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De xoxo_asgv

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[๐๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐…๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ]: Join Elena and Jake on journey around Los Angeles no one has seen so far, where they bat... Mais

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342 56 3K
De xoxo_asgv

A S   T H E  C L O U D S  S L I D  A W A Y  F R O M
the sun, the sunrise finally got its moment to light up the scene around Duskwood. Slipping through the window, that natural light started to flood the room, inching its way towards the bed where a little girl lay asleep...

Gently and tenderly, the sunbeams began caressing the bed, illuminating it bit by bit, gradually reaching the sleeping girl's body. She was sprawled upside down, limbs splayed out in all directions, with the covers tangled in a chaotic jumble as if they had been through a wrestling match...

Finally, when the light reached the girl's face, it not only illuminated her features and warmed her up, but also caused her face, eyebrows, and nose to scrunch up softly, signaling an impending sneeze...

But the sunbeams seemed to enjoy teasing her and intensified, brightening even more, casting her face in a glow almost as radiant as a lamp, prompting the girl to mumble softly, click her tongue, and slowly open her sleepy eyes...

Lucy: Stupid sun - She grumbled, flipping over in bed and burying her face in the covers - Can't you shine on Eric?

Letting out a deep sigh into the pillow, a clear sign of her resignation to the interruption of her sleep, she began to slowly rouse herself. Keeping her face buried in the pillow, she pushed her hands forcefully against the mattress and, as if resisting a magnetic pull, she planted her feet and gradually lifted her bottom off the bed...

Loungin' in that hut-roof pose for a minute, she was mumbling to her pillow until she finally pushed herself up on her palms, and her face totally clicked with the magnetic attraction of the pillow, her tired expression brightening up alongside her tousled hair...

Lucy: I hate mornings - She muttered, plopping herself on the edge of the bed - They should be locked up in jail.

Clinging to her little teddy bear, she hugged it tight, then sprung off the bed onto the floor, barefoot, and made her way to the door at a leisurely pace. Stepping into the hallway, she used her free hand to rub her still sleepy eyes and let out a small yawn, all the while making her way to a specific room...

Elena's bedroom...

Lucy: Mommy? - She groggily asked, cracking open the door with half-closed eyes - Can we text the sun to shine only when I'm playing in the garden?

As Lucy's bare feet padded into Elena's bedroom, the wooden floor creaked softly beneath her weight, but there was no response to her presence. This prompted her to open her tired eyes a bit wider, and as she made her way towards the bed, she began scanning the room in search of Elena...

However, despite her efforts, Elena was nowhere to be found...

Lucy: Mommy? - Raising her voice a notch, she continued scanning the room with her eyes as she approached the bed  - Are you hiding from the sun too?

But as Lucy finally reached Elena's neatly made bed, her attention was snagged by something unexpected resting on the covers...

Lucy: Mommy? - She squinted in confusion, reaching for the envelope - Did you get in trouble with the Tooth Fairy and she turned you into a paper?

Eyeing the envelope suspiciously from every angle, Lucy was initially wary. She even gave it a cautious sniff, but finding no immediate danger, she eventually made the decision to tear it open and extract the letter nestled inside...

Lucy: A reward? - She grinned after a moment of successful, albeit slow reading for her age - I love rewards as much as I love riddles.

Perching on the edge of the bed, Lucy remained clutching the paper and her teddy bear, her gaze fixed intently on the note. With a soft hum escaping her lips, she swung her feet back and forth in the air, fully absorbed in the moment...

Lucy: "I have hands and a face, yet I cannot hold anything or smile. What am I?" - She repeated the riddle, carefully focusing on each word as she read it slowly - Hmm, what could it be?

Lifting her head, she cast her eyes around Elena's room once more, scrutinizing every single item within its confines with a focused intensity...

Lucy: Face and hands... - She mused, narrowing her eyes in thought - What has both a face and hands, but doesn't smile?

For the next few minutes, Lucy's gaze roamed around the room, flitting past tables, vases, paints, and pillows, yet nothing sparked an idea in her mind...

However, the tranquil atmosphere was suddenly shattered by the rapid sound of an alarm clock, causing Lucy to jump in surprise and redirect her attention to Elena's nightstand...

Lucy: Stupid clock - She muttered, reaching for it from the nightstand - Wanna be kicked into the jail?

Once she settled back into a comfortable position, Lucy leaned forward and examined the small clock from all angles, seeking out the button to silence the alarm; with a simple touch to its top, the room was enveloped in silence once more...

Lucy: Wait, wait... - She peered closely at the clock face - You got a face-clock and hands-clock, Mr. Clock, don't you?

Suddenly, she shot her head up with a gasp, a realization washing over her. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as an idea sparked in her mind, prompting her to spring into action to confirm it...

Lucy: Old clock in the living room! - She exclaimed, quickly jumping out of bed and running to the door - Mommy hates that clock, so no wonder it's not smiling!

But as she reached for the doorknob and began to swing the door open to rush through the threshold once more, she abruptly froze, bouncing back as if a sudden recollection had struck her...

Lucy: Shoot... - She muttered, rushing back to the bed and grabbing the envelope with the first riddle - I almost forgot about you, mommy. We still have to break that evil spell on you.

Snatching up the paper, she darted back into the corridor. Without further hesitation, she dashed to the living room, making a beeline for the wall at the opposite end of the room...

Lucy: Oh, no, the fairy split you up into parts, Mommy - She gasped, shoving the pouffe against the wall - But don't worry, I'll rescue you.

With a final push of the pouffe, Lucy effortlessly hopped onto it. Balancing on her tiptoes, she reached up and successfully grabbed the second envelope from atop the clock. Disembarking from the pouffe, she returned to the floor and settled onto the cozy material and, with eager anticipation, she began to unravel the next riddle...

Lucy: I never give up, you little nasty bad fairy - She muttered firmly - I will rescue my mommy from your wicked charm.

Rising slowly from the pouffe, Lucy maintained her intense focus on the piece of paper and its riddle. With deliberate steps, she began to pace the living room, fully committing her efforts to solving the problem at hand...

Lucy: Hmm... - She pondered, narrowing her eyes and stroking her chin - Where does today come before yesterday?

Continuing to mutter the words of the riddle under her breath, Lucy's frustration at being stuck on this particular challenge seemed to consume her...

Lucy: That's stupid! - She groaned in annoyance, flopping back onto the couch - There's nowhere that today comes before yesterday!

Clutching the paper tightly in both hands, she held it up in front of her face while reclining back on the couch. Her eyes narrowed almost to the point of being shut, as if she believed that by bringing the letters closer, the solution would become clearer...

Lucy: Maybe it's about time again? - She sighed, feeling exhausted - When I was with Mommy in Europe during the day, it was night at Aunt Jasmine's house when I called her. But I don't wanna fly to Europe! I'll get a plane headache again!

She sprawled her hands across the couch, gazing blankly at the ceiling, utterly clueless...

Lucy: And how can I get back to Europe? Will they give me a ticket for a chocolate bar?

Letting out another deep sigh, she closed her eyes to collect herself and gather her thoughts. Gradually, she transitioned from lying down to sitting up, her hand moving to rub her temples as she did so...

Lucy: Focus, Mommy needs saving - She muttered, taking another deep breath - What would Mommy say right now? To take a deep breath, calm down and look at the problem again, but from a different perspective.

As a sense of calm washed over her, Lucy straightened up into a sitting position. With slow, deliberate movements, she lowered her hands down by her sides, exhaling deeply until they reached the surface of the couch...

Lucy: Okay - She said, opening her eyes and reaching for the riddle again - You messed with the wrong detective, you nasty little bad riddle.

With determination etched on her face, Lucy leaped off the couch and leaned towards the table in front of it. After retrieving the pencil, she crouched down and began to work on the riddle...

In her quest to crack the riddle, Lucy experimented with various techniques. She attempted to draw correlations between "Today" and "Yesterday," writing the words in different orders as they appeared in reality and as the riddle seemed to suggest. She even resorted to drawing question marks in frustration...

Finally, she opted to write "Today" and "Yesterday" in two lines, directly beneath each other...

And that last technique appeared to do the trick...

Lucy: T... - She started drawing the circle - ...oday...  - Y... - She ran the pencil's lead line down - ...esterday.

And as soon as she connected the dots with those two words, she sprang to her feet, snatching up both envelopes and their accompanying riddles this time...

Lucy: The alphabet! 'T' is before 'Y' and it's in the Word Book! - She giggled proudly, running to the other corner of the room - Where's your Word Book, Mommy?

Reaching the end of the room, she halted in front of Elena's enormous bookcase, filled with an array of books. She began to scan her eyes across the shelves, taking in the titles and covers of the various volumes...

Lucy: Ha! - She giggled proudly, reaching for the envelope in the left corner - I've got you, Mommy.

With the two previous envelopes tucked under her arm, she wasted no time in opening the third letter...

Lucy: Of course I'm a professional, Miss Bad Fairy - She smiled proudly - Not only will I catch you, but you'll also apologize to my mommy on your knees for stealing her away.

This time, Lucy seemed to grasp the riddle's meaning at once. She swiftly stormed through the corridor, and with a quick click of the door handle, she pushed it open, revealing the interior of the bathroom...

Lucy: Piece of cake - She said, shaking off the dirt from her shoulders in a proud manner.

With a sense of accomplishment, Lucy made her way to the bathroom mirror, grabbing the plastic step stool that rested against the wall to assist herself in reaching the letter...

Lucy: Ugh, stupid heights. Why everything has to be so high? - She grumbled, stepping onto the next stair - I'm just bouncing around here like a stray ball, waiting to be kicked.

First, she attempted to snag the letter by tip-toeing, but ditched that real quick. With a casual eye roll, she opted for a more chill move, hopping onto the bathroom sink and shelf combo, effortlessly grabbing the envelope...

Lucy: Just you wait, once I find mommy and break that evil spell - She remarked, sticking her tongue out at the drawing on the mirror - You won't be grinning like that anymore.

Heading back to the bathroom, she hopped off the setup onto the floor, and as her bare foot touched down, she casually tore open another envelope...

Lucy: "What has a head but no brain"? - She pondered, her eyes shifting from the scrap of paper - Uncle Luka, but he's faraway from here.

With a soft hum escaping her lips, Lucy glanced around, scanning the bathroom for a solution. But she hit a snag once more. Peeking into the shower and rifling through shelves and laundry baskets, she came up empty-handed...

Lucy: Hello? - She called out, her voice echoing as she peered into the washing machine - Feels as empty as Uncle Luka's head. Mommy, you in here?

Naturally, there was no response...

Poking her head out of the washing machine, she revisited the puzzle, squinting in concentration, before her stomach chimed in with a growl, interrupting her train of thought with an abrupt "hmmm"...

Lucy: Uh-oh - She sighed, rubbing her stomach - Not just Uncle Luka's empty head, but my tummy's feeling the same.

Letting out a melancholic sigh, she clutched the riddle in both hands, her expression mirroring her dejection...

Lucy: If that bad fairy hadn't turned you into an envelope, you'd be telling me to eat those awful vegetables, Mommy - She whispered, her tone a mix of sadness and frustration - But if it meant having you back, I'd even eat that awful, stupid, empty lettuce.

Uttering the words aloud, another gasp escaped her lips, her head snapping up, eyes widening as she gazed ahead in surprise...

Lucy: Lettuce! - She exclaimed, darting back into the corridor - I keep telling that lettuce shouldn't even exist and they're stupid because they've got no brains in their heads!

With her footsteps reverberating through the entire house from her sprint, she padded across the floor on her tippy-toes, a makeshift hero clutching a stack of envelopes precariously, struggling to keep them from slipping through her fingers as she made her way to the door, the focal point of the house...

The kitchen...

Finally reaching the door, Lucy nudged it open with her arm and darted into the room, her eyes scanning eagerly until she finally spotted the last piece of the puzzle...

Lucy: Mommy! - She cried out excitedly, darting off in Elena's direction without a moment's hesitation.

Elena: Happy birthday, My Little Detective - She breathed out with excitement, opening her arms wide to welcome Lucy into a warm embrace.

As Lucy finally reached Elena, she wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. Elena chuckled and scooped her up, showering her with strong hugs and kisses on her head...

Lucy: Whoa, is all of this for me? - She looked around.

Elena: Only for you, My Birthday Princess - She kissed her cheek tenderly - Later, you'll have your very own special birthday cake, and in the evening, it's party time. How does that sound?

Lucy: Awesome! I've never had a birthday party before! - She exclaimed, wrapping her arms tightly around Elena's neck - You're the best, best, best mommy ever. I love you so, so much!

Surveying the kitchen, it's clear it's been decked out in birthday flair. At the center, a table adorned with an array of colorful cupcakes steals the show, while birthday balloons fill every corner of the room. And right smack in the middle of it all, amidst the cupcake extravaganza, sits a massive box adorned with ribbons, undoubtedly hinting at a birthday surprise for Lucy from Elena...

Elena: You're getting better and better with those riddles - She chuckled, leaning back to catch Lucy's expression - It took you just 15 minutes to crack the whole game. I'm proud of you, sweetheart.

Lucy: I had a good motivation - She giggled, twirling Elena's hair between her fingers - I couldn't let that bad fairy trap you forever as a piece of paper.

Elena: What? - She chuckled, bemused - What crazy idea did your wild imagination cook up this time?

Lucy: Nothing, the main thing is you're back in your human body so now, I can get back to my secret mission.

Elena: Secret mission? - She asked, her amusement and confusion growing - What secret mission are you talking about?

Lucy: If I spilled the beans, it wouldn't be much of a secret, would it? - She shook her head playfully - But speaking of secrets, I spy lots of delicious and colorful ones waiting for me to dive into - She said with a smile, eyeing the cupcakes.

Elena: But before we dive into those delights... - She sighed, crouching down to gently place Lucy back on the floor - There's something I need to discuss with you.

Lucy: No, no, no... - She began, shaking her head vigorously - Last time you said that, we ended up flying to Europe, far away from everyone. If you're asking about leaving again, my answer is already a firm no.

Elena: You really aren't a fan of spontaneous flights, huh? - She chuckled.

Lucy: N. O. - She wrote the two letters on Elena's forehead, eliciting a chuckle - We're staying, no flying, no leaving - She began poking Elena's forehead with each word.

Elena: Don't worry about a thing, we're not taking off like you think - She reassured, gently removing Lucy's hand from her forehead - But in a bit different way...?

Lucy: What do you mean? - She asked, looking at her with a puzzled expression.

Elena: You see - She scratched her head - There's a bit of a relocation plan, but it's more like moving... In the area.

Lucy: We're moving out to Papa Eddie?

Elena: No.

Lucy: Papa Ant?

Elena: Papa Ant will definitely rip my guts out and hang me on them when he finds out what I've gotten myself into - She raised her eyebrows, whispering - But no, we're not heading over to Papa Ant's place.

Lucy: So... - She narrowed her eyes slightly in confusion - Where exactly are we going?

Upon hearing the question and sensing she couldn't evade the answer any longer, Elena drew in a deep breath. She turned to Lucy, her eyes slightly narrowed and a winced expression crossing her face, as if bracing herself for what was to come...

"Y O U' V E  G O T  T O  B E  S H I T T I N G  M E!"
Jasmine's startled voice reverberated from the bedroom, jolting me mid-brush in the bathroom. I paused, narrowing my eyes, shifting my gaze from my reflection in the mirror to the bedroom door behind me...

Peeking through the doorway, I spotted Jasmine pacing the bedroom, her laughter tinged with astonishment. One hand covered her mouth while the other gripped her phone to her ear, her movements animated with surprise...

Jasmine: No way... - She gasped - He just didn't!

Rinsing the toothpaste from my mouth, I pivoted smoothly on my feet and leaned out of the bathroom, fixing my gaze curiously on Jasmine...

Luka: Who's calling? - I silently mouthed my question, exaggerating my lips' movements to ensure she could grasp it clearly.

Jasmine: He tricked you! - She laughed again, placing her hand on her forehead - I can't believe it!

Stepping further out of the bathroom, I began waving my hands to grab Jasmine's attention. When she glanced my way, I pointed at her phone with urgency, but she only narrowed her eyes and waved me off dismissively, signaling for me to leave her alone...

Jasmine: Wait, but what about Lucy? - She continued her pace, her curiosity piqued - What was her reaction?

Luka: Lucy? - I whispered as I approached her - Elena's calling?

But once more, engrossed in her conversation, she paid me no mind, maintaining her stride, nodding and responding with quick "mhm"s, her smile never faltering from her face...

Luka: What happened? - I stood in front of Jasmine, whispering again, this time a bit firmer.

Jasmine hit me with another one of her annoyed looks and motioned for me to back off, while quietly shushing me to keep the peace and give herself some space...

Jasmine: Alright, but when? - She turned back on her feet.

As she looked away, I leaned in a bit closer, trying to eavesdrop on Elena's muffled voice through Jasmine's phone. But before I could catch anything, Jasmine moved away, throwing me off balance once more...

Jasmine: Today?! - She let out another excited shout.

Luka: For Fuck's sake - I grumbled quietly, glancing around the room - Time to set a new rule; all gossip calls go on speaker.

Heading to the bookcase in our bedroom, I snagged my old notebook and flipped through it eagerly. With the pen cap between my teeth, I began scribbling large letters across the pages...

Jasmine: But what about you? - She pressed on - You're okay with that? What was your response to his offer?

After jotting down the final letter, I slickly scooped up the notebook, crafting a hefty "Serve The Tea" on its pages. Just then, Jasmine spun around once more, staying in the zone with her "mhm" responses on the phone, punctuated by nods...

But that didn't make me give up; My curiosity hit peak levels, prompting me to literally dart around Jasmine, desperate to catch her eye on the notebook...

Jasmine: Mhm...

She gave a nod, then swiveled away from me once more...

With an annoyed eye roll, I maneuvered around her from the opposite angle, persistently waving the notebook and directing it towards her...

Jasmine: Absolutely...

Continuously glancing down at her feet, she brushed her necklace against her lips, nodding before turning away once more, never getting the opportunity to glance at the notebook...

Jasmine: I mean... - She cleared her throat, striving to maintain her composure - Yeah, absolutely. You can totally count on us.

Stepping directly behind her, I waved my hands around her head, positioning the notebook with the words right in front of her face, ensuring she couldn't miss it this time...

Jasmine: Alright - She nodded, ducking under the notebook and stepping away - See you then.

Finally, she shifted her phone away from her ear and ended the call. Then, with a burst of laughter, she covered her mouth with her hands, slowly turning towards me...

Luka: Come on, sunshine, you can't leave me hanging with all this anxiety and curiosity! - I exclaimed, gesturing toward the notebook - I'm the queen of gossip around here, and any juicy tidbits slipping past my ears should be downright criminal!

Jasmine: Elena's coming home, Luka! - She breathed out excitedly, bouncing on her toes.

Luka: What do you mean? - I asked, puzzled, looking at her - She's been back home for nearly a week already.

Jasmine: She's coming back home, the one she shares with Jake! - She giggled again - She's moving back to the house next door to ours, Luka!

Stepping back a pace, I froze, only able to size her from head to toe, trying to gauge the level of madness she had reached...

Luka: You're still feeling the buzz from yesterday's hangout with the girls, or did your sanity finally give up? - I lock eyes with her - Remember when I said about visiting you in the mental hospital after your Neuropine-Nap? I'm keeping that promise.

Jasmine: Luka, that's not a joke - She comes up to me, shaking my arms - Elena's taking Lucy back to their home. Their real home.

Luka: But... - I shook my head, still in disbelief - How? Why? What about Jake? And...

Jasmine: It was all Jake's doing - She chuckled again - Long story short, yesterday Elena left our meeting early and ended up at a high school participating in a competition against Jake and his group. I'll fill you in on the details later, but the gist is that Elena and Jake made a personal bet. The winner had to fulfill one favor requested by the other, no questions asked. Jake won, and his request was for Elena to move back to their house with Lucy.

Luka: Don't mess with me, Sunshine - I said, taking another step back, still wary - I'm warning you, if this is just another prank, then...

Jasmine: I'm serious! - She laughed, shaking my arms again - Of course, Jake won't be living with her there, but he'll have Elena and Lucy back under his roof. When Lucy found out, she was ecstatic. I could hear her shouting with excitement on the phone and running around Elena's house, already packing her stuff.

Luka: Wait, but what about Elena? - I narrowed my eyes even further - How did Jake manage to convince her at all?

Jasmine: Besides winning the bet, Jake had three more aces up his sleeve - She said, raising three fingers - Firstly, he's already upgraded the entire security system in their house, making it much safer than the one she had in Duskwood, even surpassing Nick's efforts to secure her Duskwood house. Secondly, Elena mentioned she was house-hunting in LA, so Jake proposed she stay in their empty house until she "finds a new one", saving her the trouble. And his third point was that Elena covered all the bills for their house during his memory loss, and since she doesn't want reimbursement, he's letting her move in, considering she's been looking after it for so long.

Remaining somewhat wary, I continued to scan Jasmine's excited expression, searching for any hint of a trap...

Jasmine: Of course, Elena is her usual cool and emotionless self about it, treating it like a logical decision discussed with Jake, but if only you could hear Lucy... - She shook her head, looking up - But you'll hear it firsthand, because we're heading to Elena's in an hour. She called me to ask if we could help her with the move since Jake's deadline for the request is tonight.

Luka: Is that really true, Jasmine? - I asked, almost in a whisper - She's...

Without letting me finish, she immediately began nodding vigorously, biting her lip in excitement as she let out another squeal of delight. Then, she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly and gently bouncing on her tiptoes in excitement...

And I...

I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. Just yesterday, Jake had stormed out of the guys' night, leaving me with guilt and shame, thinking the awkward vibe had driven him away early. Little did I know, during that time, he was busy orchestrating Elena's return to his place...

Jake not moving in with her doesn't change much. With those keys in hand, he's gonna have Elena and Lucy right around the corner, popping in whenever he wants, even when he's visiting my and Jasmine's house...

He wasn't messing around when he said he'd handle things himself...

I just knew it; I could see right through his game plan. Sure, he acted all chill when Elena rolled back into town, but deep down, I knew finding out she was single again lit a fire under him. He wasn't about to let anyone, especially not Nick Louis, slide back into Elena's life and sneak around her, like Eric did...

And he's already hitting the ground running, starting from the top, just needing one night to win his girls back under his roof...

I had a feeling Jake could match Elena's moves, unlike those Chilean guys she talked about; he always knows the right approach to get to her...

Luka: That fucking, cunning, sneaky, dangerously intelligent pain in the ass! - I chuckled excitedly, shaking my head in disbelief - He seriously came back perfectly well prepared!

Holding Jasmine close, I gave her a tighter hug before lifting her up and spinning her around. Her laughter filled the room, giving me the sweetest pleasure...

"T H A N K S M A N" - A S I S H O O K T H E
smoothie bottle I'd just grabbed from the fridge, Eric's cheerful voice echoed through my phone, bringing a smile to my face...

Eric: Seriously, you saved me at least a few hours of my day with your help.

Ezra: I'm only taking gratitude in the form of generous transfers, my friend - I made my way back to the main room - How about you? How are things? Did you get a chance to talk to Elena?

Eric: Not yet - He sighed - But Nina was in the meeting with her, and she seems to be okay with us, you know.

Ezra: Well, since she never loved you, I guess she couldn't give less fuck about who you're with now - I chuckled.

Eric: Exactly - He chuckled - But even so, I'd still like to meet with her and have a chat. Just because our relationship was rocky doesn't mean I didn't miss her or worry about her when she was away.

Ezra: Just a heads-up - I raised the bottle after taking a sip of my fruity drink - Don't show up anywhere near her when Nick is around.

Eric: Yeah... - He sighed - I remember that story. Seems like even the time when Elena and Nick weren't in touch didn't erode their friendship or Nick's concern for her, am I right?

Ezra: Yup - I pushed the door with my arm and entered the main room - His fist is already itching to serve you a solid punch for everything he's found out about your relationship with her. Knowing his profession now, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already got thick files of dirt on you ready to destroy your life.

Eric: If I survived a meeting with Jake, I can handle a confrontation with Nick - He smirked.

Ezra: Harness that confidence and start drafting a solid last will. If you leave me a generous portion of the inheritance, I might even belt out some Britney Spears at your funeral.

Eric: Oh, fuck yourself - He chuckled.

Ezra: I'll do it with the utmost pleasure right on your coffin - I smirked - Xoxo, kisses and hugs, pretty boy.

As his laugh reverberated through the phone, I casually slide it into my pocket, taking another sip of my smoothie as I stroll past the table...

Ezra: Ah, and that's life - I exhaled softly, settling into the chair and cracking my knuckles, eyeing my laptop - Just you, me, the latest episode of my favorite series, peace, and...

Just as I was about to hit the spacebar to start the series, the doorbell interrupted me, its sound echoing throughout the entire house...

Ezra: For Fuck's sake... - I muttered angrily, slamming my hand on the table as I got up - Five minutes without the world needing SuperEzra to come to the rescue? Can I?

When I've got all my tasks squared away, someone else in the company always needs a hand...

On my days off, Emery inevitably dreams up a project for us to tackle around the house. Like last month, she wanted an enormous bookcase assembled, turning our bedroom into a mini-library...

And if there's no Emery project, Dominique always finds something at Rodrigues' place that needs fixing, and I'm the one he calls for help...

Now that Nick's back, there's always some task at hand, just like you saw with the door situation earlier...

One day, I'll jet off to some sunny paradise, lounging on a beach, sipping drinks from coconuts without a care, while everyone in LA scrambles to deal with this fire around, mark my words...

As I unlocked the door, I glanced around to make sure the cats and dog were out of reach and it was safe to open without them darting out. Once I was certain, I grabbed the handle and swung the door open...

Ezra: You gotta be shitting me - I gritted my teeth as I muttered.

As I opened the door, I was met with the relaxed silhouette of someone standing on the patio, leaning against the door frame with an arm, confidently staring at me with an evil smirk playing on his lips...

Jake: Good morning. Got a delivery for Miss Danford - He flashed a grin, holding up a delivery box in his hand - Is she around to grab it?

Ezra: Nah, she's not around, but no worries, I'm authorized to pick up her orders for her.

Naturally, as I reached for the order, he smoothly pulled it out of my reach...

For that, I simply glanced aside, letting out a soft, disbelieving smirk as I shook my head in resignation...

Jake: Sorry, it's a matter of policy and privacy concerns - He tossed the box a bit - From now on, only direct recipients are allowed to pick up their orders. No third parties anymore.

Ezra: That's interesting, though - I crossed my arms, shifting my gaze back to him - Because yesterday morning I picked up an order for her and there was no problem.

Jake: Like I said, brand new rule just rolled out overnight, effective starting today - He casually tucked the box under his arm - So, can I have a word with the receiver?

Ezra: And as I mentioned, she's nowhere in sight - I shrugged.

Jake: Somehow, I don't believe you.

Ezra: Somehow, I don't give a fuck.

I smoothly reached for the door, grabbed it, and swung it, trying to slam it in his face, but he blocked it with his feet...

And I'm inches away from splashing that son of a bitch's feet with no remorse...

Ezra: If you value keeping those feet of yours, I suggest you step off - I muttered

Jake: If you value keeping those hands of yours, I suggest to keep them away from my sister and using them to point me towards her instead...

With a solid shove, he swung the door open once more, revealing his face twisted with frustration and anger as he locks eyes with me...

Ezra: They toss in a bonus for poking your nosy nose into your clients' private matters, Mr. Delivery Dude? - I rose my arm a tad higher, leaning against the door.

Jake: See, no complaints here - He nodded casually, glancing down at his clothes - Can't you tell I'm top-notch?

Ezra: You're definitely at the top, but more in the realm of wrecking people's lives - I nodded, taking a step forward - I said; don't push my limits and stay away from Emery.

Jake: And I said, get the fuck out of my way, and just even think about laying a finger on my sister ever again, I'll cut them off and send them to the London Museum in that damn delivery box - He stressed it firmly, taking a step closer to me as well.

Ezra: You have no fucking idea who you stand against, man - I chuckled, shaking my head with a grin of amusement.

Jake: I'm all about expanding my horizons and trying new stuff - He stood closer, facing me - Step aside.

Ezra: Make me.

For that, he let out a single snort of laughter through his nostrils, giving my eyes a thorough once-over without backing down...

He's not dumb; he knows very well I'm doing everything to provoke him, trying to give Emery more reasons to stay away from him...

But I'm not dumb either; He might spout that bullshit about going through therapy, remembering Emery, caring about her, and wanting to fix their relationship. But I'm the kind of guy who don't give a shit about words, but deeds...

He might spin countless fairy tales and make promises that he won't hurt Emery again, but until I see real change and know he's worthy of talking to Emery without posing a threat, I won't let him anywhere near her. I need to be sure his comeback isn't just a trap to hurt her or Elena again as part of some revenge scheme...

No doubt Emery totally loves him and felt his absence hard as she was freaking out when he was gone, just hoping he was good. He's the only family she has left so of course she cares about him. But the thing is, Emery's a bit naive, maybe too quick to trust and her issue with her brother has been her big lesson lately, still healing from it...

That's why I'm keeping my guard up, especially when it comes to him. Until I'm absolutely sure their meetup won't wreck Emery and leave her hurting for months, I'm gonna be the biggest barrier between them; I might be even a wall so high, he won't even catch a glimpse of her...

Nick: Ezra - He chimed in, shattering the silence - Need a hand?

Ezra: Nah, Emery used to be into way heavier stuff - I grinned, snatching the box from his grasp, and locking eyes with him - Forgive me for not tossing in a tip, but you seem like you're doing just fine without it.

Jake: Two against one? - He smirked, glancing between me and Nick by his side on the patio - You're so chill with me that I'm starting to think you're giving me a head start.

Nick: What are you doing in my brother's spot? - He crossed his arms, shooting him a steely look - Looking for trouble?

Jake: Yes and looks like I stumbled upon it - He nodded casually, pivoting on his heel to face Nick - Word on the street is someone's been sticking their nose where it doesn't belong, stepping into territory that ain't theirs.

Nick: Looks like the rumors about McKing being the gossip queen are true, since he didn't waste any time dishing out the juicy details of our chat at Elena's place.

Jake: Absolutely - He nodded, moving towards Nick - Your warnings about safety system glitches really hit home, so I also wasted no time in sorting them out.

Nick: So, it's a race now to see who can protect Elena first? - He glanced at him puzzled - If that's the case, I'd call a foul on your false start and unfair play, sneaking around behind your opponent's back.

Jake: I'm just retaliating against your sneaky, underhanded moves aimed at me first - He spread his hands innocently - But you see, when someone plays dirty with me, I hit back with double the force.

With a wicked grin plastered on his face, he faced Nick head-on, not even blinking as he met Nick's furious gaze...

Jake: However, I must thank you, as you've handed me the perfect excuse to bring Elena and Lucy back to my place on a silver platter.

Upon hearing that, my expression shifted from anger to confusion in an instant, mirroring Nick's sudden perplexed look...

Jake: You alright? - He feigned concern in his voice - You're not looking too good, my friend.

Nick: You're bullshitting - He said firmly - There's no way Elena would return to your place.

Jake: Well then, why don't you head over to that hut in the woods and see if she's there, all while attempting to crack my, perhaps not the newest, but still, unbreakable security system? - He shrugged, glancing at his watch - If you hurry, maybe you'll even be useful there helping her pack her things.

Nick: Danford, I swear... - He took a step closer, pointing at him - I don't know what you're scheming, but I swear on everything sacred, if you even think about hurting her again, I won't hesitate to check if my shooting skills haven't dulled since I faced off with my father to save Emery.

Jake: Officially, we're tied at 1:1 in the kill count - He smirked, unfazed - Try pulling any sneaky moves around Elena like Eric did, and you won't live to see the day you're officially crowned CIA boss.

Ezra: Well, actually... - I interjected, standing between them and raising my finger - Elena needs shit from either of you; she's handling everything perfectly fine without your assistance.

Jake: And what about you now? - He looked at me, puzzled - Not only playing the guard of my sister, but also Elena?

Ezra: Let's just say I owe her big time for that epic Europe adventure - I smirked - It was like hitting two birds with one stone, revisiting those countries and exploring every bit of my girlfriend along the way.

Jake: You wanna know the sickest thing I picked up in Asia these past few months? - He said, locking eyes with me - Old-school methods to vanish a body without leaving a whisper. And you're practically begging for me to test if they're still legit in today's world.

But as I watched him draw closer, some unsettling movements behind his back grabbed my attention, the color of that thing starkly contrasting with the hue of my gate...

When I glanced in that direction, my expression instantly drained of color, and I quickly moved forward...

Ezra: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... - I began muttering to myself, hustling back to the door to shut it tight - Fuck.

Jake: And what's wrong with you? - His gaze trailed after me, filled with confusion - You realised it wasn't worth all the barks, and now you're backing off like a scaredy-cat?

Ezra: Trust me, cats aren't exactly the scaredy type, more like a pain in my ass, especially when they're from Emery's claws' club.

Keeping my eyes fixed on the gate, I swiftly darted past them and hurried in that direction, practically sprinting to intercept Furrball, our kitten, who was halfway up the gate, poised to make a break for it...

I'm betting that sneaky cat slipped between our legs while we were chatting, and since I was lingering in the doorway, it found the perfect chance to make a break for it, slipping away unnoticed and probably on its way to freedom by now...

Here's the thing; Emery might be sweet as pie most of the time, but when it comes to her cats, she's downright fierce. She's drilled into my brain the absolute rule about never leaving the door open unless you're actively passing through it...

And let me tell you, she's done such a number on me that even in my old age, when my memory might fail me, that rule will be etched in my mind like a mantra I'll recite every day in the retirement home...

And naturally, that darn cat, perfectly trained by Emery to mess with me, seized the opportunity, giving Emery the perfect excuse to send me off to meet and greet with my father...

Ezra: Here, kitty, kitty... - I coaxed, blending in the classic cat-calling noises as I edged closer to the gate - Wanna treats? I can even hook you up with a whole week's supply all at once.

Seemingly hearing me, the cat reached the top of the gate, turned to me, and gazed with its sleepy eyes, yawning and clicking its tongue, all the while mocking me for lurking like an idiot trying to catch it...

Ezra: Nice kitty, just stay put and don't you dare make a damn move - I stated firmly, taking another cautious step forward - Unless you want to have my blood on your paws.

But of course, that darn cat couldn't make it easy...

Just as I was about to reach it, ready to snatch it up, it casually turned around, even had the audacity to lift its tail, showing me its disrespectful backside, and then, it leaped off the gate, darting away to the other side of my backyard...

My breath came out hard through my nostrils, my eye twitching in a nervous tic as I slowly turned my head towards the patio of my house...

My furious gaze bore into Nick and Jake, who were still standing there in silence, their embarrassed expressions telling me everything...

S T R E T C H I N G O U T O N T H E G R A S S,
flat on my stomach, I'm holding my breath, trying not to move a muscle or make a peep. With one eye sealed shut, the other feeling the cool touch of the camera's lens, I'm locked in, tongue out slightly, seeing the world through that lens...

Emery: Good birdie - I whispered, adjusting the camera zoom - You'll be the prized gem in my photo album.

At last, snagging the perfect shot of the bird perched on the tree branch, basking in the glorious midday sun in LA's sprawling park, I ease my finger toward the shutter button, poised to capture that moment in time...

Seems like a Mountain Bluebird, a rare find in the hustle and bustle of LA. But what really blows me away is its stunning blue hue...

Since I stepped out this morning for my usual hobby of snapping photos, I've been patiently waiting for hours, hoping this bird would settle down long enough for me to capture the perfect shot...

With my finger hovering over the button, ready to snap the shot, a satisfied grin spreads across my face. After all the waiting and observing, it's finally paying off; I'm just moments away from capturing the perfect photo of that gorgeous bird...

However, just as I pressed the button, the serene silence was shattered by the laughter and footsteps of kids, echoing right in front of me...

Emery: Shit...

I sighed, watching as the bird took flight, likely spooked by the sudden movements of the nearby humans...

Pulling my face away from the camera, I shoot an irritated glare at the kids who dashed in front of me, oblivious to the hours I've spent preparing for this moment. They carry on with their carefree run along the park path, seemingly unconcerned about disrupting my shot...

Emery: You're lucky I'm feeling merciful today.

Rolling my eyes, I shift my position to sit on the grass. Peering into my camera, I hope to find the photo I've been waiting for, only to be greeted by a shot of the bird moments before it took flight, completely obscured by the heads and silhouettes of the kids...

Yup, my perfect shot, just ruined...

Emery: Maybe you didn't fly far? - I muttered, raising my camera to my eye and scanning the area with the zoom.

You know, during my trip to Europe, I began snapping photos of everything in sight, and honestly, I enjoyed it. Even though, as you recall, Ezra wasn't keen on being in front of the camera, for obvious reasons now, he noticed my passion for photography...

So, on my birthday, he surprised me with a professional camera that I've been using ever since...

Since then, I've come to see photography not just as a hobby, but as a form of therapy...

Times like this, leaving Ezra's house in the morning and wandering around, searching for that perfect shot, it's become my ultimate form of relaxation. It's been a sanctuary, allowing me to momentarily escape the worries about Elena, Jake, and Lucy, and the ache of their absence during these months...

Throughout these months, my album has been filling up with an eclectic mix of landscapes, animals, skies, clouds, and buildings. I've even been approached a few times to capture photos of couples. It's not only a source of immense enjoyment, spending time outdoors in the fresh air, but it also allows me to connect with incredible people...

They often stop by, curious about my photography, sparking conversations and forging new connections...

There have been a few occasions when I've convinced Ezra to be my model, and I've got some great shots of him in my album. He insists that my photos are the only ones of himself he can bear to look at because they're so good, but I think he's just being kind...

Truth is, he's a natural-born model; even after years away from the industry, posing seems to be ingrained in his DNA. He could turn even the worst photographer's picture into a masterpiece with his effortless charm...

I'm not striving to be the best; I simply relish this hobby of mine. Capturing moments through photography brings me immense joy...

It's about preserving memories, allowing me to revisit those moments in the future and reminisce with a smile on my face, remembering the stories behind each photo...

Plus, having my camera as my constant companion during Elena and Jake's absence has been a comforting presence...

Emery: What the...

With a furrowed brow, I pulled my face back from the camera, trying to shake off the bizarre images that had just flickered across the screen. I even rubbed my eyes to ensure my vision was clear before cautiously peering back into the viewfinder...

But no, upon closer inspection, it appears I did see things correctly the first time...

At the far end of the park, I spot Ezra strolling along, flanked by my brother and Nick. I'm not kidding, they're walking together, just casually taking in the surroundings...

Side by side...

Zooming in a bit closer, I can make out Ezra's annoyed and grumpy expression, contrasting with the relaxed demeanor of my brother and Nick. Surprisingly, there's no sign of argument between them; instead, they appear to be engaged in peaceful conversation as they stroll along...

But Ezra? Ezra's out with my brother? He was supposed to stay home...

I casually grab my phone from my pocket, but a quick glance at my lock screen shows no messages from him about stepping out, let alone with my brother...

How is it possible that Ezra brought Jake here to talk to me? But I highly doubt he would do that without discussing it with me first; he knows perfectly well that I'm not ready to have a conversation with my brother yet, and even if I wanted to, I just can't bring myself to do it right now...

And if that were the deal, why would Nick be tagging along? Nah, none of this adds up...

Emery: No, I must be dreaming... - I murmured, shaking my head as I brought the camera back to my face - Maybe I drifted off while picturing the bird.

But another glance at the scene reveals nothing has changed; Ezra's still here, strolling and chatting with my brother and Nick in the park. No drama, no wild scenarios, no signs of trouble—just a casual chat and stroll...

And what if...

What if Ezra decided to hang out with my brother, just to scope him out and see if he's fine? He knows I'm freaked out about reconnecting with him, so maybe Ezra's planning to give me the nod one day, reassuring me that everything's cool and I don't have to stress about a thing?

I'm totally lost right now, my thoughts are all over the place...

Voice: Anything interesting in the area worth capturing? - I asked, as a soft chuckle echoed right next to me.

Emery: Hard to say - I smiled, lowering the camera from my face.

Glancing to the side, I spot a familiar smiling face. He's seated on the grass nearby, leaning against a tree, holding what looks like an older camera, maybe even a Polaroid, with the photo peeking out as he waves it gently, waiting for it to develop...

Will: Yeah, I have to agree - He nodded, glancing around - There's not much else here besides kids running around. I'm starting to think I should change my photography hours.

Emery: Tell me about it - I sighed, glancing back at my camera - I've just wasted about three hours of my life, all for nothing.

Will: How so?

Emery: I was this close to snagging the sickest shot of this stunning blue bird - I explained, looking at my photo again - But just as I was gearing up to capture its beauty, these kids rolled in and spooked the bird, ruining my shot.

Will: So, why were you holding off on snapping the pic? - He glanced at his photo again, chill as ever - Couldn't you have just grabbed the shot of the bird straight away?

Emery: I had to wait for that sweet spot - I smiled, glancing back at him - At first, the bird was chilling on the bench, but the background was full of people, so I held off. Then, it moved to a bush, but it just wasn't the vibe I was going for so I was holding out for it to perch on a branch, catching those morning rays just right.

Will: So, you had like, two solid opportunities to nab that bird pic, but you kept holding out for the perfect moment, right? - He chuckled - And then, bam, you ended up with zilch, nada, no photo at all. Am I getting it right?

Emery: Yeah, kinda... - I paused briefly, then nodded in agreement - Yeah, you could say that.

Will: Don't you think it would've been better to just seize those two earlier chances? - He waved his Polaroid snapshot again - At least then, you'd have two shots from different angles. Instead, you're left with nothing more than the memory of that bird.

Emery: Well, back then, it just didn't feel like the right vibe so, I passed on those moments and held out for something better - I shrugged - And when that perfect moment finally came, it got ruined by someone else swooping in.

Will: Two previous chances didn't feel right, or perhaps it was you who kept searching for something unsettling in the background to justify your hesitation in seizing the opportunity to act?

I parted my lips slightly, gearing up to respond, but I paused, furrowing my brow in confusion and giving him a once-over from head to toe...

Emery: I mean... - I shook my head again - Yeah, kinda like that. There was always some distraction in the background that made it impossible to snap a photo.

Will: Was it really impossible to snap the photo, or was it more of a personal choice to hold back?

Emery: Well, technically, I could have seized the moment and taken the shot, but yeah, I chose to hold back - I nodded in agreement again - I just figured I'd wait for a better moment to come.

Will: And here's the reality; many people tend to procrastinate various actions, decisions, and steps, convincing themselves that if they delay a bit longer, they'll surely encounter a better opportunity...

Reaching for the pen, he began jotting something down on his snapshot...

Will: They reassure themselves with the belief that they'll be better prepared tomorrow, convinced that tomorrow's sunshine will shine brighter than today's. In doing so, they overlook the opportunities life presents today to fill this day with unforgettable moments and memories.

Letting out a soft, solitary chuckle, he fell into a momentary silence, as if pondering something more profound. But then, slipping the pen back into his jacket, he rose to his feet, edging a bit closer to me, his gaze fixed on the photo in his hand...

Will: But in the meantime, people often overlook that it's not about the timing, the day, or the unfavorable circumstances. What truly matters is our perspective on the issue. As long as we cling to fear and hesitate to act, the perfect moment will remain elusive...

Posted up in front of me, this dude's towering over like a boss while I'm loungin' on the grass. He hits me with a friendly grin and passes over the pic, reaching out his hand...

Will: There's no such thing as a "perfect time" for anything; there's only "the time" we have and how we choose to use it. It's our actions and decisions that can transform any moment into perfection, not because opportunities magically appear, but because we seize them and extract every ounce of potential to make them perfect, Emery.

Squinting in confusion, I cautiously reached for the Polaroid, bringing it closer as I locked eyes on the image...

Emery: That's beautiful - I smiled, lifting my head slowly - Thank...

But as I lifted my head back to where he had just been standing, all I found was empty space, no man in sight...

Emery: ...You?

Scanning the park, all I saw were kids running wild, parents chatting it up, birds singing, laughter echoing, and the gentle flow of the stream...

But Will?

Nowhere in sight, not even a whisper of his presence...

Instead, my gaze settled on my brother in the distance, chatting it up with Ezra and surprisingly, instead of feeling anxious or stressed, a small smile crept onto my face...

"S E E  T H A T?" - I  G L A N C E D  A T  J A K E,
gesturing towards the sizable pond nestled in the heart of the park...

Jake: Yeah, and? - He turned to look, arms crossed - Suddenly got a hankering for some kayaking?

Ezra: No, I'm just giving you a trailer on where your head will end up when Emery rip it off if we don't find that fucking cat.

Jake: Oh, come on, you're exaggerating - He rolled his eyes, glancing back at me.

Ezra: Picture this massive hill, right? - I planted my hands firmly on my hips, taking a moment to survey the scene - And there's me and the cat, dangling from opposite ends. Who do you think Emery would rescue from taking a tumble?

Jake: I'd be the one egging her on to step on your fingers and let you fall - He smirked.

Ezra: Yeah, but in this case, even if the cat let out a grumpy meow in my direction, she'd take its side and boot me off the cliff. And that sneaky little Whiskers would just be sitting there in her arms, giving you the smuggest look, reveling in its triumph over me.

Jake: Where disadvantages? - He shrugged - Honestly, it sounds so appealing to me that I might just go to her myself and spill the beans about her cat's great escape.

Ezra: Do it, but just know that my last words will be blaming you for blocking the door and letting it escape - I pointed at him - Only by coming clean about how you caused her precious cat to run by leaving the door open will you have any hope of making things right with her. Instead, she'll kick you off straight to afternoon tea with Liam without a second thought.

Jake: Bullshit.

Ezra: Another proof that you know shit about your dear sister...

I flashed a smirk, playfully jabbing my finger into his chest...

Ezra: Listen up, we can handle this the easy way; you step up as the good, helpful brother and help me find the cat before Emery comes back and notices it's missing. Trust me, I value my life and I won't breathe a word about it, and she won't even realize something went down...

I spread my hands, casually shrugging my shoulders, a look of nonchalance on my face as I offered up the silent agreement; believe me, that's no way was I letting her find out about this, even if they had to torture me to utter a word...

Jake, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes, sizing me up from head to toe with a focused gaze...

Ezra: Or we can take the hard way; you back off, but if I manage to find the cat, I spill the whole story to Emery about you letting her precious Furrball escape - I pointed at him, firm emphasis in my tone - Only then you can kiss any chance of Emery forgiving you.

Nick: Seriously... - He shot Jake an annoyed glance - You managed to fuck things up even with your own sister?

Jake: Look, squirrels chasing each other - He pointed to the side - Be useful and go check out that bloodthirsty case there, Mr. CIA.

Nick: Look, a kindergarten - He pointed in the opposite direction - Be useful and go make a clown out of yourself there, Mr. Giggle.

Ezra: Jesus... - I rubbed the corners of my eyes - Who was I left to work with?

Letting out a long sigh, I pivoted on my feet and, hands on hips, began scanning the park once more...

What I can say for sure is that the cat bolted in this direction. I nabbed these knuckleheads immediately, and we chased after the cat until it darted through that gate, leading us into the park...

By all that's holy, I'll treat that cat like royalty, showering it with treats fit for a king. But please, I beg, let me find the cat without running into Emery, who'd happily get me executed in a crowded square...

Nick: Ezra - He nudged my arm - Isn't that the whiskers?

Taking his cue with a nod, I shifted my gaze to the scene near the bench opposite us. Two women sat there, enjoying their ice creams and chatting away, their laughter mingling with the casual conversation...

But what really grabbed my attention was the stroller parked next to them...

The stroller where Furrball was posted up, but then decided to slide into it like it was no big deal...

Ezra: I'll shave that cat bald when I finally get my hands on it...

I mumbled, swinging back around to face them...

Ezra: Alright, here's the plan. You... - I pointed at Nick - You're on diversion duty to charm those women away from the stroller. I don't give a fuck how you pull it off, but make sure their eyes are off the baby. You... - I pointed at Jake - You're my wingman to help snatch the cat smoothly.

Jake: Hold up, since when did you become the mission chief? - He rose up his finger - Maybe I fancy the simple task of charming the ladies for diversion.

Okay, at least I got confirmation he's definitely Emery's brother; must be some genetic thing, that stubbornness and constant need to take a lead...

Nick: This ain't a nightclub stage for you to give strip show but a park filled with kids around - He smirked, prompting Jake to shoot him an annoyed look - Spare them the trauma.

Jake: And what's your plan? Shooting women, snatching the baby, and turning it into secret agent?

Ezra: Don't push me to outdo both of you in the kill streak, but with one try - I shoved Nick aside, grabbing Jake's arm and pulling him into the bushes with me - Let's make this quick.

Jake: Um... - He straight-up voiced it, acting like he was clueless - No, Ezra Bear, I'm going to have sex in the bushes with you.

Naturally, those words hit a few folks, and they reacted with wide-eyed stares and gasps, shielding their kids' ears. Without missing a beat, I hauled him down to crouch behind the bushes, still keeping an eye on the bench...

Ezra: What part of "you're my wingman to help snatch the cat smoothly" you don't understand? - I grumbled irritably at him.

Jake: Catch your kitty-katty, but watch me dancing to your tune - He smirked - Try to push me around one more time, and I'll start moaning so loud, you'll be the ultimate enemy, banned from this spot for life.

Ezra: With your talent for faking orgasms, it's no wonder anymore why Elena jumped into bed with three guys right after breaking free from your grasp.

Jake: Nice glasses - He nodded - Eager for me to fix your sight for free?

Suddenly, I caught the sound of someone clearing their throat, and Jake did too; we both turned in sync to see where it was coming from...

There was Nick, already posted up in front of the ladies on the bench, shooting the conversation. Sneakily, he glanced our way, hand cupped around his mouth, signaling he'd made the noise as our cue to get in on the action...

Ezra: You will have my back, and I will snag the cat - I stated firmly, easing out of the bushes, taking my time.

But, naturally, that pain in the ass couldn't just concede and follow my lead. Instead, he emerged from the bushes with a loud groan that surely echoed to the other end of the park, protesting all the way...

Jake: Oh, Ezzie...

Right then, I slapped my hand over his mouth and shot him a glare that could pierce steel and all I could sense was his suppressed amusement beneath my hand. Then, a sharp gasp right in front of me grabbed my focus...

Swiveling my head in that direction, I spotted a woman standing on the pavement, her mouth agape, shooting us a furious glare while shielding the eyes of the little girl holding her hand...

Girl: Mommy, are they having sex? - She asked nonchalantly, licking her ice cream.

Snatching the kid into her arms in a flash, she shot us another furious glare before storming off, murmuring something to the girl as they hurried away...

Ezra: Fine, I will have your back, and you will snag the cat - I grumbled through gritted teeth - Happy?

He finally cracked a grin and gave a little nod, so I relaxed and withdrew my hand from covering his mouth...

Ezra: You're seriously her brother - I rolled my eyes, leading them back to Nick - Follow me.

After a swift glance around, I fixed my shirt and strolled over to Nick, keeping an eye on everything around me the whole time...

Jake: Look at this cat's meow... - He teased from behind me, prompting an eye roll - You're making me question my straightness, hottie.

Ezra: And I was absolutely sure Emery held the title for being the ultimate pain in my ass - I sighed.

As I strolled up, Nick gave me a subtle nod, multitasking between showing something on his phone to the ladies, who promptly shifted to the other end of the bench, giving us space to rummage through the stroller...

Stopping on front, Nick motioned toward something across the park, drawing the women's focus away even more, which made our job even easier...

Ezra: How long does it take for a guy to snag the cat? - I muttered under my breath, keeping my gaze forward.

Jake: Is that the entry for some boomer joke? - He snapped from behind me.

Ezra: Nah, but I'm all for immortalizing you with a timeless joke - I smirked sarcastically - How long does it take for a 21-year-old girl to take down three guys at least twice her size?

Jake: Zip, zilch, nada, because I nabbed your Pussy Cat - He exhaled triumphantly - As you can see, I'm the master of snatching things up.

Upon hearing that, I subtly retreated, clearing my throat once more to signal Nick. Catching my cue, he glanced my way, and I nodded in acknowledgement, granting him the freedom to disengage from the women...

Swiftly comprehending, he flashed a smile at the ladies, pocketed his phone, indicating the end of his conversation. As he wrapped things up, I slipped back into the bushes, discreetly concealing myself...

Jake: Get that stinky furball away from me - He winced, glancing around as he nudged the cat into my hands - Give it a bath or something.

Glancing around one last time, I noticed Nick beginning to distance himself from the women; so everything went smoothly...

Hastily, I scooped the cat into my arms, but feeling its full weight, I stumbled forward, nearly losing my grip on it...

Ezra: What the... - I began lowering my gaze - It already got its paws on a squirrel or maybe another cat with...

Reaching down my hands, panic surged through me, prompting me to leap to the side and emerge from the bushes, the sense of urgency gripping me tightly...

Ezra: And who needs their sight fixed? - I muttered through clenched teeth, shooting Jake a furious glare - Are you fucking kidding me?

Jake: What? - He asked, his eyes showing confusion as he glanced at me and then at my hand.

Ezra: You were supposed to grab the cat, not the kid!

I exclaimed, raising my hands in relief, thankfully cradling the sleeping baby within them...

Jake: Oh... - He rubbed his chin, eyeing the baby - And I was just about to recommend a diet for that cat since it seemed so heavy.

Ezra: You had one simple job, just one - I murmured - How dumb someone has be to mistake a kid with a fucking cat?!

Jake: Just so you know, I was relying on my sense of touch while keeping an eye out to make sure no one snuck up on us from behind - He countered, pointing at me - It's not my fault that whatever that kid is wrapped in is so furry it imitates cat fur perfectly!

Ezra: Alright, Sneaky Master of Snatching - I said as I pushed the kid into his hands - Clean up your own mess.

Jake: My cat? - He said, pushing the kid back into my hands - No.

Ezra: My kid? - I replied, pushing the child back into his hands - No.

Jake: Not mine either - He shrugged, placing the child back in my hand.

Ezra: With all the women you've been fucking with, I wouldn't be shocked if you were the daddy - I smirked, handing him the bundled kid.

Jake: Nah, after raising Luka, I'm traumatized enough to wear at least three condoms at once - He snapped back, placing the kid back in my hand - Plus, you're the action boss, and it's the boss's job to clean up messes of gray agents like me.

Ezra: Look at this phenomenon; if you want, you can play the gray, docile, irrelevant character and...

Suddenly, a woman's scream echoed around us, causing Jake and me to flinch, our eyes instinctively shutting as we hunched our shoulders...

Woman: Where's my baby?!

Gradually opening our eyes, we turned our heads towards the bench, where we noticed Nick freezing in his tracks, his eyes widening as he focused on my hands cradling the baby...

Glancing past Nick's shoulder, I spotted the women by the empty stroller, clearly in a state of panic, frantically searching around for the missing baby...

My eyes also caught sight of the cat on the pavement, comfortably seated in the middle, nonchalantly scratching its ear with its hind legs; it stared back at me with a sleepy yet mocking gaze...

Suddenly, a butterfly fluttered by, prompting the cat to jump up and scurry away, leaving me in this predicament. I couldn't help but feel that the little creature found immense satisfaction in the chaos it caused...

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I felt movement in my arms, causing me to squint my eyes in anticipation of what was about to happen next...

A loud, ear-piercing cry erupted from the baby, desperate and demanding attention...

At the sound of the crying baby, the women swiftly turned their heads in my direction, easily identifying the source of the noise. Their faces drained of color as they saw me holding the baby, particularly the paler one, presumably the child's mother...

Woman: The... - Her trembling finger pointed at me, mirroring her shaky voice - Baby snatcher!

Ezra: No, no... - Shaking my head, I reached out to gently hand the child back - I'm just...

Out of nowhere, I felt a sharp blow to my face, catching me completely off guard. It threw me off balance, causing me to stagger backward. In the chaos, it felt like the baby was ripped from my grasp...

Jake: Right from the start, I had a feeling that guy was kind of suspicious, always lurking around.

It took a few seconds for me to shake off the spots dancing before my eyes. Once I halted my steps and massaged my nose, I looked up to assess the unfolding situation ahead...

There stood Jake, cradling the baby in his arms as he approached the women. He shot me a discreet, smug smirk, brimming with triumph and disdain, clearly reveling in his deceitful victory...

Woman: Thank you, Sir - She spoke, her hands trembling as she swiftly took the baby from his grasp, pulling it into a tight embrace - My sweetheart...

Jake: Oh, don't worry - He smiled warmly, his hands folded behind his back - I'm quite experienced at prying such assholes' hands away from things that don't belong to them.

He shot me another victorious glance, even daring to add a wink to it, while I shot daggers at him with my furious gaze. All the while, I continued to massage my nose, undoubtedly sore from the blow of his elbow...

I'm patient, but that fucking son of the bitch is seriously asking for it...

Second woman: Wait, where's your bag, Ana? - She asked, scanning the area around the bench.

Suddenly, Jake's eyes popped wide, and he instinctively leaned back like he was caught in a cosmic tug-of-war. Perplexed, he threw his hands up, and as he did, he accidentally flashed the woman's bag he was holding, right under the women's noses...

At first, Jake was hit with a wave of shock, his eyes widening and his throat tightening as he nervously checked out the women, who were gasping and shooting daggers at him. But soon enough, he managed to sneak a look at Nick, who was still hanging around nearby...

Nick stifled a smirk behind his hand, casually running his fingers over his cupid's bow as if lost in thought. Jake could tell from the glint in Nick's eyes that he was quietly owning up to the whole thing...

"Not bad, bro," I thought to myself, a smirk of pride spreading across my face as Nick shot me a subtle wink of victory.

With a quick dart of his gaze, Jake glanced back at the angry women and let out a nervous chuckle...

Jake: Such a beautiful daughter, definitely takes after her mommy - He remarked, passing the bag into the hands of the other woman - But I'd suggest a diaper change, though. That stinky operation needs to be taken care of.

Grabbing Nick's arm, he dragged him along as they bolted, while one woman hurried to cover the baby and another lunged for her phone, undoubtedly aiming to dial the police...

Jake: You owe me at least one fun fact about Emery, Louis - He muttered, glaring at me with intensity.

Ezra: She's eyeing neurosurgery as her goal in the medical career because she thrives on challenges.

As they caught up to me, I swiftly pivoted on my heel and joined the sprint, a soft smirk of amusement dancing across my lips...

"R E A D Y?" — I S T O L E A Q U I C K
glance at Elena as we stood before the door of her house, the one she used to share with Jake...

Elena: Yeah, I guess - She shrugged, gazing at the door ahead - It's just temporary anyway.

I shot Luka a nod, and he got the hint, springing into action. Returning the nod, he moved forward, breezing past Elena and diving into the task of opening the door with his key...

Jasmine: You sure you're okay with that?

Elena: Sure, why not? - She shrugged once more, her gaze fixed ahead - It's nothing personal, just a house that seems like a better option than my spot in Duskwood. All I care about is Lucy's safety, and since I've got the assurance that this place is super secure, and it's closer to my family, making it easier for Lucy and me to visit them, it works out fine.

Lucy: It's super-duper, ultra mega fine! - She giggled, squeezing Elena's hand tight, bouncing on her tiptoes with anticipation.

Feeling Lucy's joy, Elena glanced down at her, a soft, serene smile gracing her lips...

I really respect Elena, you know? She's willing to go to great lengths for Lucy's happiness, even if it means returning to the house where her nightmares unfolded. What impresses me most about Elena is that she doesn't block Lucy from it all—the house and Jake...

Sure, Jake promised not to move in or do anything around the house without Elena's consent, but still, it's a significant step forward, wouldn't you say?

Luka: Alright, ladies... - He swung the door open, turning to us with a grin - Welcome back home.

Lucy couldn't contain her excitement, letting out a squeal that made us chuckle. She dashed ahead, sneaking between our legs and darting straight into the house...

Jasmine: Temporary, right? - I smirked, shooting a glance at Elena.

Elena: Since he's the one who suggested we come back, he'll be the one dragging her outta here when I find another place - She raised an eyebrow, stepping forward and entering the house with a composed demeanor.

Luka: Well... - He whispered to me as we watched Elena enter the house - It's kinda cute of her to think she's gonna buy another house to move into.

I lightly nudged his stomach and brought my finger to my lips, gesturing for him to keep quiet as I nodded ahead, signaling that Elena might overhear us...

Elena: Spare him, I heard that loud and clear anyway - Her voice echoed from inside the house.

Rolling my eyes, I watched as Luka scratched his head and chuckled nervously. We both followed suit, stepping into the house after Elena...

While Lucy was completely lost in her own world, giggling and darting around the entire living room, Elena had a different demeanor; stepping forward, she scanned the room meticulously, moving at a deliberate pace and inspecting every single corner...

I just wonder if she's reliving all those memories and flashbacks from her past with Jake in this place...

Luka: I'll grab your bags from the car, Elena - He gestured back with his car keys.

Elena: Thanks, Luka - She replied calmly, stepping in front of the coffee table in the middle - I mean it.

Luka: Pleasure is all mine.

Elena: I know - She smirked softly, her gaze drifting down to the table.

With his lips pressed together to conceal his smile, Luka pivoted on his heels and exited the house, gently shutting the door until the click resonated amid Lucy's footsteps...

Awkwardly stroking my arm, I began to move closer to Elena, who was engrossed in examining the items on the table...

Her old necklace, bracelet, and her signet...

Everything that symbolized her love with Jake...

Jasmine: Jake left everything untouched here, just like it was during your last visit - I attempted to break the awkward silence - Even during your trip to Europe, he didn't come back or go through the stuff.

Elena: I can totally tell - She nodded, glancing at the side of the table and chuckling when she spotted the bloodstain on the floor - I wonder if that'll ever wash off.

Lucy: Mommy, mommy! - She exclaimed, rushing towards Elena, her breaths rapid from the intensity of her sprint - I found my very, very, very first teddy bear! Papa Ant bought it for me when you were in the hospital, remember?

Elena: How could I ever forget? - She chuckled, taking the teddy bear from Lucy's hands to examine it closely - Well, we did leave this house in quite a rush, so I'm sure there's plenty of your old stuff here, sweetheart.

Returning Lucy's teddy bear, Elena ruffled her hair, eliciting another bout of giggles before Lucy dashed off once more, continuing her exploration of the house...

Jasmine: She's really something - I chuckled, shaking my head as I watched Lucy dart into the kitchen - She's absolutely thrilled.

Elena: I'm not surprised - She mused, moving on to gaze at the walls of the house - It's always been her home.

As Elena continued her stroll, the sound of the door echoed once more, with Luka already carrying a portion of Elena's belongings...

Elena: Don't bother yourself with lugging it upstairs - She assured him with a smile - Just leave it on the couch. Later, I'll take Lucy's things to her old room and move my stuff to the guest room.

Jasmine: The guest room? - I glanced at her, puzzled.

Elena: Yeah, the guest room - She affirmed, trailing her hand along the staircase railing as she made her way upstairs.

Well, hoping for Elena to return to the bedroom she once shared with Jake might have been a bit too optimistic, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility...

Let's not dwell on it or fuss about it; the crucial thing is that she's back here, right? Let her take her time settling in, and who knows, maybe one day she'll feel comfortable enough to reclaim her old bedroom...

Jasmine: No worries - I nodded to Luka - Keep going, I'll go with her.

Once again, Luka nodded in acknowledgment. After he left the bags on the couch, he made his way back to the door, while I trailed my hand along the staircase, following Elena upstairs...

To my surprise, Elena headed straight for the third floor, which was designated for the business section, complete with offices and a larger conference room...

However, she bypassed Jake's office without a second glance, showing no intention of rummaging through it. Instead, her hand grazed the doorknob of her own office, wasting no time in unlocking the door and pushing it open to step inside...

Once more, in complete silence, she crossed the threshold, her slow pace allowing her to scrutinize every corner of the room...

Jasmine: Feels like the good old detective days, doesn't it? - I smirked, running my fingers along the frame of her pinboard.

Elena: Crazy times - She replied, her grin widening as she too stroked the frame - Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive.

Jasmine: You were the best - I remarked, scanning the room - Gifted, an absolute master at solving puzzles, unstoppable, cunning, a thorn in the side of all the criminals out there - We both chuckled softly - Don't you miss it sometimes?

Elena: I can't take that risk again, Jasmine - She said, shaking her head as she looked at me - The confrontation with Diana made me realize how vulnerable I am to someone exploiting my weakest point and manipulating me.

Hearing that, I let out a soft, melancholic sigh, glancing down and nodding in understanding...

Jasmine: Lucy.

Reflecting on that evening, I recalled how Elena ended up in that predicament of being kidnapped to the desert island. Diana had lied, claiming she had captured Lucy and would harm her if Elena didn't comply with her demands. Even though it turned out to be a false alarm and Lucy was safe and sound at Jessy's house, it didn't change the fact that Lucy might still be a primary target for anyone seeking to use Elena in the future...

It's no surprise; Lucy is her daughter, always has been, regardless of adoption. Elena's world revolves around Lucy, especially now. She'd go to any lengths to keep Lucy safe, even if it meant sacrificing her own life. That's why I can relate to her in some ways...

If I had a child, the thing I'd cherish most in the world, I'd do anything to ensure their safety; if someone kidnapped them, I'd comply with any demands the kidnapper made, whether it involved money, giving up all my gains, sacrificing my dignity, enduring any form of humiliation, or even risking my own life...

Elena: Exactly - She nodded, sliding her hand off the board - It's high time to stop being selfish and started considering more than just what satisfies me. Figuring out riddles was fun, but now, all these assholes out here are just waiting for me to make a move so they can hit me where it hurts the most, so Lucy - She let out a sigh and smoothly glided over to the table - I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to her because of me.

Jasmine: I understand you, but don't you think it's too late already? - I caught up with her - Everyone knows about Lucy, so dodging cases seems pointless. They're gunning for her whether you're in the game or not. However, maybe by staying in the fight, you could actually thwart their attacks before they happen?

Elena: I've learned my lesson; as long as I'm on good terms with fate, not tempting it, I get to enjoy the peaceful life I had in Chile. Let's leave it that way - She smirked.

Returning to the table, another extended silence lingered as she kept her head down, gently tracing her fingers across the table's surface...

The table, decked out with those vintage shots of her and Jake from our worldwide trip...

Grabbing a photo, the one from Spain, she examined it closely, a smirk sneaking out of the corner of her mouth, while a gentle smile graced her lips...

Jasmine: Got any pics from Chile? - I tried to lighten the mood.

Elena: Yeah, sure - She nodded, placing the photo back down - I've got tons of shots of landscapes and Lucy.

Jasmine: And what about your pics?

Elena: Nah, I don't like snapping shots of myself - She shrugged, heading back to the door - I'd rather capture the scenery and Lucy, gathering souvenirs for her. I want her to have all these photos of herself, all smiles and happiness, to cherish in the future.

Scrunching my brows in confusion, I shifted my gaze from her retreating figure back to the photos sprawled across the table, a nagging feeling creeping in that something wasn't quite right...

Well, Elena was always the shutterbug. Throughout our global adventure and diving into Maria's case, she was the mastermind behind every snapshot – whether it was of me, me and Luka filling up our inaugural album, or most of the moments with her and Jake. Come to think of it, she was the one who got Jake into photography, and thanks to her, he even snapped a few shots of her on his phone...

She's not accepting flowers from men, and she's not snapping photos of herself anymore...

Kinda strange, gotta admit...

But once Elena left the office, it just didn't feel right sticking around, so I ended up trailing after her again, and we both headed down one floor...

Elena: Still turning everything upside down? - She chuckled, as Lucy scampered up to the second floor alongside her.

Lucy: Work in progress - She giggled, darting across the hallway lined with bedroom doors - Next stop, the bedroom.

Elena: Oh, man... - She sighed, trailing behind at a slower pace - I'm already bracing myself for the bedtime battle tonight.

Right in front of the door to Lucy's old room, the one Jake pointed out when Elena was missing, she stood on her tiptoes, swung the door open, and darted inside...

Lucy: Whoa, Mommy! - She gasped - Mommy, look!

Elena: What is that?

With a puzzled smile and arms crossed, Elena finally reached the room and peered inside. But as she lingered on the threshold, her expression shifted from confusion to sheer shock as she gazed ahead...

Jasmine: What? - I chuckled, passing her by and entering the room - Room's pretty much the same, not much changed and...

After a swift scan of the room, my gaze drifted downward to where Lucy stood by the bed, her eyes brimming with curiosity as she inspected whatever lay upon it...

I crossed my arms, tracing my finger along my Cupid's bow, trying to mask the irrepressible smile dancing on my lips, a grin too infectious to suppress...

Of course, I'm aware it's Lucy's birthday today, and we've got her gift all set for later, but fuck me, I never would've expected Jake to not only remember but also go ahead and buy and prepare a gift for her...

Lucy: Is that for me? - She eyed the box from all angles, anxiously tapping her fingers together, fighting the urge to reach out and touch it.

Jasmine: Mhm, I think so - I replied, reaching out for the note and showing it to her.

Lucy: J? - Her face lit up with joy as she read the note - Jake was here? - She glanced at Elena.

Elena: I mean... - She shook her head, trying to snap out of her shock, and cleared her throat - Well, yeah. I mentioned I spoke to him, and he... offered us to stay here.

Lucy: Can I open it? - She tiptoed closer again.

Elena: It's for you, sweetheart. You can do whatever you want with it.

Lucy: Then I want to open it - She declared, turning her attention back to the box and climbing onto the bed.

Elena: Then let's do it - She smiled, leaning her arm against the doorframe.

Lucy wasted no time in carefully untying the ribbon of the gift box, and let me tell you, watching her do it with such precision, being careful not to damage it yet so eager to unveil its contents, was truly the view of the year—melting my heart instantly...

I stole glances at Elena now and then, but she remained stoic, devoid of any discernible emotions, certainly not any negative ones. She simply stood at the threshold, quietly observing Lucy as she unpacked her gift...

Yet, in a fleeting moment, almost imperceptibly, a soft smile graced Elena's lips as she gazed at the gift...

Even if she won't admit it, I'm pretty sure Jake scored some extra points in her eyes with that gesture...

Lucy: Woah... - She gasped, finally opening the box - Pink ponies with glowing horns! So many pink ponies with glowing horns!

As her little hands rummaged through the box, she began pulling out medium-sized pony toys, each with a transparent horn hinting at their potential to light up. Lucy proved this by turning one pony around and with the flick of a switch, the horn lit up in a vibrant LED pink hue...

Lucy: Mommy, look! - She turned on another light, this time a blue one - All colors! I've got the entire collection! Like he promised!

Returning my gaze to Elena, I noticed a subtle shift in her expression. This time, a soft smirk crept across her lips, escaping her throat as she bit down on them, then she glanced away, shaking her head in disbelief...

Elena: That fucking, sneaky son of the bitch...

She quietly exhaled, not in frustration, but more in amusement and perhaps even a hint of admiration...

Luka: Hello there - His voice echoed with a smile as he appeared next to Elena - All the bags are already on the couch and...

But as he glanced around the room and spotted Lucy playing with the ponies, he gasped loudly and swiftly made his way over to her...

Luka: No way, the latest collection of glowing ponies with colorful horns... - He plopped himself onto the bed, also rummaging through the box - You kidding, all colours?

Lucy: Check it out, Uncle Luka.

As he gently squeezed the pony's belly, soft music chimed from the horn, casting a kaleidoscope of colors that captivated Luka entirely...

Placing his hands on his cheeks, he widened his eyes in wonder, gazing at the pony with the same adoration he once looked at me with during our very first encounter years ago; Quite literally...

Luka: Even in the realm of heaven, they don't have such treasures - He sighed, his dreamy eyes fixed on the glowing toy.

Jasmine: Should I be jealous? - I chuckled, feeling a bit confused as I crossed my arms.

Luka: Sunshine, you know me, I would burn the world for you... - He placed one hand on his chest while picking up one pony - But this is a limited edition, it needs to be treated with the highest care - He emphasized, gently stroking the toy's hair.

Watching him become completely engrossed in enjoying his time with the ponies and Lucy, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head knowingly, aware that he always zoned out for at least a few hours once he got into something...

Elena: I need to hit up the store real quick - Her voice just drew me back in - You know, gotta grab some basics and stuff to bake Lucy's birthday cake. Could you chill with Lucy for a bit longer?

Jasmine: Seeing them, I can tell they'll have fun on their own - I chuckled, seeing Luka and Lucy diving into playing with ponies - I'd gladly tag along with you, even if it means doubling as your shopping cart.

Elena: Alright - She motioned for me to come closer, extending her arm - I'm into it, let's give kiddos some space to enjoy their fun alone.

With a chuckle, I wrapped my arm around Elena's, and together we exited the room, gently closing the door behind us, leaving Lucy and Luka to enjoy their time with the ponies...

As we made our way to the stairs to head downstairs, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me...

I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth as I glanced at Elena, who appeared lost in her thoughts. Despite her silence, she wore a soft smile and shook her head in disbelief, as if she couldn't quite believe what she had just witnessed...

"H O W' S  T H E  S I T U A T I O N?" —
Peeking from the shadows of the dimly lit, not-so-friendly streets, I watched as Ezra stepped out from the corner to scope out the scene on Main Street...

Ezra: Looks like it's clear - He nodded, taking a step forward - It's been a good while since we heard any police sirens nearby, so I think they've moved on to search elsewhere.

Jake: First time getting chased by the cops? - He chuckled, settling comfortably on the gate and tossing a few pebbles - I remember my first time vividly. It was right after my 12th birthday, when Luka and I broke into some guy's summer house. If you're interested, I could give you some tips based on my experience.

Nick: I ain't taking tips from someone whose last chase ended with amnesia.

Jake: I don't mind, it was hilarious as hell sometimes...

Then, outta nowhere, I felt a pebble smack the back of my head, sending me reeling in pain as I rubbed it...

Jake: Jealous much?

Nick: Trust me, ain't a damn thing to envy about you - I shot him a fierce glare while massaging my head - Actually, I pity you more.

Ezra: Shut the fuck up for a moment - He muttered, pivoting back to face us - The cat's twelve.

With Jake effortlessly hopping off the gate he'd been lounging on, I shot him one last furious look while rubbing my temple, before joining him as we both approached Ezra, emerging from around the corner...

Following Ezra's encouraging nod, we finally caught sight of the cat; sauntering along casually, tail held high in pride, effortlessly navigating the pavement, unfazed by any obstacles in its path...

The good thing is that we found it, and it's somehow still alive—that's a relief...

But here's the downside: that cat sauntered right through the supermarket entrance, effortlessly slipping through the automatic doors thanks to some woman who had just exited the store...

Jake: That cat's lasted longer in the wild than Luka - He raised an eyebrow - Starting to like this Whiskers, I must say.

Ezra: Alright, this one's gonna be easy - He sighed, heading towards the shop - The cat's trapped indoors, it practically handed itself over to be caught.

Jake: It's always "smooth sailing" at the start, then bam, police chase - He smirked - I'm just curious what kind of mess Whiskers will drag us into this time.

Nick: You can hang back, keep watch on the street, maybe snag a client for tonight - I shrugged, trailing after Ezra - You've been absent for a bit, so I bet there are some fresh asses waiting to be pleased Mr. Prostitute.

With another step, I felt a sudden kick to my ankle from behind, causing me to stumble uncontrollably forward until I collided with Ezra's back, who was also caught off guard and took a step forward...

Ezra: How old are you? - He turned to us, muttering with annoyance.

Jake: Wearing that CIA vest must've cramped your cat walk - He shrugged casually, strolling past us as if nothing happened - Guess you should be grateful I never went into modeling.

And naturally, he strolled right into the shop, slinging his jacket over his shoulder, swaying his hips with a playful swagger, totally spoofing the runway model strut...

Nick: What the hell does Elena see in him? - I muttered, distancing myself from Ezra.

Ezra: I'd say something, but I'm with his sister, who's just as much of a pain when she's in a mood - He chuckled, moving on - Must be some Danford family thing.

With an eye roll, I peeked at the street before hurrying after him, and in just a few strides, we breezed into the shopping mall...

Jake: Mommy? I scored an A on last math test - He mocked, using a childish tone as he neared us - Think I can send Santa an early letter for that chocolate bar?

Nick: Santa Claus isn't real - I quipped, snatching the chocolate bar from his hand.

Jake: How so? - He gave me his best puppy dog eyes - So, who was Mr. Red from last week, telling you there won't be any treats for being a naughty girl?

Ezra: Five minutes - He turned to us, muttering - Five minutes without making idiots out of yourselves, can you?

Jake: They ain't paying me to be serious.

Ezra: And I ain't paying you to make a comedy show.

Jake: You don't pay me at all - He squinted his eyes.

Ezra: I'm paying with some sweet smiles and maybe a few kind words to Emery if you don't test my patience - He said, flashing a fake friendly smile - But just so you know, the package deal also includes a punch in the face.

Jake: Nah, I'm all about smiles and rainbows, you know, keeping it pony-shitting nice.

Suddenly, I sensed a gentle pressure on my feet, but the weird thing was, Ezra and Jake seemed to feel it too. In unison, we all glanced down, only to find ourselves bumping heads together with way more force than whatever nudged our feet...

Nick&Ezra&Jake: Fuck...

Rubbing our temples, the three of us shot angry glares at each other as we ascended, but our tension was broken by the soft meow of a cat nearby...

Quickly shifting our eyes to the side, we accidentally collided heads once more, but this time, it was a solid thud...

Nick&Ezra&Jake: Fuck! - We let out angry hisses, louder and fiercer, as we each took a step back.

Finally managing to steal a glance to the side without any more collisions, we spotted the cat darting down the aisle, vanishing behind a corner...

Ezra: Time to wrap up the fun, little dude - He said with a smirk, moving along.

Giving our heads one final rub, Jake and I exchanged one last glare before joining Ezra in pursuit of the cat...

Nick: Being clumsy just your thing or what?

Jake: And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my advantages.

Strolling through the casual aisles filled with groceries, we kept following Ezra, who abruptly halted, causing us to bump into him once more...

Jake: Ugh, can we like, make some sort of signal to stop or something?

Ezra: We're fucked - He whispered.

Squinting, I peered over his shoulder, and I gotta admit, I went a little pale seeing what was going down in the aisle right in front of us...

Right smack dab in the middle of the aisle stood Elena and Jasmine White, shooting the breeze and chuckling away, their shopping cart parked beside them...

But what really took the cake was seeing Emery right there with them, totally engrossed in their laid-back chat...

And to add to the mess, the cat was smack dab in the middle, dividing us from the girls on top of that tower of hopelessness...

Jake: Leave it to the master of sneaking around Elena without her noticing.

Without skipping a beat and without even giving us a chance to react, he snatched the cereal box from the shelf and flung it right next to the cat, then ushered us behind the corner of the aisle...

Naturally, the girls reacted with a quick jump and anxious glances around, but the move also caught the cat off guard; the box scared it so much that it bolted to another aisle just as the girls turned to look in its direction, leaving them completely clueless about the cat's presence moments earlier...

Nick: Unnoticed, huh? - I muttered to Jake.

Jake: Did they see us?

Nick: Not yet.

Jake: So, keep that yap shut.

Elena: Weird...

Peeking from behind the adjacent aisle, we glanced ahead and amidst the groceries, we spotted Elena approaching the box and picking it up...

Elena: How'd that box from the start of the aisle end up here?

Staying put once more, we watched as she stood with her back to us, her free hand on her hip, her head swiveling from side to side as she scoped out the aisle...

Jake: Let's have some fun, Mothbuster.

Sporting an evil grin, he slyly slid his hand through the groceries on the shelf. With a stealthy move, he gently poked her shoulder with his finger, causing her to jump back in terror...

Meanwhile, Jake deftly withdrew his hand from the shelf and swiftly pulled us down, prompting us to crouch as soon as Elena turned to the shelf...

Jake: I love doing that.

Nick: Stop pissing her off - I whispered.

He chuckled, stealing a glance at Elena, who was scanning through the groceries but coming up empty-handed...

Emery: Elena? - Her confused voice echoed a bit closer - You okay?

Elena: Yeah - She said, putting the box down on the shelf and moving away - Never mind, I'm probably just tired and hallucinating.

Nick&Jake: She sucks at lying - We chuckled, following her with our eyes.

At the sound of our synchronized movement, both mine and Jake's smiles vanished instantly. We turned to each other, locking eyes and scanning each other with narrowed gazes...

Well, that's a new experience for me, seeing a guy, except me, who can actually read through her voice and tone when she's lying. Back in high school, Chris, Elena's boyfriend, was completely clueless about it; he'd buy into any nonsense she'd spin...

Ezra: Hey, lovebirds - He whistled softly - Whiskers is on the prowl.

Once again, Ezra grabbed our focus and we glanced over as he crouched down at the end of the aisle, giving us a nod to check out what was up ahead...

Over yonder, peeped the kitten, a few aisles down, slyly prowling around the stand stacked with fresh fish, tended to by the man there, amidst a sea of massive freezers...

Ezra: Here - He snagged cereal from cardboard boxes while still on his feet - Cover yourself.

Jake: Wait, what? - He squinted as he glanced at the box he'd caught - I don't recall agreeing to plaster my face on cereal boxes.

Nick: I don't know what's worse - I sighed, eyeing my box - The fact that these kids are getting traumatized by seeing you at breakfast or the fact that I have to wear your face for even a second.

Jake: Don't worry, I'm giving you some time in the limelight - He said, lifting the box to his face, obscuring it with his own photo - Just don't get too toasted.

As he walked past me, he couldn't resist giving me a playful tap on the shoulder, his cheeky grin oozing with attitude...

I really don't get it; that dude is just so unlikable, always acting like a brat and stirring up trouble wherever he goes, throwing his weight around and constantly getting on people's nerves without a care...

And how could Elena be with a guy like that?; She's the total opposite of him...

Finally, I mustered the courage to swallow that embarrassment and hide my face behind the box featuring Jake's face as I made my way down the aisle. Jake and Ezra were already at the end, peeking around to see what the girls were up to in the distance...

Ezra: Clear.

Giving us a swift nod, he sidestepped and deftly covered his face with the box, effortlessly gliding through the aisle with his gaze fixed on the girls in the distance, who were engrossed in conversation, oblivious to our presence...

As Ezra smoothly slid to the side, I fell in step right beside him, with Jake mirroring the movement beside me, until we formed a seamless chain down the entire aisle...

Elena: Nah, something's definitely fishy here - Her puzzled tone echoed in my ears once more. 

Jake: Oh, you don't say, Miss Smarty Pants - He rolled his eyes, sneaking a peek at her from behind the box - Maybe because you're standing just two fucking aisles away from the darn open fishing stand with...

But when Elena noticed the commotion from our direction, she began scanning the area, turning her head toward us; but I didn't just sit there either...

Just in time, I grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him along with me, and the three of us swiftly vanished behind opposite aisles, narrowly escaping Elena's gaze...

Nick: I'm beginning to feel like taking him was a mistake - I murmured to Ezra - He's only adding to the unnecessary drama.

Jake: Man, if I were to kick off my drama, you'd be sobbing through this shop's entire tissue supply by now - He gestured around with his finger - And on top of that, you'd qualify for a spot not only in alcohol rehab but also a cozy room at the mental asylum.

Jasmine: Elena? - Her voice from afar snagged our attention once more - What's wrong?

Elena: I'm absolutely certain someone's watching us like hawks all the time - She continued on, scanning through the aisle - I keep getting this creepy feeling of eyes on me.

Jake: Hmm... - He gently slid the box aside, pondering for a moment - As usual, her intuition proves to be spot on.

Nick: While her intuition might be on point, there's one flaw in it that leaves Elena completely defenceless in any situation.

Giving him a wink, I smoothly pulled out my phone from my pocket and swiftly unlocked it, scrolling through to find a conversation with Elena...

Jake: And what are you doing? - He tried to sneak a peek at my phone.

Nick: A-a-a, a super-secret, strictly confidential fun fact about Elena - I leaned back, swiping my phone out of his reach - If you knew Elena, you'd know the one thing that always gets her every time.

Sensing Elena getting closer to uncovering us, I tapped the "send" button, all the while maintaining eye contact with Jake, brimming with pride and confidence...

Just as she was about to make her final move, the sound of a vibrating phone echoed beside us. Jake narrowed his eyes in confusion and turned his head to the side, but I did the same, my expression calm and satisfied...

Amidst the groceries on the shelf, we watched as a confused and slightly annoyed Elena rolled her eyes and sighed, patting her pockets to find her phone. Once she located it, she glanced down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear...

Nick: Watch and learn, this is how it's done - I whispered, almost under my breath.

Checking out her phone, I noticed she was in our chat thread; as it didn't take long for her tense expression to soften into a relaxed smile once she saw my messages...

Elena: Cute.

Naturally, I succeeded as I knew Elena inside out, especially her weaknesses I've known like the back of my hand from our years of friendship...

As Jake stood there clueless and slightly annoyed, Elena casually spun around and walked away while shooting me a message on her phone. But the best part? She didn't even notice we were here...

Jake: What the hell did you send her? - He shot me a glare full of annoyance - My obituary?

Nick: The world doesn't revolve around you, you know - I shrugged, slipping my phone back into my pocket - Like I said, if you knew her better, you'd know what to do.

Ezra: Can you two actually be of some use for once? - He muttered - While you're busy chit-chatting and teasing Elena, the cat's out there living its best life, getting us into even more trouble.

Glancing in the same direction, we clocked the cat edging closer to the fish stand, its stealthy maneuvers hinting at a sneaky grab-and-go for some fish...

Nick: Enough's enough. Time to wrap this up - I sighed, rolling my eyes as I grabbed Jake's arm and tugged him along - Ezra, keep an eye on the girls. We're on a mission to catch that sneaky furball.

Jake: You think I'm some sort of plaything you can pass back and forth between you and your brother? - He muttered, yanking his arm away - I'm an exclusive whore, not some commodity.

Nick: Since you're full of energy and sneakiness when it comes to teasing Elena, put those skills to use and catch the cat without breaking a sweat - I smirked, giving him a push forward - Good luck.

Jake: Alright, but you better spill what you sent her.

Nick: Jealous?

Jake: Like I said, I'm an exclusive whore - He smirked - So just like I expect exclusivity and loyalty from you, sweetie pie.

Nick: Okay, I'll spill the beans on what I sent her.

Jake: No, you won't.

Nick: Of course I won't - I pushed him forward once more - And if you keep pushing my buttons, I might just spill the beans about how you've been creeping her out, stalking her like a total lunatic.

Jake: Is snitching some kind of Louis' specialty? - He hit me with that irritated look.

Nick: Just like Danfords' specialty is being a sneaky traitors - I smirked sarcastically - Birds of a feather flock together, so catch that darn cat.

With a slick swipe of his eyelid and a subtle nod, he signaled his plan, then got down to the business of nabbing the cat. Meanwhile, I slipped around to the other side, ready to help corner the little troublemaker...

The best part is, the cat's totally oblivious to us, fixated on those fish, coiling up and eyeing its target, poised for the leap to snag a snack...

While Jake and I moved cautiously, tiptoeing with outstretched hands and hunkering down a bit, our goal was to snag the unsuspecting cat without tipping it off...

Jake: On three...

He whispered almost inaudibly, his gaze locked on the cat, as I simply nodded in agreement, keeping my eyes fixed on the feline target...

Jake: One...

One step nearer, a subtle crouch forward...

Jake: Two...

Muscles tense, breath held...

Jake: And...

In sync, we lunged forward, practically pouncing on the ground where the little culprit stood, aiming to catch it. Just as Jake was about to shout "Three," he was interrupted from behind...

Ezra: Fuck!

Just as we were about to nab the cat, it darted onto the stand at the sudden noise, causing Jake and me to collide and tumble to the ground, our heads smacking together painfully once more upon impact...

Nick: Man! - I rubbed my head, shooting a furious glance at Ezra as he approached us - Is this your way of getting back at me for the door lock?

Ezra: Red alert, evacuate - He exclaimed, swiftly pulling our arms up - Girls are about to enter this aisle in a second.

As he hauled us upright, we quickly scanned our surroundings, the chuckles of familiar girls ringing ominously close. Glancing to the far end of the aisle, we spotted their figures looming behind the groceries, signaling that the girls were about to enter the aisle any second now...

Just fucking great...

Jake: Caught some cold recently?

Nick&Ezra: No? - We exchanged puzzled looks at him.

Jake: Great.

Without hesitation, he shoved us back with such force that we stumbled several steps backward, and I felt a chilling embrace envelop me as if we had walked into something icy cold...

A fucking freezer...

Crammed into a tight space, the three of us found ourselves inside, and as Jake sealed the entrance shut; the last thing we glimpsed from the outside was the girls emerging from the aisle and heading our way, oblivious to our presence...

Nick: When exactly did you completely lose your mind? - I muttered through clenched teeth, rubbing my arms to warm them up.

Jake: Someday, all this training in a high-pressure environment will pay off for you, Mr. CIA - He smirked.

Ezra: Out of all the sensible options available, like hiding on another aisle or ducking behind a corner, who in their right mind decides to dive into the freezer?!

Jake: Someone who possess even a smidge of creativity and a desire to have a bit of fun.

In an instant, the freezer door swung open wide, causing all three of us to freeze in our tracks, not from the cold within, but from what unfolded ahead of us...


With one hand on the freezer door, she cocked her head to the side, fully engrossed in conversation with the nearby girls...

Emery: Yeah, I'm just gonna snag a Coca-Cola.

As Emery extended her hand, still engrossed in Jasmine's words about her fiancé, we exchanged swift glances among ourselves as her hand ominously neared us...

Without much hesitation, Jake quickly glanced to the side, spotting a glass of Coca-Cola, and swiftly grabbed it...

However, Ezra reacted smoothly as well, slapped Jake's hand away and nodded towards the sugar-free option of Coca-Cola for him to grab instead...

Emery: What about tomorrow?

As Emery's hand reached out for Jake's, he slickly snatched the right glass and slid it into Emery's grasp...

Emery: Thanks - She said quickly, keep focusing away.

Jake: No problem - He replied with swagger, no hesitation at all.

Then, the door slammed shut, trapping us in the freezer as if nothing had happened, filling the space with absolute silence...

While Jake stood there, chest puffed out, arms crossed, and a proud grin on his face, gazing confidently at the closed door, Ezra and I remained frozen, our eyes locking in silent communication...

Elena: Emery? - Her voice sounded closer, tinged with concern - You alright?

Emery: Wait, what the actual...

Man: Make way, ladies, unless you want to join the party - A random man's chuckle echoed nearby.

Emery: I mean... - Her tone still puzzled, but we eventually heard her footsteps moving away - Yeah, sure.

Man: Actually, Miss Gomez, ever thought about having a chat with a slick, suave, hilarious, and downright irresistible guy?

As his flirty tone reached our ears, the three of us let out annoyed sighs and exchanged eye rolls...

Elena: Sure thing, did you catch sight of him around here?

Nick&Jake: Sheesh - We shared proud chuckles, filled with amazement.

Not much later, the sound of footsteps receding reached our ears, signaling the girls' departure from our vicinity, allowing us to breathe a sigh of relief...

Man: Bitch - He murmured under his breath.

Nick&Jake: Watch your tongue, man - We spoke a tad louder.

Man: What the...

As his confused voice reverberated, my narrowed eyes met Jake's equally surprised gaze, and we silently studied each other in complete silence...

Well, I never would've guessed he'd be impressed by Elena, let alone stand up for her; quite surprising...

Man: Never mind...

As the strange mechanical sound echoed, the sudden jolt of the freezer caused us to stumble, nearly losing our balance as we leaned against the walls to stay upright...

But before long, these tumultuous moments morphed into a sensation akin to riding a rollercoaster...

Man: On it, on it, I'm heading over with the final freezer - His voice cut through the mechanical noise - Open the van, dude.

Ezra: All I wanted was a chill afternoon with my series, was that too much to ask? - He groaned, utterly exhausted.

As Jake gently cracked the door open just a bit, we peeked through and realized we were airborne, gliding through the entire shop. We passed by cash machines where girls were already scanning their groceries, then quickly shifted our focus to the outside of the shop, noticing a few delivery vans parked around...

What caught our attention was the sight of the cat already there, dashing off with a fish at least twice its size; with impeccable timing, it leaped effortlessly into the casually opened delivery van, brimming with paper boxes of orders...

Even worse, we realized as we passed by the van, that wherever we were being transported to, it definitely wasn't in that particular vehicle...

Man: Bob? That's the final freezer for milling? - He asked casually, strolling over with a metal chain.

Bob: No shocker they're itching to melt it down to nothing - Suddenly, our ride came to a halt - It's making all sorts of weird noises, wobbling like crazy, and it won't even shut properly.

Man: It's not shutting? - He exclaimed in surprise as he reached for the handle - Maybe something's blocking it?

And here we are; the dude swings open the freezer like it's no big deal, but this time, luck ain't on our side like it was with Emery. Instead, we're staring smack dab at the delivery guy, who goes dead silent, his face frozen in shock as he clocks us chilling in the freezer...

Initially, we all froze, not daring to even breathe. We just stared at each other in silence, but I decided to break the stillness by grabbing a glass of drink and extending it towards him...

Nick: Coke? - I grinned nervously - Sugar-free.

Just as the engine revs up nearby, I sneak a glance past the three employees' backs and spot the other delivery truck, the one with the cat in it, firing up its engine...

All I catch is the cat chowing down on fish inside, while the other employee shuts the trunk and the car with our loot zooms off...

to caress the sky, painting it with warm, orange hues and coaxing the sun to shyly edge towards the horizon, the kitchen in the house remained bustling with activity, showing no signs of winding down for the approaching peaceful night...

Jasmine: Luka, for heaven's sake! - She shouted, vigorously mixing the cake batter - I told you to bring the flour!

Luka: Finding anything in these shelves is like hunting for Atlantis in a sea of chaos! - He grumbled, giving the bookshelves a firm thud - Where the fuck is this shit?

Elena: Left down the board next to the drawer with the cutlery - Standing next to Jasmine, I sneaked a glance at Luka as I stirred the cake frosting by her side.

Luka: Oh sure, just point out ten more shelves and drawers for me to get even more lost! - He exclaimed, slamming another drawer shut in frustration.

Glancing at Jasmine, I let out a soft chuckle as I licked the spoon to taste the frosting...

Luka: This one? - He gestured, casting me a tired glance, exhaustion evident in his eyes.

Elena: One shelf lower.

Luka: Just...

He sighed, swinging the door wide open before stooping down and resting his hands on his knees...

Luka: Explain to me the damn logic behind this.

Elena: What? - I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders - Powdery at the bottom, wet at the top. What's so hard to understand?

Luka: Oh, but of course, nothing... - He exclaimed, his tone rising as he mocked me while grabbing the flour - Because why would we put all the everyday stuff where it's easily accessible? It's obviously a better idea to stash it at the other end of the kitchen!

Elena: Sport is health - I remarked, licking the spoon once more - You can't be stuck to your desk round the clock.

Luka: Fine, but here's the deal - He announced, slowly opening the flour container - You're going to use sticky notes and label all the shelves with tips on what's inside, because I'm sick of...

Right as he was about to pass Jasmine the flour for her cake mix, I spotted Lucy's sneaky grin as she peeked from behind the corner of the kitchen island...

I know that glint in her eyes like the back of my hand, the surefire sign that she's itching to cause some trouble...

The kicker was, I was utterly helpless, unable to lift a finger, let alone give Luka a heads-up about the looming threat...

As Luka strolled alongside her, eyes locked on the flour, Lucy smoothly slid her little leg from around the corner, planting it right in Luka's path, sending him off balance with a stumble...

It wasn't just the loud thud of Luka hitting the floor; the flour inevitably cascaded from his grasp, blanketing both Jasmine and me from head to toe in a snowy layer of powder...

Reacting on cue, we shut our eyes and held our breath momentarily, only to let out gentle coughs seconds later, while Lucy's laughter filled the room...

Jasmine: Luka...

As I blinked awake, I caught Jasmine shooting daggers at Luka, her voice sharp as she laid into him, while Luka just lounged on the floor at our feet, unfazed...

Luka: Well... - He chuckled nervously, his hands resting against his cheeks as he glanced up at us - White suits you, you know? Can't wait for you to strut down that aisle in all white for me, Sunshine.

Jasmine: Did you know that once upon a time, white was also the color of mourning?

Luka: Not only beautiful but also smart - He said, his smile widening - Feels like I've hit the jackpot in life.

Elena: Lead the charge against the real perpetrator - I nudged Jasmine's arm, nodding to the side.

She peeped to the side and clocked Lucy chilling at the table, acting all nonchalant like nothing went down. Lucy kept on munching her dinner, keeping her cool without a hint of mischief showing on her face...

Jasmine: I see...

With a slick move, he pushed himself up from the ground, getting back in the game. Giving Lucy a sly grin, he casually grabbed the fallen flour package from the counter, shooting a glance at Jasmine on the sly...

Luka: Oh man, flee for your life! - He exclaimed dramatically - I refuse to own up to my clumsiness!

With Jasmine giving him a playful shove, Luka launched into his whole routine of feigning imbalance, making his way around the entire kitchen, conveniently edging closer to Lucy, of course...

Lucy: No! - She giggled, hopping off the chair - Run into Aunt Jass!

Jasmine: Actually, Aunt Jass could really use a comforting hug right about now - She said, following Luka and extending her arms towards Lucy - Can the Queen of Hugs grant me one?

Lucy: No, no Huggies! - She laughed, continuing to dart away - Mommy, rescue me!

Elena: You reap what you sow, sweetheart - I grinned, grabbing the towel - Just giving you fair warning, you'll be cleaning up that mess later.

And that's how the whole kitchen turned into chaos with Luka and Jasmine hot on Lucy's heels, scattering flour everywhere, until they bolted out of the kitchen, leaving me behind, smiling and shaking my head, completely powerless to stop the madness...

Elena: Here we go again, as always... - I sighed, turning to the sink to rinse my face off the floor - Kids get to have fun while mommy tackles all the chores.

And how do I feel here?

I've got some mixed vibes about being back. I mean, I definitely feel more at ease, safer than in Duskwood, with everything here running like a well-oiled machine. So, safety-wise, no complaints. But emotionally, I'm still kind of keeping my distance from it all...

What can I say? That house holds a ton of memories I poured months into, and I can't deny that. It was where, for the first time, I felt like I had found my place, a spot I could see myself living in forever, finally feeling at home after years of searching...

But here's the key word; was...

Because now, I'm not dwelling too much on the memories that once filled these walls. I'm not shutting them out entirely; they still flit through my mind, sparked by certain rooms or objects in the house. But I'm not actively summoning them either; I'm not just sitting around, lost in reveries, replaying scenes from the past over and over...

I'm just seeing my time here as a practical, temporary fix for the problem I've been dealing with since I returned. It's like crashing at someone else's place, like a hotel, especially since I'll be bunking in the guest room anyway...

No emotional ties, no sentimentality, no dwelling on "what ifs" and "what used to be"...

Just living in the moment, seizing the chance to stay in a safe spot close to my family...

Turning off the faucet, I could finally feel the flour mask peeling away from my face. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped it clean, feeling refreshed...

Dabbing the paper on my face to dry off, I spun around and headed back to the kitchen island, ready to wrap up Lucy's cake. But just as I was getting into it, the buzz in my pocket stole my focus...

Elena: Elena's phone - I said, holding it to my ear without checking the caller ID - Whatever it is, make it quick. I'm knee-deep in a baking battle.

Voice: This time you didn't delete my number? That's a win.

Caught off guard by the familiar chuckle of an older man, I narrowed my eyes and shifted my phone away from my ear to sneak a quick glance at the caller ID. All the while, I delicately patted the paper towel over my face with my other hand...

Elena: Well... - I grinned, bringing my phone back to my ear - You never know when you might need a favor from a high-ranking university bigwig.

Yup, would you look at that? The caller is none other than Adam Perry, Mr. Rector of Harvard University...

Adam: I have to admit, you've got a knack for finding your groove in life. Installing your puppet in the president's chair, making the FBI head your dad, and now getting a personal call from the Harvard Rector with an exclusive offer? What's next, joining the Royal Family in England?

Elena: Nah, I don't think so - I licked the spoon again - Prince William's married, too old, and lacking in the hair department. Prince Harry's done with the royalty, so he's useless to me. Prince George could be an option, but he's still too young to be in the running.

Adam: He might be too young for you, but he's a perfect fit for your little one, setting you up for potential Queen Mother status down the line.

Elena: There's not a guy on this planet worthy enough for me to let Lucy fall into his arms - I reached for the cream again - Plus, Lucy doesn't need any Prince Charming; she's a superhero per se.

Adam: Oh, my dear Elena... - He chuckled once more - I'm already wishing you luck for when Lucy hits her teenage fever.

Elena: No worries, I've got my tricks to keep her in check - I lounged against the kitchen island, indulging in the cream - But getting back to my master plan for world domination, you mentioned an offer, right?

Adam: Indeed... - I could almost feel his nod, even though he was out of sight - You know, I had planned to make that offer in person, while handing you your PhD diploma, but I figured I'd give you a heads up to mull it over beforehand and...

Elena: PhD? - I nearly choked - I've been gone for months, but starting a PhD program in Chile is definitely not something I remember signing up for.

Adam: No need for that - I shook my head, reaching for my water - The thing is, the entire university faculty has been acquainted with your comprehensive scientific work throughout your master's program. We had discussions, votes, debates, and legal considerations, and a few months back, we concluded that your research surpasses the requirements for a master's degree, meeting the standards for a PhD. Moreover, your extensive work on domestic violence aligns perfectly with the requirements for a PhD thesis. So, in essence, you've already earned your diploma, Elena.

Elena: Adam, be for real, you've got to be kidding me right now.

Adam: Nope...

Turning back to the sink once more, I rested my free hand on the surface of the island, keeping an ear out for any hint of a prank or trap in his tone or manner of speaking...

Adam: Truth to be told, your diploma has been ready for you to pick up for several months now.

Elena: Adam, I don't think I deserve a PhD - I said, lifting my head and shaking it as I gazed out the window - A couple of extra articles and projects won't magically grant me a higher degree without attending a PhD program.

Adam: If so, why not take a trip to Boston and face the academic board yourself? Question their decision and present enough evidence to prove you don't actually deserve a PhD - He smirked - Treat it like your very own thesis defense.

Elena: No, Adam... - I shook my head again - I can't. That wouldn't be fair. I...

Adam: Elena, don't worry about a thing - He reassured me - The decision was made by a team of specialists and verified by the entire board of authorities. We also considered your accomplishments in detective work, especially your role in the Mr. Harris case trial, as well as your work as a lawyer in the case against Miss Danford and Miss West. If anyone deserves to receive their PhD diploma, it's you, and it will be a great pleasure to hand it over to you.

I clamped my lips shut...

Well, I won't deny that at the outset of my academic journey, I harbored ambitions of pursuing a doctoral program and earning my own PhD someday. But life had its own plans, and I found myself forced to flee shortly after completing my Master's Degree. I came to terms with it, and eventually, I just let life take its course, moving forward at its own pace...

However, after the initial shock wore off, I began to approach it more logically; I started to consider all the articles I've written, the scientific projects I've been involved in, and those I've personally led from inception to completion. I recalled all the social initiatives and public presentations I've delivered, sometimes in front of thousands of people. And I remembered the hard work I've put in not only for my regular coursework but also for my personal, additional research endeavors, building my own scientific portfolio along the way...

And I can say with confidence that throughout my academic journey, I've done far more than "just a bit extra" than what was required. And if the academic committee of authorities sees fit to honor my work with this degree, it's a clear indication that my efforts were indeed worthy of such recognition...

Elena: Well, I won't deny you caught me off guard a bit - I chuckled, scratching my head - But in a good way. If that's the decision of the authorities, I'm more than honored to pick up my diploma.

Adam: And here I am, not even getting to the main reason I'm calling you - He chuckled.

Elena: Have mercy, Adam - I said, touching my forehead - What now?

Adam: Like I mentioned, I wanted to offer you this on the day of handing you your diploma, but I figured an earlier call would be a better option, giving you a bit more time to mull everything over.

Elena: What now? Are you stepping down from the boss chair and looking for a successor? - I smirked, feeling a bit puzzled.

Adam: Nah, I still feel comfortable enough to hold onto this seat for a little while longer - He chuckled - Besides, I'll spare you the hassle of dealing with likes and cooperation deals with another Rector, which would eat up some of your time.

Elena: So, what ace do you have up your sleeve this time?

Adam: A job offer - I said, my eyes narrowing at the news - As you might know, we've been through quite a bit of trouble recently. First with Liam's issue, and then all the controversy surrounding Carter's death. Besides, I've also noticed the staff at our old man's place is a bit...

Elena: ...Tighter than Liam's grip when he was smashing my face?

Adam: You really went in guns blazing - He chuckled, taken aback - But yeah, we've got a bunch of new, young lecturers on the team. Still, we need some fresh faces to keep up with the ever-changing world. And here's the kicker; after your lecture, the students were over the moon. When we ran our satisfaction surveys at the end of the year, there were heaps of comments about how they want more of what you brought to the table for Harvard's development. So, I'd like to offer you the job as the criminal law lecturer starting next academic year.

Elena: Isn't that chair a bit cursed, though? - I chuckled.

Adam: Sure, it might have a touch of bad luck, but with your talent, I think you'd banish that curse in no time.

Elena: Your offer's definitely tempting, gotta admit - I said, stirring the spoon slowly through the mix - But it's a bit of a stretch for me with my life here in Los Angeles.

Adam: Oh, don't worry - He chuckled again - I'm dead set on having you on our team for the long haul. It's not just the job offer; I've got accommodation sorted for you too.

Elena: Living in a dorm with a seven-year-old girl and rowdy students next door could be a bit of a headache. My main concern would actually be for those poor students, because Lucy wouldn't go easy on them, that's for sure.

Adam: No, I wasn't referring to a flat in the dormitory. Here's the deal; my son's off to Australia, leaving his house vacant so you'd have the chance to live there. It's close to Harvard, making your commute a breeze. Plus, there are heaps of kindergartens and schools nearby where you could enroll Lucy.

Elena: Looks like you've got all your ducks in a row to make it hard for me to say no.

Adam: As I mentioned, I'm pretty determined.

Elena: As much as this offer's pulling me in, I'd have accepted that, but a few years ago - I sighed - I'm sorry, Adam, but taking this would mean uprooting to the other side of the continent. My whole family and all my friends are here in Los Angeles, and being in Boston would leave me feeling pretty isolated. But what really gets to me is Lucy. She wouldn't cope with being permanently separated from her family here.

Adam: I've considered all that too, which is why I wanted to give you a heads-up about the offer ahead of time. Gives you a chance to mull it over, maybe talk with someone about it - He said, his voice calm and smiling - But personally, I'd like you to see this offer not as something that isolates you, but as a chance for a fresh beginning.

Elena: What do you mean?

Adam: You, embarking on a fresh start, far from any threats - I lifted my head, fully focused - Think about this; in Los Angeles, you're surrounded by danger from every angle, and so is Lucy. You're constantly connected to crime cases, even if you're not actively involved. There, you're always in the crosshairs of paparazzi, villains, and your enemies. But here, I'm offering you a ticket to begin anew. Tell me, who would even think to put a regular university lecturer in harm's way?

Elena: Well, I suppose I wouldn't exactly be just a regular university lecturer, anyhow.

Adam: Sure, there might be a media frenzy at first when they catch wind of you moving to Boston and joining Harvard's team - He smirked - But let's face it, the media's attention span is shorter than a senior with Alzheimer's. There'll be a noise for a bit, then they'll move on to the next big thing, giving you some peace and quiet. Unlike Los Angeles, where the media is constantly fueled by drama, theories, and conspiracies because it's the epicenter of show business. If you make the break from LA, you could not only secure a peaceful life for yourself but also for Lucy.

Elena: Adam, what matters to me more than anything in this world is Lucy - I shook my head - Another separation from her family and friends here would be too much for her to handle. She's only just returned, and I promised her we wouldn't leave again. I can't keep messing with her emotions and trust like that.

Adam: You wouldn't be cutting contacts like you did months ago when you went off to Chile, leaving everyone behind, because you and Lucy would still be in touch with everyone - He continued - Lucy is the child, and naturally, she's going to approach this emotionally, but you're the mother, Elena. Goodbyes are always tough, and I get your doubts, but if it means ensuring your and Lucy's safety and a peaceful life, I think it's worth considering.

Elena: Thanks for the offer, Adam, and I genuinely appreciate all your efforts to set everything up for me in Boston - I said with a forced smile, touching my forehead - But I don't think it's the right move. As I mentioned, another separation would be too hard, and I have to consider Lucy's feelings above all else.

Adam: Above everything else, you should prioritize your and your daughter's safety and shield her from any potential danger, even those beyond your control, like your father's profession - He said calmly - But it's okay, I didn't expect you to jump for joy right off the bat and I understand you need some more time to think about it. That's why I'd like to hear your final decision at the beginning of October, when I'll be handing you your diploma.

Elena: Well, it's still a ways off - I glanced at the nearby calendar - But I doubt much will change in the meantime.

Adam: Things can flip on their head in a matter of hours, let alone weeks - He chuckled - Handing you that free ticket to kickstart your new life, far from drama, danger, backstabbers, villains, love soap-operas and workplace woes, would be my greatest pleasure. But above all, giving you a protective shield after all you and your daughter have been through is something you truly deserve. You deserve to get your peace, safety, and comfort back, Elena.

Elena: Fuck you and your manipulative tricks - I chuckled.

Adam: My pleasure - He chuckled - See you soon, Elena.

Elena: See you soon, Adam.

I wrapped up the call, shifted my phone aside, and let out a sigh before gently running my hands over my weary face...

Well, that call totally blindsided me. I never expected to hear about getting my PhD, but being offered a lecturer chair? That's next-level unexpected...

Sure, snagging my higher degree definitely amps up my self-esteem, but kicking off my career as a lecturer in Boston? That's a whole new ball game...

The wildest part? Adam's dead set on convincing me to take his offer, and truth be told, his points aren't too far off truth in the end...

Sure, the headlines might explode when I make the move to Boston and kickstart my career, but eventually, the media will tire of the story. Let's face it, the life of a mundane lecturer won't exactly be tabloid fodder. Life will be buzzing here in Los Angeles, while in Boston, I'll be focusing on myself and Lucy, away from the spotlight, the drama, and the danger...

In LA, it's like I'll always be under someone's microscope; it's the paparazzi capital, after all. If I'm not grabbing attention as an ex-detective, they'll peg me as Anthony Gomez's daughter, Liam's ex, or Jake's ex. There's always some angle for them to spin articles about me, lurking to snap a photo of me or Lucy. Peace? Forget about it. We'll never catch a break here, no matter how hard we try...

Boston ain't exactly small city either, but compared to LA, it's a whole lot calmer. Sure, there might be a flurry of articles at first, but without much drama to fuel the fire, the attention will dwindle over time. In a few months, I'll likely be able to give Lucy the life she truly deserves—peace, quiet, and safety...

And that's my priority; her safety and happiness...

Safety; something Boston can provide...

Happiness; something Los Angeles can offer, with all the people we both love right here...

Elena: Bloody fantastic - I muttered angrily, shifting my gaze to the side - And everything was supposed to be easier...

A S  T H E  E V E N I N G  D U S K  S E T T L E S
in, casting a warm glow from the lit windows of nearby houses, three figures emerge in the middle of the street, blending into the shadows as they wander about...

Jake: Achoo!

His thunderous sneeze reverberated down the entire street, amplified by his forward lurch, adding extra oomph to the blast...

Jake: I sneezed.

Nick: Thanks for the info - He replied icily, continuing to stride forward and scanning the surroundings.

Jake: And where did your British and noble-blood manners vanish off to?

Nick: They've jetted off to the same destination as your dignity; far, far away with no intention of returning.

Ezra: Alright, I'm sick of it - He halted, hands on hips - I'm giving up. I will simply tell Emery about the cat's escape, fuck it.

Jake: Ah, sucks you didn't wanna heed my advice before diving into that chase! - He groaned, hands outstretched - Fuck it, I've already wasted the whole day, so I'll track down that fucking cat even if I gotta clone it outta thin air.

Ezra: Leave it, I'll figure something out - He rolled his eyes - I'll bend over backwards, offer to catch another cat, buy her something, anything. If I give it my all, maybe she won't wanna tear my head off.

Jake: I didn't sprint like a moron all over town just to end up empty-handed - He muttered angrily, pointing ahead - This Whiskers' gonna haunt me for weeks, so we're not turning back until we catch it.

Nick: And how do you propose we find it now, huh? - He ran his hands through his face and hair - The delivery truck left hours ago, and it's nowhere to be found!

Jake: It couldn't just vanish into thin air - He shrugged - It's gotta be somewhere.

Nick: Can't you just... - He waved his hand dismissively - I don't know, find a similar-looking cat and swap it out?

Ezra: Emery's the expert at snagging stray cats off the streets and bringing them home, not me.

Nick: Maybe there's a cat at the shelter that looks similar?

Ezra: But there are two problems here - He raised his hand, ready to count on his fingers - First, just like parents can tell apart identical twins, Emery would immediately notice if we swapped the cat, even if it was a copycat. Second, I've never lied to her before, and I'm not about to start now.

Jake: Yeah, sure - He smirked sarcastically - Watch me believing you spilled your entire life story before bolting from London at your first meeting with her.

Ezra: I didn't spill my entire backstory right off the bat, that's true. But from the get-go, she knew I had a rough past I wasn't ready to discuss, and she respected that, waiting for me to open up when I was ready...

He strides purposefully toward Jake, who stands with arms crossed, shooting Ezra a narrowed, focused stare...

Ezra: And while you've been spinning tales to Elena since day one, painting yourself as the perfect boyfriend and hiding your past shadows, I laid it all bare to Emery right from the start. No masks, no lies, no excuses, no melodrama, just me at my lowest, and she stood by me through it all.

Standing toe to toe with Jake, they lock eyes, neither one showing a hint of backing down or flinching...

Ezra: Never, and I mean never, have I ever done anything to hurt Emery. Quite the opposite, I kept her at arm's length until I was absolutely sure I was healed enough to return to her and carry our relationship without risking causing her pain, like you did with Elena - He emphasized, pointing at him - And that's the key difference between us, Danford.

Jake: What? - He smirked sarcastically - That you've been playing the grump in front of Emery all along while I've been trying to bring a little happiness into Elena's life?

Ezra: That I've truly loved Emery from the beginning, while you've been serving Elena nothing but illusions of love. That's the real difference here.

As Ezra dropped those words, Jake's grin slowly vanished, Ezra throwing them out there without missing a beat, locking eyes with Jake the whole time...

Jake's jaw tightened, his facial muscles flexing, yet he stood his ground, refusing to back down, frustration and anger simmering in his eyes...

After a brief pause, Ezra eventually sidestepped past Jake. But just as he attempted to glance around the street, Jake swiftly reached out, seizing Ezra's arm with a firm grip. Without shifting his gaze, Jake adjusted his stance, maintaining his focus ahead while Ezra now stood at his side...

Jake: While you were twiddling your thumbs, expecting Emery to sort out all your problems with yourself, I didn't sit back and wait for Elena to fix things for me. I took charge and sorted them out myself, all for her.

With a sudden twist of his head, Jake's furious, unwavering gaze bore into Ezra's eyes once more, radiating determination and confidence...

Jake: That's the real difference here, Louis - He emphasised firmly, getting closer to Ezra - Dare to utter those words again, questioning my love for Elena one more time, and I can turn your life into a living nightmare, worse than anything you experienced back in London.

Ezra: And that's the only thing you can do; turning people's lives into nightmares - He snapped back, pulling his arm away - Nothing's changed, Danford. You're still the same shitty, hollow, selfish, self-absorbed, shallow person you were eight years ago.

Jake: You're so hung up on the statement that I know nothing about my sister, right? - He scoffed sarcastically - Fine, keep it coming, throw your worst at me, dredge up every piece of dirt from my past. But the thing is, you don't know a damn thing about me either, and you won't until I say so.

Ezra: I call it like I see it, and all I see is the same conniving manipulator and liar who only cares about himself.

Jake: Eyes only see illusions - He remarked, casting a critical glance at Ezra - The illusions I want you to see.

As he finally breezed past Ezra, Jake jabbed his shoulder, causing Ezra to jolt slightly, while Jake sauntered off into the dimly lit street...

Meanwhile, Nick hung back, quietly observing Jake with a focused expression from the background...

Elena: Thank you...

Her voice, tinged with a smile from afar, caused all three men to freeze in their tracks, instantly glancing around to pinpoint the source...

Delivery man: No problem, that's what I'm here for - He chuckled - I trust everything's alright with that order?

Finally, turning their heads to the side, the boys faced the unfolding scene by Elena and Jake's house gate. There, on the pavement ahead, Elena stood receiving a small box from the delivery man, signing something as he lingered by her side next to the open delivery truck...

Open delivery truck; from which jumped a small lost cat out, stretching and yawning on the road, as if it had just finished a very comfortable nap...

Elena&Jake - Everything looks perfect with the order - She smiled, sneaking a peek inside the box, while Jake kept his eyes fixed on the cat.

Unaware, Elena handed the signed pickup paper back to the delivery man, while the cat sauntered carelessly past the main gate and slipped through her feet into the property...

As Ezra and Nick slowly approached Jake, their eyes fixed on the unfolding scene, Jake kept his gaze on the cat darting deeper into the property, disappearing into the garden space behind the house...

Jake: We'll catch it from the back - He nodded, sidestepping - Let's go.

Ezra: I wonder what's gonna go wrong this time - He sighed, trailing after Jake.

Jake: It's on my territory now, so it doesn't stand a chance - He smirked, glancing at Nick - Hey, Mr. CIA, looks like not only the cat was caught in my spot, right?

Nick: I've already warned you once, Danford - He muttered, walking alongside Jake - I don't know what you're scheming, but I've got my eye on you.

Jake: Fine with me, just don't get too much in love.

With careful, quiet, and deliberate steps, Nick, Ezra, and Jake made their way to the curve of the street, all the while keeping an eye on Elena as she continued conversing with the delivery man, expressing her gratitude for the delivery...

As they drew closer to the gate area, they observed the man nodding to Elena and offering her a final smile before turning to prepare everything to drive away...

Nick: Fucking shit... - He gasped, his gaze lifting to the house above - Is that a house or freaking hotel?

Jake: Enough rooms to fit every one of Elena's moods - He smirked - I never do anything halfway.

Stepping up to the gate, the three of them grabbed onto the railings, scanning the area of the house's garden...

Nick: Here - He nodded ahead.

Ezra and Jake turned their attention in that direction, spotting the cat stretching against the tree bark, sharpening its claws until it eventually decided to climb it up...

Ezra: So, what's the crazy sneaky plan now?

Jake: You've already killed my mood, so I'm not into fun anymore - He grumbled, digging into his pocket and eventually pulling out the keys - And I'm already fed up with that Whiskers.

Peeping at the bunch of keys, he casually flipped through them, strolling leisurely towards the gate, where the door was slyly tucked away. It wasn't obvious at first glance, smoothly melding into the gate and its surroundings, giving no hint that there was another way into the house...

Nick: And why does someone letting Elena stay at their place need the keys for themselves too? - He shot Jake a skeptical look.

Jake: In case she needs a plumber or some other handyman pronto.

Sliding the key into the lock, he breezed through the gate without any fuss, crossing the threshold and stepping onto his property like it was second nature...

Jake: A-a-a... - He pivoted, halting Ezra and Nick in their tracks - One stray on my property is enough.

Ezra: You've already fucked up two situations before, and now you're gonna let this occasion slip away again?

Jake: Don't worry, I'm the king of this domain - He smirked, swinging the gate closed in front of them - Once upon a time, I let some stinky cat wander around unchecked, but now the lion's back, keeping a close watch on everything that's his.

Nailing it with Nick, he spun on his heel, hands sliding into his pockets as he ventured deeper into the garden, casually scanning the surroundings and whistling a soft tune...

Ezra: He's not gonna to give up that easily... - He sighed - Is he?

Nick: Nope - He raised his eyebrows, exhaling in exhaustion - I have a feeling he hasn't even started yet.

Meanwhile, Jake kept on his path towards the tree, constantly glancing around, particularly at the houses with lights shining from within, making sure to fly under the radar...

Seizing the chance to blend into the shadows, he stole a few quick glances inside, catching sight of Lucy through the glassy wall...

Lounging on the couch, she remained completely absorbed in playing with the ponies Jake had given her, her face radiating with happiness, joy, and a constant stream of smiles and laughter. Despite the closed doors, it was effortless to envision her infectious giggles echoing from within...

Witnessing that scene, Jake couldn't resist. He paused, facing the house directly now, his gaze fixed on Lucy; a gentle smile graced his lips, his face reflecting an array of unbreakable emotions...

Jake: Happy Birthday, Little One.

As Jake murmured almost silently, a shift seemed to occur within the house. Abruptly, Lucy's expression transformed into one of curiosity, her eyes narrowing slightly as she paused her pony play and lifted her head to peer through the glassy wall towards the outside...

Her gaze felt like it could pierce straight through Jake, yet she remained oblivious to his presence, unable to spot him amidst the deep darkness, especially with him clad in black clothing...

Yet, despite the darkness and Jake's stealth, she couldn't shake the sensation of someone's presence, a subtle awareness of being watched lingering in the air...

Jake: Curious, determined intuition-follower - He chuckled, shaking his head while watching Lucy scan her surroundings - Learned perfectly from mommy.

After a prolonged moment of Lucy's fruitless scanning, she redirected her gaze to the ponies, but with cautious skepticism still evident in her eyes, as if her earlier scrutiny hadn't eased her unease at all...

Jake: We will see each other again, I promise - He whispered one last time.

Releasing a somber sigh, he reluctantly tore his gaze away from Lucy, turning his head to the side as he resumed his steps towards the tree, his eyes scanning upwards in search of the cat...

Jake: There you are, little troublemaker - He smirked, eyeing the cat perched on the branch - Having fun watching my misfortune today?

Letting out a gentle meow, the cat rose and stretched once more, but its next move was a swift leap upward, refusing to let Jake win that easily...

Jake: You have no clue who you're challenging, little guy - He rolled up his sleeves - I'm here with nine more lives to spare.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jake leaped for the branch, clutching it tightly as he effortlessly began his ascent up the tree, following the cat's lead...

────────── ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ──────────

Ezra: Fuck... - Grumbling under his breath, he glanced at his screen...

Nick: What? - He tore his gaze from Jake's ascent up the tree and shifted his attention to Ezra.

Ezra: Emery's calling again - He ran his hand over his face - She's gonna murder me.

Nick: Go ahead, Ezra - He motioned towards the phone - You can't avoid it forever. I'm sure she's sick worried about you.

Ezra: I know - He sighed, nodding - Man, believe me, sometimes Emery can scare me more than our own father ever did.

Nick couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, while Ezra took a deep breath and casually swiped his screen to accept the call. With a deliberate motion, he brought the phone to his ear, wincing slightly and hunching his shoulders like a dog that had just been scolded...

Ezra: Hello? - He asked with a hint of suspicion. 

Emery: Where are you?

Her tone was firm, cold, serious, and utterly devoid of emotion, sending a chill down Ezra's spine so intense it felt like it could slice through steel, prompting him to swallow hard in stress...

Ezra: Hey there, baby girl - He smirked nervously, attempting to play it cool - How...

Emery: Ezra Louis, I asked you a question - Her tone stayed firm, sending another shiver down Ezra's spine - Where. Are. You?

Ezra: Listen, I'm really, really, really sorry for not giving you a heads-up, alright? - He scrambled to salvage the situation - I know I was supposed to be home, but there was... an incident.

Emery: An incident.

Ezra: Yeah, an unforeseen incident, to be more precise - He nodded - Something just slipped out of my control, and now I'm trying to regain control of the situation.

Emery: Quite a serious situation since you were ghosting me the entire day, giving not a trace of life, and didn't even think about sending the smallest "I'm out."

Ezra: I fucked up, no doubt, but trust me, I was so caught up in this situation that I didn't even have a chance to grab my phone and shoot you a message that I'm out.

Emery: Alright, I'm all ears. What kinda last-minute mess are we talking about here?

Ezra: Well, here's the deal... - He slid his phone aside, sneaking a glance at the screen - My phone's about to die.

Emery: Come on, Ezra, when did we start lying-playing games with each other? - She sighed, disappointment evident in her voice.

Ezra: Emery, you know I'd never lie to you - He ran his hand over his face - I've got this unexpected mess to sort, and after a whole day of tackling it, my battery's on its deathbed.

But then, Nick casually rolled his eyes and brushed it off, snagging Ezra's phone and throwing Emery on speaker...

Nick: Rest assured, he's all good, steering clear of any shady deals that might ruffle your feathers, Em - He flashed a reassuring smile.

Emery: So, you're hanging with Nick, right?

Nick: Yeah, sorry for kidnapping him for the whole day - He didn't utter - But we're almost there, so I'll escort the damsel in distress home soon.

Emery: And what are you two busy with?

Nick: Think of it like a CIA special operation - He smirked - Which also means it's classified until further notice.

Emery: Well, let Ezra know not to be shocked if the front door to the house is also on lockdown until further notice.

Ezra: Hold on - He snatched the phone from Nick's grasp - You're back home?

Emery: Yep, unlike you, nowhere to be found when you're supposed to be around.

Ezra: And... - He began cautiously. - Didn't you happen to notice anything... weird?

Emery: Well, there's actually one more thing that I'm going to rip your head off for, Ezra - She sighed - It's about Furrball, and I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Ezra: Fuck, let me explain...

Emery: Look, you can go gallivanting off to another state for all I care, but give me a heads-up next time. You know Furrball has to stay on schedule with his vet-prescribed meds - She stressed firmly - I barely made it back in time to give him his dose, and if I hadn't, we'd be restarting his whole inflammation treatment from the start.

Ezra: What? - He squinted - What are you talking about?

Emery: That Furrball just battled through cat flu and now he needs his meds on the regular? - She blended confusion with frustration - Don't act like you forgot, considering you're usually the one dishing them out.

Ezra: I know that he has to take those pills, but... - He shook his head, bewildered - Wait, Furrball's with you?

Emery: Yeah, finally got the little guy snoozing on my lap after I had to play peacekeeper between him, Thunderpaw, and Muff, all wound up from being left high and dry without food or treats all darn day - She grumbled with frustration - My head's already pounding from their non-stop meowing.

Upon hearing that, Ezra and Nick instantly raised their heads, locking eyes with widened and shocked expressions meeting...

Nick: If your cat is home, then...

In synchronized motion, they gradually turned their heads to the side, directing their faces and gazes towards Jake, who was already perched in the tree...

Emery: Well, obviously my cat's at home. Where else would it be? - She sounded perplexed once more - I'd never risk any of my pets wandering off outside and getting lost again.

As Emery's words echoed through the phone, Ezra and Nick's attention was captured by the soft light illuminating the darkness outside...

Peering through, they noticed the door of the house had opened, revealing people strolling into the garden...

────────── ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ──────────

Jake: Gotcha, Gatinho...

With a swift motion, Jake reached out and snatched the tiny kitten into his hands, already perched on a branch in the midst of the towering tree...

Jake: Hey there, little Whiskers - He grinned, bringing the cat closer to his face - Feeling as lonesome as I am?

In response, the cat didn't resist Jake's tight hold; instead, it softly meowed and squinted its tired eyes, emitting a gentle purr as it yawned...

Jake: Oh, I believe you're tired - He chuckled, cradling the cat against his chest and giving it a gentle stroke - I'll be catching up on all that lost sleep from chasing after you for the next three days.

Without missing a step, the cat leaned into Jake, rubbing its head against his chest with gusto, purring even louder, clearly savoring the moment of closeness that made Jake chuckle once more..

Clutching the branch with his spare hand, Jake glanced downward to assess the situation for his tree-bound escape plan. But just as he was about to act, he jerked his head upward, something grabbing his attention...

Jake: You've got to be shitting me.

In a mix of shock and frustration, he sucked in a breath and whipped his head to the side, peering through the foliage. Beyond the leaves and branches, a beam of light illuminated the grass and patio in the backyard of the house...

And within that glow from indoors, shadows of figures moved about, adding an eerie dimension to the scene...

Jasmine: Yeah, I think it's a smarter move to light those candles outdoors, especially with Luka lurking around - She chuckled - Calling the fire department on top of everything that's happened today would just be too much to handle.

Luka: A birthday without the fire department or police sirens is hardly a birthday - He emphasized.

Jake: What about the ambulance sirens? - He muttered angrily, eyeing Luka.

Jasmine: Elena? Need a hand?

Elena: Nah, I'm good - Her voice carried a smile - Just let me know where you want to blow out your cake's candles, Lucy.

Lucy: Hm...

Through the branches, Jake caught sight of Jasmine and Luka making their way toward the center of the backyard, scanning their surroundings, likely scouting for the perfect spot for the birthday bash. Luka's hold on Elena's phone, sweeping it around, hinted that he was on the lookout for a photo-worthy location...

Jake: Do not you even think...

Luka: Here! - Grinning, he gestured toward a spot near the tree - Here's the perfect light.

Jasmine: You, candles, fire, and a tree... - She chuckled, eyeing the tree - That's a recipe for trouble that only the fire brigade can handle.

Luka: And where disadvantages? - He shrugged, moving towards the tree - Just think of it as an extra candle for Lucy to blow out.

Positioned by the tree, Luka continuously adjusted his phone, seeking the perfect angle for the photo, completely oblivious to Jake's presence directly above him...

Jake: What do you think... - He whispered to the cat - Wrapping my belt around his throat, hanging him up on the tree, and turning him into a piñata. How terrible of an idea is that?

Lucy: Mommy, here! - She giggled - I want to blow out the candles by the tree.

Elena: Your wish is my command, sweetheart.

Shifting his gaze from the cat, Jake glanced sideways, peering through the foliage, and finally clocked two more figures making their way towards the spot...

Here, on her path, approached Elena, clad in unexpectedly comfortable attire—a black oversized t-shirt paired with shorts—quite different from her usual style. At her feet, comfortable sneakers adorned her ensemble...

Glancing upwards to her head and face, one could observe her bare, freshly cleaned face devoid of makeup, showcasing her natural soft skin and a wide, genuine smile; her blonde curls were gathered in a messy bun, with stray hairs dancing chaotically around her...

With one hand gracefully balancing a plate adorned with a beautiful, adorable cake, the other hand tenderly clasps Lucy's hand as she leads her towards the tree...

With Jake sporting his usual cocky grin, oozing confidence and ease, things took a turn when he caught sight of Elena through the foliage. His cat-petting action slowed to a halt, and that smirk of his gradually faded away...

He couldn't tear his gaze away, fixated on her beaming face and the laughter dancing in the air as Lucy tackled the candle-blowing mission. His lips parted slightly, like he was about to speak, but all that escaped was a quiet, soundless sigh...

Elena: And, of course, thanks to your shenanigans before our little private party, we're going to be fashionably late for the official one with everyone else, since I'll need to start from scratch with my preparation - She shot Luka an annoyed glance - You'll be doing the explaining for our tardiness.

Luka: For me, you could just go out like this - He shrugged, giving Elena a once-over - You're a total hottie, even without all the fancy wrapping paper, almost as hot as me.

Elena: You've been buttering me up lately - She smirked sarcastically, turning to Jasmine - Go ahead and light up those candles.

Jasmine: I'll happily adorn that masterpiece - She smiled proudly, striking a match to light the candles - No store-bought cake can hold a candle to this work of art.

As Elena held her position, lifting the cake plate a tad higher for Jasmine to light the candles, her other hand remained preoccupied with Lucy, who was eagerly eyeing the cake and anxiously waiting to blow out the candles...

Meanwhile, Jake couldn't take his eyes off her, utterly amazed, until a gentle smile spread across his lips, a smile brimming with emotions, signaling his heart melting at the sight...

Elena: Alright, sweetheart...

With Jasmine lighting the final, seventh candle, Elena bent down beside Lucy, lowering the cake plate to match Lucy's eye level...

Elena: It's time to brainstorm some wish.

Lucy: A wish? - She shot Elena a questioning glance.

Luka: You don't know birthday wishes?

Lucy: I've never had birthday before - She shook her head - Until I met Mommy, I didn't even know what a birthday was. The first time I ever got a birthday present was from Mommy and Uncle Eric, those earrings they gave me a year ago. I've never had a birthday cake, never got presents, and never had a birthday party.

Upon hearing that, Luka and Jasmine's expressions fell, sadness clouding their faces, their hearts stung by Lucy's admission of never having celebrated a birthday while under Sarah's care...

On the flip side, Elena and Jake's expressions shifted instantly, their features contorted with anger and frustration, not directed at Lucy, but at the realization that Sarah's neglect of her own daughter had subjected Lucy to immense hardship and loneliness before she found refuge under Jake's, and later, Elena's care...

Elena: Here's a thing... - She grinned, edging closer to Lucy - If you really, really want something and you blow out all the candles in one shot, your wish might just come true someday.

Lucy: Really? - Her expression shifted to one of intrigue and mild shock.

Elena: Really - She chuckled, nodding - But it's all on you, you have to put your whole self into blowing out those candles.

Lucy: And... - She tapped her chin thoughtfully - Can I wish for anything I want?

Elena: It's your special day and your wish, so you can wish for absolutely anything you want, sweetheart.

Luka: Just be careful what you're wishing for, kiddo - He chuckled - On my 29th birthday, I wished to finally catch the ultimate chance to spill the beans to Jasmine about my feelings, and let's just say the birthday spirits took it a tad too seriously.

Lucy: So... - She tapped her chin again, eyes fixed on the candles - I can wish for anything, anything? I mean, anything in the whole wide world?

Elena: Anything, anything.

Lucy: Alrighty then - She grinned widely, gearing up to blow out the candles - I've got my wish.

Elena: Okay, just make sure to give it your all with that wish.

With a nod, Lucy closed her eyes tightly, began rubbing her temples, and muttered under her breath in deep concentration, pouring all her energy into making her wish a reality...

A soft chuckle rippled among the adults, amused by Lucy's earnestness. Luka and Jasmine sidestepped, positioning the phone's camera to capture Elena and Lucy in the moment...

Luka: C'mon, don't be shy, Mama - He chuckled - Say "Luka's The King" to the camera with a big smile.

Caught off guard, Elena couldn't help but let out a soft, slightly louder chuckle, drawing Jake's complete attention as he couldn't contain his smile while looking at her...

But suddenly, that smile vanished in an instant as a strange sound caught Jake's ears, causing him to freeze in place...

The sound of a soft crack...

Only able to shift his gaze sideways, he noticed the branch he was sitting on beginning to crack softly near the tree bark area...

Appearing resigned and accustomed to fate's whims, he simply closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and awaited whatever was about to happen, as if he had already surrendered to the inevitability of the situation...

Jake: Buckle up, Whiskers - He whispered to the cat - And get ready for a bumpy landing.

Just as Lucy began to exhale to blow out the candles, the branch snapped completely, sending Jake tumbling down behind Elena and Lucy's backs, momentarily obscuring the scene as the camera flash filled the area...

Elena: What the...

With the flash of the camera subsiding, the scene came back into focus, revealing all the candles successfully blown out on the cake. Elena swiftly moved to the side, pulling Lucy along with her, as they both turned towards the source of the ominous sound...

There, right behind her, sprawled on his back on the grass, lay Jake, coughing from the impact but managing a nervous smile nonetheless...

Jake: Anyone called the fire department? - He attempted to play it cool.

Lucy: You weren't joking, Uncle Luka - She gasped in shock, her hands flying to cover her mouth as she spotted Jake - It seriously works expressly.

Luka: Well... - He chuckled nervously glancing at the photo with Elena, Lucy, and Jake falling in the background - At least we've got a pic shouting "10 seconds before disaster."

Elena: What... - She carefully placed the plate with the cake on the small garden table nearby, taking a step closer to Jake as - Are you doing here?

Meanwhile, Luka and Jasmine's faces registered sheer shock at the sight of Jake. The sound of vibration and notification echoed around them, prompting Jasmine to nervously rummage through her pocket to find her phone...

Jake: Well...

With a nervous chuckle, he slowly pushed himself up from the grass, shifting into a sitting position, desperately searching for the right words to smoothly explain the situation, all the while, an enraged Elena steadily approached him...

Jasmine: Is Ezra drunk or something? - She sounded confused, glancing at her phone screen.

Luka: Why?

Shaking his head to snap back to reality, he glanced over at Jasmine's screen...

Luka: Maybe he got the numbers mixed up? - He shrugged - I mean, why else would he randomly text you, "That's not Emery's cat, it's some similar random"?

Jake: That's not...

Glancing up at Luka in a flash, he let the words sink in, feeling all eyes on him once more, sending a nervous darting gaze around until it dawned on him as Elena was standing right there in front of him...

Jake: Just dropping off the second part of the birthday girl's present.

With a casual remark, he flashed a nonchalant smile and smoothly rose to his feet, standing still...

Elena: A second part of the birthday girl's present - Repeating, she locked eyes with him, her expression and tone dripping with disbelief.

Jake: Precisely, that's the second part on top of the ponies.

Without missing a beat, he lifted his hands cradling the kitten, which emerged unscathed from the fall, thanks to Jake absorbing the brunt of the impact...

Elena: Cat.

With a firm remark, she flicked her eyes between the cat and Jake, her face a portrait of confusion...

Jake: Yep - He nodded casually, petting the cat - You know, if I recall correctly, I once promised the cat to Mommy too, am I right?

Stealthily glancing behind Elena, he shot Luka an angry glare, urging him wordlessly to take action and join the rescue effort...

Luka: Yeah, exactly! - He suddenly perked up, raising his finger and taking a step forward - Remember during Maria's case when you were investigating me and I spilled the tea about Jake's plan to bring the cat for you?

Elena: I mean... - She narrowed her eyes in even greater confusion - Yeah, I remember, but...

Jake: So, think of it as a "two for you" deal - He smiled, extending his hands with the cat.

Lucy: Jake?

Lucy's timid, hushed voice instantly hushed the crowd, causing Elena and Jake to pivot back. There stood Lucy, quietly observing the interaction between Elena and Jake...

Jake: Can I? - Facing Elena, his tone took on a calm and serious demeanor.

Elena: I mean...

With a powerless gesture, she touched her forehead and let out a deep sigh, her gaze shifting to Lucy, who remained unmoved; when Jake directed his question to Elena, Lucy just turned her eyes to her, waiting expectantly for her response...

Elena: Yeah... - Finally, she let out a sigh and nodded - You can.

Then Elena took a few steps backward, creating an open space between Jake and Lucy, with no barrier in sight...

Then, amidst the absolute silence, Jake and Lucy's eyes met once more. The tension was palpable, evident in the slight furrow of Jake's brow as he struggled to gather his thoughts to finally address Lucy...

Lucy remained unfazed, her gaze shifting from Elena to Jake, scrutinizing him from head to toe without so much as a flinch...

Jake: Since the universe seems to have a knack for flipping things around on me, I'll just roll with whatever chance it throws my way...

Taking a deep breath, he softened his smile and gradually crouched down, aligning his eyes perfectly with Lucy's...

Jake: Happy Birthday, Little One - Gently stroking the cat's head, he lifted it a little higher.

In complete silence, Lucy took her very first slow step forward, edging a bit closer to Jake, all the while observing him intently...

Jake: Listen, I totally get it if you're angry with me and don't want to talk, alright? - He sighed - A few months back, I said I was leaving, I said a goodbye, and I promised I'd never return. Now, here I am, popping up out of the blue, crashing your special, first-ever birthday moment, probably leaving you feeling all kinds of confused, but let me explain...

Just as Jake was about to continue his explanation, Lucy finally reached him, close enough to interrupt him with a strong hug. She embraced Jake's neck tightly, burying her face in his shoulder...

Lucy: I always knew you'd come back one day - She whispered.

Initially surprised, Jake finally let out a deep sigh of relief, slowly closing his eyes. Burying his face in Lucy's tiny shoulder, he reached out one hand, wrapping it around her to pull her closer and return the hug...

And as Luka and Jasmine couldn't contain themselves, the sight not only brought big, uncontrollable smiles to their faces, but even filled their eyes with tears...

However, Elena's reaction was starkly different; at the exact moment Lucy hugged Jake, Elena turned her head and fixed her gaze away from the scene, denying herself the chance to witness Jake and Lucy's reunion...

Lucy: Are you going to vanish again? - She asked hesitantly, pulling back from the hug.

Jake: No, Little One - He smiled, tucking Lucy's hair behind her ear with his free hand - You see, a few months back, I needed some time to sort out my thoughts, to come back stronger and ready for whatever comes my way.

Lucy: You left just like me and my mommy did?

Jake: Yes - He nodded - Back then, a lot of stuff went down, creating this massive, uncontrollable chaos around me; chaos I just knew I wasn't strong enough to handle at that moment.

Lucy: And, are you strong enough now?

Jake: I'm stronger than I've ever been, as you just witnessed - He nodded up - Even that fall from the tree felt more like a tickle.

Jake and Lucy shared a soft chuckle as Jake lifted the kitten closer to Lucy, his hand reaching out carefully...

Jake: Tell me... - He glanced at Lucy again - Do you still want to name your own cat "Kermit" like you once whispered to me in secret during one of our cartoon sessions when Sarah left you under my care?

Upon hearing that, Lucy's gaze swiftly shifted from the cat to Jake, her eyes widening in shock as her mouth gently parted in surprise...

Lucy: You...

Feeling a tad unsure about voicing the question nagging at her tongue, Lucy hesitated momentarily. But Jake, sensing her uncertainty, took charge of the situation, dispelling all her doubts, nodding his head...

Jake: Yes, Lucy - He chuckled - This time, I can finally admit that I remember our cartoon sessions and how I showed you various photos of your mom.

Lucy: Mr. Liam gave you back your memories?

Jake: You can tell I just reclaimed what was mine - He nodded - But my memories were just the very first things on my list to get back.

Lucy: So, what else do you want to get back?

Jake: And this time, let's keep it as my little secret - He winked, stroking the cat again - So, will you take care of it?

Lucy: Can I?

Nervously tapping her fingers together, much like she struggled to resist tearing into the earlier gift, she pressed her lips together and glanced sideways at Elena...

Elena: Well... - She took a deep breath, finally turning her head back to Lucy - A cat isn't just a toy, and I want you to understand the responsibility you want to take on.

Lucy: I know, and I'll take good care of it - She nodded - I'll be the perfect cat mommy, pinky promise.

Elena: And the second thing is... - She sighed, discreetly shooting Jake an annoyed glance - I don't want to hear any complaints about scratched furniture that belongs to the owner of the house.

Jake: I think someone here forgot that the house actually has two owners - He smirked, slowly rising to his feet - And the first one is cool with the cat roaming free, even if it means redoing the entire setup 'cause that furball's a tornado. So, the final decision is up to the main boss.

Their eyes met, Jake standing tall, still stroking the cat with pride, while Elena remained unwavering, her angry gaze piercing him without hesitation...

Jake: Oh, don't be such a grump and look at this little guy - He made puppy dog eyes, bringing the cat's head to his cheek - I mean, you wouldn't want this tiny, innocent, adorable ball of fur ending up out there on the cold, dangerous streets, would you? He's paw-solutely paw-some.

Luka: I promise, if any furniture gets scratched, I'll whip out Jake's card myself...

As Luka joined Jake and Lucy, he gently stroked the cat, adding to the effort of persuading Elena. He then reached out to touch the kitten's tiny paws, waving them in Elena's direction, all while flashing her a charming smile...

Luka: Feel free to send jerks under the bridge to beg, but at least have a heart for that little ray of sunshine.

Jasmine: Aw, just look at that cutie!

Jumping on Jake's team, Jasmine approached the cat with the enthusiasm of a kid, raising her voice a notch as she began to playfully interact with its ears...

Jasmine: Here he'll have warmth, love, and safety - She nodded toward the house - Otherwise, it's the rough, dangerous streets where he'll be all alone and freezing. And what if someone hurts him? You wanna have blood on your paws?

So there they were, Lucy, Jake, Jasmine, and Luka, shoulder to shoulder, casting pleading glances at Elena, the cat nestled between them. With all their charm on display, they were determined to sway her decision...

Meanwhile, Elena stood alone on the opposite side, arms crossed, gently rubbing her temple as her head tilted slightly. Despite her soft demeanor, her face betrayed her defenselessness against their collective charm...

Elena: Alright, fine - She rolled eyes to the side, then looks away - Cat can stay, but if there's any trouble, you're all on the hook for it.

Lucy: Thank you, thank you!

Bursting with excitement, she began to jump and clap, turning to Jake with wide eyes, extending her hands toward him...

With that, Jake, Jasmine, and Luka grinned in triumph, Jake then turned to Lucy and gently placed the cat in her hands, sealing their success with a smile...

Lucy: Thank you, Jake - She smiled brightly, instantly enveloping the cat in a warm hug.

Jake: You're welcome, Little One - He grinned warmly, running his fingers through Lucy's hair affectionately - I know you'll take good care of him.

Amidst the lingering silence, Luka and Jasmine shared a discreet glance, exchanging a single, subtle nod of understanding...

Luka: I bet the cat is absolutely starving - He smiled, approaching Lucy and picking her up - Probably just as hungry as I am. Plus, we've got to show him his new home.

Jasmine: And we still have that miraculous and delicious cake to finally dig into - She smiled, picking up the plate from the table - I'll take care of it.

Noticing Jasmine and Luka's swift departure, Jake shot them a piercing glare, his eyes following them as they hurried back to the house. The last thing he caught was Jasmine's smirk and Luka's wink, exchanged with him before they disappeared from view...

And just like that, in the blink of an eye, the garden scene transformed, leaving only Elena and Jake in its wake, surrounded by an uncomfortable silence...

Slipping his hands into his pockets, Jake drew in a deep breath before shifting his gaze to Elena, who remained at a distance, arms crossed and head turned away...

Jake: Thank you - He finally broke the silence - For letting me talk to her. That means a lot to me.

Elena: I didn't do it for you, but for her - She shrugged - Look, a few months back, I told you that all that matters to me is Lucy and her happiness, and that I'm not going to force her to forget about you or block you from her. However, it doesn't mean I'll let you mess with her thoughts and feelings.

Jake: You really think I'd mess with her thoughts and feelings? - He took a step closer to her.

Elena: Look, do whatever you want, okay? - She finally looked at him, piercing him with her firm gaze - Get your revenge on me, play some games, be a pain in my ass, it's all fine, I don't care, but leave Lucy out of it.

Jake: Revenge, huh? - He flashed a soft smirk, closing the distance with another step - So, that's your take? You think everything's just part of some revenge scheme I've been cooking up for months?

Elena: I told you, I don't give a fuck - She empathized, not even blinking - What matters to me is that whatever shit you're cooking up, aim it at me, not her. Enough suffering she went through during these past months dealing with Eric.

Jake: Dare to compare me to Eric ever again and it will stop being friendly here, Elena - He warned, his tone firm.

Elena: She's already been through one asshole who made her like him, trust him, and build innocent fantasies that were brutally shattered in the end...

Maintaining her firm and serious demeanor, she took a deliberate step closer to him...

Elena: You wield the same power over her that you had over me a few months back, and just like with me, you're absolutely aware of it - She pointed at him, her tone fierce - I swear, if I even catch a hint of you causing her any harm, it'll take me an hour to destroy everything you've built in 10 years.

Jake: Looks like I struck gold with the cat - He smirked, inching closer - Seems like you've found a buddy to help you flex those claws.

Elena: You know I'm dead serious - She smirked sarcastically - Take it as my friendly advice for old times' sake; it's in your best interest to stop whatever you were planning, right here, right now, before it does more harm than good.

She held his gaze, standing firm as he came to a stop before her, both lost in the intensity of the moment...

Elena: I'm open to leave things as they are, with no bad blood between us. But if you push me to use violence and fight against you, I will do so without hesitation - She emphasized - We let each other go a really long time ago, so let's leave it like that.

Elena laid it out straight, but Jake didn't say a word, just giving her the once-over without a flicker of emotion...

And that silence, though, was enough response for Elena; with a flicker of a glance, she shifted her focus forward, moving past him without another word...

But just as Elena was about to leave, Jake made his move, pulling her close and gently guiding her back until her back met the rough bark of a nearby tree...

Elena: Let go of me - She snarled, determined to wrench herself from his grasp.

Jake: I told you something a few months ago too, Elena - He spoke with authority, yet calmly - I swore to you that I wouldn't do anything with you until I'm ready to handle it all. Also, I promised you, and myself, I wouldn't let my desire and obsession with you lead me down the path of fucking everything up for the second time...

With their eyes locked, he pressed her against the bark from behind, while keeping himself close to her from the front, their noses almost touching...

Jake: And, on the top of that, I swore to you that I'd get back everything I lost, no matter who stands in my way or how long it takes.

Elena: You've got your memories back, your company, your peaceful life before me, you've regained everything you lost - She muttered - After Liam capriciously took everything from you, you've just regained it all. So, don't provoke me to strip it away again; rather, to protect myself from your manipulations.

Jake: I haven't regained everything I lost, and you're well aware of that - He chuckled softly, shaking his head - I haven't even started to fight for the most valuable things back.

Elena: I told you that you can do whatever you want, and I don't give a fuck - She snapped back - Just leave me and Lucy alone before you repeat Eric's mistake.

Jake smoothly slid his hand from Elena's waist up to her face, his finger coming to rest gently on her chin. With a subtle gesture, he lifted her chin, drawing her closer to him...

With Elena's face inches from his own, he grazed her skin with his breath, his gaze shifting from her eyes to her lips...

In the meantime, Elena's expression stayed the same, her gaze steely and irate, her jaw clenched, and her facial muscles tight...

Jake: I won't promise you that what I'm doing now isn't part of a game or revenge plan, Elena...

With a soft murmur and a subtle shake of his head, he shifted his gaze from her lips back to her eyes...

Jake: Instead, I'm going to show and prove it to you - He smirked - And since you don't give a fuck about me fighting for my things back, I don't care what kind of walls you build around yourself, as this time, I'm very well prepared to sneak around all of them...

And with that, Elena sprang into action, her patience appearing to reach its breaking point...

Snatching Jake's wrist from the hand that had been on Elena, she twisted it, eliciting a soft hiss from Jake, yet it failed to deter her; Employing a swift maneuver honed from her martial arts training, she forced him to bend down, seizing the moment...

With a graceful sweep of her leg over his arm, she glided over him, effortlessly sliding across his back. Only then, with a precise hit of her elbow, she sent him tumbling onto his stomach in the grass...

Elena: I'm not the person you used to know, so leave before it's too late...

Through clenched teeth, she seethed, shoving Jake more forcefully into the grass with her knee...

Elena: And touch me like that ever again, and that's when I'll switch up the vibe from the friendly one myself.

Spitting out those final words with fury, she released his arm, allowing him to collapse fully onto the grass; he quickly used his hand to brace himself against the ground...

Letting out a quiet cough, he pushed himself up onto his elbows and raised his head, watching as Elena walked away, heading back towards the house...

Jake: Tempting offer - He whispered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face - If that's just you being friendly, I'm all in to see what your unfriendly mode looks like, My Love.

As Elena reached the middle of the path and Jake began to slowly rise to his feet again, their movements gradually slowed; confusion crept onto their faces, their eyes narrowing as they both glanced up at the sky...

Initially, they both fell silent, as if trying to confirm something; Jake came to a standstill, and in the meantime, a strange, elongated sound began to grow louder and louder...

Jake: You hear that? - He hesitated, casting a wary glance around the darkened sky.

Elena: Yes.

Continuing to pace in half-circles, they both kept their gazes trained upwards, trying to pinpoint the source of the increasingly loud sound...

The intermittent sound, with its elongated pattern and escalating volume with each pause, finally reaching a deafening level, unmistakably recognizable as the noise of a warning alert siren...

Jake: But... - Drawing closer to Elena, he scanned their surroundings as the blaring of the emergency sound grew louder - Where from?

Another, even louder alert signal pierced the air...

Luka: And at this moments I hate my sense of hearing - He muttered, stepping out of the house, shaking his head - What's that?

Alert: Attention all residents of Downway. An urgent emergency announcement is in effect...

Jasmine: What's going on?

Following Luka out of the house, she held Lucy's hand, who was still clutching onto a cat...

Alert: A dangerous toxin has been detected within the central gas system. For your safety, please evacuate your homes immediately and proceed to the designated emergency shelter located in the city center, near the City Hall...

Lucy: Mommy? - She glanced at Elena, her face filled with stress and fear.

In an instant, Elena sprang into action, scanning the area before swiftly moving towards Lucy; she immediately scooped her up, enveloping her in a tight embrace...

Jasmine: A toxin? - She narrowed her eyes, casting a questioning glance at Luka - What toxin?

Alert: Take only essential belongings and follow instructions from emergency personnel. Stay tuned for further updates. Your safety is our top priority. Please act swiftly and stay calm.

Elena: You've been inside for a while. How do you feel? - She glanced down at Lucy, brushing aside her hair to reveal her face - You not feeling sleepy or dizzy?

Lucy: No, I'm fine.

Suddenly, the siren blared even louder, as if it were right on the property, causing them all to squint in pain and instinctively curl up a little. The announcement started playing once again, from the beginning...

Elena: Let's just go.

Amidst the clamor of the signal and announcement, she shouted instructions, nodding towards the back. With a swift turn on her feet and still holding onto Lucy, she headed towards the gate, accompanied by Jasmine who moved alongside her...

Jake: Luka, you're up front - He yelled, gritting his teeth against the pain in his ears - I got our backs.

Luka clocked what was up, gave Jake a nod, and dashed after the girls. He gave Jasmine's back a reassuring touch before zooming past them, while Jake, still massaging his ear, checked out the sky again...

Jake: Since when do they use drones for announcements like that?

As Jake finally decided to follow after the girls, he maintained a focused gaze, constantly scanning their surroundings to ensure the girls' safety. With drones clearly visible in the sky, continuously broadcasting the announcement and flashing red lights in sync with the intermittent sirens, Jake remained vigilant..

────────── ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ──────────

As the night deepened in the heart of Downway, tranquility was shattered by blaring emergency sirens, blending with the robotic echoes of announcements reverberating through the streets...

Alert: A dangerous toxin has been detected within the central gas system. For your safety, please evacuate your homes immediately and proceed to the designated emergency shelter located in the city center, near the City Hall...

Red lights flashed from drones hovering above the growing crowd, adding to the surreal atmosphere enveloping the city center...

Glancing around at the crowd, it's clear the announcement caught everyone off guard; people are in a frenzy, some even in pajamas or casual attire...

Luka: Here.

Leading the way, Luka glanced back at Jasmine and Elena, who were shielding Lucy. Lucy appeared intensely focused, perhaps even scared, while Jake stayed vigilant, watching their backs for any potential threats...

Adding to the scene, two male figures, Ezra and Nick, flanked the girls from both sides, forming and completing a protective barrier around them...

Anthony: Elena?

Drawing closer to the center, Anthony conversed with FBI agents who formed a protective circle around Maria and their twins, mirroring Elena's current stance; spotting her amidst the crowd, he made his way towards her...

Glancing back once more, Luka locked eyes with Jake. It was only when Jake gave him a quick nod of approval that Luka stepped aside, allowing Elena to approach his father...

It was only at that moment that Elena hastened her pace. Passing by Luka, she swiftly made her way to her father, who welcomed her with open arm. With a gentle stroke on her back, he guided her towards his group, where Maria and the FBI agents stood...

Noticing Elena's exhaustion, he gently took Lucy from her hands. With a soft nod to the agents, they stepped aside, opening the circle for him to place Lucy next to Maria. He offered the same gesture to Elena, but she declined, shaking her head. Seeing her refusal, Anthony nodded to the agents, signaling for them to close the circle once more...

Ezra: I have to find Emery.

With his phone pressed to his ear, he exchanged a quick nod with Nick, who reciprocated in understanding. Ezra also broke away from the circle, blending into the crowd, as planned...

Nick: Is this some habit here? - He winced from the noise once more, glancing at his team.

Jake: Here's the thing... - He rubbed his temple, muttering curses under his breath - I've lived here my whole life and never dealt with anything like this before.

Ren: Nick, for fuck's sake! - She yelled, storming over to him - Where the fuck have you been?

Nick: I've been... - He scratched his head, eyebrows lifting - Busy. But forget that, are you alright?

Luka: What the fuck? - He squinted in confusion, pointing at Ren - So, you have a girlfriend and you still have the guts to sneak around Elena?

Ren: You dare point that filthy finger at me one more time, and I'll bite it off - She growled, directing her furious glare at Luka - And call me his girlfriend again, and I'll stick that finger into place where any whore you've ever fucked with has seen.

Raising his eyebrows in shock, Jake remained positioned between Luka and Ren. Upon seeing Ren's furious gaze, Luka quickly withdrew his finger, bringing it to his chest and covering it with his other hand...

Nick: Wise choice - He grinned, shifting his focus back to Ren - But coming back to you...

Ren: Nick, something's fucked up - She cut in, thrusting her phone towards him - I can't access the drone system and...

Luka: Huh? You're a hacker? - He also glanced at the phone - And why don't we have a program like that?

Pointing at Ren's phone, he directed a gaze towards Jake, his tone laced with frustration...

Observing the scene, Ren's frustration became evident once more; rolling her eyes, she swiftly leaned forward, meeting Luka's finger with such force that his trademark baby scream echoed as he recoiled in pain...

Pursing his lips, Jake ran his finger across them to stifle his chuckle, while Luka began to pull his hand away, struggling until he finally managed to free his finger from Ren's teeth...

Luka: Fuck... - Waving his hand, he tried to alleviate the pain - Are you insane?

Jasmine: She warned you - She shrugged.

Luka: Seriously? - Waving his hand, he tried to alleviate the pain.

Ren: Anyway - She rolled her eyes, displaying her phone to Nick once more - I tried to access the drone control center here, but it's untraceable.

Jake: Everything's traceable and hackable, you just need to know how to do it - He stepped forward - Give me that.

Ren: Stay out of it and focus on your woods' mysteries - She snapped at Jake - This is a serious situation that requires something more than playing detective of tree sketches.

Jake: You have no clue who you're messing with - He stated firmly, taking a step forward.

Ren: You can bet I've got the dirt on you, and I'm not afraid to leak it with a tap of my finger, leaving you hanging out to dry - She smirked, playing it cool - So unless you want to end up like your lackey, I'd suggest you stay away.

Jasmine: Jake, leave it - She stepped between Jake, Luka, and Ren - It's not worth the trouble.

Ren: Yeah, since it's your turn to play with that blow-up doll tonight, take her advice, Byte Bambino.

Upon hearing that, Luka and Jake fell silent, raising their eyebrows as they slowly shifted their gazes from Ren, who returned her focus to her phone, to Jasmine...

Jasmine fell into silence, her muscles tensing as she slowly turned on her feet, her shocked yet provocative expression aimed directly at Ren...

Jasmine: Excuse me, what the fuck did you just call me, you fucking...

But as she attempted to step forward, Jake and Luka simultaneously grabbed one of her arms, restraining her...

Ren: Like I said, I tried to get access, but the systems are locked down tight, just like...

Nick: ...Just like they were that day - He exhaled almost silently, quickly lifting his gaze to Ren.

In response, Ren simply gave him a quick nod, fully understanding what he was referring to...

Nick: Fuck, Elena.

Nervously, he glanced behind Ren's back. Seeing Elena still next to Anthony, he didn't hesitate to quickly rush next to Ren and head towards Elena...

In the meantime, Ren drew in a deep breath and shifted her gaze back to Jake's team. There, she faced Jasmine's fury head-on as Jasmine struggled against Jake's and Luka's restraint...

Perplexed, she narrowed her eyes at the scene before taking a subtle step back...

Nick: Elena, move to...

Already in the midst of his approach towards Elena, he was abruptly halted by an obstacle that materialized in his path, causing him to pause in an instant...

A drone...

As Nick took a step back, his features contorted in sheer bewilderment, the hovering mechanism maintaining eye level, its gaze penetrating him with unwavering intensity. Mechanical sounds resonated from within, corroborated by a gentle wave of technology scan emanating from the drone's camera, washing over Nick's face...

In an instant, the red diode on the machine transformed into a vibrant purple, casting the entire contraption in a deep hue of violet...

Nick: No... - Exhaling slowly, he maintained his gaze on the drone, retreating another step backward - Cover Elena, right now!

His shout echoed loudly, seamlessly blending with the sudden silence that followed the automatic announcement about the toxin danger coming to an end...

Reacting swiftly, Elena and Anthony turned in unison to assess the situation behind them, only to be greeted by two drones hovering side by side in the air, positioned directly in front of their faces...

Without hesitation, the machines emitted scans from their cameras, swiftly changing color from red to purple after a brief analysis of Elena's and Anthony's faces...

Anthony: Stay behind me.

With a swift motion, he grasped Elena's arm, positioning her protectively behind him as he concentrated on analyzing the machines. However, whenever Elena moved, the drone that had scanned her moved in sync, seemingly tethered to her every step. Regardless of Anthony's movements, his drone mirrored his actions, tracking him relentlessly as well...

Jake: What the fuck?

Shaking his head in bewilderment, he released Jasmine's arm, his attention fixed on the unfolding situation involving Elena and Anthony...

Jake: Elena, step into the circle with Lucy and...

However, his stride was interrupted by another drone that swooped in front of Jake's face, causing him to recoil. Without warning, Jake's face was bathed in the machine's scan, the diode shifting from red to purple in an instant...

Jake: You like my pretty face, huh? - He smirked - How about my pretty fist?

Clutching his hand into a fist, he forcefully aimed to strike the drone, but to no avail as it adeptly evaded Jake's attempts...

Suddenly, the sky transformed from a deep, dark expanse to a brilliant source of light, suffused with a soft purple glow. Every single drone, even the hundreds scattered across the sky, synchronized in harmony, emanating a radiant purple light that enveloped the entire center space like a curtain of shimmering violet...

Meanwhile, the intermittent wail of the siren resumed, though this time at a slightly subdued volume...

Noah: Anthony? - Keeping his gaze fixed on the swarm of drones above, he reached for his weapon - We can...

Anthony: You stay put and keep an eye on Maria, the twins, and Lucy - He extended his hand to halt him, still focused on observing the drone ahead - I'll watch over Elena.

The synchronic harmony persisted as four drones surged forward amidst the blaring sirens, prompting Jake, Nick, Anthony, and Elena to instinctively step backward...

Away from the crowd...

Their expressions remained stoic as they locked their gaze on the advancing machines, yet they understood it was prudent to comply with the drones' directives. With measured movements, they silently acquiesced, gradually stepping backward...

With every step they took, the wail of the siren harmonized seamlessly, echoing in tandem with the rhythm of their footsteps until they converged at the center...

Gathering in the heart of the purple curtain of light emitted by the drones, they formed a circle, standing back to back with one another. Ahead of them, the drones maintained their positions, pausing their advance, indicating their desire for the four of them to converge at that precise spot...

Jake: Luka always says birthdays without police or fire sirens don't count as real birthdays, but does the whole universe have to take him so literally all the time? - He muttered angrily, his gaze fixed intently on the drone, stabbing at it with his eyes.

Nick: But the thing is, it's not a police drone - He shook his head, eyeing his drone - It's...

Out of nowhere, a jarring glitch echoed through the vicinity, sending everyone on high alert, scanning the scene for its origin. The core quartet of the team pivoted, their gaze fixed on the sky, keen to pinpoint the drone responsible for the unnerving noise...

Here's the twist: it wasn't some run-of-the-mill drone causing the commotion...

The crowd's eyes were locked on the skyline, with over 20 towering skyscrapers stealing the show. Suddenly, their walls synchronized, rocking a glitch effect before settling into a stunning silhouette against the night sky...

Jake: And who the fuck is this? - He gave his head a little shake, aiming to get a clearer look at the figure plastered on the wall - Ultra Mega-Drone?

Nick: X - He muttered, fixing his gaze on the figure with intensity.

The figure, stationed atop each of the tallest buildings, remained still, frozen in place. His identity obscured by a pitch-black mask and dark clothing, including a hoodie pulled tight to further conceal his face. Only a faint glow illuminated his masked visage, revealing a handful of distinct markings...

The trademarks, consisting of two purple letters "X," gleamed where his eyes should have been. Additionally, a stitched pattern on his lips emitted the same glowing purple hue; this unique combination instantly identified him as Nick had seen him before, just a week ago, hacking into Ren's laptop system...

Meanwhile, Elena kept her focus on the building ahead, where the figure with the "X" stood out. Tension crept into her expression, and she clenched her teeth, instinctively reaching for Jake's hand...

Yet rather than a tender grasp, she squeezed his hand so fiercely that he nearly cried out in agony...

Jake: Fuck! - He let out a shout, quickly prying his hand away and cradling it with his other hand, rubbing vigorously to alleviate the pain - What for?

Elena: I just had to make sure it's not your another skinny-mini anonymous prank, and that you're actually here - She responded smoothly.

Yet, as the figure remained frozen in place for a prolonged moment, amidst the faint wail of sirens, the drones began broadcasting another message, their soothing tones saturating the area once more...

Alert: Attention, attention; in just ten seconds, an exclusive message will be unveiled. Prepare to give your undivided attention, as this special announcement will be broadcasted only once.


Jake: An exclusive message? - His gaze swept across the buildings, spotting the motionless figure...


Elena: Nick? - She kept her attention on the dark silhouette - What's that all about?


Nick: I was just about to fill you in on the details. - He replied hastily - But that guy over there is the whole reason I'm here.


Jake: Are you fucking insane? - He muttered angrily - You brought a villain along for a meet-and-greet?


Nick: More, I trailed him, and the tracks led me here after him - He snapped - If someone hadn't moved the CIA prisoner from our custody to a prison in California, none of this would have happened.


Anthony: Like I care about which asshole ended up where - He scoffed - If he got swapped out, there's a reason behind it.


Elena: Albright, but I don't remember getting involved in a like or dislike situation with some masked crook sporting an "X" - She puzzled - So, why exactly am I here?


Jake: It's like roping you in has become a recurring theme, yet I'm clueless about what some guy from the East wants from me - He shook his head once more - I mean, sure, I've been wandering around Japan, but it's a world away from America's East Coast.


Nick: I think I know what he's after...


It was only then that the silhouette stirred, confirming that the identical recording was being displayed on all the buildings, enveloping the entire city; ensuring that everyone, no matter where they stood or directed their gaze, was drawn to the figure...

✍🏼 Author's note:

To enhance your reading experience, I'd like to extend an invitation to listen to the live-recording of X's message, crafted specifically for this episode. Unfortunately, due to the limited capabilities of Wattpad, embedding the video directly within the episode isn't feasible, unlike graphics. Hence, the video has been shared on my Instagram as a reel.

While it's not "obligatory" to watch, because I'll be presenting the message in typical Wattpad style here. However, if you're keen to delve deeper into the content and immerse yourself in X's messages, including hearing his voice, I encourage you to check out the video :)

[INSTAGRAM]: xoxo_asgv (direct link in the comment) 👉🏻

(the message)

X: The four of you have been chosen to participate in a game with the power to save or destroy lives. As defenders of law, goodness, and truth, you bear the responsibility of saving people, with the decision solely in your hands. Anthony, Nick, Elena, and Jake, you'll navigate through five rounds, akin to a test of your pure intentions, as you present yourselves to public scrutiny. Anticipation mounts from your selection as leaders. Even if you've opted to distance yourselves from the game, its progression and rules persist. Your actions and collaboration may save lives, yet idleness risks bloodshed, as seen with Hannah Danford. Her case starkly illustrates the consequences of rule violation. Round one began with Hannah, restarting upon her defeat, passing her riddle to another. Now, you're poised to observe the selection process for another's riddle...

[Scene]: As the glitch effect reverberated through the skyscrapers once more, the figure of the masked man vanished, replaced by the sound of a dial tone. Anticipation hung in the air as the ringing persisted, each subsequent ring raising the tension. Meanwhile, the recording continued, now displaying the contact being called. Clear as day, a photo of a blonde, middle-aged woman appeared, labeled "Harper Danford."

Harper Danford: Hello?

X: You're in the game now. You've received the riddle, and you've got seven days to solve it. Just two rules. One; You can't back out once you're in. Second; You only get one try to answer. Are you ready to open your riddle?

[Scene]: Shortly after those final words, the call ended abruptly with three beeps, signaling Harper's departure from the conversation. The empty beeps mingled with the ongoing cacophony of emergency sounds in the Los Angeles area, punctuated by another glitch, before the masked man reappeared once more on the scene...

X: Harper Danford has already received her own riddle, and regardless of whether she chooses to open it, her clock has started counting down seven days for her to provide an answer since midnight. Meanwhile, you're aware who's currently marked and who's poised to win or lose, echoing Hannah's experience. The decision rests with you on how to handle this information, but remember, the game persists regardless of individual outcomes. Next week, another person will receive their riddle, and it's solely your decision whether to lend assistance or let them navigate it alone, potentially weakening the team over time. Game on and speak to you soon.

It was only after the final glitch reverberated that the black figure vanished from the buildings, leaving behind only traces of drones. Suddenly, all of them, including those near Anthony, Jake, Elena, and Nick, synchronized in harmony, soaring upward into the sky like a flock of birds migrating to warmer lands...

As they disappeared into the distance, the crowd watched in silence, observing the machines' departure...

Luka: Who the fuck is Harper Danford? - His voice, tinged with confusion, shattered the silence enveloping the crowd - Another missing sister?

Elena: No - She let out a sigh, her gaze drifting towards Jake - It's Lilly's and Hannah's mother. 

But Jake remained unresponsive to both her voice and her gaze. Instead, he stood frozen, fixated on the drones as they flew farther and farther away; his entire demeanor was rigid, with clenched teeth and eyes blazing with a fierce, simmering fury...

If it were possible for him to unleash lasers from his eyes like the drones did, he would have obliterated every single one of them in an instant...

✍🏼 Author's note:

[Important information]; Probably due to haste and oversight, I noticed just after the publication of the 'comeback' video and post that I mistakenly mentioned there would be a dark episode on the day of the final episode. However, that was an error made during the process. This season concludes with this episode, so there won't be a dark episode, as this one is already long enough to serve as the entire finale. Nevertheless, I take responsibility for the mistake in the comeback post and sincerely apologize — I promise to make it up to you — While I could have quickly written an additional episode, I prefer honesty over trying to cover up oversights :)

Four months...

Four months of my absence, filled with hard work to ensure the best possible comeback with the inaugural, welcoming season of the book...

As you've witnessed, Season One of "Back To You" has ushered you into the adventures and style that await in the upcoming seasons. Notably, you have just witnessed various changes such as semi-episodes and new graphic styles. I've also endeavored to enhance my language skills to ensure each episode is easier and smoother to read. Finally, I've consolidated all my thoughts to craft a comprehensive plan for the entire book, from start to finish :)

Typically, the first season serves as a gentle introduction and initial test of the ideas I've developed during the hiatus, which will undoubtedly be further developed in the upcoming seasons. While Season One primarily introduced Elena and Jake's return, depicted the characters' lives in LA, and introduced a few new characters without the full intensity of the rollercoaster twists, I hope you enjoyed it...

However, don't get too comfortable with the peace and quiet, as X has declared, 'game on,' and we'll be speaking soon. It's best to fasten your seatbelt for the unfolding scenes ahead :)

As you may remember, in the final episodes of "Remember Me," I used to drop hints about the upcoming plot for the new season. Similarly, here, I don't want to leave you clueless. Below are some teasers of what you can expect in Season 2:

1. Harper Danford's Riddle: Some of the heroes will grapple with the battle between their emotions and conscience in Harper's case. Will anyone step up to help her, or will personal anger and past memories lead them to leave her on her own?

2. Elena will uncover Hannah's final words and shed light on the events of "August 7th."

3. Nick and Jake will learn about Adam Perry's offer to Elena. Jake, keen on keeping Elena in Los Angeles, will try to dissuade her from choosing Boston—a sensible option for Nick, who plans to establish a new CIA headquarters there.

4. You'll gain insight into Harper Danford's POV, witnessing her internal struggle over whether to open the riddle. X will initiate mind games, potentially pushing Harper to the brink of hysteria, mirroring her daughter Hannah's experiences.

5. An adult from Elena and Jake's inner circle will be dragged into X's game, compelling them to take action to protect their loved one from danger.

6. Jake will strive to rebuild his relationships with Lucy, Emery and Elena, determined to reclaim what he's lost, regardless of the obstacles.

7. Additionally, you'll catch glimpses of the hotel adventures between Ren&Ace and Rose&Nick :)

8. The season's overarching scheme will continue, featuring semi-episodes of cat-and-mouse dark chase :)

9. Regular trailers are making a comeback, so expect notifications on Wattpad every Saturday at 10:30.

10. I'll also be sharing video trailers periodically, similar to the edit teasers on my Instagram story — My sneaky fingers somehow found their way to CapCut, enjoying making short videos. So, I'd like to keep up with that new, extra hobby :P

These hints should give you a taste of what's to come in Season 2 ❤️

You know I always keep my promises, and there are plenty of cards that haven't even been hinted at yet. In my usual style, I'll reveal them gradually, enjoying my own prepared mind games, step by step, slowly and mercilessly :)

Returning to the conclusion, I cannot express how much I've missed this—seeing you all return here, patiently awaiting updates and giving me time to prepare for the comeback. Words fail to convey the shock and gratitude I feel knowing you've been here all along, refusing to forget about me...

Even though I wasn't sharing trailers, you maintained the tradition of regular conversations on the profile every Saturday at 10:30, actively discussing various theories and topics related to my books. Your engagement and attachment to my books always leave me speechless, and my heart swells with warmth knowing that you not only accepted my need for a break but also cared for the profile's activity in the meantime...

I will forever be grateful to each and every one of you for your unwavering support that kept me motivated throughout the entire hiatus period ❤️

The experience with Season One has bolstered my confidence, affirming that the quality you've witnessed requires more time than the seasons of "Remember Me." As promised, not only to you but also to myself, I'm dedicated to ensuring that "Back To You" surpasses "Remember Me," and I'm committed to keeping that promise by continually striving for excellence in this challenge...

With that said, while I'll continue my work on Season Two, it's likely I'll return with another adventure closer to summer. I wanted to clarify this so you wouldn't be left wondering about the release of the next season. Rest assured, I won't leave you without any updates; you can expect edit-teasers and trailers on social media in the meantime :)

For those who missed the information in the "end of part three" episode, there's an official group chat on Instagram with an amazing group of readers who chat every day, making for indescribable fun. If you're interested in joining the chat, simply let me know by sending your Instagram details, and I'll add you...

[INSTAGRAM]: xoxo_asgv (direct link in the comment) 👉🏻

So, for now, that's all from me. I'm incredibly happy that I finally made it back and could return with an entire season, sharing my biggest hobby and passion with you ❤️

Trust me, I couldn't wait to see the day to finally share the "comeback post," video, and to return to Wattpad to start sharing episodes daily. Moreover, seeing all of you continue to be here, patiently awaiting my return, sending messages of support and love, has meant the world to me and has kept me motivated to keep going...

Well then, I'm left to say, see you soon in Season 2 of "Back To You," and also see you soon in the upcoming trailers :)

Thank you for everything.
Stay safe and see you soon,
Caroline ❤️

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