Just the Start. (The Clovers...

By Aquaron23

1.8K 168 23

A single invitation, a single disobedient act, a drastic change in life. Fortis was raised singlehandedly by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 10

50 4 0
By Aquaron23

Where exactly is the map? I have sneaked into Gladion's meeting room three days straight right after my meals were served several times but I still can't find anything useful. This is too risky. I had bumped into Gladion early this morning along his corridor because he had came back early to settle something.

He regarded me with suspicion and the only excuse I could think off was that I am already well and I wanted to resume training tomorrow instead of the day after. My leg was still hurting but I can't take back my words. Gladion was pleased when he heard that and he waved me off with a smile. And so, I was left with only today to find the map and pay Savage a visit. Maybe the map wasn't in the meeting room in the first place. I should try my luck somewhere else...

I was about to leave the room when I heard footsteps coming my way. No! If I were to be found out by Gladion, there's no way I could get away scot free. I ran for the only place in this room where I could hide-a room divider behind Gladion's seat. The moment I took cover, the door slid open.

Peeking through the small line of gap on the divider, I spotted Zander entering the room stealthily. He glanced around the room carefully before sliding the door back close silently. What is he doing here? He looked like he had sneaked in here too. I observed as he walked towards the drawers close to the dividers and started rummaging through them. I have looked through the contents in the drawers yesterday. There were just cultural books and a couple of history books I have never seen before. A deep frown was evident on his face as he did not find what he was searching for. Of course, he did not sneak in just to steal a book to read. After rearranging the books neatly back into the drawers, he moved to the tea table. He looked under the mat, behind the paintings and other places where I had failed to look. One thing to be sure, he was definitely more meticulous than me. What exactly is he after?

Just then, a whistle is heard from outside the room. He immediately doved behind the dividers that I was at and we came face to face with each other. His eyes widened a fraction when he saw me and I just stared back at him, tongue-tied.

I had found a script from Zander on my bedside table yesterday when I was searching for my clover necklace that my mother had given me as a gift. I had misunderstood him. But if he had written a script for me, why didn't he pass it to me? Nonetheless, I'm still disappointed at that he did not come when I desperately needed him.

Gladion entered the room in a seemingly happy mood and went to take his seat on the Zabuton with a book on his hand.

The book is titled- "How to improve father-son relationship."
Gladion had a son? Who? I was perplexed. Zander, on the other hand, seemed not in the least surprised.

In the middle of reading, Gladion lighted a scented incense and placed it in front of him. I watched him cupped his hand as the light-coloured smoke rose and he beckoned the smoke towards him. His shoulders rose as he inhaled and he went back to reading his book. After a few minutes, the soothing scent of lavender filled the room.

As time passed, my injured leg was screaming to take a break. I was straining it too much. No, now's not the time. Gladion had to leave first. Drops of perspiration rolled down the side of my face as I struggled to remain standing. The space was too narrow to sit and my injured foot was trembling from effort. If I bumped into the divider accidentally, Gladion would be alerted of our presence. When is he leaving?

Just then, an arm pulled me towards Zander. I was about to protest but he clammed his hand over my mouth and placed a finger to his lips. Is he reminding me to stay quiet? I nodded and he removed his hand away. I made a move to edge away from him but he pulled me back to him. My eyes flew up to his in question and irritation. What does he want from me?

"Your leg," he mouthed. I realised what he meant. He wanted me to lean against him for support. I calculated the cost of moving away and decided to listen to him this once. I leaned against him awkwardly and the pressure on my injured leg lifted. This close, I could hear his breathing and feel the tension in his muscles. My eyes wandered to his face. He betrayed no emotions on his face as always. I would have thought that he was unfazed by everything if not for this close distance. He merely looked calm from the outside. On the inside, he must be as nervous at being found out as me. I looked away quickly when I realized that I was staring at him for too long. Feeling uneasy at our close proximity, I shifted my focus back to Gladion.

After what seemed like eternity, Gladion finally left his room. After making sure that he was not going to come back, I stepped away from Zander and out from behind the divider.

"What are you doing here?" Zander watched me warily.

"I should be asking you the same," I threw his question back at him.

We had a stare down.

"We're now on the same boat. If you make the boat sink, you'll sink too."

"I don't need you to tell me that," he answered coldly and left the room.

That was close. I exited the room hurriedly in case Gladion decided to turn back. Back in my room, I sighed. What do I do now? Should I give up on looking for the map? No, I guess I'll just have to wait for another opportunity to present itself. I'm burning with curiosity. What exactly could Zander be looking for?


Fortunately, my leg healed quickly. Only a small sting of pain was left when I jumped on my feet. Time for training. I prepared myself and made my way down to the battle courtyard. Ducan is not here yet. I guess I'm too early. I spotted a tree and an idea sparked in my head. I'm going to try and climb that tree. I will prove that I'm capable of doing it too. Not knowing where to start, I circled the tree in inspection. The tree was quite tall and the lowest branch was far beyond my reach. After clapping my hands together to mutter a silent prayer, I stepped onto the tallest tree root and wrapped my arms around its trunk. Lifting one leg, I tried to find a firm footing on the woody trunk. I slipped as I tried to climb it numerous times and grazed my arms and knee. Why is this so hard?

"Fortis?" Ducan jogged towards me with a quizzical look on his face.

I swept my pants with my hands. Glaring at the tree, I promised that I would conquer it one day.

"Hey," I replied and walked towards Ducan.

"What happened?" he pointed to the scratches on my hands.

"I tried to climb a tree," I sighed in exasperation. "Never mind about that. We can start now."

"Is your leg better now?" he asked in concern.

"Yup, I can run now."

"That's good, but tell me if your leg hurts. We'll be doing basic striking and defending techniques today."

I nodded.

"First, lift your two fists up. They should always protect the side of your face," Ducan demonstrated.

I lifted my fists up. "Like this?"

"No, it's too far from your face."

Ducan repositioned my fists.

"Like this. The fist that you're not throwing out must always be in that position or your face will be left vulnerable to attacks."

"Oh okay," I made a mental note to myself.

"Which is your power leg?"

"Sorry?" I asked. What's that?

"The leg that is more powerful," he explained.

"Oh, my right leg I guess?" I replied after thinking for awhile.

"Okay that is your rear leg. Your left leg will be your lead leg,"

I switched the positions of my legs immediately.

"Your legs should be shoulder-width apart. Now bent your knees slightly. They should be facing me so that I can't break it by kicking the back of your knee."

Listening seriously to his every instructions, I followed. He made a better teacher than Zander.

Ducan lifted his hands up with his palms facing me. "Try to throw a punch at me."

Remembering Zander's words, I placed my centre of gravity on my hind leg as I threw my fist forward.

"That's good," Ducan commented and I smiled. I did it.

"But there's something else you have to take note of. When you strike, your shoulder must be raised close to your face so that it will still be protected."

I nodded and tried again.

"Yup, that's it!" he smiled.

Next, he taught me how to kick. Keeping what he mentioned in mind, I turned my left leg as I prepared to kick him with my right leg at waist level. Spotting the back-view of Zander at the entrance as he walked away, I faltered, resulting in an epic miss.

"Are you okay? Is your leg hurting?" Ducan immediately inquired.

"No I'm fine. Sorry, I was just momentarily distracted."

What's Zander doing here?

Ducan looked around in puzzlement and then smiled coyly.

"What?" I demanded. What's with that smile?

"Sorry," he coughed. "I know I can be quite a distraction."

I stared at him, unable to believe that he had just praised himself.
"Oh god. Exactly how big is your ego?"

He stroked his chin and pretended to think.

"Not too big actually. Just enough to get me by," he beamed.

"Oh you are too modest," I placed the back of my hand on my forehead and pretended to faint.

"I'll try to be less perfect," he wagged his brows.

Just then, the breakfast bell rang.

"Yes, truly. I would have to take my leave now milord," I bowed and ran away, leaving him in the battle courtyard.

It's time to fill my rumbling stomach. I wonder what's served for breakfast today.

He caught up to me easily. "Why did you run off without me? I'm hungry too."


"Because?" he asked.

"Just because."

To think the first friend I make is from a different land, I thought with a smile. Friend. I have one now, right?

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