By deelqi

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By deelqi

one !
*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ˊ-

CAROLINE SUBCONCIOUSLY BUTTONED her blouse. It had become something she'd done every day, so her fingers just moved on their own now. She carefully applied a thin coat of clear lip gloss before exiting her bare, undecorated bedroom.

Seated at their vintage dining table, her parents indulged in a tranquil moment, savoring the warmth of a fragrant cup of tea.

In an effort to elude the presence of the adults, Caroline attempted to glide past them with swift steps.

"Caroline Rose? Is that you?" Her mother called out, using the middle name Caroline'd grown to hate from hearing it so many times..

Caroline despised her parents. They favored her sister, as everyone else did. Cecelia Ellis, name inspired her mother's, was a scholar. She effortlessly secured a place into the university, her melodious voice could bring a crowd to awe in an instant and any boy she desired, stood right at her freshly pedicured feet. Cecelia meticulously crafted an image of the perfect daughter, leaving Caroline in the shadow of her seemingly flawless sister.

Caroline, in contrast, found herself perpetually in the shadow of her older sister, Cecelia. Every accomplishment, from singing prowess to beauty, seemed to pale in comparison to Cecelia's achievements. The disparity in recognition only heightened the contrast between them. Over time, Caroline became accustomed to seeking solace within the confines of Cecelia's formidable shadow, a place that, regrettably, became her most familiar dwelling.

Muttering curses under her breath, Caroline retraced her steps, backtracking into the room.

"Yes, Mother?"

"Where are you going? You haven't had breakfast yet." The woman inquired.

"I want to get to the Academy early. I'm not hungry." Caroline replied, nervously fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"Very well. Are you still trying to achieve the Plinth Prize?" Her father asked.

"Yes, Father."

Celestia shook her head with a sigh, remarking, "Your sister never required that trivial prize."

Caroline's posture tensed at the mere mention of her sister. With a forced smile, she responded to her parents, "I'll be on my way."

She hurriedly exited the grand house, actively dispelling any lingering negative vibes from the brief conversation she had just shared with her parents.


AS SHE ENTERED Heavensbee Hall, her eyes searched for a familiar face. She spotted Sejanus Plinth, one of the only humble people in her class, seated next to an awfully familiar blonde.

Coriolanus Snow and Caroline Ellis were rivals. From academic achievements to sports competitions, they engaged in a relentless rivalry that became common knowledge to everyone. Their banter was ceaseless, and every challenge became a stage for their ongoing competition. Caroline and Coriolanus were bound by an unspoken agreement to outdo each other.

"Sejanus, hey." Caroline greeted, offering a warm smile directed solely at one of the boys. She then shifted her attention to Coriolanus, where her smile faltered, "Coriolanus."

"Caroline." He replied briefly, reciprocating the same cold tone.

She took the seat next to Sejanus, wanting to be nowhere near Coriolanus.

"I know you two had high hopes for this," Sejanus started, directly speaking to his friends, "But there is no prize today, not anymore."

Caroline's head snapped into his direction, her typically cheerful expression giving way to a sudden change. "What?"

Caroline needed the Plinth Prize. In her eyes, it held the potential to get a sense of pride from her parents, a recognition she had long sought. Winning the prize seemed like the only avenue for her parents to genuinely acknowledge and care about her.

"I'm so sorry, guys." Sejanus apologized.

Coriolanus was about to speak up when a booming voice cut in. Dr. Volumnia Gaul confidently stood before the students at the podium.

"How tantalizing to see your shining young faces on this auspicious day. I am Dr. Volumnia Gaul, your humble Head Gamemaker, in charge of the war department and all it's affiliated concerns. I've broken free of my labratory today, to examine you; The leaders of the next generation. I won't be around forever, after all. And now to that end, I am honored to introduce you to the creator of the Hunger Games themselves. Dean Casca Highbottom."

The class of students simultaneously turned their shoulders to the brown-haired man behind them.

In the dimly lit room, his back was turned to the expectant crowd as he finally spoke up, his words carrying a weight that demanded attention.

"Students, faculty, and of course, Dr. Gaul, I have summoned you all here today for the 10th Annual Reaping Ceremony, in which we choose two children from each district to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in the Hunger Games."

"I can't believe they still allow him to speak in public." Clemensia Dovecote whispered to Coriolanus.

Caroline harbored a strong dislike for Clemensia. A feeling that extended over all of her over-confident, arrogant, privileged classmates. While Sejanus stood out as an exception, others were merely tolerated by Caroline. The feeling was mutual, as Clemensia seemed to harbor a one-sided issue with Caroline, creating a source of irritation that reached deep into the core of the Ellis girl's soul.

Coriolanus only nodded in agreement before immediately turning to see what Caroline thought of the interaction. He knew of the dislike Caroline had for the Capitol's kids.

She fell into a trance, the dean continued to speak his mind, but Caroline's mind wandered elsewhere. She began thinking of how she always blends so smoothly into crowds, how nobody ever notices her and how foolish it was of her to even spend a second thinking that a girl like her could win such a desirably prize.

Her ears perked up as soon as the prize was mentioned. Tuning in, Caroline listened intensely to the words that were being spoken.

"The Plinth Prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades, but by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games." Casca Highbottom proclaimed.

The dean went on to speak more, until he was interrupted by Arachne.

"What if I get a pathetic runt girl from one of the poor districts, like 8 or 12?They're just gonna die in two minutes like they did last year and the year before." Arachne spat.

"Your role is to turn these children into spectacles, Ms. Crane. Not survivors. Victory in the Games is only one of our considerations. Your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tribute an unfair advantage... will just have no future at all." The man informed.

Grand orchestral music began playing, signaling that the annual Reaping was starting to begin. Caroline listened to each person retrieving their tributes. She observed their reaction to help her understand what their feelings may be towards the situation. The people who had disappointed or upset expressions, were more likely to have a worse relationship with their tribute.

"12, boy. Caroline Ellis."

"Oh. You'll be happy about this, Ms. Crane. The 'runt girl', from District 12, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow. Lucy Gray Baird."

Great, Caroline thought as a loud sigh escaped from her lips.

dee speaks !
hello hello friends
don't be a ghost reader,,
i love reading commentsss

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