It's The Holiday Season Part II

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Callie's POV:

The alarm had just sounded on my phone, as the beeping noises woke Arizona and I from our deep slumber. As I rolled over to silence the beeping, I yawned while turning off our summons.

"So, it's not just me that feels like I could sleep for a few more hours?" Arizona sounded half-asleep as she talked. "I guess we are more exhausted than I thought we were! Work, the girls and entertaining this week have clearly taken their toll on me." Arizona stretched as she finished her thought.

"Good thing we set the alarm or goodness knows how long we might have slept! I guess these last few weeks, especially this week, have been demanding on our time." I stretched too, as I finally sat up and leaned against some pillows.

"Where should we get lunch from, my adorable, thoughtful wife?" Arizona snuggled next to me, as I opened the internet browser on my phone to see what restaurants were nearby.

"I looked at some places for dinner, but hadn't thought about where to get lunch... What kind of food sounds good to you, sweetie? I'm not picky today and could literally go for anything."

"Well, I'm guessing it shouldn't be hard to find a place that serves pub-style food. What do you say to having some sausage, beer and fondue, Callie? I haven't had that combination in ages."

"I will always say yes to sausage, beer and fondue, let's look."

We quickly surveyed various options, but ended up selecting an eatery that that was less than 2 blocks from our hotel. Once there, it didn't take long to get our food. Arizona and I ordered a sausage, bread, and fondue plate that served two people. Each of us also got a side salad, so at least there was one healthy item on our plates. 

"Callie? What should we do when we're finished? Everything is just so magnificent here and it feels like we landed in another country. From the snow covered Cascade Mountains that are surrounding us, to the dazzling Christmas lights and decorations, this little village is so quaint. I'm looking forward to just exploring all the new sights and sounds, with you. But if you're not opposed to doing some shopping, I think that's more my speed right now."

"Great minds think alike, Arizona, because I think shopping is more my speed right now too, especially after such a filling lunch. Walking around will definitely do us some good."

My wife smiled back at me, before finishing her stein of beer. In no time, I paid our bill and we bundled back up to deal with the bracing cold temperature. That afternoon, it was 36 degrees in Leavenworth and a tropical 52 degrees in Seattle. While I preferred the more temperate climate of Seattle in the Winter, being in a town that embodied Christmas, completely helped me adapt. It was just too happy of a place for being miserable about the cold weather. Besides, I had packed all of our heavy Winter gear full well knowing it would be this cold ahead of time.

After lunch, we walked along the main streets and stopped at all the stores that appealed to us. We visited a few clothing stores, and a lot of boutiques. It was a complete tourist destination, so the retail spaces were an eclectic mix of souvenirs, Christmas decorations and anything else touristy you could think of. After finding a snow globe of the town as a gift for Sophia, we decided to stop and get dessert. Arizona was so cute when she realized there was a place to get gelato.

"Callie, what did you have in mind for dinner this evening?" Arizona was looking at places to see and things to do on her phone, as she took a bite of her vanilla with chocolate shavings flavor, Stracciatella, while I worked on a coffee flavored gelato.

"I only have something planned for tomorrow afternoon, so I'm game for any place you'd like to go, Dr. Robbins. I did see there was an Austrian restaurant that had more modern, elevated dishes as compared to other places around here. They are a bit pricey for the area, but when I saw the menu a few days back, it looked like a romantic setting for us to visit."

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