One Fine Summer

By diaryofinfjkid

1.7K 124 55

one fine summer morning when all things started. More

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen

chapter two

148 11 1
By diaryofinfjkid

Eon-jin's POV

"Oh, Eon-jin! Where's Tae-pyung?" My annoyance resurfaced because of her question. She didn't even ask why I was frowning.

"I don't know where he is and besides he wants to be alone."

"Huh? Wait here, I'll look for him first." I pulled her to sit down again.

"Min-jung, he's grown up and won't get lost here. And he said he will figure it out, that's why I left him. He obviously wants to be alone."

"I believe he's fine. Did anything happen between you two after I left? Did you talk to him about what happened earlier?"

"I think, he hates me. He called me clumsy." I said in a hush tone.

"He said that you what?" she asks while trying not to laugh. Ugh seriously this girl...

"Don't make me repeat it again. I know you heard me. He was so harsh to me, as if he didn't want me near him."

"How do you say so? Maybe he had a bad day."

"It's literally 11am in the morning and the day is not over for him to have a bad day. I already said sorry to him and he has the audacity to say I'm clumsy. God! Such a jerk!"

"Just don't mind him, maybe he didn't mean it." she said as if she was comforting me.

"Wait, whose side are you on? Why does it seem like he is your best friend and not me?"

"Of course, you! But you know that he's new to our school, so he's still adjusting. Don't stress yourself over him. It's not good for you." maybe Min-jung is right. I'll just let it pass.


Our class ended without much homework assigned by our teachers. So, I planned to eat with Min-jung to the newly opened ice cream store in front of our school. However, it turns out that she and Yoona's circle already have plans. She asked me if I wanted to join them, but I declined. Yoona is a kind and cool girl, much like Min-jung, but I'm not that close to Yoona's group since they're from a different block. Min-jung is a very social person, a true social butterfly known by everyone in our school. In contrast, I am more reserved, content with whatever friends are there for me.

I was about to head to the bus station when I noticed a car stopping in front of Tae-pyung. Trying not to be nosy, I observed Tae-pyung's face, which displayed clear annoyance. Curious, I waited to see what would unfold. The man who had been talking to Tae-pyung eventually bowed, patted him on the shoulder, and returned to the car. Tae-pyung didn't immediately move from his spot, he seemed troubled. Should I approach and check if everything is okay?

Naturally, my intrusive thought prevailed.

"Tae-pyung! Are you heading home?" I inquired as I walked toward him. He remained silent and continued walking.

"Did you know there's a newly opened ice cream store across the street? Do you want to try it?"

"I'm not a fan of sweets," he replied.

"Come on, everyone loves sweets!"

"Well, I don't." he replied once again, picking up his pace. Time to play my last card.

"I'll treat you, I swear! I just... don't want to head home yet. Min-jung has already gone for a walk with her friends from the other block. I don't have anyone else. Plus, I don't want to eat ice cream alone," I added, then pouted. It seems my final card is effective, as he glances back at me and walks toward me.

"You've got quite a list of reasons, don't you?"

"I'm not lying! I'm telling the truth."

"Fine, after you finish your ice cream, leave me alone." He said. I gave him a stern look as he crossed the street.

Upon reaching the newly opened ice cream shop, we found a rather long queue. Tae-pyung stood there in silence, and though I was curious about the man who spoke to him, I refrained from asking, anticipating his likely dismissal. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize it was our turn.

"Oh! Sorry. What flavor would you like?"

"Vanilla," he replied. Quite plain, I thought with a scoff.

"You don't want anything?"

"Vanilla." he repeated.

"Alright, alright! Hmm, Miss, one vanilla and one salted caramel, please."

"That will be 8,000₩." What the heck! Two ice creams almost cost my daily allowance?! No way! Nervously, I opened my wallet to check if I had enough money, and as expected, I didn't. How do I say it... I turned slowly to Tae-pyung, who was impatiently awaiting my response.

Tae-pyung sighed, took out his wallet, and handed the money to the cashier. I felt so ashamed that I just bowed down. We walked out of the ice cream store, with him still holding the ice cream he bought.

"I'm sorry, Tae-pyung. I thought I had enough money to buy us ice cream. I promise to pay you back tomorrow." He just sighed and gave me my ice cream, which made me smile. "Thank you."

"No need to pay me, just don't bother me again." he said as he walked away. I didn't even bother to answer him because I knew I was wrong. We walked far apart even though we were heading to the same bus station. Tae-pyung chose the back seat on the bus, and I settled in the middle. Unaware, I realized the ice cream I held was melting. My appetite waned, so I used a tissue to wrap it.

"It's just a bad day, Eon-jin. Get over it." I told myself. It didn't take long before I reached my destination. I immediately pressed the button to disembark, noticing that Tae-pyung's eyes were closed – maybe he was sleeping. I pouted as I got off without even glancing back at the bus.


After what happened between Eon-jin and Tae-pyung, Eon-jin avoided him as per his request. Eon-jin is naturally cheerful but struggles academically, in contrast to Tae-pyung, who is quiet and reserved but excels in all their subjects. This has led for their other classmates, mostly females to approach Tae-pyung to seek help with difficult lessons. Despite him feeling a bit uncomfortable, Tae-pyung still teaches them. This situation has annoyed Eon-jin.

Eon-jin's POV

"Why is it that when he's nice to others, he doesn't get angry, but when it comes to me, he gets irritated?" Eon-jin said to herself.

"Eon-jin, my head hurts so much I still can't answer our Math Time," Min-jung complained. "Please answer this Number 1," she added.

"Really? You're asking me? We always have the same answer, Min-jung."

"What if we ask Tae-pyung to teach us? I bet he's in the library right now." Min-jung suggested.

"I think we can still answer it." I replied while looking closely at my paper, which was very clean because there was no answer.

"Don't pretend we can answer that. Let's go see Tae-pyung." Min-jung insisted.

"I don't want to,  you just go to him." I answered, stopping myself from giving in to Min-jung's pull.

"Alright, when he teaches me, I won't make you copy mine. It's up to you!" she replied, then left the classroom. I just scratched my head and followed Min-jung.

When I got to the library, Min-jung was already sitting next to Tae-pyung, who was teaching her intensively. Before I could retreat , Min-jung noticed me and immediately called me over which made Tae-pyung also looked up.

"Eon-jin ah! Come here! I told Tae-pyung you're coming too. We believe you can teach us better that's why we're here. Right, Eon-jin!" I simply nodded in agreement with Min-jung. Why did I even follow her here? It was obvious that Tae-pyung had no intention of teaching me.

"You can sit on this side so you can see it," Tae-pyung said. He instructed me to take a seat beside him. I glanced at Min-jung to confirm if I heard correctly. She widened her eyes at me and then pointed to the seat next to Tae-pyung, signaling for me to move.

Tae-pyung began teaching us, and I soon realized that he not only has impeccable looks but also has a flawless comprehension. Despite studying the same material, I found it challenging to grasp our teacher's explanations. However, I could understand more easily when Tae-pyung taught us.

Tae-pyung was in the midst of teaching when Min-jung's phone suddenly rang loudly, drawing Ms. Sa-yeon's attention our way.

"Do you not realize you're in the library, and your phone isn't on silent? Get out now!" Min-jung promptly stood up and hastily exited the library with her belongings.

"I-I believe I should also go. Thank you for your time." I was about to stand up when Tae-pyung grabbed my arm. I looked at him and then at his hand on my arm. He realized it and promptly released his grip.

"I'm sorry for my behavior the other day. I was just having a rough day, and I unfairly took it out on you." a different Tae-pyung is in front of me now. I couldn't see his cold eyes, but I could feel the sincerity in his apology.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about that. I'm sorry if you had to spend money because of me. I will definitely pay you when my eomma gives me an allowance."

"It's fine, really. No need to pay me."

"How about I treat you? Anything you like. This time it's for real." I smiled at him. "Also, a thank you treat because you took the time to teach me and Min-jung." He thought for a moment before nodding. "Alright, if you insist."

- end of chapter two -

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