Xenoblade Chronicles 2 x Male...

By soroxas123

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Follow the adventures of both Mariki and Rex, as they journey throughout the world of Alrest in reach to Elys... More

Chapter 1: The Brothers Salvage hunt!
Chapter 2: Revival! The Aegis Awakens!
Chapter 3: Brighid and the City of Torigoth!
Chapter 4: Rescue Mission! Enter Artificial Blade Poppi!

Chapter 5: Umon's shipyard!

70 4 0
By soroxas123

It was morning as everyone was well rested from their previous battle with Morag and Brighid last night. 

Marikai: *Yawn* That was a great nap.

Pyra: So, how did you sleep? 

Marikai: Like a man. And now I'm full of energy.

Rex: That's nice, so why don't we get going. But first...

Rex pulls something out of his pocket presenting to the group.

Tora: What's that?

Rex: A cloud sea compass. A must have for salvagers. It's sort of a map of the cloud sea. If you do this... and this... What's the date today?

Pyra: Um...

Marikai: Amathatobar 5th, 4058.

Rex: Ok, so now we put the date in... see. 

Tora: This is very clever. 

Azurda: Looks like Gormott is the closest to the world tree right now. 

Rex: All we need is a ship...

Dromarch: The army has every ship in town in its grip. 

Nia: *Sigh* We're stuck.

Pyra: Seems that way. 

Marikai: Damn it, if only there were a place outside of Gormott that could lend us a ship.

Tora: Rex-Rex need ship. Tora got great idea!

Rex: You do?

Tora: There is a ship builder living at Gormott's titan bum-bum! Old friend of Tora's Grampypon his name's Umon. Maybe he helps if we tell him what's what!

Rex: Sure, it's worth a shot! Let's get going!

Marikai: Lead the way, Tora! 

Everyone starts following Tora as he leads them to where Umon is located. 

Rex: Hey, Tora... The place where this Umon guy lives isn't affected by the cloud sea tides, is it?

Tora: What Rex-Rex mean?

Marikai: Are you talking about the time when we went to save Nia on that ship? 

Rex: That's right. I was worrying that depending on the situation, we might be forced to find a different route.

Azurda: Rex is right. The cloud sea tides have a marked effect on the areas you are able to traverse. Sometimes the cloud sea may allow you to swim to places that were once out of reach... but equally it can submerge previously reachable areas, halting your progress.

Marikai: That's quite a dynamic element to contend with. It means we'll have to remain vigilant and adapt our plans accordingly. We can't afford to underestimate the ever-changing nature of the cloud sea. Rex, we should keep a close eye on the tides and adjust our course accordingly.

Rex: You're right. 

As they've continued down a big hill defeating multiple monsters in their path Pyra couldn't help but looked at Marikai and remembered the time with what happened after the battle last night. 

Pyra: (Marikai, what are you? There's no way that a human could be able to have such an overwhelming power like that. It's quite hard to believe to call you a human at all. Judging from those two battles you kept overflowing with immense power. But I felt that this source of power could consume you.)

Pyra looked completely worried for Marikai as she watches him who had his arms behind his back. 

The group made it down to what appears to be a workshop of some kind as they entered inside Tora starts calling out to someone.

Tora: Umon! Umon?! Where is Umon?

Umon: Who is that? Who is noisy while I do my work? Tora! This big surprise!

Tora: Long time no see, unclepon! 

Umon: Yes! Long time! About one whole year! You became very big in one year Tora.

Tora: Yes! Tora not little pon anymore.

Umon: And Tora has lots of sidekicks.

Tora: These are my friends not sidekicks. Everyone, meet unclepon Umon! He did great research with Grampypon! He is a great builder of ships.

Rex: Hello.

Pyra: Greetings.

Marikai: Yo.

Dromarch: At your service.

Umon: I see. Tora has lots of friends. Very good! Tora has become fine biggipon. Did you need Umon's help for something?

Marikai: Sorry mister Umon sir. But we wondering if we can borrow one of your ships if you don't mind?

Umon: A ship, but aren't there lots of ships in Torigoth?

Marikai: Well technically it's a long story.

Umon: I see. But if you want one of my boats it'll cost you. 

Tora: Oh... um...well.

Umon: Tora run out of gold, hmmm?

Tora: Yes! Tora spends all the gold on artificial Blade! Tora flat broke, like penniless pancake.

Umon: Artificial Blade, eh? Was this what Tora's Grampypon was working on?

Poppi: My name is Poppi. Please to meet Unclepon.

Umon: Yes! This it! This pretty mighty! Tora takes after Grampypon indeed! How can I refuse Tora now? Tora may use Umon ship! But there is a problem. You see, ship not quite ready yet. Not much left to do! But work stop, because no building parts.

Rex: That's the only problem?

Umon: Correct! But that is big problem. Big like sea or mountain. 

Rex: You mean, all you need is some parts, then you can finish up the ship?

Umon: Yes!

Marikai: Which means all we need to do is find the required parts that you need is that right?

Umon: Yep! All you need to do is find parts and then I can finish the ship for you to borrow.

Rex: Thank you! Come on everyone let's go!

Tora: Time go find some ship ingredients!

The group diligently scours the surrounding areas, armed with all the necessary ingredients required to successfully repair the ship and return it to Umon's workshop.

Umon: Good. Now with all pieces and everything set... you are all now prepared for takeoff anytime!

Everyone then got onto the ship as they turned to Umon.

Tora: So now we borrow Unclepon's boat!

Rex: Thanks Umon, we owe you!

Umon: Indeed! Enjoy your boaty-jaunt!

The ship then sailed out into the cloud sea as everyone gets a much closer look at the world tree. 

Rex: So that's the world tree... 

Nia: Wow, I've never seen it so close before. 

Marikai: It's freaking massive! 

Nia: The current here is really strong... Fall in that... you're a goner.

Rex: It's great that we made it this far... but how do we get over there? Any Ideas.

Marikai: Well, there aren't any bridges around for us to get on. What do you suggest Pyra?

Marikai and Rex looked at Pyra, but something didn't seem right with her.

Pyra: We...

Marikai & Rex: Huh?

Pyra: Rex! We can't stay here! We need to leave!

Rex: What, why? What are you talking about?

Marikai: What is something about to happen?

Suddenly a creature of some kind popped from underneath them. The beast had an appearance similar to that of a snake. It has a mechanical appearance with most of its body being a dark purple, and some being a dark yellow. It has a pointed head and a long tube-like body with multiple ring-like structures placed periodically around it.

Pyra: Ophion!

Marikai & Rex: Ophi-who?!

Pyra: Quick!

Rex: Uh... Gotcha!

Rex starts steering the wheel trying to get away from the beast known as Ophion as Pyra said something to that snake like creature that Marikai was able to hear.

Pyra: Ophion stop this! What's wrong? Can't you hear me? It can't be...

They managed to escape from Ophion's attack as they stare at it.

Rex: What was that? Thought we was done for!

Marikai: Oh no! Rex, look ahead!

Everyone's gaze fixates on a colossal titan looming before them, its mouth agape, seemingly intent on devouring the ship and everyone aboard.

Rex: Isn't that...

Azurda: Uraya's Titan!

Marikai: And it's about to swallow us whole!

Rex: This is absolutely disastrous! Ahh! Brace yourselves!

As Uraya's titan inhales, the ship with the group onboard is mercilessly sucked into its cavernous maw. Their screams echo through the air as they are engulfed by darkness.

Time skip

Marikai gradually regains his footing, recovering from the jarring fall. As he takes a moment to gather himself, he realizes that the surroundings are shrouded in an oppressive darkness, making it difficult for him to discern the presence of others. Nevertheless, Marikai's acute spatial awareness allows him to get a sense of his location, even in the absence of clear visibility.

As Marikai slowly regains his composure in the enveloping darkness, he strains his ears to listen for any signs of his companions. Amidst the murkiness, he hears a familiar voice cutting through the void.

Rex: Pyra! Anybody!

Relief washes over Marikai as he hears Pyra's trembling response.

Pyra: I-I'm here!

Marikai's heart skips a beat as he realizes that Pyra is safe. With renewed hope, he turns his attention to the others, desperately trying to locate them in the oppressive darkness. And then, one by one, their voices pierce through the gloom.

Rex: Nia! Dromarch! Are you guys, okay?

Nia: Yeah, we're here! And Dromarch is right by my side!

Marikai breathes a sigh of relief, his worry beginning to dissipate. But his curiosity intensifies as he wonders about the fate of their other companions.

Rex: Tora! Poppi!

Tora's voice trembles with a mix of fear and determination.

Tora: Tora and Poppi are fine, Rex! No need to worry!

Marikai can almost feel the collective sense of relief sweeping through the group. But amidst the newfound calm, Pyra's voice breaks the silence, tinged with concern.

Pyra: Wait a sec... where's Marikai?

Marikai takes a step forward, his voice cutting through the darkness.

Marikai: I'm right here.

A wave of relief washes over his friends as they turn their attention towards his direction. Their worried expressions quickly transform into smiles of reassurance as they see Marikai standing before them, unscathed.

Azurda: Now we found ourselves in the belly of the beast.

Tora: The beastie's belly.

Azurda: This is the belly of the Urayan titan.

Marikai: Damn, just when I thought that serpentine wasn't enough... we find ourselves eaten by the Urayan Titan?

Dromarch: I believe we should make a move on and get out of here. If I recall the Urayans live towards the beast's back. There must be a way up there.

Poppi: Over there.

Nia: Huh?

Poppi: Poppi sees something over there. Someone coming this way.

Nia: For real? Maybe you're just seeing things.

Poppi: Poppi is certain. Something is flickering over there.

Rex: Flickering... you say? Some kind of ghost maybe?

Marikai: Yeah. It could be. 

Nia: S-Shut up! There's no such thing!

Rex: Nia! You're not scared surely?

Marikai: Yeah, she might be scared.

Nia: D-Don't talk nonsense you two! I'm not a kid!

Rex: You're scared! At last... something Nia is scared of.

Nia: Just you watch... Hey! Where's Pyra?

Rex: What?

Nia: Pyra's missing?

Marikai: Silly Nia, Pyra's right behind-

But as both Rex and Marikai turned around they don't see Pyra behind them.

Rex: But she was right here. Pyra? Pyra?!

Marikai: Pyra?! Where did you wonder off to?

Pyra: Hey you two, what's up? 

Rex and Marikai screamed as Pyra appeared behind them out of nowhere with her hand lighted a small flame.

Rex: What's the big idea?! Don't wonder off like that!

Pyra: Sorry, I was just taking a look around. 

Marikai: So, you've made a torch out of your fire power cool.

Pyra: Yep, that way we can see better in this darkness.

Marikai: I wonder...

Pyra: Huh, wonder what?

Marikai gets into a stance which puzzles the group. He then makes an upwards facing open palm and placing the other hand around the adjacent arm for support. He starts to close his eyes take a deep breath completely concentrating as his body starts emitting a blue aura as a ball of bright blue energy formed in his hands which completely surprises everyone.

Rex: Woah, how did you do that?

Marikai: Beats me.

Time skip

Everyone continued on foot trying to find their way out of the Titan's belly to reach to the torso however they came to a stop.

Nia: There's some kind of dim light...

Azurda: If I remember, the Urayan Titan has a translucent hide... I bet that'll be the light filtering through.

Rex: So, the titan must be above the clouds now? 

Marikai: Cool.

Pyra: If we can make it to the source of the light we can get out of here.

???: Hold it!

A new voice caught the groups attention as they looked and spot 5 people as they jumped down and were face to face with them. The leader was a very large man beyond his prime with gray-brown eyes, a silver mullet with yellow and blue streaks, pointed ears, white scales on both sides of his face, and a large X-shaped scar in the middle of his face. He is a beefy and robust man, possessing a tank-like, bulky physique and incredibly massive muscles.

???: Well, well, well... Looks like a bunch of fresh faces I ain't laid eyes on before! You must've had some seriously rotten luck, winding up in the belly of a Titan like this. And that blade... An emerald core crystal! So, the rumors were true!

Rex: What rumors?

???: The tale that every seasoned driver knows. The legendary Aegis. They say she's woken up after a 500-year slumber. But I never would've thought she'd end up bonded to a scrawny shrimp like you, kid. Honestly, I expected her to be paired with someone who looks tough and has a bit more backbone, like that guy over there.
Marikai turned around, thinking the mysterious man was pointing at someone else in their group, only to realize that the gaze was fixed on him.

Marikai: Me? Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know if I could ever be worthy of someone as beautiful as the Aegis, sir.

Upon hearing Marikai's comment, Pyra's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she quickly shrugged, trying to hide her embarrassment amidst the presence of these unfamiliar individuals.
Rex: You think I can't handle it?

???: Nah, I mean... Maybe you could handle a regular blade. But a rookie like you with a beauty like her? Don't fool yourself.

Marikai: Alright, enough talk. Are we going to fight or what?

Rex: Yeah, I'm tired of this nonsense.

???: You boys have got heart. I like that. Yew, Zuo, take care of the rest. I'll personally deal with these two.

The mysterious, muscular man unsheathed dual scythes, assuming a formidable fighting stance, while everyone else in the group readied their weapons, preparing for the impending battle.

Marikai: Alright, big guy. Let's settle this!

To be continued...

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