When You See The Storm Clouds Rising

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Arizona's POV:

It was Saturday afternoon and meanwhile, the storm continued to pummel the city and our house. As predicted, the wind speed was only getting worse as the day wore on. Callie and I were in the media room, with our daughters and Anna, while Becca got her hand sutured by Teddy in our kitchen.

"Callie, I'm going to go get something to drink from the fridge, can I get you anything?" We'd been sitting next to each other on the couch while the girls sat on the floor, when I stood up and spoke.

"I'm fine, sweetie, but you just can't help yourself, can you?" Callie chuckled and said, "I sense you're more curious about our friends in the kitchen, than getting a beverage. Either way, good luck." Callie smacked one of my butt cheeks as she giggled.

I playfully poked Callie's shoulder a few times, as I smirked back at her. She was completely right, and I was curious. Fifteen minutes had gone by and I knew Teddy should have been long finished by now.

As I quietly used the kitchen entry from the formal dining room, I discovered that Teddy had already finished with the stitches. Our friends backs were to me as they sat side by side at the farmhouse table bench. 

Somehow they didn't hear me when I took a small step in the room, so they weren't aware of the interchange I witnessed. Becca's face was buried into Teddy's chest as she quietly wept. Teddy protectively had her arms wrapped around Becca as she talked and stroked her back.

"You're going to be okay now, alright baby? I'll make sure you are taken care of tonight, all you need to do is feel better, okay?" Teddy tenderly kissed the top of Becca's head as she continued to soothe her.

"I know, it just happened so fast that it took me off guard. I'm still trying to process everything Anna and I went through." Teddy was running her fingers, very softly through Becca's hair as she spoke. 

"Teddy, I'm sorry I didn't call or text you this week. I got busy with Anna and work and forgot about getting together this weekend. Please forgive me, my knight in shining armor. Do you know how much I love you?"

"I do, sweetheart, I know you love me. I hope you know how much I love you. It scared me to see you bleeding when you appeared in the kitchen. I can't stand to see you hurting." Teddy and Becca shared a deeply passionate kiss before they pulled away.

That's when I decided I didn't want to hear or see something not meant for my ears or eyes, and made my footsteps louder as I began talking and walked over to the table.

"Well, how did the patient do, Dr. Altman?"

Becca pulled away from Teddy when she heard me and started wiping the tears away from under her eyes. 

"She did just fine and I think her scar will be minimal thanks to my superior surgical skills."

Becca smiled as I laughed and said, "That's good news about the scar and it's nice to see how humble you still are!"

Teddy began getting up from the table as she hugged Becca from behind. I noticed Becca reluctantly pat Teddy's arms as they encircled her upper torso. Becca was trying to acknowledge the hug, but didn't want to make a big deal about it in my presence. Teddy immediately realized and let go in an attempt to make their physical contact seem more friendly than intimate.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom." Teddy left the kitchen and headed down our bedroom hallway, to the bathroom next to the nursery. It had an entrance from the nursery, but there was also a door in the hall for guests.

I decided to sit kitty-corner to Becca after grabbing us waters from the refrigerator.

"Arizona, I never got to explain why we are here in all the chaos that just happened, but stopping to visit wasn't in my plans today." Becca took a sip of water, closed the lid and continued.

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