Lyra || Charlie Weasley ||

By TheBlackLegacy

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𝐼𝓉'π“ˆ 𝓁𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 π“Œπ‘’ π“‰π‘œπ“Šπ’Έπ’½, 𝐿𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž οΏ½... More

It's Charlie, alright?
Good surprise, I hope?
Go on, give her snout a little pat
You know, I wish I could stay.
Oh Charlie, I miss you so much, I simply can't bear us being apart!
If you're here just to annoy me, please leave
Oh, Merlin, We are going to die
You're my best friend too
Don't you dare tell him
Whatever you say, troublemaker.
You are an old wizard with a waistcoat and pipe!
Ow! Ginny, quit hitting me!
All the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart.
Reckon you want to get up close and personal with that necklace
You're all I think about. I know it's selfish,'re my whole world.
Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company.
Oh just peachy, considering I'm being held hostage by homicidal relatives
Oh sure, of course, you'd say that, Mr. Star Quidditch Player
I'll always be right here to catch you
Looks like you've got some competition, cousin
There will be no wooing me or knocking sense into him
The dare was to kiss the cutest boy in the room
β˜†:**:. π’žπ’½π’Άπ“‡π’Άπ’Έπ“‰π‘’π“‡ π’œπ‘’π“ˆπ“‰π’½π‘’π“‰π’Ύπ’Έπ“ˆ **:.β˜†
You sure you don't wanna come to Hogwarts with us? (Charlie's POV)
That was the best part of my day so far. Charlie's POV
Bells wanted to play matchmaker. Annabelle's POV
I am too young to be an uncle
Charlie Weasley! Open this damn door!
Anyone expires on my watch, I'm treating you with Skele-Gro shots!
What, no 'hello darling, so wonderful to see you'?
New Story Alert!

You take that back, I am anything but dramatic!

307 8 28
By TheBlackLegacy

I've lost track of how many endless days I've been trapped here now. The grounds outside are blanketed in snow, the only indication of time's passage in this windowless room. I'm listlessly reading a novel Draco brought when he suddenly bursts through the door, breathing hard.

"Potter's here."

I shoot to my feet, book tumbling forgotten. "What? How?"

"Snatchers caught him, Granger, and Weasley," Draco explains hastily. "They haven't been recognized yet. But you need to escape with them when you can. I've sent word to your father."

Hope and fear war within me. "What's the plan?"

"Come down for water in ten minutes. I'll create a distraction for you all to get out." Draco clasps my shoulder. "This is it, little cousin. Stay brave."

I nod, new resolve steeling my spine. This nightmare is nearly over.

Ten agonizing minutes later, I creep downstairs, breath held. Murmured voices reach me - Aunt Bella's chillingly gleeful, Uncle Lucius' doubtful, others anxious and greedy. I strain to hear Harry's familiar cadence but only catch indistinct words.

Rounding the corner, I find the Bellatrix standing there with her wand on Hermione's throat. Dread curdles my gut. We're out of time.

I catch Draco's eye where he hovers tensely. He gives an almost imperceptible nod. Heart lodged in my throat, I raise my voice to carry, "Auntie, I'm parched. May I have some water?"

Distracted, Bellatrix glances at me in irritation before flicking her wand carelessly to summon an elf. I hold my breath, praying she'll take the bait.

After a too-long pause, she turns back to Harry dismissively. "Call him, Draco." 

"Well, boy?" Lucius demands sharply when Draco hesitates. I meet his eyes, communicating silently. Do it now.

With a burst of force, Draco shoves me hard into the Bellatrix, sending bodies crashing like dominos. I grab Hermione's hand and run to where Harry stands with Ron, Luna, and Mr. Ollivander. Chaos erupts. Harry snatches stolen wands off the floor, firing hexes towards our attackers. I grab Hermione's arm, lunging for the stairwell. We nearly make it before Aunt Bella's screech halts us.


The front door creaks open, backlit figure coming into focus through my tear-blurred eyes. My breath catches...but it's not Charlie stepping out, it's Dad.

I run into his open arms and cling fiercely. Dad checks me anxiously for injuries, regret etched on his face. "I'm so sorry, little moon," he whispers.

"I'm okay, Dad, really," I assure him. Having his solid presence here is balm enough for now.

Mum rushes out next, crushing me in a desperate embrace like she's afraid I'll vanish. I let her hold and fuss over me, knowing she needs this reassurance.

When she finally releases me, I glance around hopefully for another familiar face. But Bill, Fleur, and Mum are the only ones here. My heart sinks even as I scold myself to be grateful for those who did come.

Still, I can't help asking Mum in a whisper, "Where's Charlie?"

Her eyes soften knowingly and she squeezes my hand. "He's away on Order business, love. But he'll be back before long, I'm sure."

I nod, trying not to let my disappointment show.

Later in the evening, I curl up on the lumpy couch with my worn copy of Twisted Games, losing myself in the familiar pages. Upstairs, I can hear the muffled voices of Harry, Ron and Hermione speaking with Mr. Ollivander. But I let their conversation fade into background noise as I immerse into Bridget and Rhys' tragic world.

When I reach the heart-wrenching breakup scene, a few tears slip free despite having read this part countless times. As Bridget dissolves into sobs, I brush the moisture from my own cheeks, feeling her acute agony over losing her soulmate.

I'm so consumed by Bridget's anguish that the creak of the front door makes me jolt. I glance up, heart hammering as I spot the silhouette in the entryway, backlit by fading sunlight. The breath freezes in my lungs.

It's Charlie stepping inside, in that suspended moment, I felt exactly what Bridget meant by - Forget a skipped beat. My heart skipped a whole song. If my heart skipped any more songs, it'd have no playlist left.

Before I even realize I'm moving, I'm across the room and flung into Charlie's embrace. He catches me against his solid chest, bands of muscle and sinew wrapping fiercely around me.

"You're back," He mumbles, lips pressing fervently to my hair. I nod against Charlie's broad chest, still not ready to let him go. If anything, I pull him even closer, breathing in the smoky, outdoorsy scent that means safety and home.

"I missed you so much, troublemaker," he murmurs, lips pressing fervently to my windswept hair.

I let out a quiet sob, partly from lingering heartache over Bridget and Rhys' fictional breakup, and partly from the bone-deep relief o being in Charlie's arms again. He pulls back to study me, brow furrowing in concern.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks gently, "Are you hurt?". When I shake my head, he gently brushes the moisture from my cheeks. "Why are you crying, then?"

"Because I am sad," I confess softly. Before he can respond, I wrap both arms tight around his chest again. Charlie lets out a soft "oof" as I collide with his solid frame again. But his arms wrap back around me without hesitation. One broad hand strokes over my hair.

"Why so sad then, love?" he rumbles. My foolish heart skips at the unintended term of endearment. Be still, I scold it.

I pull back just enough to meet his gaze. "Bridget broke up with Rhys in my book," I explain with a sniffle. "Even though they love each other."

Understanding lights Charlie's eyes. Then he throws his head back and laughs - a rich, rolling sound I feel vibrate through his chest. The butterflies in my stomach awaken at the joyful sound.

"You're crying over fictional characters?" he teases fondly, grinning down at me. He lifts one hand to tenderly smooth back my windswept hair. The smile lines framing his eyes crinkle. "Oh, my dear sweet girl. You and your tender heart."

I huff out a breath, poking Charlie in the chest as I explain passionately. "It's not just characters! It's two souls who have found each other across time and space. Who know each other better than anyone else. They belong together...but because of external forces, they had their happily ever after ripped away!"

I can feel fresh tears welling up as I gesture wildly. "It's a tragedy! How can you not be devastated over such loss and heartbreak?"

Charlie bites his lip, shoulders shaking with suppressed laugh. "Forgive me," he gets out, eyes dancing. "I can see this is terribly serious and tragic."

But his twitching lips give him away. I cross my arms with an indignant noise.

"Go ahead and laugh!" I cry dramatically. "Laugh while two destined lovers have their lives ruined! It's diabolical!" I turn away, pretending to sob into my hands.

Warm arms encircle me from behind as Charlie's bearded chin comes to rest on top of my head. "There, there," he soothes, laughter rumbling through his words. "I promise, I'm properly devastated. Is there anything I can do to ease this terrible, world-altering tragedy?"

I peer up at him suspiciously. "Are you making fun of me?"

"Never, Princess" But Charlie's grin gives him away. Heat thrums through me at Charlie's nickname, echoing the fictional Rhys's words to Bridget - 'Crawl to me Princess'

"Princess?" I raise a questioning brow, trying to keep my voice neutral even as my traitorous imagination takes flight.

Charlie's eyes sparkle. "What, you can keep changing my nickname, but I can't?" He arches an eyebrow.

I force a casual shrug. "You can call me whatever you want." The thought sends another spike of warmth down my spine.

Charlie grins. "Good to know." His hand comes up, thumb catching a leftover teardrop I missed, touch searing on my skin. "Now, tell me more about this book that's got my princess so upset."

My breath catches at his words. I try fruitlessly to still my racing heart, to ignore the shivers dancing across my nerve-endings wherever we connect. Charlie Settles us back on the sofa I sat on when he arrived.

I peer up at Charlie, taking in his rumpled, travel-stained appearance. "Shouldn't you go freshen up? Or maybe get some rest?" I ask reluctantly. "I'm sure you have more important things to do..."

But Charlie shakes his head, eyes crinkling at the corners. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be, princess," he assures, tone warm and sincere.

My heart flutters madly. I duck my head to hide my pleased smile as Charlie settles us more comfortably on the lumpy sofa. His thigh is a brand against mine, radiating temptation I dare not name. 

I attempt to gather my wild thoughts. "Well..." Charlie tucks a windswept strand of hair behind my ear, a touch achingly tender. "Bridget starts out as the princess, but because her brother abdicated she becomes the heir to the throne,"Then he takes my hand, idly tracing circles over my sensitive palm with his callused thumb. The sensation makes me shiver. "She falls desperately in love with Rhys, her bodyguard. But because of an ancient law, Bridget has to marry someone of royal blood."

I sneak a glance at Charlie. His handsome, bearded face is tilted towards mine, etched with quiet attention. Something nameless smolders in his gaze. We've drifted closer, only a hair's breadth still between us.

When his eyes meet mine, the world seems to fall away. I can scarcely breathe around my hammering pulse. Charlie's thumb grazes my wrist, touch scorching on my suddenly fevered skin—

"You're back!" Bill's cheerful voice shatters the tension. I jerk back from Charlie as if scalded. Disappointment wars with relief in my tangled emotions.

Charlie turns to his brother with a rueful half-smile, although his hand lingers over mine. "Yes, just got in," he confirms. But his gaze keeps straying back to me, speculative and considering.

I wonder breathlessly if he felt that magnetic pull between us too. If the same forbidden thoughts are whirling through his mind. Or if I'm weaving fantasies again out of my lonely desires.

Next day Harry, Ron and Mione leave to find another Hocrux. While I sat in my room absently conjuring little butterflies to flutter around the dingy space when a knock sounds at my door.

"Come in," I call, twirling my wand between my fingers. The butterflies vanish in a wisp of silver smoke.

Charlie pokes his head inside, flashing me a crooked smile. "Hey. Just wanted to check you hadn't wandered off," he says, wandering closer.

"And where would I go?" I tease, quirking an eyebrow at him.

Charlie shrugs. "I don't know. You seem to have a habit of getting kidnapped." His smile fades slightly, old worry flickering through his gaze.

Something warm unfurls in my chest at his protectiveness. "Well I haven't been snatched away yet, as you can see," I assure him lightly. 

Charlie nods, appearing mollified. "Good. Otherwise I would have to threaten your brother again."

I chuckle at the memory. "Oh Merlin, Draco was not Happy about that."

"Not my problem, princess," Charlie says easily, eyes glinting. Charlie wanders closer, each step deliberate and my pulse stutters traitorously. I fist my hands in my skirt to resist reaching for him. His proximity is wreaking havoc on my composure. I moisten my suddenly dry lips. Charlie's gaze drops to follow the movement. Something hot and primal flickers in those ocean-blue depths. My mouth goes dry.

"When I felt your emergency ring activate but couldn't find you, it was..."

He scrubs a hand over his bearded jaw, throat working. "I felt like someone had reached into my chest and ripped out my heart, and disappeared with it. Like I couldn't breathe." Charlie's voice cracks slightly. "I was out of my mind with fear and worry, imagining the worst."

My own heart clenches at the anguish in his tone. Without thinking, I grasp Charlie's rough, calloused hand between both of mine. His tormented eyes snap up to me.

"And when I came to see you at the Malfoy Manor..." Charlie takes a shaky inhale. His fingers tighten almost painfully over mine. "It took every scrap of self-control not to murder Bellatrix right then for taking away my best friend,"

And as I gaze into Charlie's anguished eyes, I know - like a lightning strike to the soul - that my heart will never belong to anyone else. It already resides in his scarred, gentle hands. Whether he wants it or not.

 ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

The day we had long feared had finally arrived.

Harry had gone to Hogwarts seeking the last Horcrux, the lost diadem of Ravenclaw. Neville had spread the call - it was time for battle.

The Order gathered, somber but resolute, prepared to fight to protect Harry and bring down Voldemort once and for all. I stood with Charlie, drawing strength from his solid presence before we Apparated to Hogsmeade.

We appeared on the outskirts of the village and made our way quickly up the path to the school. The grounds swarmed with students evacuating and Order members arriving, wands at the ready.

I was separated from Charlie in the chaos. Before I could get my bearings, I was nearly tackled by a blur of red hair - Ginny threw her arms around me in a fierce hug.

"Oh Lyra, thank Merlin you're here!" She drew back, face streaked with tears but jaw set stubbornly. My heart swelled with love for her.

Another body collided with me. I clutched my brother Ara close, the only family I had left. He trembled in my arms but met my gaze steadily. "I'm so glad you are okay, Lyra."

"Please be safe, out there" I whispered hoarsely. Ara nodded before pulling away. 

Protective shields were on but It wasn't long before they came - black-robed Death Eaters swarming from the darkness, giants lumbering behind them. That first clash of spells lit the night, chaos erupting as we fought for our lives and our world.

I darted through whizzing jets of light, firing off stunning spells and shields in quick succession. A returning volley of curses forced me to dive behind a pillar. I took a steadying breath then stepped back out, striking down two opponents in a matter of seconds.

The battle raged on as we struggled to hold our ground. I took down Death Eater after Death Eater, refusing to let them breach the castle. But more kept coming.

A blast nearby sent me flying. I crashed into a wall, vision spotting. Rough hands seized me. I reacted instinctively, slamming my head back into my attacker's nose. As he reeled I spun, my stunner sending him flying down the corridor.

I raced on, not allowing myself to wonder who might be lying dead already. I had to keep fighting.

Sometime later I found myself back to back with Fred, spells flying fast. The twins fought with their usual chaotic coordination, Death Eaters struggling to evade their creative barrage.

Fred shot me a fierce grin over his shoulder. Spells flew fast as Fred and I battled back to back, holding our ground against the black-robed Death Eaters. We moved in perfect sync, familiar with each other's dueling style after endless practices together.

"Stupefy!" My stunning spell caught one opponent in the chest while Fred disarmed another with a well-aimed Expelliarmus. I flashed him a fierce grin, resolve bolstered by having him at my side.

The fight raged on, our assailants unrelenting. Fred deflected a potentially nasty curse just before it hit me. "Thanks!" I called over my shoulder.

"Anytime!" Fred shot an Impediment Jinx at a Death Eater attempting to slip past our defenses. "I've got your back, Lyra."

Together we continued driving back those who sought to breach the castle. But the enemies seemed endless.

A massive blast nearby knocked us off balance. Chunks of stone rained down as part of the corridor wall exploded. Fred stumbled, hands braced against the crumbling wall.

My heart seized in terror. He was right in the path of the debris about to rain down. Fred glanced up, eyes widening in alarm as a huge section broke free above him.

Acting on pure instinct, I threw myself at Fred, knocking him out of the way with my momentum. We crashed to the floor as rubble smashed down where he had stood seconds before.

I craned my neck frantically to check on Fred. "Are you alright?"

He gaped up at me, face smudged with dust. "Yeah. You just saved my life!" Fred's tone was awed.

The battle still raged around us. I pushed myself off Fred reluctantly, holding out a hand to help him up. He gripped it tightly.

"Try not to need saving again, okay?" My attempt at humor felt feeble over the pounding of my heart. We had narrowly avoided disaster.

Fred nodded solemnly. "I'll do my best. And Lyra..." His eyes bored into mine. "Thank you."

I squeezed his hand once more before we threw ourselves back into the fight, resolved to survive this battle together. Abruptly, Voldemort's magically amplified voice echoed through the halls, commanding his forces to retreat. The remaining Death Eaters Disapparated or fled the castle. An uneasy hush fell over us.

Harry entered the great hall where everyone was treating or morning their loved ones. "It's not over yet. I know what must be done to defeat Voldemort once and for all." He says as he stands where the order had gathered

He explained about viewing Snape's memories, learning he had been on our side all along, protecting Harry out of love for his mother. And the revelation that Harry himself contained a fragment of Voldemort's soul, unintentionally becoming a Horcrux. The only way to destroy Voldemort was for Harry to let himself be killed, so the Horcrux inside him would be eliminated.

A horrified gasp went through the crowd. Hermione and Ron clutched Harry, tears streaming down their faces. I moved to Harry as if in a daze and hugged him tightly. My brother Ara gripped Harry's hand, at a loss for words.

Harry gave us a sad, brave smile. "I have to do this. For all of us. You have to kill the Snake, that's the last Horcrux" He gently extracted himself and walked away alone, shoulders squared with resolve.

My heart shattered watching him go. Ara's shoulders shook with suppressed sobs. I wrapped my arms around him, though I felt just as hollow.

After a few moments, I mumbled some excuse and slipped away, needing space. My feet carried me blindly through the damaged halls until I ducked into a small alcove, relatively sheltered. I sank down on a broken stone bench, emotions overwhelming me.

Before long I sensed a familiar presence settle down beside me. Charlie's solid warmth enveloped me as he pulled me wordlessly into his arms. I broke down, tears flowing freely as I clung to him. He didn't speak, just held me close and let me cry until I ran out of tears.

Exhausted, I stayed tucked against Charlie's broad chest, drawing comfort from his steady strength. His hand gently smoothed my hair. Finally I looked up at him with swollen eyes.

"How can this be the only way? Hasn't there been enough sacrifice?" My voice was hoarse from crying.

Charlie's expression was pained. I snuggled closer into his arms, fresh tears spilling down my cheeks. "Uncle Remus, Dora, Uncle Sirius, Varun, so many more and now Harry..." I sobbed. "Promise me you won't die on me."

Charlie's arms tightened around me. "Oh Lyra," he murmured. "I wish I could promise that. But this battle isn't over yet."

I clutched at him desperately. "Please Charlie. I can't lose you too."

He gently tilted my chin up to meet his gaze. His blue eyes were warm but serious. "I can't make that promise, princess. All I can say is I'll do everything in my power to come back to you." Before I could respond, we heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey Ly, Weasley," drawled Draco, appearing in the alcove entrance. He shot a glare at Charlie.

"Hey Draco," I said with a sad smile.

"Malfoy," Charlie gave him a curt nod.

"I heard about Potter, came to check on you but..." Draco's eyes moved between me and Charlie. "Looks like someone beat me to it."

"I'm alright, Draco," I said softly.

"I'm leaving my little sister with you but don't think I won't hex you if I see more tears in her eyes," Draco warned Charlie.

"Of course, Malfoy," Charlie said evenly.

"Everything will work out at the end little moon," Draco said reassuringly before leaving us alone again.

I sighed and leaned into Charlie's shoulder. His arm curled around me protectively.

"Your brother sure is as dramatic as you," he murmured. "Seems like an annoying Black trait."

I gasped and swatted his arm. "You take that back, I am anything but dramatic!"

He laughed. "Oh sorry, you are very level-headed and calm." Charlie teased, somehow lifting my spirits in the darkest time.

I shot him a mock glare before dissolving into giggles.

"That's more like it," he said softly, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "I'd brave a thousand hexes from your brother to hear that laugh."

My cheeks warmed and I nestled closer to him. "Well, luckily you only got a mild threat this time."

"Worth it," Charlie murmured. Charlie's lips grazed my cheek, a butterfly kiss that made my heart flutter. Strong, gentle hands encircled my waist, guiding me into the harbor of his lap. I curled against the solid warmth of him, cheek resting on his shoulder, fitting perfectly in the circle of his arms.

We sat in silence, though my thoughts soon spiraled back into worry about Harry. Charlie must have noticed the anxiety return to my face. He started tracing soothing patterns on my back and thighs in an effort to distract me.

Seeking further distraction, I raised a hand to his face, tracing his jawline with my fingertips until they rested on a soft freckle on his neck that I adored. I traced constellations across his skin, mapping the geography of him. At the base of his throat, I found a scar peeking shyly from his shirt. I pressed a kiss to it, Charlie's breath hitched, hands spasming briefly around me before resuming their tender ministrations. I settled against him once more, soaking in this oasis of peace amidst the chaos.

In this refuge from the raging storm outside, I tried to memorize every detail - the steady thump of Charlie's heart against my ear, his woodsy scent enveloping me, the scratch of his stubble as I nuzzled into his neck. I wished to crystallize this moment, suspend us in amber outside of time.

The inkstain freckle I adored called to me again. I pressed my lips to it, feeling Charlie's breath catch once more. My fingers tripped up to cradle his jaw as I kissed a meandering path to the corner of his mouth.

Charlie's fingertips stilled their movements, coming to rest lightly on my hips. Abruptly, the stillness shattered at the sound of Ginny's blood-curdling scream. "Harry!"

Charlie and I leaped apart, alarm crashing over us. I leaped up, heart pounding as we raced hand-in-hand towards where the scream had come from. Skidding outside

Skidding outside, we froze at the nightmarish sight before us.

Harry's lifeless form lay cradled in Hagrid's arms. A scream tore from my throat as around me, others shouted in rage and anguish. Neville was saying something but I couldn't make it out over the buzzing in my ears.

Suddenly, impossibly, Harry stirred! He slid from Hagrid's grasp as spells flew from his wand towards Voldemort. Chaos erupted once more as everyone surged forward to rejoin the battle.

Charlie and I fought back-to-back, flinging curses at any Death Eater who approached The battle raged fiercely around us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a spell hurtling towards Charlie as he dueled a Death Eater.

The buzzing returned, muting all other sounds. Without thinking, I threw myself in front of him. The spell hit me squarely in the chest, blasting both of us backward. We crashed to the ground and my head cracked against a stone.

Pain exploded through me as the world went black. Distantly, I heard Charlie frantically calling my name as he cradled me in his arms. I wanted to respond, to reassure him I was okay, but darkness dragged me under.

Hello Everyone

oH God This chapter feels so rushed and I am not sure if it's any good but its a filler and I wrote this just so I could show that Fred doesn't die. 

Also I love to read your comments and it makes me smile so here's a shoutout to you all. Thanks for your support and all your love Hally052809 Juliewsa _axhrii_ 


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