A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai...

By Mellianna92

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In every family's history book there has always been that one dark chapter that no one wants to talks about... More

Entry One... Attic Surprises
Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?
Entry Four...A Hit And Run
Entry Five... Missed Me?
Entry Six... You Win Some. You Lose Some...Funny Thing Is, I Will Always Win
Entry Seven...Billiard Magic
Entry Eight... Skinny Dipping & Taylor Swift
Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...
Entry Ten...Mind Your Business Bon Bon..
Entry Eleven... Just Another Face On The Milk Carton..

Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town

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By Mellianna92

•Andy's Pov•

"Did you open the window last night?" I ask Julia while we sit down and eat breakfast at the kitchen table.

"No, why would I do that? So the cast of bugs life could shoot the sequel in our room?"

Julia passes me the orange juice and I pour a glass.

As soon as Nana was out of the kitchen I scoot over next to Julia.

"I read some of it."


"So, I'm going to read more of it soon. The first entry was kind of...I don't know, personal."

"Good, make sure you share all of the juicy secrets with me when you're done."


"What do you think people write in dairies, Andrew?"

I roll my eyes at her.

"You're still a pervert."

Nana came back inside of the kitchen.

"I just met our lovely neighbors and they invited us over for dinner."

"You said no right? I mean that's the Parker house." Julia says as she gulps down her orange juice.

"Was the Parker house, miss sass. Now I invited them here cause of my bad heart."

"Bad heart? Nana, you can still arm wrestle dad."

"Wanna clean the shed in the back? I'm sure those bugs are dead yet."

"Zipping my lip."

I hold in my laughter and Nana goes to the sink.

"I'm going to start on lunch. Miss Bennet is coming over with her daughter so I want you girls to be nice and show her around the neighborhood."

"Okay, can we get the keys to the car?" I ask.

"Sure thing, while you girls are out. I want you to pick up some olives for the macaroni salad."

"Olives?" I whisper behind Nana's back.

"I saw that, Andrew."

About an hour later Miss Bennet was knocking at the front door.

"I'll get it." I walk to the door but Julia beats me to it.

"Welcome to our lovely abode."


"Thank you girls. Bonnie say hi." I look over and see the girl who caught me looking at them out the window.

"Hello." She says with a fake smile on her face.

As they walk in Julia whispers to me. "Who spit in her oatmeal this morning?"

I playfully push her into the kitchen and Nana was hugging Miss Bennet.

"Girls, I want you to meet a a few members from a sister coven."

"Wait, so you two are witches? That's so fuc-I mean cool."

"Nice save cuz." I say under my breath.

"Our covens have been close for over thousands of generations and I'll tell the story after the food is all set."

"Bonnie, go have fun. Okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." Us three walk out of the kitchen and I stop Bonnie.

"We're going to the store in a little bit. You don't mind right?"


We go sit in the front porch and I sit on the swing, Julia sits on the porch ledge and Bonnie takes the steps.

"So, you're a witch?" Julia asks.

"That's what my mom said." Bonnie comments back.

"You know I'm just trying to have a conversation you don't need to be a little dick about this."

Bonnie looks right at Julia and raises a brow.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel like having a conversation with either of you. Just tell my mom I went for a walk." Bonnie steps off of the porch and Julia shrugs.

"Bye bye witch-bitch."

"Julia, we can't just let her go like that. She'll get lost around here."

"So, let a wild fox find her and feast on her innards. She was rude and I don't care."

I get up and run off after her.

"Wait up." My cousins calls off after me.

We manage to catch up with Bonnie and she just ignores us as we keep walking beside her.

"You know, Jules. I heard they never did catch that killer."

"No, they didn't. I think they said that he was last seen about a town over. Man sucks what he did to that girl...You know Bonnie you kind of look like her. Right Andy?"

Bonnie gives us both a glare and I nod.

"She does. Man I would hate to be walking out here alone."

"Fine, you two won't leave me alone so I guess I'll have to tolerate you both."

"We are a package deal." Julia and I both smile at her like a couple of idiots.

"Okay, since we're at least hanging together how about we go sit in the old tree house with this?"

Julia reveals a bottle of Jack Daniels from her jacket.

"Where did you get that?" I ask as I reach for the bottle.

She snatched the bottle back and smirks.

"Let's just say dead bugs weren't the only thing I found in the garage. So what do you say ladies?"

I look at Bonnie and she shrugs.

"Fuck it."

Julia does a mock gasp. "Did the new girl just say fuck it? Oh my virgin ears."

"Jules, you swear like a sailor. Lets go before Nana calls us to go to the store." I lead the way and hear Julia call me a party pooper.

We sit in the old treehouse passing the bottle around.

"You bitches better not have cooties." Julia says as she chugs.

"Hey, Bonnie. Did you ever get your cootie shot?"

"I don't think I have Andy. Oh god Julia. You probably have my cooties." I snort a laugh and they both join me.

"I guess you're not a witch-bitch after all. Just a bitch."

"Gee thanks." Bonnie takes the bottle and drinks. She offers me the next drink but I pass.

"Careful Bonnie, you don't want to ruffle little Andy's feathers."

"I'm not being a goodie-goodie. I'm just taking the responsibility of being the driver when we go to the store. Can't drive if I'm buzzed."

"Well I'll take more thank you very much." I sit back and watch both of them for a little.

"So, while we're here we have to have a summer fling. Who's down?"

"I'm in. The boys back where I lived we're all creeps."

"Mm, same here. What about you Andy?"

"I don't know..."

"Bawk bawk bawk, you chicken."

"I'm not a chicken. I just think that if I'm going to be with them, I want to make sure I love them."

"You make me wanna barf. Are you sure we're related?"

"I question that myself all the time I see you wake up."

"Hey, Andy. What would be the perfect qualities in a guy for you?" Bonnie asks as she finishes the bottle of Jack.

"Let's see..."

I think for a second.

"...I want him to be funny. But in a dark kind of way. Not like creepy but in a way that we'll just get each other. I guess I'd want him to be tall, seeing that I'm only 5'3."

"Yeah midget." Julia comments as she laughs.

I glare at her and continue.

"Also, I want him to be smart, be able to accept me the way I am...and most of all I want the love he has for me to...consume me."

I snap back into reality and see Bonnie and Julia giving me blank stares.

"Yeah you're going to die alone for sure."

"Oh yeah, buy some cats."

"You guys as assholes." I say as I get up.

"Aw, Andy we were only joking. Really. Come back!"

I ignore them and walk across the lawn and into the house.

I go upstairs and sit in the bed feeling the tears fall down my face.

Maybe they're right. I mean I've only known Bonnie for an hour but Julia and I are blood.

Maybe I will die alone. I never find any guys interesting and I'm obviously never going to find those qualities in a guy.

I lay down on my pillow and feel something hard underneath it.

I reach and pull out the diary.

I wipe my tears and grab the chain off of the night stand.

I unlock it and start to read more about my pasted relative...

April 23rd 1980

Dear Diary,

I made a friend and her name is Josette Parker.

She's really nice and she likes the same things I do. While mother and father went to the store with Lily, and Mason went finishing with some of the local boys, I went over to the Parker's place and we watched mtv.

Her brother kept walking in the living room and would purposely walk in front of the television. Josette tells me that she thinks her brother like me because when company shows up he doesn't leave the basement.

While Josette was using the bathroom her brother came into the living room and stopped right in front of the televisions.

I asked him his name and he just stared at me. So I told him mine and stood up to properly introduce myself but I tripped over the coffee table and he caught me. I felt dizzy as he gripped my arms so when I look up I freeze.

This might be strange to say about a boy but his eyes were really pretty up close.

Almost like he had the stars and galaxy in them.

I don't know how long we stood like that but Josette got mad and yelled at him.

Before letting me go he had leaned down and whispered his name in my ear.


I hope I get to know him more. :)

Xoxo- Olivia.

I close the diary for a moment and decide that I'm going to read this entire book until the end.


I guess I will when I get back. I lock the diary back up and put it under my pillow. Instead of putting the chain back on the night stand I unclasp it and put it on.

I make sure my shirt is hiding the chain just in case Nana was looking.

"Coming..." I respond back.

•Kai's Pov•

I was standing in Olivia's yard and I hear a car door close behind me.

I turn and look in enough time to see Olivia getting in the drivers seat along with two other girls.

I run in front of the car and wave my hands like a mad man.


She just puts the car in drive and the car goes right through me.

I watch as she drives off and I start to run after the car.

I fall to my knees as I see the car sped off faster.

"Olivia..." I whisper to the wind.

I glare at the house and slowly feel myself being pulled up.

"No! I'm not leaving! I'm not leaving!" I yell but it's useless because when I blink I'm back in my hell again.

All alone.

No, I refuse to be alone.

Olivia is alive somehow and I need to get back to her.

I run into my house and make a mess of the family library.

If I can find anything to make sense of this, the answers should defiantly be in this place.

"Come on, come on..." I tear through half of the library until I find what I'm looking for.

I skim the pages and find something that explains a little bit of what's going on.

I throw the book across the room and push the rest on to the floor when I don't see the right answer for me.

Is this a new punishment that the coven bestowed upon me?

They can now torment me, letting me see Olivia, alive and healthy..

Wait Olivia should be close to her forties how is she still young?

A piece of paper catches my eye and I crouch down picking it up.

A smile spreads across my face as I read it.

"I'm coming home to you Liv..."

•Andy's Pov•

"Why does Nana need liverworts?" I ask looking at the list.

"I don't know but I'm not eating that. What about you Bonnie?"

"I'll pass. Its bad enough my mom tries to make me eat chitterlings."

"What's that?" I ask.

"You don't wanna know." Bonnie grabs a bag of cookies and tosses it in the cart.

"So, do you know the history of the house your parents bought?"


"What? I just want to see what Bon-Bon knows. So?"

"Before moving here, I read some new paper clippings and showed it to my parents but my mom said that she could cleanse the house and my dad said that he would be able to push the bad karma out of the house. But it still gives me the creeps."

As Julia and Bonnie talk I keep getting things off of Nana's list and placing it in the cart.

I reach for the jar of green olives and someone else reaches for them as well.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. Really." I look up and I'm staring at a woman with hypnotic eyes.

The woman looks spooked for a second.

"Um, yo...you can have them."

"No, it's okay I can just tell my grandmother that they ran out." The woman backs away from me and bumps into a pyramid of cereal boxes.

I move without thinking and I raise my hand causing the boxes to stack back up.

"How did you do that?"

I look around to make sure no ones sees.

"Please don't freak out. It was just the wind."

"No, no it wasn't. You're a Devereux..."

The woman leaves her carriage and takes off out of the store.

"What happened?" Instead of telling the truth I just put on a smile and shrug.

"I don't know, she said something about leaving her cake in the oven. Lets finish up here."

•Josette's Pov•

I was on the phone with Daniel and he kept telling me to calm down.

"How am I suppose to calm down? I just saw Olivia Devereux, Daniel. She should be dead but she's live and she's young. If she's here Kai could-"

"Jo, stop. Think for a second. If you did see Olivia, wouldn't she be near her forties? Maybe you saw a distant relative of hers. And as far as Kai, you know he can't get out. For one he doesn't have the ascendent and he sure as hell doesn't have any magic. He's locked away where he can't hurt anyone else."

I feel my hands shake as I try to drive back to the house.

"I just want to make sure he can't get out. I mean what if he saw that girl?"

"Jo, stop worrying."

He says to stop worrying he's not the one that Kai wants to merge with.

I just knew the moment I saw that girl all of my fears came crashing down on me.

I never want Kai to get out because if he ever does..

"May God have mercy on us all..."

•Andy's Pov•

"Mason misses you." I was talking to my mom on the phone and I kind of felt a tad home sick.

"Awe, tell Mason that I miss him too. So how's dad?"

"He's doing good. The bar is actually getting more business than he expected, but it's nothing he can't handle. How are you doing?"

"Good, Julia and I made a friend. Her name is Bonnie Bennett."

I can hear my mother smiling over the phone.



"Well then I know you girls are in good company." I hear my mother cough for a second.

"Are you okay, mom? That cough doesn't sound too good."

"It's nothing, It's just these stupid allergies. I need to go, your brother is waking up from his nap and I don't want him to get into his play-doh again."

"Okay, I love you mom."

"I love you too, Andrew."

"Mom, before you go can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing sweetheart."

"Why did you name me Andrew?"

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that. Well as you know our coven has been around for thousands of years. The head of the coven was St. Andrew. He was a strong man and good leader. Your Nana thought that your name should reflect your future so your father and I decided to name you Andrew."

I feel warm inside hearing that fact about myself.

"Are you sure it wasn't because you and dad thought I was going to be born a boy and you two just got too lazy to give me a girls name?"

"Andrew, now I really need to go." I laugh and tell my mother I love her again and to give a kiss to Mason and dad for me.

After we hang up I look at the diary again.

I guess a few more pages won't hurt.

I unlock the diary and go to read it but Bonnie and Julia burst in the room and I quickly put the book back under the pillow.

"Don't you knock?" I snap at them.

"Chill, we were coming up cause we wanted to know if tonight we should have a sleep over."

"Wow, Jules. Earlier you couldn't stand Bonnie. Give you some jack and now the two of you are the best of friends."

"You know you'll always be my best friend. Don't be jealous. So what do you say?" Julia gives me a pout and Bonnie mimics her.

"Why do you two need to puppy-dog eye me. Use that on Nana."

"Come on you know Nana will say yes to you quicker if you asked."

"Fine I'll ask but only if you two promise to let me read in peace."

"We promise."

"Totally, besides I don't want to go home to that house." Bonnie says as she looks out the window, directly at her house.

I get up from off of the bed and we all go down stairs.

We find Nana and Miss Bennett cooking even more food in the kitchen.

"Do you ladies need any help?" I offer.

"No, sweetheart. How's your mother?"

"She's good. She sends her love..."

Julia urges me on and I roll my eyes.

"Nana, Miss Bennett?"

"Call me Sarah." Miss Bennett says with a smile.

"Sarah...would it be okay if Bonnie sleeps over? Julia and I can set up a cot for her."

"I don't see why not. See Bonnie, I knew you'd make some friends while we were here."

"Yeah, mom."

"You girls shoo, we need to finish up lunch. Don't touch." Nana swats Julia's hand away from the fried chicken, but Bonnie had managed to snag a piece without having Nana or her mom looking.

"Let go."

We walk out of the kitchen and Bonnie hands Julia the chicken.

"I guess you're not a bitch after all."


"So, Andy. Bonnie and I were talking and we thought that maybe tonight we have some fun with magic." I see something glimmer in Julia's eyes and I don't like it.

"You do know there's no such thing as having fun with magic right?"

Julia places her around around my shoulder.

"Don't be a big baby. All we're doing is going to talk to Aunt Olivia tonight, with obviously your help."

"Talk to her how?" I ask.

Julia just smiled like a little she-devil and I'm scared as hell.

This is not going to be good...



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