

"Arizona, I was happy you got her away from the party, but you never bothered to come check on me! Instead, you spent time talking to Becca. I was left alone to deal with Chip and the weird stares from everyone else."

"Teddy, my actions were not meant to favor one friend over another. I was only trying to diffuse the situation. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise. And out of curiosity, what did you tell Chip about what Becca did and said?"

I felt some of Teddy's angst start to quell as she finished off her glass of wine. 

"I told Chip the first thing that came to my mind that might sound plausible and not like we have been on and off again dating. Arizona, any chance you could refill me?"

I nodded and got up to bring the bottle back to the table as Teddy continued on.

"I told him that Becca had Tourette's Syndrome and was known to have uncontrollable outbursts that often involved her blurting offensive words."

I fell over the table and buried my face in my hands as I began laughing out loud at Teddy's quick thinking diagnosis that was a very believable lie.

I picked my head up after a few more seconds and said, "Damn, that's actually good and could have been a likely reason! I'm impressed with your fast thinking, Dr. Altman!"

Teddy had started laughing with me as she nodded. "I know, I was impressed with myself that I was so clear-headed in the moment. I told Chip we just ignore her outbursts when they happen because of how it embarrasses Becca."

"I wouldn't have come up with something that good, that's for sure! So, it sounds like Chip is unaware of your relationship with Becca?"

Teddy downed more wine and said, "Yes, and I'd appreciate if you guys wouldn't say anything to him. I'm just getting to know him and don't want to tell him just yet."

"We won't say a word, don't worry. The last thing we want to do is create problems for anyone, or get in the middle. So, you are planning on telling Chip at some point though, right?"

"Arizona, maybe, probably, I don't know. Why does that matter though? My past is my past and it's none of his business."

"Teddy, I'm only asking based on what I've seen going on in your life during the last five months with Becca."

Teddy scoffed and said, "I have no idea what's been going on with Becca and don't feel there is much to say."

"I understand what you are saying, Teddy." I was trying to be encouraging, but not incite my friend as she continued to talk.

"What does that mean, Arizona, that you 'understand?' And why would I tell Chip about how I've allowed myself to be strung along the last half of this year? Or, especially that it was by a woman? I don't want him judging me for any of that. No, he doesn't need to know."

I nodded, but could tell Teddy's angst was slowly ramping up.

"Again, it's your decision Teddy, not mine. Nonetheless, I will support you no matter what you decide."

"Arizona, I do have a question for you now that we've been freely talking this afternoon. It's something I've been wanting to ask you since the party... So, can you tell me why on Earth you told me Becca wasn't coming, only to have her show up? I was stunned and upset you didn't warn me ahead of time."

And there it was, the real reason Teddy was angry with me. Or, at least that's what I thought at the time.

"Teddy, Becca told me she wouldn't be able to make it since she had her family party to attend. How was I supposed to know that she'd change her mind and show up here? She never bothered to tell me her change of plans."

"Well, it would have been nice to know because I wouldn't have come with Chip and none of this would have happened. I'm just thankful I took a day off to figure things out before returning to the gossip at work."

"There wasn't anything I could have done, Teddy. In all fairness, you knew we invited her. I can't control Becca, any more than I can control the wind. And let's face it, they both behave in similar fashions." 

I smiled hoping Teddy would see I was trying to be lighthearted, only to be met with her stern look.

"Did anyone ask about me today while you were at work?" Teddy finished her wine and poured a half glass more. 

"Nobody said anything to me, but I was in my office most of the day. Callie spent the morning in her office and had a couple surgeries this afternoon. Odds are she avoided anyone that would bother to ask."

Teddy let out a huge sigh of relief. "Well, that's one good piece of news during this drama. At least I'll be able to right things tomorrow when I'm back at work."

"Sounds like you've got a plan in motion, Teddy."

"I guess, but for what it's worth, it honestly shouldn't have happened to begin with, but here I am!"

I really didn't like the snarky tone Teddy had taken with me, or especially the fact she seemed to blame me for the chaos that ensued at yesterday's party. I felt myself start to become incensed at her viewpoint and current treatment of me.

"Teddy, I get you are hurt and upset, but there is zero reason for you to blame me for what happened yesterday. That was Becca's undoing and does not involve me in the least."

"Well Arizona, the way I see it, you shouldn't have invited her at all. I told you I was bringing Chip, yet you still invited her full-well knowing the difficulties within our relationship."

"Teddy, it's not my job to police either of you and both of you ladies are my friends. You expecting me not to invite Becca to the party, is like asking me to pick sides. And that's not something I do with my friends, unless someone is grossly out of line."

"And you don't see that Becca's outburst was far from being in line? My God, she humiliated me in front of so many people!"

"I know and that's why I whisked her down the stairs, as fast as I could, or lord knows what else she might have said! Don't thank me or anything however, just continue to blame me for your situation instead of taking ownership."

In the short space of almost one day, here I was again, about ready to lose my cool because of my friend's actions. Given I was still tired from the prior weekend's activities, my anger threshold was relatively low by that point.

"Ownership? Ownership of what?! It's not like Becca really cares about me! In fact, I think she only cares about me when it's convenient for her!"

"I don't want to be in the middle of the two of you and just knew last August when you hooked up, that something like this would happen. Teddy, I am not taking sides, but I will tell you the same thing I told Becca yesterday."

Teddy took another sip of wine, crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared me down as she waited for my advice. I already knew whatever I was about to say probably wouldn't be well received.

"I think you two need to sit down and talk. You both have feelings for one another and I think if you shared better communication and honesty with each other, your relationship would be much stronger and healthier..."

"Of course that would seem like such an easy thing to do from your outside perspective, Arizona, doesn't it? Yep. We'll just sit down, talk and then hug it out. Maybe we'll braid each other's hair when we're done! ...While I get your relationship is all sunshine and rainbows, that's not normal in the real world, which is the world I live in."

"Teddy, you do realize how important your friendship is to me? To us? I'm only saying all this out of concern for your well being because I see the possible problems that could arise if you continue to secretly date Becca and Chip, simultaneously. Now, if you're fine with the potential pitfalls you might endure, have at it! Just do me a favor and stop blaming me for what happened yesterday! What happened is a product of you not having honest communication with Becca, and nothing else."

"Well, that's great to know you've been put out by my relationships all these months! When did the friend I once knew become the self interested person I'm talking to? Going forward, I will make sure to not consult you for any more advice. I wouldn't want to compromise your friendship with Becca, I mean, God forbid I do something like that!"

I'm pretty sure I had a beyond dumbfounded look on my face as I stared at Teddy while she verbally stabbed me in the back. I was not sure where her anger was coming from, but was starting to feel exhausted and angry with her onslaught of inciting words that couldn't have been further from the truth.

"Teddy, please don't be this way. I didn't say anything that was untrue and just want you and Becca to be okay. Whether you date Becca or not, I don't care. If you date Chip or not, I don't care. I just want everyone to be safe and for you to avoid getting hurt, if possible. That's all. Please don't let this cause a division in our friendship I cherish so much."

I saw the look in Teddy's eyes shift for a moment as she seemed to be silently contemplating what I had just said. 

"Arizona, let's just agree to disagree on this topic, okay? I don't have the energy to discuss it any further going forward."

"If that's what it takes for us to avoid an argument, then I will stop talking about Chip or Becca. Teddy, we've never fought before and I sure as Hell don't want to be fighting with you now regarding your relationships. You have gotten me through some tough times in my life and I don't know what I would do without you, still to this day."

I felt Teddy's mood shift again as her face softened and tears formed in her eyes. She didn't say anything else about the topic at hand, but instead stood up from the table. She polished off her glass of wine before wiping her eyes so tears wouldn't spill over.

"Arizona, I'm going to go use your bathroom before I go, if that's okay?"

"Of course that's okay. I don't suppose you'd want to stay and have dinner with us tonight? We'll have plenty to go around."

Even though we had tabled our heated conversation, it still felt like something was wrong between Teddy and I. It felt like there was a gaping wound between us that had been ripped open, but still wasn't fixed. It was a feeling of uneasiness that made me fear our friendship would never be the same again. It felt like Teddy was pulling away from me, but that she also didn't seem to care it was happening.

"Thanks, but I should get going. I haven't been home in over a day and just want to get some sleep before work tomorrow morning."

Teddy's response would have seemed polite from anyone else's perspective, but I could tell she was just going through the motions. I managed to convince myself that she was wiped out and that with sleep and some time, my friend would return to her former self, very soon.

As Teddy headed to the bathroom, Callie walked in the house and into the kitchen. She kissed me on her way to rinse out her stainless steel coffee mug she took that morning to work. She must have had a few cups that day, because she was talking a mile a minute. 

"Hey gorgeous lady! The lasagna smells amazing! I am completely famished after this afternoon and can't wait to devour a portion that's way too big for me."

I stood up so I could properly greet my wife. Callie kissed my cheek and held me so we were face to face. Her back was to the kitchen doorway from the hall, as I attempted to get a word in edgewise.

"Callie, I'm glad you're home, sweetie. However, I need to tell you..."

"Arizona? Sorry to interrupt, but there's something I've got to tell you."

I was attempting to tell Callie that Teddy was in our house, and just down the hallway, but Callie kept excitedly talking.

"Before I forget all the details, I need to tell you something. I am sorry and I screwed up today when Bailey cornered me in the OR. She ended up scrubbing in on my second case this afternoon and demanded to know what was happening yesterday between Becca and Teddy. I didn't know what else to say after trying to play it off. You know Miranda though, she's like a pit-bull when she locks her teeth into something. I didn't have much of a choice and told her that Becca and Teddy have been sort of dating since August."

I looked up at the kitchen doorway, about 4 or 5 sentences in to Callie's story. It was just in time to see Teddy appear and go from her normal colorization, to more of a crimson shade. There was nothing I could do or say at that point other than to stop Callie's nervous rambling.

"Callie, Callie, Callie." I was trying to halt her words to no avail. 

She was about to say more when Teddy said, "Wow. I literally asked one thing, just one small thing from both of you and you blew it. You couldn't keep your mouth shut for 9 whole hours at the hospital, could you, Callie? Noooo... you had to go and do the complete opposite of what I asked of you! My god, how hard is it to keep your mouth shut?"

Callie instantly realized what had just happened the moment she heard Teddy utter a word. In Callie's defense and I would find out later, Teddy had parked on our street and not in our driveway so Callie wasn't aware she was in our house.

"Teddy, I didn't realize you were here. I'm so sorry I had to say something, but I didn't have a choice, you have to realize that."

I was giving Callie a look to keep it short and simple with Teddy. At the very least, Callie quickly picked-up that something had already gone on between Teddy and I.

"Yep, I was here and now I'm leaving so you can go back to gossiping about me. Were you even planning on telling me what you did this afternoon, or were you just going to sweep it under the rug? You know what, don't answer that, because I don't trust what your answer would have been."

"Teddy, I was going to tell you..."

Teddy had already marched out of the kitchen, grabbed her coat and slammed the front door as Callie tried to talk.

"Arizona?! What in the world was that? I've never seen Teddy get so angry with me!? I didn't mean to hurt or upset her, you've got to believe me."

Callie had tears well-up as I gave her a tight hug. 

"Callie, I know you didn't and you walked into an ambush just now. I'm sorry I wasn't able to warn you. If it makes you feel any better, I think she's more furious with me than she is with you."

"Did we just lose one of our best friends over her romantic entanglements?"

"Callie, it's looking that way unless something drastically changes and soon."

We both teared up and held one another until we heard Maddy start to fuss from the other room...

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