Inks and Pixels (18+)

By herserendipity

3.4K 416 2.1K

Harper possessed a rare talent - she could blend two worlds that the universe swore could never coexist: her... More

Inks and Pixels (A/N)
twenty one (I)
twenty two (I)
twenty two (II)
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five (I)
twenty five (II)
twenty six (I)
twenty six (II)

twenty one (II)

84 8 19
By herserendipity

❝Tell me what you mean
Is it all me?
Start to overthink everything.❞

I awoke to the sound of banging. Not the sensual kind a voyeurist would hope for. Actual, hardcore, wrapped-fist-on-wood banging.

Being the light sleeper I am, I shot straight up off the mess of blankets and pillows on the floor and peered at the front door through squinted eyes. My movement caused Aiden's arm that had, somehow, wrapped around my waist to go flying off, rolling him off the fort and back onto the carpeted floor of the living room and onto his back.

The sleeping grizzly bear was unfazed though, still snoring up a storm.


A soft voice echoed from the other side of the door. I didn't recognize it.

Groaning, I got to my feet and carefully plodded over Aiden's snoring form to the door. I didn't bother patting myself down or fixing my hair as I jerked the door open, fully expecting a confused neighbor or delivery man. I was greeted by neither.


My jaw loosened, mouth falling ajar at the vision in front of me.

I was met by a timid smile and wave from a girl who was the literal embodiment of a flawless caramel dream with cheekbones so sharp you could cut yourself. She had a face face chiseled by the gods and was either Indian or Latina. I was leaning toward the former.

"Is...uh, Aiden here?" she asked with an alto-like voice as smooth as melted chocolate. I blinked, momentarily forgetting how words worked because, damn, she was pretty.

Silky, short hair-like a Korean boy band member, I swear-with an oversized cashmere sweater that screamed 'I'm both fashionable and cozy,' paired with pants that looked effortlessly cool. Oh, and let's not forget the cute rainbow scarf casually tied around her long neck.

"Yeah, yeah, he's here," I finally managed to say, not even sure if I sounded coherent. She was just about my height but raised on her toes, peering past me to the sound of the snoring.

"That sounds like A."


Again with the familiarity.

An embarrassing jolt of insecurity shot through me as I gauged this walking Picasso piece. Could she be an ex?

"Come in," I said quietly then stepped back, giving her an opportunity to walk in. As she did, I couldn't help but call out to Aiden, loud enough to jolt him.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up! There's a girl here for you."

Aiden, the snoring maestro, responded with a snort and a half-conscious "hmmm?" before rolling over onto his chest now. I was considering full on bodyslamming him into consciousness when an uncomfortable clearing of throats caught my attention.

"Actually," the new guest said, turning to look at me with a hint of tiredness in those dark brown eyes, "it's guy."

"I'm sorry?"

"I identify as a man."

I froze, staring at miss- no, Mister Jawline now with a universe of mortification creeping up my face.


He extended his hand out, an easy smile transforming his handsome features.

"I'm Aryan. Aiden's best friend."

He grinned at me while I continued to stand there, my foot lodged firmly in my mouth. Smooth, Harper. Real smooth.

"It's okay," he said, chuckling as if I'd just made a harmless dad joke. "Happens all the time. People are still getting used to it. No harm done."

I attempted an apologetic smile, mentally kicking myself for assuming things but connecting the dots. This must be the 'A-squared' I'd often heard Aiden talking to over the phone.

"I just... I didn't know, and you're just so...beautiful."

Oh God stop talking.

Thankfully, he wasn't offended. Aryan's grin widened, showing off more perfectly white and flawless teeth. He had to be a model.

"Well, thank you. Aiden's spared no words describing your beauty but seeing you in person proves those words did no justice," he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Before I could form a coherent response, Aiden, the human snooze button, decided to grace us with his consciousness. He sat up with a loud groan, rubbing his eyes and squinting at the daylight filtering through the blinds behind him.

"Can you stop coming on to my best friend, Harper?" he teased, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Wait, what? No, I-"

But before I could defend myself or even process the situation, the doorbell rang with an insistence that suggested it had a bone to pick. The door swung open as if by a poltergeist, revealing Evan and, surprise surprise, my former boss, Robin.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered, bringing a hand to my forehead. "And why oh why do you have Robin with you?"

Evan let himself in, leaving Robin to saunter awkwardly in the doorway. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the blanket fort and Aiden snoozing on the floor.

"What did I miss?"

"Long story," I muttered, shooting an apologetic glance at Aryan. "Evan, this is Aryan. He's Aiden's-"

Evan pushed past me and stuck his hand forward, not waiting for Aryan to reciprocate as he grabbed Aryan's in his own.

"Hi, it's lovely to see you again," he stammered out in a greeting that was so weirdly British.

Aryan nodded politely, seemingly unfazed by Evan's...Evan-ness. Or in this case, lack of Evan-ness. The blush in Evan's normally placid cheeks and the way his eyes followed Aryan after he let go and navigated to Aiden was worth further investigation.

However, my attention turned back to Robin who still stood at the door, looking as frazzled as a cat caught in a rainstorm.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

I waved my hands frantically.

"No, not at all! Just an unexpected morning gathering, apparently."

"I wouldn't normally come over unannounced like this on a Saturday afternoon-"

It was afternoon already?

"-but there's a meeting I have to take you to, Harper."

"What? Meeting? What are you talking about?" I stammered, utterly bewildered.

Evan shooed me away like an annoying fly, grabbing me by the shoulders and navigating me to my room.

"Just go get dressed babe. Trust me, it's important."

That's all he said before shoving me into my room and ramming the door shut. I heard the sound of his retreating footsteps, followed by a very loud, "So, sleeping together now are we?"

On second thought, getting out of the apartment with my boss might be for the best.

"Have you heard of Innovus?" Robin asked, stirring his iced tea. We were nestled in a VIP section of a bustling restaurant, awaiting the mysterious guest he'd been hyping up for the last fifteen minutes.

"Innovus? Sounds like a high-tech vacuum cleaner," I joked, sinking into the plush booth. "Rings a bell though. I remember managing an account of theirs a couple years ago."

"They're a corporate juggernaut, planning to gobble up consulting and auditing firms like FinTrix. All under the keen eye of their new COO."

"FinTrix is being acquired?"

"With how things are going, an acqusition might be for the best," Robin muttered with a heavy sigh. "And Innovus? Well, we'd be lucky if they'd want us."

"So you need me to pitch FinTrix to 'em as an outsider?" I raised an eyebrow. "That's not legal, is it?"

Robin grinned.

"Actually, no. I have a friend who's a friend of the Innovus COO. They're currently looking to hire someone to help oversee and do the due diligence on the acquisitions of these financial firms. Someone who can waltz through balance sheets and dance with ledgers."

"And you thought of me."


A job opportunity falling into my lap, and a great one at that, was not what I'd been expecting. That being said, this was totally new territory.

"Rob, I specialize in Audit. An advisory consultant in acquisiton would be new to me."

"And when haven't you risen up to the challenge?" Robin said, comforting me with a smile. "Besides, the market is shit right now. We both know it. This is not only great pay but it'll give you the stability you need, Harper."

He wasn't lying.

I leaned back against my seat and jut my chin at the door.

"So who's the VIP we're about to meet?"

"The COO."


"The COO of Innovus is here?"

Robin smirked.

"On a short weekend visit, yes. Which is why Evan and I rushed you on this."

"Is he super intimidating?"

"Her name is Tris Henderson and I've heard she's quite powerful, yes."

As if on cue, the door to our secret lair swung open and in she walked.

If confidence had a LinkedIn profile, hers would have a million endorsements. Tris commanded the room, clad in clothing sharper than a samurai's katana.

I'd been expecting someone in their mid-forties, to say the least, but Tris had to be in her early thirties at most. Dressed in a sleek charcoal suit that clung to her like it was custom-tailored by the gods, Tris exuded authority. Her dark, wavy hair framed a face that exuded 'winner' and despite the relaxed setting, she wore professionalism like a second skin.

"Ms. Henderson," Robin greeted, rising from his seat. I followed suit, offering a handshake.

Tris reciprocated with a grip firm enough to crush diamonds, her eyes never leaving mine.

"I've heard great things about you, Ms. Collins," she said, her voice smoother than a jazz sax solo. "And I'm hoping you can work some magic for us."

I managed a nod, my brain already doing mental gymnastics about what "working some magic" might entail.

As Tris took her seat, a waiter entered with a tray bearing three flutes of champagne. The bubbly liquid sparkled like liquid sunlight, turning the meeting into a corporate celebration.

Tris raised her glass, a glint of determination in her eyes as she locked in with my gaze.

"To new partnerships."

I took a sip, my eyes strangely enchanted by the authority in hers. She smiled and I knew.

She already knew what she wanted and she wasn't leaving this room without getting it.


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Song: Fuck Up the Friendship by Leah Kate

A/N: The crossover you've been waiting for FINALLY happened. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you might want to go check out my other novel, THE CLOSER. ;)

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