Tigerstar's Goals

By Warrior_catz15

86 0 1

Tigerstar has achieved his goals in murdering Bluestar and becoming the leader of ThunderClan. But with Fireh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

3 0 0
By Warrior_catz15

Tigerstar watched with fury as the Twoleg door opened. Why wasn't Cloudpaw running away? Did the young apprentice have no sense of loyalty at all? He leaned forward on his branch, gripping it hard with his claws and willing the Twoleg to shout and chase Cloudpaw away. Forest cats were not usually welcomed in Twolegplace. But this Twoleg bent down and stroked Cloudpaw, who stretched up to press his head against its hand as the Twoleg murmured something to him. By the Twoleg’s tone, it was clear they had greeted each other like this before. Anger as hot as fire boiled in Tigerstar's body as Cloudpaw trotted happily through the door and vanished into the Twoleg nest.

He let out a hiss and leaped out of the birch tree, turning and sprinting back to camp. He could barely feel the leaves whipping at his face and the thorns snagging at his fur as he ran through the forest. There was a roaring in his ears and Tigerstar could only see a faint misty red in front of him. Once a kittypet, always a kittypet! Darkstripe's familiar jibe rang in his ears as he skidded down the ravine.

Shocked yowls sounded in front of him and Tigerstar skidded to a halt, narrowly avoiding Runningwind who was at the head of a patrol, his green eyes wide in shock. Behind him, Wetfoot, Longtail, and Thornpaw stood there, their ears pinned flat against their heads.

"Tigerstar, what's wrong?" Runningwind meowed urgently. "Is it RiverClan?"

"Get back into camp!" Tigerstar snapped, bursting his way through the gorse tunnel. "Don't send out any more patrols!"

Darkstripe jumped to his paws, his yellow eyes wide and tabby fur bristling. "Tigerstar?!"

He showed his fangs, growling at his deputy and lashing his tail. "Do not send out any other patrols," he repeated quietly, his mew low enough so that only Darkstripe could hear. "Cloudpaw has done something horrible, and he will be punished for it!"

The deputy opened his mouth to reply, but Tigerstar didn't give him a chance. He leaped onto the Highrock in one bound and called out the summoning words, "Let all cats old enough to hunt for their own prey gather for a Clan meeting!"

Cats gathered around, glancing at each other with a questioning look in their gaze.

"Is RiverClan attacking?" Greystripe called out, his fur bristling.

"Quiet!" Tigerstar hissed. "We must wait for a certain cat to return before we start this meeting." He turned his gaze to the camp entrance, kneading his paws against the rock as he waited for his prey to appear.

Numerous of patrols returned and evening arrived. Tigerstar was started to wonder if Cloudpaw would return at all when he saw a flash of white fur at the entrance. The apprentice trotted into the clearing with his tail high and his ears pricked. He was carrying a tiny shrew in his jaws, which he dropped as soon as he saw the cats gathered beneath the Highrock. “What's happening?” Cloudpaw meowed, flicking his newly scarred ear. “Have I missed a Clan Meeting?”

Tigerstar narrowed his eyes. "Cloudpaw, come here," he called.

ThunderClan cats muttered among themselves as Cloudpaw strolled up to the base of Highrock, looking up at his leader.

“I told you I’d be back by mealtime. Don’t you trust me?” Tigerstar heard reproach in the young cat’s voice.

Tigerclaw shook his head, pinning his ears. “No.”

Cloudpaw tipped his head to one side and looked hurt. “Well, I said I’d be back, and I am,” he protested.

"What, after scoffing your face in a Twoleg nest!" Tigerstar shrieked, his patience lost.

Cats gasped with horror and shock.

Tigerstar looked towards the warriors' den, letting out a loud yowl. "Fireheart!"

It was a few heartbeats until the ruffled ginger warrior's head appeared, his green eyes shining with pain. "Yes, Tigerstar?" Fireheart croaked.

He flicked his tail towards Cloudpaw, curling his lip. "Were you aware that your apprentice has been taking food from a Twoleg?"

Fireheart's eyes grew wide like an owl's and he shook his head wordlessly.

Tigerstar scoffed. "Of course you haven't," he snarled. "You haven't been able to take care of any of your apprentices, have you? Isn't that right, Cinderpelt?"

Cinderpelt shifted her paws uncomfortably and Fireheart's eyes flashed with hurt. He bowed his head and Sandstorm pressed comfortingly against the ginger warrior's side.

Tigerstar whipped his head back to face the plump apprentice, whose face was filled with scorn. "You were supposed to be hunting for the Clan!"

"I did hunt."

Tigerstar looked scornfully at the shrew that Cloudpaw had dropped on the ground. “And how many cats do you think that will feed?”

“Well, I won’t take anything for myself,” mewed Cloudpaw.

“Only because you’re stuffed with kittypet slop!” Tigerstar spat. “Why did you come back at all?”

“Why wouldn’t I? I’m just visiting the Twolegs for food.” Cloudpaw sounded genuinely puzzled. “What’s the problem?”

Tigerstar scraped his claws against the rock, hissing. "The problem is that we're stuck with a fat, useless apprentice who won't even hunt for his Clan! I'm starting to realise why your mother gave you up, because you're such a disappointment!"

Cloudpaw stared dumbfounded up at Tigerstar, his eyes wide with shock. "That's not true," his voice was wavering. "Take that back!"

He sneered. "No. You don't belong in a strong Clan like ThunderClan, no cat who eats kittypet slop does!"

Yowls began to rise from the gathered cats.

"Drive him out!" Dustpelt yowled.

"He doesn't belong here!" Stumpytail spat.

"Once a kittypet, always a kittypet!" Darkstripe's jeer piped up.

Cloudpaw looked horrified at his Clanmates, his gaze resting on Fireheart. "Fireheart, please!" He begged. "We're kin!"

The warrior's green eyes were filled with grief and he looked away. "You went back to the life I threw away," he finally meowed. "A cat not loyal to his Clan shouldn't live with them. I expected better from you, Cloudpaw." Fireheart looked up again. "Your mother expected better from you. I'm sorry, but this is your own problem; so solve it yourself."

Cloudpaw's legs began to tremble and he crouched onto the ground as cats threw insults at him, as though hoping to shrink into the earth and disapear.

Tigerstar leaped down from the Highrock and thrusted his nose into the apprentice's face. "You are no longer a warrior of ThunderClan. If you are found in our territory after sunset today, we shall treat you as we would any enemy. Now get out!"

Cloudpaw backed away, fear in his eyes and ran out of camp, running away from the angry comments by his former Clanmates.

Tigerstar glanced at Darkstripe. "Make sure he leaves," he snarled, digging his claws into the ground.

Darkstripe nodded and raced out of the gorse tunnel.

Tigerstar pricked his ears as he heard a pained shriek from the apprentice and a few heartbeats later, Darkstripe stalked back into camp, white tufts of fur between his claws. "Don't worry," he purred. "He's not coming back."

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