Quick Transmigration: Seducin...

By nanahlolo

291K 9.4K 1.1K

Li Chang Bo ended up dying by a car crash on his way to meet a friend. He was a well known actor and has won... More

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Arc 3. 8

1.8K 79 6
By nanahlolo

“Your Majesty, there have been many reports of natural disasters in neighbouring countries calling for help. We must prepare for it.”
Many countries suffered from natural disasters, some with serious consequences, others with minor ones.

"And what do you suggest we do, Prime Minister Feng?" Emperor Feng asked, looking slightly at them all as he leaned on his dragon chair. He wore a gold-black dragon robe that adorned his perfect body. His hair was pulled up in a braid, exposing his forehead and revealing his striking facial features. On his head lay his dragon crown and the golden ornaments falling from it lightly covered his face. All of this, coupled with his cold and indifferent eyes, made him look heavenly.

“This lowly one does not dare your majesty. This minister believes we need to get to the bottom of this. Rumours are circulating that these natural disasters are not normal. They all happen in a certain pattern, and everyone believes that the next country to suffer will be the Feng Dynasty." The Prime Minister explained seriously and worried about the impending disaster.

"I don't think we should place any credence in these rumours, Your Majesty. It may be true that other countries are plagued by natural disasters, but that doesn't necessarily mean that our country is next. Perhaps this is all just an ambush to lure us into their trap. Maybe it's a plan hatched by our enemy to win us over." A third-ranking minister remarked.

What he said made sense and many ministers believed him, but there were still some who took the Prime Minister's word for it. They continued to discuss the rumour they had all heard, and one thing was certain: there were many unexplained natural calamities occurring, and someone had spread speculation about their country being the next victim.

"Silence" A cold voice echoed through the hall and silenced everyone.

"Prime Minister, this matter is being handed over to you. Find out if the rumours are true and come back to report to me." The Prime Minister bowed and accepted the Emperor's edict.

"But what about the mysterious man, Your Majesty?"

"If the rumours are indeed true, he will come to us by himself. But I still want you to investigate him."

"General Lin, reinforce the guard at the country's gates. There will be many refugees seeking protection. Search them and don't let any suspicious people in. If there is a suspect, he will be arrested immediately, no matter who he is. You can release him after interrogation." General Lin bowed and also accepted the emperor's edict.

"Second and Third Ministers, you will be responsible for sheltering the refugees." The Second and Third Ministers also bowed and accepted their edict.

"You are all dismissed." Emperor Feng said closing the morning court. Everyone in the courtroom bowed down and shouted their farewells while Emperor Feng strode out of the room.

"Long live your majesty! Long live your majesty! Long live your majesty!"


When Feng Yu Han arrived at his courtyard, he noticed a figure sitting on the ground with a book in his hand, leaning against a peach tree. He stopped where he was and watched his baby.

Li Chang Bo wore a creamy white robe decorated with milk-white beads on his torso. His hair was half pinned up with a jade crown and his dark brown waves flowed down his back. Next to him was a wooden stool on which he propped his elbow. The book lay on his lap and he turned the pages after a short while with a languid expression on his face, completely relaxed. A breeze blew, rustling the leaves and a fresh floral scent filled the air.

As if he felt that someone was watching him, Li Chang Bo slowly raised his head and looked into Feng Yu Han's eyes. When he realised who it was, a smile formed on his face.

Feng Yu Han walked towards him and sat beside him, paying no attention to his eunuch's worries as he sat on the ground as an emperor. Feng Yu Han took off the heavy dragon crown and gave it to the head eunuch to hold. Li Chang Bo took his head in his hand, lowered it to his height and gave him a kiss on the forehead, smiling at him, to which Feng Yu Han responded with a smile and a hug. The two of them stayed like that for a while, enjoying the silence and each other's presence and savouring the moment.

After reading the book, Li Chang Bo put it down, took Feng Yu Han's hand in his and linked their hands.

"Do you have time today? I want to go out." Li Chang Bo asked in a whisper. Feng Yu Han kissed him on the head and then closed his eyes.

"What do you want to do outside?"

"Nothing spectacular. Strolling around and eating something, anything as long as I can get out of here."

Feng Yu han opened his eyes when he heard this and looked at him in offence. "Are you saying that zhen's presence bothers you?"

When Li Chang Bo heard that, he rolled his eyes and exhaled slightly annoyed and hurt that Feng You Han would even think that way. He turned round and had the urge to smack Feng Yu Han's head and find out what was going on in that head of his, but he let it slide and looked at him in frustration.

"I didn't say that, so don't twist my words. I just want to go out and see what it's like outside the royal walls."

He looked sadly down at their hands, remembering his gloomy childhood back in his hometown and whispered, "I've spent my life locked up in the palace since I was little and never had the chance to go outside and have fun." "I thought it would change when I was married to you but it didn't get any better."

Li Chang Bo posed for a few seconds before proceeding with what he intended to say: "I just want to go outside for a few hours and experience the outside world and be able to breathe out."

He looked up and looked at Feng Yu Han deep in the eyes, eyes filled with tears, "Is that too much to ask, Your Majesty?". A tear fell from his eye and dripped onto Feng Yu Han's hand.

A dull pain spread through his heart when he saw that he had made his baby cry. "Please don't cry, it hurts me to see you cry. That was not my intention. I am sorry. You can leave the palace at any time but please let me know first and take some guards with you for your safety."

He wiped the tears from his face and gave him a kiss on each eye. "it's okay, but aren't you coming with me?" Li Chang Bo asked and lay back down in his lover's arms.

"I'm afraid I can't. I have a lot to do tomorrow. I would postpone it but I can't. I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologise for something like this and it's not like this is the last time we'll be doing something together."


The next day, Li Chang Bo chose an outfit that wasn’t luxurious as not to stand out in the crowd. On his way to the town he took Xiao Bai with him and two guards who were also disguised as commoners.

The streets outside were full of people and stalls. Each stall sold something different, one stall sold jewellery and the other sold food. There were also people walking on the streets trying to sell sweets or exquisite ornaments.

Li Chang Bo visited many stalls and looked at things with interest. A store hundred metres away from him caught his attention and he walked towards it.

It was decorated gracefully and the insides were combined in white and greens. The store sold excellent ornaments in various materials such as gold, jade, silver and much more.

One item directly caught his attention. He felt pulled to it, so he took it in his hands and examined it carefully. It was a carving of a ger mother with her newborn child in her arms made in jade. Emotions which were buried deep down in his heart almost swallowed him whole when they resurfaced.

Li Chang Bo’s trembling hand went to his abdomen and held it as if he was protecting it. Xiao Bai who was standing behind him, noticed that something was wrong with her miss, so she went to him and saw this scene. She silently went to the store owner to buy the jade carving.

After buying it she went to her miss, “Miss let’s go. It’s time for the miss to eat something.” Li Chang Bo woke up from his trance and looked at Xiao Bai still not fully awakened from the outburst of emotions.

[Host, are you okay?] The system asked as he noticed his host's strange behaviour worrying about his mental state.

'mhm, everything is alright. You don't need to worry.'

The system went back to the system space and observed Li Chang Bo, so that he could immediately fly out to help him if he needed help.

“What about the carving. We need to pay for it before going.”

“Do not worry, miss, Xiao Bai has already bought it.” Li Chang Bo looked at Xiao Bai who has been accompanying him since he was little and nodded at her thankfulness. Before leaving the store Li Chang Bo also bought a jade hair pin with a golden tassel for Feng Yu Han as it reminded him of the other.

Down the street was a popular restaurant which had a top view over the town. Li Chang Bo went to the top floor and sat down at a vacant table. Every table was separated with antique screens. While waiting for his food to arrive Li Chang Bo continued to play with the jade carving and listened to the conversation between two men who were sitting at the table beside his.

"The Prime Minister is probably still in a coma." Said the one wearing a blue robe. "Really? It's been years since he went into a coma."
"That's right, the doctors still don't know what's wrong with him. Even the royal healer who came to heal him couldn't diagnose why he fell into a coma." The green-clad man shook his head.
"Who is in charge of the Prime Minister's work while he is in a coma? Has the position been handed over to someone new?"
"Not really, the previous prime minister has resumed his duties until his son is able to do so again."
"Should we now say that the prime minister is unlucky or that the emperor is lucky? One fell into a coma and the other woke up from it."

Li Chang Bo wanted to hear more, but was interrupted by the waiter who served him his food. "Xiao Bai Sit down and eat with me."

Xiao Bai wanted to say no to her master, but paused when she saw his look. "Thank you for your kindness miss." Li Chang Bo looked thoughtfully at the food and wondered what these men were talking about. Because this was not in the plot given to him by the system.

So who is he? He wouldn't have been important to the story if he hadn't appeared in the plot. But why did he fall into a coma at the exact same time as the Emperor woke up from his coma, and why was the Emperor in a coma? How come I don't know anything about this? Why was Feng Yu Han in a coma? Who is this Prime Minister who is in a coma? So many questions ran through Li Chang Bo's mind and it bothered him that he had no answers to his questions.

"Miss, we must slowly head back."


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