ajr preferences ☻

By osnapitslaura

12.9K 155 72

I'm aware that Jack and Ryan have a girlfriend but all this is just for funsies!! 😋 Enjoy!! ❤️ More

he meets you for the very first time:
how you two kiss:
he meets you for the very first time pt ii:
he finds you self harming:
he finds out you're pregnant:
Him with your child :) :
where y'all go on vacation:
what slow song y'all dance to:
you give birth:
he confesses to you:
I met ajr again!!
leave me any suggestions pls!!!
them after your nightmare:
you both get a dog:
they propose to you:
important a/n!! ◡̈ :
him when you're on your period:
you have a panic attack:
he saves you from trying to commit suicide:
your mood swings:
your makeouts:
wedding first look:
he has a panic attack:
cute couple halloween costumes:
you meet him at a M&G:
he finds out that you're a YouTuber:
spooky couple halloween costumes:
you're sick.. :( :
he snaps at you..:
I met AJR againnn!! (Third times a charmmm) :') :
their vows to you at your wedding:
Song he sings to you:
he gets the hiccups:
he reacts to your disability:
Ajr as scary movie characters:
he sees you cry for the first time:

they have a nightmare:

159 1 0
By osnapitslaura

Short A/N!!: Hey guys!! Sorry it's been a while since I uploaded again lmao. This is more of a reverse comfort which is kind of interesting!! And this will be their point of view in this one! Also the nightmares are honestly kind of similar to the nightmare you have about them from a different chapter!! I hope you guys will like it!! c:


"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yell to my brothers. We all were at a party and my girlfriend hasn't been acting the same for over a week now and kind of weird and suspicious... She wouldn't tell me anything or she would lie mostly... I think my brothers knew something on how they were acting too.
"We don't know dude!!" Jack shouts back and Ryan just looked confused on the side. The party was kind of loud from the crowd chatting and the music. But there was a moment where everything was a bit quiet (but still loud) and I hear something that catches my attention. I stomp hurrying over to the sound. I open the door and see my girlfriend and her best friend in bed with him. 

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shout pissed.
"Adam!! I'm sorry!! It's not what you thi-"
"I think I know what it is.." I say crossing my arms tapping my foot.
"Adam just let me ex-"
"No im done... Don't you ever try seeing me again.." I say walking off.
"Adam wait!!" She screams charging after me when I slam the door in my face. I storm in my car wiping the tears trailing down my face. I get in my car and drive out my parallel parking spot when a drunk driver in a semi truck crashes into me at full speed..

I gasp startled waking up from that nightmare sweating profusely seeing Y/N sleepily awake.
"Adam?" She asks yawning. She looks over at the time and back at me rubbing her eyes.
"It's 2 in the mor-" she cuts herself off when she gets a clear view of me. I hide myself and she tries to turn me back around.
"Hey Adam what happened?" She asks me concerned. I shake my head.
"Nothings wrong." I mumble wiping away my tear.
"No there clearly is something wrong.." she says sitting in front of me to see me.
"I had a bad dream it's fine." I say trying to get myself comfortable to go back to sleep.
"But babe what was it about?" She asks spooning me from behind prepared to hear my next words.
"You cheated on me..." I whimper burying my face in my pillow starting to cry. I felt her get off the bed and walk to my side of the bed. She gently grabs my cheeks and turns my head up to her.
"You know I wouldn't do that Adam." She frowns.
"It felt so real though..." I say sniffling.
"And someone crashed into me.." I say remembering the second worst part.
"Oh jeez. Those are the worst." She says shocked agreeing with me. She leans in giving me a hug and I hug her back.

"I love you Adam. You know that." She says in my shoulder. I nod kissing her cheek.
"I do. And I love you too." I say sighing. She pulls away from me and smiles before giving me a kiss convincing me more. I smile big and she giggles.
"You're so cute." She squeals making me laugh. She hugs me resting her head on my chest getting herself comfortable. I lay back relaxing until we both fall back asleep but this time with good dreams.


I looked everywhere for her... Every single day but nothing and no clues... My girlfriend disappeared and I have no idea what happened to her.  I didn't think she left me since I know she would never happen. I think something bad happened to her... I don't want to believe it but it felt so true... Missing posters of her were around town and no luck. I was pacing back and forth stressed as hell when I hear my phone ring. I pull out my phone and see an unknown number but I answer still.

"Hello?" I ask.
"Is this Jack Metzger?" An unknown voice ask.
"Yes, who is this?" I ask curious.
"It's the police." I feel my heart jump knowing what was about to happen.
"You're Y/N's boyfriend correct?" He asks me.
"Yes!! Have you found her yet?" I ask in panic.
"No..." he says sadly and I curse under my breath.
"But we have some clues.." he says making my mood raise up more.
"Can you come by the police station for a moment please?" He asks.
"I'm on my way." I say before hanging up and rushing over to my car.

Several minutes pass by and I already came to the office for a bit and me and the police were still searching. We were at an address that showed a creepy abandoned apartment complex and we were searching outside the exterior of it.

"Help me!!" I hear her scream. I jolt my head up to her screaming and it was coming from a room a few stairs up. I run up the steps and barge in the room.  I see Y/N her hands and feet tied up and her mouth covered. She sees me in panic and tried to move.
"Y/N!!" I say about to charge towards her but a strange man immediately grabs the back of her shirt lifting her up and a gun against her head.
"Move one more step and I'll shoot her!!" The man shouts. Her eyes were filled with fear and tears with her body trembling.
"No!! Don't you dare!!" I angrily yell putting my hands up.

Then everything got blurry...

"Jack wake up!!" I hear Y/N exclaim waking me up startled. I was panting looking around seeing I was in our dark bedroom. I look over at her and she's looking at me in concern. My body was covered in sweat and my face covered in tears.
"Jack, are you okay?" She asks in concern hugging me. I cry softly in her shoulder and feel her rocking me back and forth slowly and carefully.

"Shhhh... Tell me what's going on.." she whispers kissing my forehead. She pulls away sitting across from me patiently waiting for me to speak.

"I had a bad dream where you were kidnapped for several days and... I found you tied up and held at gunpoint.." I tremble as I speak.
"Holy shit..." she says in shock.
"I didn't know what to do with myself and seeing you like that... It traumatized me.." I say starting to cry again. Y/N frowned trying not to cry and hugged me again.
"Dreams always feel real..." she says disappointingly.
I nod sniffling agreeing with her.
"But I'm always by your side." She says kissing me again but this time on my teary cheek.
"And you are okay right?" I ask just to be sure.
"Yes Jack.." she giggles. I nod then smile at her.
"I'm never leaving you." I say hugging her then laying down with her making her laugh.
"That's good." She giggles. We both snuggle until we both fall asleep in peace.


"Y/N where are you??" I shout pushing fans out of the way through the crowd. I was on tour with my brothers and we finished the show and I found out from others that you fainted after the finale. I was in the general admission pit and some fans were leaving the venue since the show was over but some fans just wanted a picture with me but some fans stood out my way concerned as well. It was stressful... I finally see my girlfriend on the floor and security were around trying to get her to wake up and if she was okay.

"Move!! Y/N!! Is she okay?" I ask in panic to one of the guards.
"She has a faint pulse.. We already called the paramedics." One of them explain to him calmly. I nod thankful they already did minutes ago hopefully. I finally see her eyes slowly open and I quickly get on my knees to her height to talk to her.
"Hey Y/N... Are you doing okay honey?" I ask trying to comfort her.
"No... I feel weak... I can't handle... This pain." She says starting to cry. My heart broke just by seeing her like this.
"Hey it's gonna be alright baby... Help will be here as soon as they can just a bit longer.." I say trying to explain to her calmly. She smiles faintly and sees fans crowded around us security trying to shoosh them away. Then she closes her eyes and security are checking her breathing.
"Babe. No come on wake up!! Don't leave me!!" I say starting to panic shaking her but nothing was happening. The paramedics carry her on a stretcher taking her away from me. I try to reach her but Jack is restraining me trying to calm me down. I was screaming and crying for her stretching my arms out. My heart was beating out of my chest and everything was blurry from fear, tears in my eyes and my glasses all fogged up. I was having a panic attack. For some reason I felt in my gut that she didn't make it. I can't picture my life without her...

I wake up slightly startled and look around seeing I'm in my dark shared bedroom with my girlfriend sleeping peacefully right next to me. My heart was beating so fast out of my chest feeling the same feeling from the nightmare. I rub my eyes sniffling shifting my body to the side edge of the bed to get my glasses.  I rest one of my hands on my pillow to get them when I feel the pillow case soaked with my tears. Was I crying while having that awful dream?? I put on my glasses and get out of bed. I walk downstairs and get myself a glass of water. I'm reading the nightmare again in my mind right now looking deeper. It just felt so real. My body starts trembling so much that the full glass leaves my hand and crashes spilling all over the floor. I didn't care... I was just traumatized thinking about the dream.  I suddenly start sobbing in my hands until I hear something.

"Ryan?" I hear. I look up and see my girlfriend Y/N standing there in concern. I just stand there not knowing what to do.
"What's wrong?!" She asks me walking up to me and giving me a tight hug. I immediately hug her back relieved to have her. I loved feeling her warm body wrapped around me making my heart melt like butter in a heated microwave.
"What's going on?" She asks me again curiously. I suddenly start crying thinking back on the bad dream.
"Come on let's go to the bed." She says grabbing my hand and leading me back to the bedroom.
"I'll clean that up later." She says remembering I accidentally dropped the glass.
"I'm so sorry." I say feeling bad.
"No Ryan it's okay. I just need to know what's going on." She says sitting down with me.
"I had a dream about you..." I say starting to get nervous.
"Oh?" She asks getting curious.
"What happened?" She asks sadly trying to comfort me.
"We... Did a show... And I found out that you fainted after the show.. I checked up on you and you were barely awake and... You didn't make it..." I say starting to cry again crying in Y/N's chest.
"Awe babe.." she whines hugging me back tightly.
"Shhhhh I'm right here.." she shushes comforting me still. I smile sniffling. I look up at her and she wipes away my tears.
"I'm okay right?" She asks giggling a bit.  I smile big and hug her tightly once again.
"Thanks for helping babe.." I say thankful for her.
"Of course Ryan. I'm always right here." She giggles again. We both lay down and she cuddles me comfortably until we both fall back into a peaceful sleep.

Again I apologize on not uploading in a bit (except for my M&G pics with mah bois lmao)!! I hope y'all enjoyed it!! I have so many more to come I just hope I'll be more motivated to write more!! Still leave down ideas in the comments and I'll most likely write it and give credit to you!! Have a great night guys!!

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