Summer On The Shore Part VI

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Callie's POV:

"Arizona! What in the world is going on right now? Do you think Becca and Teddy are hooking up? What did you just hear?"

Both of us had cuddled up together in bed, as I had my head laying on Arizona's chest. She was slowly running her fingers through my hair as we discussed the circumstances we suddenly found ourselves submersed within. Even though I was taken aback regarding our friends' behavior, I was content being adored and snuggled into my gorgeous wife.

"Well Callie, something tells me they aren't playing a game of Scrabble in there! As for what exactly is going on behind that closed door, it's none of our business. They might be hooking up, and they might not be. But one thing's for sure, I distinctly heard a bedroom door open and quietly close down the hall. It was followed by the faint sound of a door closer to us, opening and then immediately closing."

"That's what I heard too, Arizona, but wait a minute! Just a few hours ago, you and Renee were convinced there was something more going on between our single friends and now you suddenly don't want to know? That doesn't make any sense to me."

"While I'm curious about what's going on with Becca and Teddy, the reality is...  it's none of our business. So while I may suspect something more is going on between them, it's not our place to say or do anything about it."

"So, even though their relationship could blow-up in their faces and we'll have to deal with the aftermath, we can't say a word? To either of them?"

"Yep Callie, nothing. They are consenting adults that have given us a front row seat to a show we can't leave, or at least that's how I'm looking at the situation."

"So even though they could be having sex in the house we rented, we can't say anything? I feel kinda like a brothel madam right now. Ewww..."

Arizona laughed at my comparison of myself to a 19th century female pimp and said, "I guess on some level, that's partially true in the sense we know what's probably going on, but aren't doing anything about it. I think I speak for both of us when I say, I have zero desire to knock on Teddy's door right now."

(For reference, Becca was staying in the bedroom at the end of the hallway, while Teddy had claimed the one that was across the hall from our master bedroom. Arizona and I had already discussed what we heard and agreed that Becca must have ducked into Teddy's room, just minutes before.)

"You know what this sort of reminds me of, Arizona? Remember when I was sneaking in and out of your bedroom and the old downstairs guest room, so we could sleep together for part of the night?"

"How could I forget, Calliope? It was when Renee and I were still dating, but you and I had fallen for each other, again. I distinctly remember one of those, "slumber parties," becoming the undoing of my relationship with Renee when she came home from Portland and figured it out."


I said the word, but really didn't mean it with the inflection I used. While I felt bad about how I broke up Renee and Arizona, it would have happened eventually with the way Arizona and I had been coming on to each other at the start of last year. 

"Wow, Callie... I could almost feel the remorse you have for stealing me back from Renee... almost..." We both quietly giggled as I leaned upward so we could kiss.

"Not to change the subject, but, it's after midnight, Arizona."

"It appears that it is after midnight, Callie. Any particular reason that is significant?"

"I won't say anything if it's not okay, sweetheart. Just let me know and I will understand." After I spoke, I suddenly realized that I shouldn't have brought up Arizona's birthday like that.

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