Chapter 10

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The sun rose above the ThunderClan camp turning Brindleface's body yellow. Most of the cats hadn't been able to keep a proper vigil for her after the devastating battle the day before. The warriors had been able to find herbs and was able to treat every cat. The only danger now was infection.

Swiftpaw was staying in the medicine den, seized by a fever from his infected stomach wound. Cinderpelt never left his side, too worried to leave him alone for long.

Fireheart's chest wound had been really deep and he hadn't left his nest since the battle had taken place.

As the elders lifted Brindleface onto their shoulders and began carrying her out of camp, Tigerstar spotted Ashpaw and Fernpaw huddled up near the edge of the clearing, emotion in their eyes.

He beckoned his deputy over with a flick of his tail. "Let those two grieve," he meowed as Darkstripe approached. "Send the strongest cats out on patrol."

Darkstripe dipped his head and turned to walk away before looking back. "What about Cloudpaw?" He questioned. "Fireheart is too injured to train him and he's getting bigger than Willowpelt."

Tigerstar peered into the apprentice's den and spotted a white ball of fur called up in his nest. His fat stomach rose up and down as he breathed.

He curled his lip. "I'll train him today," he mewed scornfully. "Fireheart's always gone too soft on Cloudpaw; he needs a real warrior to train him."

The black-and-grey tabby nodded and continued walking.

"Remember!" Tigerstar called after him. "Five warriors in camp and ShadowClan's old land is our new land."

Darkstripe let out an answering mew and the leader began to stalk to the apprentices' den.

Cloudpaw was still curled up, dozing in the sunlight.

Tigerstar scoffed scornfully and prodded the apprentices stomach with a long claw. "Wake up!" He snapped.

The apprentice blinked open his blue eyes and let out a stretch, his short legs quivering from the effort. "Wha'?"

"Have you hunted today?" Tigerstar demanded.

Cloudpaw yawned sleepily, shaking his head. "No, why?"

Tigerstar snarled. "Do you think you can just curl up in the sun all day and do no duties?" He asked. "We're going hunting." He walked off, not waiting to see if the apprentice was following.

Tigerstar heard the apprentice puffing to keep up with him as he bounded up the ravine. "But I'm not hungry!" He complained.

He snapped his head around to face Cloudpaw. "Then we'll do battle training!" Tigerstar snapped, looking the plump apprentice up and down. "You need to get rid of that weight somehow."

Without waiting for a response, Tigerstar sprinted away, heading through the forest with out slowing for the panting apprentice. He made it into the sandy hollow in one leap and he turned to watch the apprentice slide ungracefully into the hollow, sand clinging to his long fur.

Tigerstar lashed his tail. "Fight me!" He snapped.

Cloudpaw tilted his head to one side. "What? Just like that?"

Tigerstar rolled his eyes. "Yes! Now do it!"

“Okay.” Cloudpaw shrugged and began racing halfheartedly toward him. His round belly slowed him down, making his small paws sink deep into the sand.

Tigerstar curled his lip; this apprentice would be killed after a heartbeat in battle. When the apprentice finally reached him, he unsheathed his claws and raked Cloudpaw's cheek, knocking the young cat to the ground.

Tigerstar's GoalsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz