Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

By tanishatribe1118

3.9K 64 8

As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... More

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 1
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
Reflection Part 2
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2


112 2 0
By tanishatribe1118

On an asteroid in space, Krybots were opening a jail cell door. "Open it!" said a blue head and they all got away from the door. The blue head detonated the door and it blasted out. An alien came out from the cell. "Excellent! Finally, I'm free from this place. Thank you, Emperor Gruumm." said the alien. "No one will ever be held prisoner on this rock again." Once he was off the asteroid, he blasted it.

In the rec room, Jack and Sky were playing a video game while Z, Leah and Bridge watched them. Then Syd walks in wearing a dress. Z nudges Leah and Bridge. "Whoa-ho-ho-ho." said Bridge. "Okay, how come I didn't get the memo on the uniforms?"

"I doubt that's S.P.D. regulation." said Sky.

"It isn't, but I do like the dress." said Leah.

"Syd probably dresses up to go to the laundromat." said Jack.

"Right. Like I do my own laundry." said Syd.

"Then who does your laundry?" asked Leah curiously, but Syd ignored the question.

"But for your information, I'm going out for my birthday." she said, twirling.

"What?" they said.

"It's your birthday?" asked Bridge.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Z.

"Well, tomorrow's officially my birthday." said Syd. "It's no big deal to me. But my parents insist on throwing me this enormous party every year the night before. You know, the rent the best restaurant in town. There's limos and a live band and blah, blah, blah."

"Really? I didn't know that." said Leah.

"So I guess our invitations got lost in the mail?" asked Sky.

"Don't be silly. I would've invited you guys, but I know you have to work." said Syd.

"Rangers, to the command center." said Kat.

"Let's go." said Sky. Once in the command center, Cruger brought up the profile of the escaped criminal. "Sinuku-one of the most notorious criminals in the galaxy." said Cruger. "I've received a report from Kale 35 that he has escaped from their satellite prison."

"We suspect he might be coming to earth." said Kat. Leah bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at his name. "What makes you think he's headed this way?" asked Jack.

"Sinuku was a brilliant scientist who was recruited by evil forces to create weapons." said Kat. "His former lab partner, Dr. Rheas, lives here. We think he'll try to find her."

"Landors, I want you to choose one member of your squad to stake out her laboratory." said Cruger.

"Pick me, pick me." Bridge said, waving his arm in the air.

"Not a problem. Syd and I will do it. Leah can be an alternative." said Jack and Syd had a shocked look.

"What?" she asked.

"Alternative...not bad. What do I get out of it?" asked Leah, crossing her arms.

"Nothing if you keep asking that question." said Kat.

"Najuta kitu." said Leah.

"You will if you keep asking that question." Kat said sternly.

"Ok, you win." Leah said, leaning back in fear.

"Good." Kat said with a smirk.

"You have the most surveillance training, so that makes you the best person for the job." said Jack.

"Yes, but I'm gonna miss my birthday dinner." she complained.

"And your birthday tomorrow." reminded Jack. "Sorry, Syd, but this is an important assignment. Your birthday's not a good enough excuse to get out of it. Besides, I thought you said it wasn't a big deal, anyway."

"I lied." Syd tells him.

"Word of advice: Lying never helps anyone. It never worked well for me." said Leah. In an abandoned building, across from Dr. Rheas' laboratory, Jack and Syd were setting up their stakeout. "I can't believe that I have to spend time in this grimy hole." whined Syd, setting down one suitcase of their equipment.

"Yeah, well, whining in not gonna make it go by any faster." said Jack with Leah walking in behind him.

"I'm not whining. It's just so unfair." said Syd.

"Will you get over yourself?" asked Jack. "You'll have another birthday next year. And can we please get back to work?"

"Well, if you two don't need me, I'll be heading off. I'm getting my first mother/daughter bonding later today." said Leah. Jack waves her off as he looks through the binoculars as the window and she teleports out.

"Well, well, well. Commander Cruger failed to mention that Dr. Rheas would be so pretty." said Jack.

"Huh?" said Syd, walking over to the window and snatches the binoculars out of Jack's hands. "I guess she's sort of pretty."

"Sort of? Are you kidding me?" asked Jack.

"Oh. So you thought just because she's intelligent, she wouldn't be attractive as well?" asked Syd.

"I didn't say that. I was just noticing that..." Jack started to say.

"Can we just stay focused on the job, Jack?" asked Syd. At a beach, Bridge, Leah, Z and Sky were peering over a rock. "Cruger traced a strange reading headed towards this cave." said Sky.

"Give that dog a bone. He's right again." said Z.

"Remind me later to give him the crate. I have more on back order." said Leah.

"You always have stuff like that somewhere?" asked Z.

"I know a guy who knows a guy with a shipment. Plus he asked me if I knew anyone who can get him some." said Leah.

"Sinuku!" said Bridge.

"Hold on!" said Sky watching him walk into the cave. "Let's see what he wants in there first."

"If we're going to be completely honest here, his name sounds more like Sudoku than Sinuku to me." Leah muttered to no one in particular. Z flicked her cheek hard, knowing that she heard her. "What? I can't make fun of his name. Because that's what it honestly sounds like to me." Leah complained as she rubbed the injured cheek.

"Don't get smart with me, munchkin." said Z.

"Now I'm gonna have a bruise." grumbled Leah.

"No, you're not."

Once inside the cave, Sinuku looked over to a wall of rocks. "There it is." he said, then shoots electricity from his eyes to break down the wall. After the rocks fell, Sinuku went over and picked up a metal case. "Just where I left them." he said as he laughed evilly. As he was walking out of the cave, he said, "These should make Gruumm happy." That's when all 4 cadets made their move.

"Huh?" asked Sinuku.

"Put the case down and put your hands up!" said Sky, as he and the others had their weapons out.

"S.P.D. I thought I might run into you." said Sinuku, holding a ball of Krybots. He then throws it into the air. "Fortunately, I came prepared!"

"Why do you guys always want to do it the hard way?" asked Z.

"Attack!" ordered Sinuku and the Krybots ran towards the rangers. The rangers retaliated and attacked the Krybots as well. The 4 of them fought fearlessly when Z was tossed over Bridge.

"Z! You okay?" asked Bridge.

"Yeah." she said as Sky and Leah ran over to them.

"Run along now!" Sinuku called out.




"SPACE PATROL DELTA!" they shouted and continued fighting the Krybots. Once the Krybots were defeated, Z then said, "Halt! Now are you ready to give it to us?"

"Gladly!" he said, then attacks them himself before taking off with the case.

"Aw man!"

"He's gone!

"Yeah, question is, where?" asked Sky. On the rooftop in a dark city, Broodwing was with Sinuku. "Sinuku, Gruumm's foot soldiers broke you out of prison. He's ready to be paid." said Broodwing.

"Of course. But I have something more valuable than mere money." He tells him.

"What are you talking about? Don't try and trick me." Broodwing said.

"Who could trick you, Broodwing? I'll repay you with these." said Sinuku and opens up his cloak, showing him 6 objects that were there.

"Demagnetons. I heard they can neutralize any robot." said Broodwing.

"Yes, and once I retrieve their activator, they'll be ready for use." Sinuku assures him. "Can I count on your help?"

"Of course, but where is the activator?" Broodwing asked.

"With an old friend. Heh heh heh heh." said Sinuku.

The next day at the academy, Leah was with Kat in her laboratory. They were both staring at each other across Kat's desk, not knowing what to say to each other. "So, um...I don't know exactly how this mother/daughter relationship works." said Leah, turning her gaze to the desk.

"Neither do I." said Kat.

"What do we even talk about?" asked Leah.

"Well, you can asked me anything. Even if you think it's a stupid question." said Kat.

"Um..." said Leah.

"It's ok if you don't have any." she said, reaching over her desk and taking one of Leah's hands into hers.

"What was our home world like?" Leah asked in curiosity. Kat smiled and began to tell her stories of their planet, Felisa. "I have another question." said Leah.

"You want to know about your father, don't you?" Kat asked her. Leah nodded and Kat began to tell her all about him.

Back at the abandoned building, Jack and Syd were still watching Dr. Rheas. It was after 3 pm when Dr. Rheas left her laboratory.

"Yes! She's leaving." said Syd. "Can we go now?"

"Nope. Not until Cruger says so." said Jack.

"Great." said Syd as she looks at her watch. There was a knock at the door and Jack gets up to answer it. It was a Newtech Pizza delivery guy and apparently, Jack had ordered one. "One gourmet pizza with everything on It." said Jack after paying the delivery guy.

"Oh, at least you did something nice for my birthday." said Syd, thinking that he did something sweet for her. Jack was confused. "Sorry. This is for me. If I knew you wanted one, I would've got a large." said Jack.

"Who'd want a greasy disgusting pizza, anyway?" asked Syd. The blinds went up at the window, low and behold, it was Piggy.

"Me! I've been following that delivery guy for three blocks." he tells them as he climbs through the window.

"Perfect. Now my birthday is officially ruined." said Syd, standing up from the table.

"Nice to see you too, princess." said Piggy. He takes her seat next to Jack and picks up a slice of pizza. "What's wrong with her? Somebody steal her daddy's credit card?" he asked.

"Nah. She's upset because I made her work on her birthday." answered Jack.

"Oh, that's cold. Well, how would you like it if you had to work on your birthday?" argued Piggy.

"I'm sure I wouldn't care." said Jack. He then drops the slice back into the box. "Hey, I, uh, I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be back in a few." Jack said to Syd as he grabs his jacket. Out in the city, Jack was in the park when he heard a woman say, "Happy birthday, Jackie!" He looks over at a birthday party.

"Blow them all out. Make a wish." said the mother.

Jack then looks to see that Dr. Rheas was in the park and that someone decided to follow her. Dr. Rheas didn't realize that she was being followed until the person ran up to her and grabbed her bag. "Hey, he's got my bag! Stop!" she yelled and Jack started running after them.

"I'll get him!" shouted Jack as he ran past her. The guy who grabbed her bag, was going towards the bridge to run under it. Jack stops and turns around to run over the bridge. He then molecularize himself to go through the bridge to stop the bag snatcher. Jack then begins to chase and fight the bag snatcher until he takes off the hat. He looks at him and "him" turns out to be a Krybot.

The Krybot freaks out a little, realizing that its covers been blown and starts fighting Jack. Not long after Jack defeats the Krybot, he walks up to Dr. Rheas. "I think this is yours." said Jack as he hands her the bag.

"Thank you." she replies.

"I think it'd be safer if I walked you home." said Jack. They were finally outside of her laboratory when Jack finally says, "All right. I better go. It's my friend's birthday, and I have to get back."

"Oh, how fun!" said Dr. Rheas. "I know it sounds corny, but I still really love birthdays."

"You do? Why?" asked Jack, not understanding why she likes birthdays.

"It's the one day of the year that everyone makes you feel...really special." she explained. "Well, I hope your friend has a happy birthday and thank you again so much."

She then hugs him, not knowing that Piggy is watching them. "Wow, this is better than those, uh...reality TV shows." said Piggy, looking through the binoculars. Leah was arrived five minutes after Jack left and was reading a book at the table. Syd stomps over to the window, grabs the binoculars out of Piggy's hands and looks through them.

"How could you go over there? Are you trying to blow our cover?" Syd asked angrily.

"I didn't blow our cover. Will you let me explain?" asked Jack.

"Oh, oh, this I got to hear." said Piggy, hopping down from a basket with the pizza box in his hands.

"So do I." said Leah, grinning and putting down her book.

"Butt out!" they said to them.

"Okay, I can take a hint." said Piggy. "I'll just go and pick some cheese off the pizza box."

"No need to be rude about it. I'll go back to reading my book then." said Leah, sitting down back at the table.

"No need to explain." said Syd. "You thought Dr. Rheas was cute, so you went over there to chat her up. Real professional, Jack."

"Will you listen to me? A Krybot tried to steal her stuff from the park. I made sure she made it home safely." said Jack.

"Right, and I suppose you told her how amazing it was to be the big strong red ranger?" said Syd.

"That's just low, even for me." whispered Leah as Piggy nodded.

"She doesn't even know I'm a ranger." said Jack. "We were actually talking about birthdays."

"Birthdays? Why?" asked Syd.

"Because I wanted to understand why you were so mad at me." Jack said. "I didn't get how your birthday, or anyone's birthday for that matter, could be such a big deal."

"So no one's ever made a fuss over your birthday?" she then asked.

"I don't have a birthday. At least, I don't know when it is." said Jack. Syd sighed, then looked over at Leah. "I'm still working up to asking her about that, Syd." said Leah.

"Aww..." said Piggy.

"It doesn't matter. There wasn't a lot of extra money for cake and ice cream where I grew up, anyway." said Jack.

"And I kept yammering on about my extravagant party. What a spoiled brat I must've sounded like." said Syd.

"Nah." said Leah and Jack.

"Okay, maybe a little." said Jack. "I'm sorry, I ruined your special day."

"Thanks." said Syd. Just then, all three morphers started beeping and a giant robot came out of the ground in the city. "Thank you, Broodwing." said Sinuku and heads into the robot. The rangers got to the robot. "Whoa! There's trouble!"

"Come and get me, rangers...if you got the guts!" taunted Sinuku.

"Oh, you're asking for it!" said Jack and reaches for his morpher. "Have at it, Dr. Manx!"

"Delta Runners on the way." said Kat.

"Come on!" said Jack.

"Delta Squad Megazord!" they all said. Not long after the megazord was formed and the fight began, Sinuku decided to use the robot's duplication mode. "What the..." said Jack.

"Where's the real one?" asked Leah.

"No way!" said Sky.

"How'd he do that?" asked Syd. Sinuku then used the duplications to attack the megazord first until he went to attack. "Hey. You think you can fool us with a bunch of fakes?" asked Sky.

They then got out the sword and rushed at another fake. "Another one?" asked Jack, then fires at two more fakes. They then attacked again and the robot disappeared. "Okay. What just happened here?" asked Bridge.

"We lost him again?" asked Z.

"Oh man!" said Jack. Back at the laboratory, Dr. Rheas was about to leave when Sinuku was at her door. "Hello, old friend." he said, walking in the door. Back at the building, Piggy was holding his stomach and groaning, muttering about pizza. Jack comes back in and Piggy jumps up. "This place must have mice or something. Ha. They ate everything." said Piggy as Jack lifts up the pizza box.

Jack goes to the window and tries to see if Dr. Rheas was still in her laboratory. "She's gone!" said Jack. "Piggy, did you see anything strange happen to Dr. Rheas?"

"Aside from her being dragged away by a 10-foot dude with reddish hair, no." He tells him.

"Which way did he take her?" asked Jack.

"Now hold on, bossy boots. What's in it for me?" Piggy asked. In another part of the city, Sinuku asked, "Are you sure this is where you hid the activator?"

"Yes. But I wish I had the sense to destroy It." said Dr. Rheas. "Your genius was wasted, Sinuku. You could've helped so many people."

"That's always been your goal, not mine." he said, pushing her aside. They then arrive to where she hid the activator and Sinuku busts open the door. "At last." Sinuku said. Out of nowhere, Jack runs up. "Jack?" said Dr. Rheas, confused at why he was there.

"Let her go!" demanded Jack.

"No!" said Sinuku, grabbing her. "She served her purpose, anyway. Now I'll deal with you." Jack then pulls out his morpher. "Ready! S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" he shouted. "Space Patrol Delta!"

"Krybots!" shouted Sinuku and throws them into the air. "Attack!" he orders them.

After taking out the Krybots, Jack turns to Sinuku. "I'm bringing you in." said Jack.

"It won't be that easy." said Sinuku, taking out his sword. Both attacking, Sinuku wasn't giving up. "You're going right back to prison!" said Jack.

"That will never happen." he said. He attacks the red ranger again, sending him to the ground. "I'm sure Gruumm wouldn't mind if I used one on you." said Sinuku, holding the activator and taking out a Demagneton from his cape. After using the activator, he then says to Jack, "Perfect. This should stop you forever."

Not wanting Jack to get hurt, Dr. Rheas tries to push Sinuku out of the way. "No!" she cried, but gets pushed to the side again.

"Leave her alone!" said Jack. He then runs towards Sinuku and attacks him. "Thank you." said Dr. Rheas.

"You ok?" asked Jack.


"Take cover!" said Jack and she runs for cover. "Delta Blasters!"

During the fight, Sinuku lost the activator in his fall. "He's a tough one." said Jack. The other rangers run over to back him up. "Hey! Your backup's here Jack." said Sky.

"Just in time! Ready!"

"Red Ranger!"

"Blue Ranger!"

"Green Ranger!"

"Yellow Ranger!"

"Pink Ranger!"

"Purple Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Rangers! Defenders of Earth!"

"Enough posing. Let's fight!" said Sinuku and made the first move. The girls followed suit and attacked. Once Jack knocked Sinuku to the ground, he said, "You're out numbered."

"Time for plan 'B'!" said Sinuku, then brings out his robot from underground.

"No way!"

"Megazord time!" Jack said into his morpher. Within seconds of forming the megazord, Sinuku did his duplication. "Not again." said Sky. The megazord spun around, shooting at the fakes. Once they had disappeared, the rangers didn't know that Sinuku camouflaged his robot.

"They're all fakes." said Sky.

"Except that one! Look out!" said Jack and started shooting at the robot to make it come out of hiding.

"Enough games. Time to end this!" said Sinuku and pressed a button. "I'll power this up to 100 times its strength. Fire!"

His robot fired its weapon, making the megazord lose its gun. "He's got some serious firepower; I'll give him that." said Bridge.

"I'll make some modifications to the zords, if you want." said Leah.

"Bridge, try to remember whose side you're on, will ya?" asked Sky.

"Guys, save it for later." said Z.

"I can't believe you survived that." said Sinuku. "Let's try 1,000 times the power! No machine can withstand that!"

"We're not afraid! Give it your best shot!" said Jack. The megazord picks itself up from the ground and is ready to fight again. "I intend to!" said Sinuku. "Good bye, power rangers!"

He shoots again. "Hang on, everybody!" said Jack. The megazord catches the laser blast, pushing the megazord itself away from Sinuku. "Jack, I hope you have a plan." said Syd.

"And I hope it's a good plan." said Leah.

"I do. Back at you, Sinuku!" said Jack. The megazord turns around, launching the blast right back at Sinuku. "Eject!" shouted Sinuku and ejects himself from his robot before it got destroyed. The rangers jumped down from the megazord.

"I told you before, you're going back to where you belong!" said Jack. "We'll see to that! Judgement mode!"

As he was being judge, Sinuku complained. "But I don't wanna go back! The food is terrible!" The judgement scanner landed on the X.

"Guilty!" said the other rangers.

"Canine Cannon!" shouted Jack and threw the dog bone. Once they caught R.I.C., they aimed the cannon at Sinuku. "Target locked...fire!" they shouted and fired at Sinuku, who was now in a containment card.

"Let me out! Hey! Let me out!" said Sinuku, banging his fists against the 'glasses of the containment card. Jack picks up the card, saying, "This time, you're going away for good."

At a park somewhere, Syd was walking towards a gazebo. "Hmm..." said Syd.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted and a banner rolls down with the words reading, "Happy Birthday Syd!"

"Oh, this is so sweet!" squealed Syd as she hugged Jack.

"I see you got all dressed up for the party." said Z, as she and Leah walked down the steps.

"Well, I'm a ranger and as a ranger, I..." Sky started saying.

"Oh, Sky, give it a rest. Lighten up. It's a party." said Z.

"She's got you there, blue boy." said Leah, following after her.

"Yes, have some fun." said Cruger and Sky finally relaxed a bit.

"Happy birthday, Syd." said Jack, handing her a cupcake with a candle in it. "Sorry. Being a ranger doesn't pay that much."

"Tell me about it. It's perfect." said Syd. "Now I would like to give you a gift. Half my birthday." She then hands Jack half of a cupcake that also had a candle.

"It'd make me really happy if you'd share it with me." she said tells him.

"So, like, every year it'd be my birthday too?" Jack asks.

"Exactly. And if you know what you're doing, you can milk it for a whole week." said Syd.

"Hahaha." said Piggy and Syd gasps. "Happy birthday, Princess. Mwah!"

"Who invited you?" she asked.

"I did. It was the only way he'd tell me what he knew." said Jack when she looked up at him in disbelief. After taking a bite of the cupcake, Piggy then exclaimed, "Pah! This needs mustard!" Everyone laughed at him and Jack hugged Syd, wishing her a happy birthday.

During the party, Z noticed Leah started twitching and before long, Leah was running around and teleporting all over the place. "What's going on with Leah?" Kat asked Z, concerned about her.

"Oh, boy. Thought this would happen. I should've warned you. She gets like this when she eats too many cupcakes. One cupcake is fine. Two, sure. But when Leah gets more than three, that's when she gets like this. Keep an eye out for when she starts twitching." said Z and then suddenly Kat starts running after her.

"Leah, get back here!" Kat shouted after her as Leah starts laughing a mile a minute.

"Fun! Fun! So much fun! Let's go play on the swings!" Leah screamed at the top of her lungs.

"No, let's not play on the swings." groaned Kat as she runs after her.

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