Sonic Boom react to PROJECT S...

By Eibba9120

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To Team Sonic and Friends, Shadow is known as an edgy villain, but what if he wasn't always that way? Join th... More

Prologue: The Lost Origin Story
Chapter 2: Surprises
Chapter 3: Growing Up
Chapter 4: Bad then Good news
Chapter 5: Fight for Freedom
Chapter 6: The Hero of a Hero

Chapter 1: The Ultimate Life Form

429 6 6
By Eibba9120

Hi Again, first things first, my plan is to try and update a chapter every one to two weeks, but because of life and inspiration that might not always happen. Also this is my first ever fanfic so any suggestion or constructive criticism is appreciated. However any hurtful or rude comments will be removed, so please be responsible. I have also not watch the entirety of Sonic Boom so if I get anything wrong about the characters, I'm sorry and I will try and fix it. Last thing is that PROJECT SHADOW will not be word for word since it was originally translated from portuguese for the english dub that is out and some things they said just weren't translated correctly, so I wrote it as what I believe they were trying to say. The video up top is the original PROJECT SHADOW, please watch it, the creator spent two years on it and it deserves to be seen and shared. I hope you guys Enjoy!


Sonic ran towards the movie theater excited to watch whatever movie they were going to watch with his friends. He soon came to a stop only to have Amy chew him out

Amy: Sonic, you're late! We planned on being her ten minutes early and you came here one minute before the movie! Hurry everyone else is inside and waiting, even Eggman arrived before you.

Sonic: Relax Amy, at least I'm here before 2 and not after. Besides, I wouldn't miss hanging out with my friends.

They entered the theater together and Sonic's eyes landed on the snacks that were provided, and saw...


Sonic immediately runs over and eats one

Sonic: It's so good, much better than MehBurgers.

???: Well I'm glad you like it, since it was my first time making them.

They all turned to the voice and saw a girl in a hoodie, t-shirt and jeggings.

Knuckles: woah, female eggman.

The girl burst out laughing at being called a female eggman.

Amy: Knuckles! Just because she is a human, doesn't mean she is a female Eggman! I am so sorry about him.

???: It's ok Amy, and sorry to disappoint, but Amy's right I am simply a human and I am in no way related to eggface here.

Sonic and the crew burst out laughing.

Eggman: Hey! If you are simply going to insult me then I'm leaving!

???: Sorry, I couldn't help myself, and trust me you're gonna want to stay. Well everyone I'm glad you're all here, my name is Abby, but you can call me Abbs. So if you could all grab your snacks and head to the first theater, I'm going to set up the video.

Tails: Wait, you still haven't told us what we're watching.

Abbs: Don't worry I'll tell you after I set everything up, since I'm going to watch with you.

Team Sonic and friends and Eggman did as they were asked. Just like she said a few minutes later Abbs came into the theater

Abbs: So first off I need to warn you that you guys are going to watch something that is true and has happened. You also might not want to watch what I'm going to show because of who it is about. But I need you to trust me when I say that this is very important information regarding who you are watching and if you will watch with an open mind it will help you understand them better.

Team Sonic and Friends looked at each other skeptical, who exactly were they going to watch? Eggman just thought about how he could the information to use against whoever was going to be shown to force them to help him defeat Sonic and his friends. After a silent discussion, the team came to a agreement.

Amy: Alright we decided to stay and give it a shot.

Abbs smiled at them.

Abbs: Thank you, I promise you won't regret it, just trust the video.

She held up a remote

Abbs: Is everyone ready? (everyone said yes) Ok, let's start.

The screen lights up, the Moon shines bright as Shadow walks up to an edge of a cliff looking over a city.

Abbs paused the video and turned to the group, sighing already knowing what was going to happen.

Sonic: Shadow!?! Really!?! I don't want to watch him and I'm sure no one else wants to either.

Sticks: Yeah, why would you have us watch this villain, especially when he's most likely an Alien!

Eggman: Hey speak for yourself, I however am excited to get to know more about Shadow.

Sonic: Abbs you didn't tell us it was Shadow, can we watch someone else like me?

Knuckles: No, do me, I am the leader of Team Knuckles after all.

Abbs: I already told you that if you wait and watch with an open mind you understand, besides don't you want to see if you can find any weaknesses to him?

The team went quiet, they all struggled in the battles against Shadow in the past, knowing a way to defeat him would be useful.

Amy: ...Well we already agreed to watch, and we shouldn't go back on our promise.

Sonic: Fine, I stay only to learn how to defeat Shadow.

Abbs: Thank you, like I said before you won't regret it.

She hits play and the video starts up again.

The screen changes and the words about 50 years ago appear.

Tails: 50 years ago? I'm pretty sure Shadow wasn't around 50 years ago, I mean he's the same age as Sonic. What happened 50 years ago and what does that have to do with Shadow?

Abbs: You'll see.

The Space Colony Ark is shown.

Eggman: Woah, what a magnificent ship, and it even looks like me.

Sticks: Why does it look like you, unless you're an alien and that's your mothership!

Sticks was about to attack, but Abbs stepped in front, pausing the video once again.

Abbs: Sticks he wasn't alive then, and that is not an alien ship. *Sigh* Maybe Sticks should have sat this one out, oh well too late now. Anywho, that is The Space Colony Ark, it was designed by someone you will see soon, who actually is related to eggman, his grandfather to be exact. They look at her stunted, eggman had a family?

Eggman: My grandfather? My family never told me anything about him, only that he was a genius like me.

Abbs: Right you are eggman, but he used his skills to help others instead of hurting them. Are we ready to start again, I don't want to keep you here longer than needed.

The group nodded, Abbs started up the video, and a voice was heard.

???: Some time ago professor Gerald Robotnik was appointed to lead a top secret project at Space Colony ARK Creating the Ultimate Life Form.

Sticks: He's working for the government! You said he wasn't evil!

Abbs: and he isn't, he was forced to work for them on that project.

Tails: Hold up, The Ultimate Life Form, doesn't Shadow call himself that.

Sonic: Your right bud, but he most likely says that to sound cool.

Abbs smiled knowing what a shock they were in for.

???:A being that would never age. Never get sick. And never die, so it could fight and defend the United Federation over any other threats

The screen changes once again to a picture of a young girl and an older man who looks like eggman.

???: But the birth of his granddaughter changed the professor's plans...Maria had an unknown syndrome that prevented her from living on Earth. He needed to develop a cure. But the government was in a hurry and he needed to continue on his work of the Ultimate Life Form for the safety of his granddaughter.

Amy: That's horrible, the poor girl.

The other nodded in agreement

Eggman: I've heard of her, no one ever told me who exactly she was to my family, other than someone who was very special.

They all turned back to the screen

???: To replicate the healing abilities from the Ultimate Life Form was the only solution.

Tails: That actually a good compromise, create what the government wants, and use the abilities the Ultimate Life Form would have to find a cure for Maria.

Eggman: Indeed, If my grandfather did that, no wonder my family considered him a genius.

The screen showed a giant emerald

???: In his research he discovered the Master Emerald. An artifact with unlimited power, and with a shard of it he synthetized Chaos Energy.

The professor is seen with 7 looking U.S.B. drive floating, each a different color.

???:And created the Chaos Drives, making amazing creations possible.

A huge dragon-like creature is seen being observed by the professor. Everyone looked on in awe.

Knuckles: I knew dragons were real.

Tails: That's amazing he just created life through science, that huge!

Eggman: It's beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye.

???: But none that could achieve his goal.

They looked at the screen sadly, the man simply wanted to heal his Granddaughter but had no such luck.The professor is seen shaking hands with someone who looks like Knuckles.

Knuckles: whoa is that me?

Amy: Knuckles this was 50 years ago, this is probably your father or an ancestor of yours.

Knuckles: oh, so eggman's family knew mine.

Eggman: If they did, they didn't tell me.

???: While on Angel Island the Professor heard a legend about a being able to perfectly channeling chaos energy. And that was the beginning of Project Shadow.

The Chaos Drives were inside of a pod, they started to glow, there was a flash of light and there was Shadow surrounded by the drives in the pod.

Everyone: Shadow?!?

They looked at the screen rubbing and blinking their eyes, but the screen didn't change. They looked to Abbs.

Abbs: I told you to trust me, yes Shadow is The Ultimate Life Form, he can't age, which is why Shadow is still Sonic's age after 50 years have passed. It's also the only reason Shadow teamed with you last time Eggman, he considers you family as his, not to mention your resemblance to you grandfather.

They all look back at the screen wanting to know more. A room is shown with Maria asleep, with Shadow seen on a dresser narrating the story.

Shadow: The professor made me from the Chaos Drives. And when he uncovers the secrets of my immortality you'll be healed, and we'll travel to Earth... Together.

He quietly slides off the dresser and walks out of her room so as to not wake Maria up. As he walks through the door, he turns and looks at her with a smile, then he turns and leaves.

Sonic: I can't believe that's Shadow, he's so different.

Tails: Yeah, he's a totally different person here, something must have happened for him to change...the question is what?

Abbs: You'll get the answer to your question by the end Tails.

Amy: You said we could help him, is it because of whatever happened that caused him to change?

Amy looked towards Abbs, she gave a sad smile as she nodded. Sonic couldn't help but think about how different Shadow was. He couldn't help but wondered if he had met this Shadow maybe they could've been friends. He looked back at the screen and wanted to learn more about this Shadow.

Shadow continued down the hall until he came to a room with a huge window, though it can be seen earth as he looked out. Someone walks up behind Shadow and starts to speak.

Gerald: Can't get enough of it, huh?

Shadow turns and see the professor he answers,

Shadow: Yeah...It's just so beautiful...

Gerald: It looks even better from up close...Until you see the bad part...All the war, hunger and violence that exists down there...We humans can't take care of ourselves.It doesn't matter what happens...We're always trying to find something to destroy one another.

Eggman: Can't disagree with the guy, you animals thingies are no different.

Amy: Excuse me!

Abbs paused the video to let them talk.

Eggman: I mean look at how Sonic was treated for his "Just a Guy" mistake, he saves you from me all the time, but one mistake and he's a villain.

Sonic's friends went quiet, what could they say to that when it was true?

Abbs: I have to agree, while Sonic's wording could have been better, there was no reason for the reaction it caused, especially when the guy got hurt because he wanted to go fight with you guys as an apology even after Sonic had already apologized. He had absolutely no fighting experience, I mean come on the only person the village should have blamed for him getting hurt was the guy himself for being that stupid.

Sonic smiled at her, grateful that someone at least saw how ridiculous the whole situation was.

Abbs: Alright we should get back to the video, playing the video.

Gerald He turns and looks at Shadow asking,

Gerald: How is she?

Shadow: She's sleeping now. But only after she made me tell her stories...

Gerald Smiles

Gerald: Of course...I'm glad to see that you're getting used to it. She likes that you're the one to tuck her in...Because then she dreams about living on Earth.

Shadow turns and looks at the professor

Shadow: Even if I've never been down there...And by the way... What were the test results?

Gerald sighs

Gerald: The same as every time...Your DNA is completely chaotic, it's impossible to decode it!

Shadow looks at Gerald upset

Shadow: So no progress? Nothing?

Gerald sighs again

Gerald: Nothing yet... Nothing.

Tails: Shadow looks so disappointed, that's gotta be hard for him.

Sonic: What's wrong with no result?

Eggman: Well Sonic, from Shadow interaction with Maria so far it is clear to see he cares for her. Also from the sound of it they have tried many times with no success to find a cure to the disease, that time being no different. With an unknown disease anything could happen so they need to find a cure sooner rather than later or Maria might die from it.

Amy: That's awful, I hope they found the cure.

Tails: Another thing is the government wants Shadow, they also might be on a time limit before they come to take Shadow away to do whatever they want with him.

Stickers: Those greedy pigs would do that, they do anything to get what they want. That's why I don't trust them.

Abbs: We are almost done for the first part, after this I'm going to make the video able to pause wherever you guys talk. Isn't not I don't  want you guys to talk, I do, but I'm tired of pausing and playing the video manually all the time.

They turn back to the screen, Abbs plays the video again.

Gerald leaves Shadow as he turns back to the window to continue to look at earth, Shadow is then seen going about his day, waking up with Maria, brushing his teeth then splashing his face with water, which also splashed on Maria next to him causing her to shout. Shadow looks over and smiles sheepishly. Shadow uses his speed to brush and style Maria's hair for the day.

Amy: I love her hair, I wonder if I could get Shadow to do mine.

Sonic: I could do it, I'm faster than him anyways.

Amy: You might be faster, but you would just make a mess of my hair, I know you will.

Sonic huffs, not denying it though as he looks back to the screen

Both are sitting next to each other at a table. Maria is studying while Shadow waits for her, he looks over and gets an idea. In seconds he draws little sketches of him, Maria and other important things to them. Maria looks at the drawing, then looks at Shadow looking annoyed that Shadow was drawing as she studied. They then eat lunch together Shadow having a whole pizza to himself eating it all quickly, while Maria went with a sandwich.

Sonic: I didn't think Shadow liked pizza

Eggman: Not just pizza, I've seen him eat hot pockets as well, he seems to like anything easy and quick to eat.

Sonic: Huh, neat maybe I should try a hot pocket. Sounds easy enough to make.

Shadow is in his pod for some test, and Maria waits patiently for him to be done, putting a hand on the pod. After he is released from his testing the both went to the room that looked over earth, Maria petting Shadow's quills as he rested from all of the tests.

Amy: Aww they are so cute together! They act like siblings, just like Tails and Sonic.

Tails: Amy I already said that I'm not cute, and neither is Sonic, he just cool.

Sonic: Thanks bro!

Tails: No problem.

Abbs: Alright everyone everyone gets a half an hour break to do whatever except any and all evil plans.

Abbs said, looking at the doctor, as he grumbled about how unfair that was.

Abbs: Please be back in the theater by then, I'm going to set up the automatic pause and play so I don't have to keep pausing and playing repeatedly. See you guys after the break.

Abbs walked out of the theater, the others soon followed.

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