The Essence of Balencia

By the_ink_of_balencia

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When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted, there is still one thing that will always belong to me... More

I wish to smell heaven
He who reeks
The Water Surveillant
The Warriors in Dresses
The Blood for His Gain
I Heard The Weeping Willow
She Who Smiles
The Enternal Evanescent
The Fire that Sparked It All
The Psithurism
I Desire The Infiräd
She Who Destroyed
The Distribution
The Masked Ones
The Blighted Bay
I Ate The Lemon
He Burned Coal
The Lightening Illuminances
The Era of Zulumat
The Smokeless Fire
I Acended From The Dirt
She Stained The Ink
The Creator of All Things
The Birth of Balencia
The Mirage in The Desert
I Saw The Rafflesia
He Feasts blackened
The Dine and Dash
The Lips that Sealed Hers
The Veiled Samurai
I Held a Staff Similar
She Was The Flame Blade
The Clysmic Ocean
The Pandemonium
The Start to Ruler
I Voyage With or Without You
She Was Tamed by Illuminances
The Calling Eminence
The Obsidian Ignite
The Viridian Cure
I Ended The Alsaru
She Awakened
The Mountain Didn't Crumble
The Day of Reckoning
The Sea and In-between
I Am The Blacksmith Daughter
He is The Elevated Summit
The Comforting Musk
The Drink of Death
The Kingdom of Balencia
I Am The Queen
He Honoured The Flames
The Sisters of Yazzir
The Devil Queen and Khushboo
The Land of Daweyt (healed)

I Turned Destruction Into a Speck of Heaven

25 3 4
By the_ink_of_balencia

The moon eclipsed into fast paced visions and memories of the ones Balencia loved and no longer were with her. The pain she felt was almost unbearable yet a queen didn't have the time to grieve. If she did, the power hungry would take advantage of her vulnerable situation. Thus, whatever harsh expressions she had on her face, was far from what her heart felt.

Rehamal had gone home as soon as they arrived back to the kingdom. She couldn't stop crying and Balencia knew a time like this isn't a good time to be alone. She had secretly called Lazarus to keep her company. Mareeb on the other hand, was more quiet than usual. In fact, all he did was stare out into the abyss as if his mental capacity had died along with Khushboo. Jamshar was rather detached, but he grieved for his wife's aching heart.

The moon only came out a few hours ago but the sun was soon to rise shortly after, and the dawn would be the essence of Balencia's entire mission. Grieving seemed like a luxury.

"Mareeb... I need you to..." Balencia gently asked watching the empty shell nod back.

"Don't worry... I won't let you down. Khush- (choke)... She wouldn't want this to fail" The servant boy reassured.

Balencia left the room to prepare. She wore her long manganese violet abaya that covered every inch of her body and adorned her hair with a veil. Jamshar stood like the shield of honour, watching her get dressed, and once she was fully ready she turned around to see his loving gaze adorn her existence.

"I know it's been hard me dowo. But you're almost at the end" he tried consoling.

"It's only the beginning. When the sun sets again, Obsidian is where we will go" Balencia bespoke as a reminder of her promise. Jamshar nodded in acceptance and appreciation as he gently took her hand, inviting her towards him. He tightened her shawl that she had elegantly placed around her hair and draped it over her shoulders.

"Even in the midst of all this chaos. I'll promise you one thing..." Jamshar said as his light bronze velvet eyes met her honey dipped pearls.

"And what's that, me hene?" Balencia asked, with pearls widening like the horizon they were chasing.

"I promise... From now on, we'll stay together even in war, even in hardship, even in chaos." Jamshar comforted watching his wife's face light up with a smile followed by thick tears that refused to fall.

"That's all I ever wanted!" Balencia said elated. There's so much more he hasn't told me yet, Balencia said in her mind as she watched the scar on Jamshar's face travel through his skin.

The two lovers turned their heads to stare out the window only to see the sky painted in orange and purple hues and the sun catching up to the illuminated moon.

"It's time" Balencia breathed.

The Queen of the kingdom sat with the marshal's and tactician on a round table. They discussed aggressively back and forth for the land was changing and they couldn't seem to find a common ground to agree on. Some wanted Saqatuu dead, others wanted him imprisoned and tortured. Yet none of them, knew what Balencia wanted. She sat like the royalty she was, her hand placed on her chin and a stare of determination. Then, suddenly drums started beating.

"Huh? Wh-what's that?" one of the marshals said as he violently turned to look out the window.

"What's happening, your majesty?" another asked.

"When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted..." Balencia bellowed with a smirk as she stood up and walked straight out the meeting, fiercely, determined, like the wind causing buildings to crumble. The marshals looked around at each other in shock and eventually started following her.

Outside the meeting room Mareeb stood with her sword and hook handing it to her and following behind her.

"There is still one thing that will always belong to me. My soul!" Balencia continued. Every maid she surpassed, grabbed their shawls and wrapped them around themselves following her. Slowly she had gathered a herd of castle soldiers and those that were supposed to be worthy, important, were just trailing behind. Balencia swung open the doors to the castle and stepped outside in the dewy sunrise.

"No more shall it weep in the darkest of nights..." Balencia roared as she raised her arms high watching the civilians gathered with praise and respect, something Laham had never achieved.

"But it shall become a beacon of light for all those who cannot see!" Balencia continued as she elegantly floated down the stairs to the horses lined at the front and came to stand in from of her lover, Jamshar. Balencia raised the flag that was given to her by the basement surviver. A piece of black fabric hauled up to the skies, in the middle was one white star and that would be the beginning of Balencia's reign.

"I am a warrior!" the Queen of the darkest of lands roared, as Jamshar took her hand and helped her swing on her horse. She determinedly stared into the horizon as she leaned slightly forward to give the horse more acceleration.

"I am Balencia! HIYA!" Balencia announced, as the army of horses and warriors took off towards the kingdom of Saqatuu.

The Kingdom was like no other. Saqatuu loved his jewel and diamonds that he lavishly adorned every sight with. But the people, most of them didn't even have homes.

"With that many riches, there shouldn't be a single homeless civilian" Jamshar said angered at the land he was living in. Balencia slid off her horse elegantly like a floating punishment. She walked slowly towards the king himself, who had come out when he heard she was on her way. The Kingdom bordered the Alzalam dunes, and the sand still infiltrated the start of the kingdom.

"I heard ye killed Qasin" Saqatuu roared boasting his chest out to show his dominance.

"Is that the same thing you're going to attempt with me?" Saqatuu bellowed, as his army came up behind him. In the back sat Fina and Suliã. And Balencia knew Malaa was present. The sweet scent of aromatic sun was too powerful to go unnoticed. Musabah stood looking around, for even he hoped to see a glimpse of his princess.

"Just like with Qasin, let's fight fairly. No army, just you and me. Until... Death..." Balencia demanded as the civilians gasped. Saqatuu dotted his eyes around, he didn't exactly have powers as he had heard Balencia had but he was a strong fighter nevertheless.

"Fine. But only on one condition... No cheap powers. Only swords!" Saqatuu commanded pulling out his sword and shield.

"Deal..." Balencia said in almost a whisper before she came running towards the king without her sword and hook in sight. The warrior of electricity slammed her fist into Saqatuu's knee caps causing him to jolt backwards.

Then, Balencia pulled out her sword and hook, wrapping the hook around his shield, gravitating it towards her.

"There, now he's got no protection" Balencia murmered to herself, analysing his every move.

"Ugh stupid witch!" Saqatuu barked, as he came jolting towards her, but Balencia was prepared and as soon as his jump landed on the ground, she crunched down and swooped him off his feet with her leg causing him great imbalance. Then, she used that opportunity to push him back so hard he went flying back.

"WHAT THE?!" Saqatuu said angered as he was caught off guard. His usual barbaric fighting style was no use with the witty queen. He then came running towards her, but to her surprise he stopped as she was about to attack him, firming himself into the soil and shallowly sliced her arm.

They started encircling each other like calculating sharks ready to devour each others' oceans. Then, Balencia noticed something, a rhythm. He's predictable! Balencia roared happily in her thoughts as she watched his feet.

And then, just as his dominated foot stepped back a little, she came crashing towards him forcing them both into the ground. She quickly got up and slammed her foot in his wrist making him let go of his sword.

"You're finished" she roared as her sword came down like a death sentence towards his face. Saqatuu closed his eyes shut, his army hesitated and the crowd gasped.

Her sword had punctured the ground next to his face instead. Saqatuu slowly opened his eyes, breathing heavily, his eyes showed exactly what Balencia was searching for.


Balencia got up, lending her hand to the battered king. Saqatuu looked around, he saw Balencia's army. An army of the whole land. Civlians stood by her side gasping in shock, The Khanhawar warrior's stood in newly royal clothing in rows of protection, Alzalam stood by the ending of the dunes watching intensely, The Armala's stood next to The Sir's with weapons he had never seen before. The Naida's river had expanded so who knows where they were hiding. And on his own side, was only his family and army. Letting him live was more than mercy. Saqatuu grabbed her hand and the crowd started cheering. A queen so fierce, fearless, able to take down the king, had shown mercy.

Balencia grinned for this was more than a success for her.

"You've conquered 90% of all the land. Why have mercy on me ye?" Saqatuu asked perplexed.

"You'll come in handy. And don't take this as a meaningless alliance. I have requirements. My marshal will meet with you later, make sure you agree" Balencia commanded and Saqatuu eagerly agreed.

"But before I leave, someone needs to say their peace. Let them" Balencia demanded and knowing exactly who she was talking about the king obliged.

"Civilians of the land of Daweyt! A new order has been decided. I rule kingdom Ghareeb, the tribes rule and protect the forest, Saqatuu rules this kingdom and... Malaa The Khanhawar warrior is the queen of the assainated Qasin Kingdom." Balencia announced watching the civilians rejoice and gleam, deciding which kingdom to go to. Malaa came forward like the new royalty she was, and this moment was only for her.

She walked like the powerful warrior she was. Her face veiling and abaya all in black with golden and red rubies sown into it. She was majestic, and finally she was more powerful than the Saqatuu kingdom would ever be. Suliã came forward with Fina and some of the other cousins stepping forward.

"I... Malaa, The Khanhawar warrior, am the queen of The Khanhawar Kingdom ye" Malaa chimed, watching Musabah lean on his staff as he proudly walked over to his beloved beti. He embraced her in the warmest of hugs and his hand stroked her head with great bliss.

"Hmph, guess Musabah's already decided which kingdom he's going to" Jamshar snickered causing Balencia to giggle as they watched history unfold.

"Malaa... My sincere apologies... we've been ruthless" Saqatuu bespoke, watching Malaa hold her head high as her eyes filled with tears.

"MALAA! OH MALAA YE! FORGIVE US!" Fina cried as she fell to the floor. Suliã though, as arrogant and prideful as she was, didn't bat an eye. She stood proudly in the back denying Malaa's existence.

They waited for the great merciful Malaa to speak. They thought she would forgive them and perhaps even share some of her kingdom's riches. But, they didn't know Malaa at all.

"I wish you would taste your words. Just so ye knew how bitterly disgusting they are" Malaa hymned as their faces looked upon her in shock, embarrassment filled their souls as her battered name was being set right, in front of the whole land.

"You broke me so harshly that forgiveness will never come from me. The words ye spoke can never be taken back, and I'll never treat ye like blood ever again. Ye begging and pleading is pathetic, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for lying about who I am! For cutting ties with me! For causing me to flee my home! For causing my Baba pain and a shorter life!" Malaa roared, and even though Fina was sobbing and Saqatuu stayed shameful, Malaa didn't stop.

"Your tears mean nothing. NOTHING! Where were your tears when you wanted to battle me to death! Where was your shame when you forced me to leave my kingdom! I will never forgive you! That is something ye will have to beg our lord for. You will never be my family! My family is the Queen Balencia! The only one who always fought for my name, and the one who established my honour! I hope you all, stay in your misery" Malaa said as her eyes decended rain like a monsoon. She walked away. But as soon as her eyes met Balencia's, a smile filled her face. For her honour had been restored in front of all of Daweyt.

Back at the kingdom of Ghareeb, Balencia stood with her most trusted comrades as one chapter had closed and another opened.

"Get the ships ready for Obsidian, me hene." Balencia requested and Jamshar nodded in appreciation as his wife was always one to keep her promise.

"For Obsidian, I'm requesting Ahmali for your dreams to be my guiding light, Rehamal, for you are the flesh of my essence and..." Balencia paused before she smiled "and Lazarus. Your healing properties will be of great use!" the three nodded and headed with Jamshar to the ship.

"Omid, can you really afford to leave now when your kingdom has finally been established?" Mareeb asked.

"This land might be in protection for now but I promised Jamshar to save his. What kind of queen am I, if I live in lavish castles whilst the land beyond the Ghamdoor sea suffers?" Balencia explained.

"While I'm gone, Vultana and Mareeb will rule the kingdom of Ghareeb. And if you ever need me in just an ocean away" Balencia teased as the Naida leader proudly looked around at her new home.

"Omid... You're amazing. You've truly done it all!" Mareeb praised.

"I've only started" Balencia explained as her Jawhar plant glowed with illumination and flowers opened their secret passages to the world.

"There's only one thing left to do in Daweyt" Balencia bespoke mysteriously as she walked away.

The room was dull and as soon as Balencia entered, Laham started groaning and moaning trying to form sentences. She kept the lights off and circled his bed like a hunting animal ready to attack her prey. Her shawl was the only thing that seemed to be moving in the dark like the branches of trees in the night.

"You said you bought me because you liked my hair..." Balencia started as she came into the light with her beautiful shawl tightly wrapped around her hair, dropping over her shoulders like an elegant swan.

"But even that's hidden from you now" Balencia smirked as she walked behind Laham. She sat him up, and sat herself behind him. He continued moaning and trying to converse but the illuminated warrior had made up her mind.

"Ever since I was the basement I made a promise... That, I would be your punishment" Balencia whispered in his ear.

As her pierced pearls turned golden, her soul became dark once more. Her gazed stayed empty and detached from her painful past. Flashes of memories roamed Balencia's mind like a ravaging rodent, and an anger like no other boiled her blood, illuminating her veins. She was the only source of light in that room and as Laham's rotten odor infiltrated her mind all she could think was.

"He reeks! He reeks!"

His slender fingers touching her hair, his blood baths and games. She could feel it all happening again. Then, suddenly she pulled out a sharp blade, she placed it by Laham's neck and with a deep breath.


Cursed blood splattered on Balencia's face, covering her like a mistaken abstract painting.

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