The Last One? (GRIAN X READER)

By ImHidingFromViewers

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A Grian x Femreader story. An AU where the world is divided into factions of different terrains, the avian ra... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 16

263 11 43
By ImHidingFromViewers

-Grian's POV-

When I was young, before I came to Phil, I was alone and homeless. The Watchers, magical god-like beings, took me in, luring me in with promises of security and power in a time where I was completely powerless. 

The Watchers were extremely tall, cloaked, human like beings. They had many eyes and large purple wings. As one of them, they obviously wanted to make me exactly like them, and so, modification processes began. It started with the sigil, a purple mark on my wrist, all Watcher's magic flowed from that one concentrated section. As the transformation continued, they altered my mind, disallowing any dreams, good or bad. Eventually, I began to feel uneasy about my new position, the Watchers were anything but what they claimed to be. They took from the weak, messed with others for their own entertainment, and were overall sick beings. Knowing I had to escape, I waited for them to be occupied watching one of their awful death games. In the past while I had been practicing using my magic so, not without some difficulty, I made a portal back to the overworld from the void and began to make a new life. Around then I had went to Phil, he's one of the only ones who knows about this past other than Pearl. Pearl had a similar story but without the running from them. She still practices magic and reports back to the Watchers often, whereas when I ran away all magical powers were stripped from me. I still had the sigil, and the mind modifications will never leave, but I'm relatively free now, if you ignore the fact that I'm on the run from hybrid hunters.

 Being a Watcher, I'm not supposed to have nightmares, yet, I woke up on the Pearl's couch, drenched in sweat and panicked. I couldn't remember much from the dream, but knowing that nightmares only happen as predictions, it certainly wasn't good. 

Getting up from the couch, I walked towards where I heard talking. It sounded like it was coming from the crystal ball room! That's probably not good, knowing your future is a grim thing. Knowing what's going to happen, not being able to avoid the inevitable but still daunted by your fate is extremely difficult. 

I pulled back the velvet curtain and sure enough, y/n was sitting across Pearl at the familiar round table. 

"Grian! Nice of you to join us! You've got some drool by your mouth by the way." Peal exclaimed, pointing to my face. I wiped my mouth, embarrassed. 

"Pearl! Just because I'm not here to stop you doesn't mean that you can take advantage of the fact that she doesn't fully understand what's happening here!" I said, irritation evident in my voice. 

"Oh I really don't mind! It seems fun!" y/n said, turning to look me in the eyes and smiling. That smile... I would do anything to see that smile every day.

"Grian is right, you should know, sometimes knowing your future can be a negative thing. You should be aware of the potential outcome." Pearl said with a huff, obviously annoyed that I crushed her little party. This was the Watcher in her speaking so I can't hold it against her really.

"I understand, I would still like to continue though." She replied with a slight nod of the head.

"Lovely" Pearl said, with a smirk.

-y/n's POV-

Pearl began swirling her hands around the crystal ball and a purple smoke began to show itself inside. She peered down through the glass, she seemed highly concentrated on what she was doing and was mumbling little "mhm's" 

"The crystal ball tells me that there will be a great setback on your journey, most likely dangerous. fear not, you will get through but be wary." She said with a serious tone. "And you and Grian are going to get married and give me little nieces and nephews." She added extremely quickly, with a joking tone to her voice, immediately breaking out into giggles.

"Pearl! Stop!" Grian exclaimed, getting extremely embarrassed. I laughed along but decided to ask more about the serious fortune. 

"So does it show what the setback will be? Is it possible that it's happened already? Because I already dislocated my knee and we had to stay at Scotts for longer than expected..." I inquired.

"The crystal ball has chosen not to reveal that at this time." She replied bluntly.

"Pearl you know as well as I do that you can see the future damn fine without that hunk of glass! You're just so dramatic!" Grian exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. An Ironically dramatic gesture eh? 

"Well then I have decided not to reveal that." She said with a huff, crossing her arms to her chest.

Grian just kept insisting that she tell us exactly what she saw.

"You can't blame a girl for liking a little mystery!" She said eerily.

"Grian, we can leave it alone, I'm sure it'll be alright. She even said that it'll end up fine in the end!" I said, trying to calm the Avian down.

He looked at me for a second still pissed, but quickly melted at the eye contact.

"Alright, I won't push anymore." He said defeatedly, as I began to walk out of the room.

I vaguely heard Pearl say, "You're such a simp man." in a hushed, teasing voice, which resulted in Grian whispering a string of grumbles.

-Grian's POV- 

y/n was busy with Pearl, getting to know each other properly, and in the meantime I was going to take advantage of the time to set up a proper way for the two of us to spend some time together that wasn't traveling or beating a hunter with a chair. I had settled on bringing her to the town for the "Celestial Festival." An event that comes once a year when a meteor shower happens that's called the Perseids Shower. We had conveniently ended up at Pearl's for this magical night and I was ready to take full advantage of the festivities. 

The first step was to find something for us both to wear. The Celestial Festival was somewhat of a fancy occasion, people usually dressing up like they would for a party. So my first step was a boutique, luckily there's a great number of them in the town. I settled on one with a cream exterior with all sorts of party dresses and suits in the window, presumably in preparation for the festival. 

As I walked in the front door, a bell rang above my head, alerting the workers of a customer's arrival. A somewhat short, red haired tree elf hybrid walked out from a pile of boxes putting on a warm smile. She was wearing an extremely cottage core outfit that seemed to match her vibe.

"Hi! I'm Geminitay, or Gem for short. How can I help you?" She said, still smiling.

"Well I'm planning on taking someone to the festival tonight as a surprise and need outfits for the both of us, it's kind of last minute so I hope there's enough time before closing." I replied, glancing at my watch.

"Yup! Thankfully you got here when you did, a few minutes later and I would've closed early from lack of customers!" She said. "What did you have in mind for outfits?" She asked, gesturing to the racks of clothes.

"I'm not exactly sure, I'll know when I see it, as for me, a simple dress shirt and some slacks should be perfect, I'm not too picky." I replied, already starting to look through a rack of shirts. I'll get my clothes out of the way so I can move on to y/n's, that'll probably take the most time, it needs to be perfect.

I ended up just picked a white collared shirt and some black straight legged dress pants. Classic and timeless. Now for the difficult part...

"How about this one?" Gem would ask, pulling up another hanger with a dress on it. They were never quite right though.

"I don't think the dresses are quite working, how about this?" Gem said, while holding up a somewhat-mesh corset top. It was a dark blue and had silver and gold stars and astrological signs all over. The puffy sleeves were the best part, they were just so y/n! It also matches the theme of the night, and while that may be too "in your face," I decided it was perfect so we picked out a black mini skirt to go with it and I checked out.

"Thanks for coming! And enjoy your night!" Gem shouted after me as I walked out the door, I sent a wave her way before heading off to buy the festival tickets and maybe some chocolates.

(Here's a reference to the top, if you're not a mini skirt kinda gal, you can switch it out for black pants or anything you'd like.)


Hehe watcher lore go vroom. Sorry for the long wait, I have no cool excuse, life just got in the way yk. Anyways, enjoy!

1516 Words

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