Lyra || Charlie Weasley ||

By TheBlackLegacy

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𝐼𝓉'π“ˆ 𝓁𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 π“Œπ‘’ π“‰π‘œπ“Šπ’Έπ’½, 𝐿𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž οΏ½... More

It's Charlie, alright?
Good surprise, I hope?
Go on, give her snout a little pat
You know, I wish I could stay.
Oh Charlie, I miss you so much, I simply can't bear us being apart!
If you're here just to annoy me, please leave
Oh, Merlin, We are going to die
You're my best friend too
Don't you dare tell him
Whatever you say, troublemaker.
You are an old wizard with a waistcoat and pipe!
Ow! Ginny, quit hitting me!
Reckon you want to get up close and personal with that necklace
You're all I think about. I know it's selfish,'re my whole world.
Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company.
Oh just peachy, considering I'm being held hostage by homicidal relatives
You take that back, I am anything but dramatic!
Oh sure, of course, you'd say that, Mr. Star Quidditch Player
I'll always be right here to catch you
Looks like you've got some competition, cousin
There will be no wooing me or knocking sense into him
The dare was to kiss the cutest boy in the room
β˜†:**:. π’žπ’½π’Άπ“‡π’Άπ’Έπ“‰π‘’π“‡ π’œπ‘’π“ˆπ“‰π’½π‘’π“‰π’Ύπ’Έπ“ˆ **:.β˜†
You sure you don't wanna come to Hogwarts with us? (Charlie's POV)
That was the best part of my day so far. Charlie's POV
Bells wanted to play matchmaker. Annabelle's POV
I am too young to be an uncle
Charlie Weasley! Open this damn door!
Anyone expires on my watch, I'm treating you with Skele-Gro shots!
What, no 'hello darling, so wonderful to see you'?
New Story Alert!

All the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart.

390 7 12
By TheBlackLegacy

The scent of sizzling pancakes and rich coffee envelops me as I enter the kitchen. Mum stands at the griddle, deftly flipping golden circles while Dad measures out ground beans beside her. Their familiar tandem routine brings a fleeting sense of comfort. We were back at Pottor Mannor for Christmas after two years and it feels nice, Harry's staying with us too.

"Morning!" I chirp, sliding onto a stool at the worn oak table.

Mum shoots me a welcoming smile over her shoulder. "There's the sleepyhead! Thought you would never rouse. Harry and Ara are playing Quidditch outside."

I manage a twitch of lips in return, but it feels more like a grimace I have to talk to them about Draco. Their chatter washes over me unheard as I chase the words that have haunted me for weeks. Finally Dad notices my lack of response. He frowns, glancing to Mum questioningly before focusing back on me. "Everything alright, love? You seem rather preoccupied this morning."

I twist my fingers anxiously, steeling my resolve. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you both..."

I trail off as Mum sets a heaping stack of pancakes between us, the aroma momentarily derailing my troubled thoughts. She claims the seat beside me, face open with concern. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"It's about Draco." I hesitate, hating to cause them more worry when they're finally free of past burdens. But refusing to meet their gazes proves impossible under the weight of responsibility I feel toward my wayward cousin.

"He hasn't been himself lately," I confess in a small voice. "Draco's paler than usual, exhausted. I heard he spends half his nights wandering the Astronomy Tower crying."

Mum and Dad exchange another loaded glance as I pick half-heartedly at my pancakes. Dad's brow furrows while Mum presses her lips thin, a small line appearing between her eyes. I recognize their silent communication from years growing up together as they debate how to respond.

After a weighty pause, Mum reaches across the table to lay a gentle hand over mine. "Sweetheart, I know you're worried for Draco. It's very kind of you." Her eyes radiate compassion. "But getting involved with that family again risks pulling you into the darkne-"

"You didn't see him, Dad," I argue, voice catching. "Draco was terrified. Of himself, of failing...I don't know exactly. But he begged me to stay away like he wants to protect me from something."

"Alright, love. We'll try reaching out to young Draco." Hope flares bright in my chest but he holds up a cautioning hand. "Discreetly only, mind. Can't let certain former schoolmates get wind we're interfering again."

I dart around the table to hug him fiercely. "Oh thank you! I just know we can get through to him." Dad wraps an arm around my shoulders, chuckling fondly at my enthusiasm.

I beam over at Mum who watches our exchange with a sad sort of pride. She brushes gentle knuckles over my cheek. "Such a soft heart you have, my little moon. Not unlike someone else I knew long ago."

"We'll do everything we can for the boy. Within reason," Mum stresses pointedly. "Your safety is the priority, Lyra. Promise you won't take any unnecessary risks?"

Her sharp eyes bore into mine until I nod solemnly. Satisfied, she folds me into a tight hug that conveys all her unspoken fears."Now go outside in the sun, play with your brothers." I'm nearly out the door when Mum's voice gives me pause. "Lyra, wait a moment!"

I shuffle back to the kitchen threshold, curiosity piqued. Mum stands wiping her floured hands on a towel, while Dad finishes tidying up behind her.

"We forgot to mention earlier - Molly invited us all over for Christmas dinner at the Burrow. I said we'd be delighted to come. That's alright with you, I hope?"

"Dinner at the Weasley's?" Joyful anticipation bubbles up in me, chasing away the lingering shadows. In my mind's eye I can already see the scruffy fir tree glittering with handmade ornaments, smell Molly's delectable cooking, hear the raucous laughter of the people who long ago became a second family. And a dear freckled face among them...

I don't even try hiding my eagerness as I turn fully back toward Mum, beaming. "Of course, I don't mind! Christmas with the Weasley's sounds perfect."

Mum's smile mirrors my own, her eyes crinkling fondly. "Oh good. Heaven knows, we could all use some holiday cheer with everything that's going on. We can go shopping for gifts tomorrow."

Glancing back over my shoulder, I meet Mum's gaze. "That's a lovely idea. I can't wait to find the perfect gifts."

Mum's eyes crinkle with an answering smile. She makes a little shooing motion. "Well don't let me keep you! We've plenty of time to discuss holiday plans later. Go enjoy the afternoon with your siblings."

Nodding, I turn and bound out the door into the crisp air. The sound of shouts and thudding Quaffles draws me around the house toward the small makeshift pitch. I break into a jog, cold forgotten in my eagerness. There will be time enough later for fretting and making plans. For now, I'm desperate for the therapist of wind and sky, my brothers' laughter.

I read my Book while sitting by the pool as they both keep playing above. After a while they fly back down, Harry flops down next to me and Ara in front of me "Uhhh you are worse than Mione you carry this ruddy book with you everywhere!" Ara complains, and I close the book, "It's a nice story!"

Harry Giggles "Nice story you say, Completly boring we-"

I smack Harry's shoulder lightly with my book, even as laughter threatens to escape. "Oh hush, you. Reading is good for the mind."

Ara merely rolls his eyes dramatically. "That's what Hermione always says too, and we all know how swotty she was at school."

Harry coughs loudly next to me in a poor attempt to mask his snicker. I turn my glare on him instead, which only makes him laugh harder. "Sorry, Ly, but he has a point. You are a bit of a bookworm like Mione."

He ducks the second swing of my book, green eyes glinting mischievously. "Easy! It's cute, really. All smart and studious, I am sure your redhead thinks so." Harry whispers the last part making sure Ara doesn't hear it but I narrow my eyes even as heat crawls up my neck. Harry winks, utterly unrepentant. I shove his smirking face into the grass and whisper to him "What about your redhead, what does she like, huh?".

"She gets it honest from Mum, you know. But at least Mum loosens up sometimes! Lyra here acts eighty, going on ninety." Ara says, and I now send the towel next to me to his face.

The little brat! Now they're both going to get it. I pounce forward, fingers dancing along Ara's ribs until he dissolves into breathless giggles.

"Yield!" he gasps finally between bouts of laughter.

I give a mock sigh of disappointment even as I relent to my tickle torture. "You're just jealous I retain information, unlike certain Quidditch-obsessed heathens." But I can't put any real rancor in the retort, quite enjoying my siblings' playful teasing for a change.

Mum and I wandered through Diagon Alley, ducking in and out of the colorful holiday-decorated shops. Harry and Ara trailed behind us, laden with packages and playfully bickering.

We paused outside the Appothacary. "Just need to pop in here for the twins' gifts," I told Mum, who nodded indulgently.

Soon my arms were piled high with tricks and novelties for Fred and George. I also selected some sugar quills for Ron, a broom maintanance kit for Ginny, and a book on Quidditch tactics for Harry.

"Just Draco left now," I mused as we exited. I scanned the street contemplatively until a window display of sleek eagle feather quills caught my eye. Perfect.

I turned to Mum with a satisfied smile. "Well, looks like I'm just about finished!"

She gave me a sly, knowing look. "Don't you want to get something for Charlie too, dear?"

I froze, feeling my cheeks flush. "W-what? Why would you ask that?" I stammered unconvincingly. Mum arches one eloquent eyebrow, clearly unconvinced by my incoherent sputtering. My face burns hotter. Of course nothing gets past her all-seeing gaze - she read every childhood skinned knee and hidden sweet wrapper long before words passed my lips. Why did I imagine my growing affinity for Charlie would escape her notice?

Mum waved a dismissive hand. "Oh please, I'm your mother. I know when my daughter fancies someone." She leaned in conspiratorially. "So? Tell me about my future son-in-law!"

"Mum!" I groaned, beyond mortified. Harry and Ara perked up curiously. "Ooooh, Lyra's got a crush on ickle Ginny's brother!" Ara teased.

I smacked his arm, face burning. "It's nothing! Charlie and I are just friends." Even as I denied it, though, my traitorous heart squeezed thinking of him. "Liar!" Harry mumbled under his breath but I hit him in his chest and he stops saying anything further.

Mum looked far from convinced, but she took mercy and didn't press the issue with my brother and cousin present. I avoided her knowing gaze self-consciously.

We stopped for hot chocolates before parting ways to finish up our shopping. I waved the boys off, turning to Mum with a sigh. "Really, it's not like that with Charlie," I insisted weakly.

She just hummed, unconvinced. "I won't meddle, dear. But I do think Charles would appreciate a gift from you. He seems quite fond of his little sister's pretty friend." Mum gave me a playful nudge before bustling off, leaving me reeling. "Mum!" I groaned once again.

I wandered through the festive shops, perturbed by Mum's meddling suggestions about Charlie. Honestly, Why did my Mum have choose now to tease me about this of all things!

I browsed the festive Diagon Alley shops, pondering what gift to get Charlie now that Mum had planted the idea in my head. She kept shooting me knowing little smiles and winks whenever something dragon or Quidditch-related caught my eye.

"Perhaps Charles would like one of those lovely jumpers Madame Malkin is selling, dear," Mum suggested innocently as we passed the clothing shop. I decided it could be nice and I enter the shop. As I was browsing through jumpers, Mom picked up a pair of boxers with Chili Peppers on them.

"Ooh what about these? Spicy!" she teased.

"Mom! I am not buying Charlie underwear!" I hissed, my face turning beet red. A few shoppers glanced over, which made me blush even harder.

Mom just chuckled and kept browsing. "You sure? Might make his heart race!"

I grabbed her by the arm. "That's it, we're leaving. You're so embarrassing!" I dragged her out of the store while she cackled behind me.

We explored Twilfitt and Tatting's next. Mum "ooh'd" over a display of posh dragonhide gloves.

"Those look handy for working with dragons, don't you think? And so stylish too!" She raised her eyebrows at me meaningfully.

I turned away to hide my burning cheeks. "Bit expensive for a friend gift, don't you think?" I deflected. Honestly, she was incorrigible! My cheeks burned and I shoved the gloves back on the shelf. "You are impossible today!" I growled, as Mom cracked up at my expense.

"Aww c'mon, don't get upset," said Mom, putting her arm around me. "I'm just playin' around. We'll find something amazing, I promise."

After stopping at Sugarplum's Sweets and J. Pippin's Potions without success, I was starting to feel discouraged. Nothing seemed personal enough for Charlie.

Until a display in Amanuensis Quills' window caught my eye - a intricate silver locket etched with runes. According to the sign, it could be charmed to hold a memory inside.

My heart thrilled. What better way to show Charlie how much our secret nights together meant than letting him carry a happy moment with him always?

I hurried inside without a backwards glance at Mum's knowing smirk. This was it, the perfect gift. I had to have it. "Thats even more expencive then the gloves." She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. "He doesn't have to know that." I mumble as I enter the shop. She follows me inside and I instantly ask the shopkeeper to pack the neckless for me.

Ten minutes later I emerged triumphantly, the now-empty locket safely in my bag. I turned to Mum, lifting my chin. Mum seemed unable to restrain herself from meddling. As we walked down the lane, she persisted, "That locket would be perfect for storing a kiss, you know. Just a thought!" At my mortified look, she laughed merrily. "Oh don't be so skittish, darling! A peck on the cheek is plenty romantic."

"Mum, please," I groaned. "It's just a friendly gift, honestly. Let it go."

She held up her hands innocently, though her eyes still twinkled. "Of course, dear. I'm just saying, if you wanted to give him a subtle hint..."

I quickened my pace, cheeks flaming. But Mum kept finding ways to insert suggestive remarks about sending Charlie love tokens or conveying my feelings. Each made me more flustered than the last.

By the time we stopped for hot chocolates, I was ready to vanish into the ground from embarrassment. As if reading my thoughts, Mum patted my hand gently. "Just teasing, sweetheart. I'm sure whatever you picked will make Charles smile."

Her sincerity softened my irritation. I knew she just wanted me to find love and happiness. With a small grin, I said, "I hope so. I know he'll at least appreciate the thought."

Mum smiled knowingly over her cocoa as we waited for Harry and Ara.

☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

The Burrow was filled with the warmth of the holiday season. Christmas lights adorned the cozy living room, and the scent of homemade treats wafted through the air. We gathered around the Weasley's tree, placing our carefully selected gifts beneath its branches. The adults excused themselves to discuss Order of the Phoenix matters, leaving Ron, Ginny, Harry, Ara, George, Fred, and me in the living room, engaging in lively conversation.

As the night progressed, I couldn't help but notice the subtle glances exchanged between Harry and Ginny. The air was charged with unspoken tension, a magnetic pull between the two. George, sitting beside me, leaned in to whisper, "Honestly, how thick is your cousin?"

I chuckled, earning puzzled looks from those around us. "He's not thick at all. I bet he'll kiss her tonight," I declared with confidence. George raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "I don't think he will. At least not by tonight. Wanna bet 10 galleons?" he proposed.

"Done," I agreed, sealing the wager with a shake of hands.

Later, after a delicious dinner, I found myself comfortably settled in an armchair beside Charlie, who was popping mini tarts into his mouth. My gaze flickered between Harry and Ginny, both seemingly engrossed in conversation, with an undercurrent of something more.

Anticipation hummed through the room as Ginny playfully fed Harry a tart, a move that felt like the prelude to a kiss. My eyes widened with expectation, ready for me to claim my victory in the bet.

Just as the moment reached its crescendo, Ron sauntered into the living room and plopped down right between the two potential lovebirds. I couldn't help but groan in frustration. "Honestly, Charlie, your brother is so clueless. Seems like an annoying Weasley trait."

Charlie looked at me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What did he do? And why are you calling it a Weasley trait? No one else is clueless."

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Ron just sat between two people who were about to kiss. And it is a Weasley trait everyone except maybe Fred and George are completely clueless."

"Harry and Ginny were about to kiss?" Charlie asks "See completely Clueless!" I exclaim.

Charlie laughs. "Oh come on, Ron's not that bad. But you and George seem very invested in whether or not my little sister kisses your cousin tonight."

I sigh dramatically. "Because I stupidly agreed to a bet I thought for sure I would win. And Ron has interrupted these two almost all night, Honestly, all the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart." I give him a pointed look and Charlie shakes his head in amusement.

Just then Mrs. Weasley calls everyone into the kitchen for some hot cocoa. Charlie and I get up from our cozy chairs. As I pass him I trip over his big feet and fall right into Charlie's strong arms with a little yelp. We freeze for a moment, faces just inches apart. My heart pounds wildly as I gaze up into his beautiful brown eyes. Is he going to kiss me? Does he finally see how crazy I am for him? Just as I think my dream is coming true...

"Careful there, clumsy. We wouldn't want you tripping over thin air." Charlie grins mischievously and playfully teases.

I pull back, embarrassment flushing my cheeks. "Thanks for the save," I mutter, trying to hide the fluttering nerves in my stomach.

Charlie chuckles, giving me a gentle pat on the back. "Anytime. Can't have you injuring yourself on my watch."

As I walk behind him I kick the floor with my feet "Fucking Clueless."

We all settle in around the big wooden table with steaming mugs of creamy hot chocolate topped with marshmallows. Mrs Weasley fusses around making sure we all have enough blankets and throws to stay cozy. George took the empty seat next to my dad making me end up squeezed between Ginny and Charlie on one bench, hyper-aware of his thigh barely an inch from mine.

George smirks at me as I glare at him for doing this. Fred who is sitting next to Ginny decided to add to my misery "Charlie would you pass the mini marshmallows to me please." Fred says and Charlie takes the bowl of mini marshmellows and leans towards me as he passes them to Fred. His knee brushes mine sending a soft shiver through my spine.

Trying to act normal, I take a big sip of my cocoa, only to burn my tongue. "Ow!" I yelp. Charlie grabs my mug as I fan my mouth.

"Careful Lyra, let it cool a bit first," he gently chides as he hands me a glass of cold milk and I take a tentative drink.

"Now this she'll be careful about!" Charlie grumbles rolling his eyes. Once the stinging subsides I thank him softly.

Just as the moment seems to settle into a comfortable rhythm, George decides to stir the pot. "So, Ly, heard you keep rejecting guys at school. Anyone particular you have in mind to date?" he asks with a sly grin.

I feel a flush rise to my cheeks, and I shoot George a warning look. "I'm just not interested in dating right now," I respond evasively, hoping to steer the conversation away from my personal life.

But George doesn't let it go, he is doing this on purpose. "Come on, spill the beans. Is there someone you're secretly pining for?" he teases, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Ara smirks at me. "Yeah, Lyra, there is a pertic-ofpf" Harry elbows Ara in the stomach to stop him from spilling the beans I shoot him a grateful look.

"Let it go guys," I say rolling my eyes. I glance at Charlie, sitting next to me, and a flicker of something crosses his eyes. Is it curiosity or something more? And thankfully they do let it go now talking about some stupid muggle toy.

The laughter and banter continue as we drink our cocoa and eat the fudge and treacle tart Mrs Weasley dishes out. I glance sideways at Charlie, his eyes crinkled in amusement at his siblings' antics. We have now all moved to the livingroom.

As the night wears on, I feel my eyes getting heavy. I try to stifle a yawn as Charlie dives into yet another story about some daring quidditch maneuver he once pulled off. I nod along sleepily, only catching every few words.

The warmth from the fire and all the sugar we've consumed is making me pleasantly drowsy. I shift in my seat, seeking a more comfortable position. Before I really think about what I'm doing, I lower my head to rest on my folded arms on the table in front of me, turned slightly towards Charlie.

From this angle I have a nice view of his profile - his splattering of freckles, his strong nose and jawline, his warm brown eyes dancing animatedly. I sigh contentedly, perfectly happy to just gaze at him as he continues gesturing wildly, clearly reliving some quidditch triumph.

After a few minutes he glances down and seems to realize my head is resting mere inches from his arm. "Tuckered out, eh Lyra?" He asks, amusement glinting in his eyes.

"Mmm just a bit," I mumble. "But do go on, I like your stories..." I trail off, eyelids feeling heavier by the second.

Charlie chuckles and shakes his head at me. "Clearly someone needs to get this sleepy one to bed."

Just then my mom speaks up from down the table. "It is getting rather late. Maybe we should get going, Reg?"

My dad nods reluctantly, mid-debate with Remus over some obscure magical creatures.

"Oh but you all should stay!" Molly exclaims warmly. "No point in traveling back tonight when we have plenty of room."

"Are you sure Molly? We wouldn't want to impose..." my mother begins but Molly waves her off.

"Nonsense! It's dreadful weather for flying and we rarely get to see you all nowadays." She turns her attention to Remus and Tonks who sit cozily beside each other sipping firewhisky. "You'll both stay as well of course. I'll make up all the spare cots."

Remus sets down his glass of firewhisky and smiles apologetically at Molly. "That's very kind of you to offer, but with my...time of the month approaching, I should be at home."

Molly nods in understanding while Tonks looks slightly disappointed that Remus is refusing to stay. "But Belle is right," Remus continues, "it is quite late and we should get going."

"Come on kids, time to head through the floo," Mum announces.

I feel a gentle hand patting my head. "Lyra, darling, time to go," my mum calls softly. I grumble in protest, keeping my eyes squeezed shut. I was quite comfortable dozing off right here thank you very much!

"C'mon now Lyra, up you get," Charlie's amused voice cajoles, his hand now squeezing my shoulder.

With great reluctance I allow him to help lever me slowly into a standing position, though my limbs feel like jelly and my eyes refuse to open. I teeter alarmingly, still more asleep than awake.

Suddenly two warm, steadying hands grasp my arms, holding me upright. My pulse quickens as I will my bleary eyes to focus on Charlie, now also standing in front of me, his large palms gently grasping my arms through the fabric of my sweater.

His brilliant brown Weasley eyes lock onto mine with an inscrutable look as he looks down at me. It's taking all my concentration not to melt back against him.

"Steady there, love," he murmurs letting me go. Over his shoulder I see George snickering at my predicament while Fred makes kissy faces. I summon the energy to glare weakly at them. Traitors!

My mind still feels wrapped in a warm, sleepy cocoon but my skin is now tingling hyperaware wherever Charlie touched me.

As I pass where he stands, his hand presses ever so gently against my lower back, steadying me as I wobble precariously on the uneven floorboards. Those rough huge Quidditch player fingers graze featherlight over the thin fabric of my dress and a shiver races up my spine that has nothing to do with the cold.

I pause imperceptibly, longing to lean back into his touch, his warmth. But too quickly the sensation is gone, his hand falling back to his side as I move past him towards the dancing emerald flames.

My sleepy heart flutters wildly in my chest. I risk a quick glance back over my shoulder and find Charlie's brilliant brown gaze already locked on me, a small crease between his brows as if confused by his own reaction.

"Go on now, in you get," Mum prompts gently, With a soft sigh I turn back to the fire and take a pinch of glittering floo powder from the flowerpot on the mantle.

As I step into the tickling tongues of magical fire I meet Charlie's eyes one last time. Ara grabs my arm to steady me as he tosses a handful of glittering floo powder into the flames and calls out "Potter Manor!" The last thing I see is Charlie's crooked, bemused half-smile as I'm whisked away in a blur of spinning grates.

We stumble out onto the thick rug in the parlor at home. I scan the room for my dad and Harry but it's just us so far. Mum comes through a minute later though, brushing soot off her robes.

"Where's Dad and Harry?" I ask through a yawn. Mum waves a hand unconcernedly. "Oh, they stayed back chatting with Arthur but said they'd be along soon."

She urges us off to wash up and get ready for bed. My limbs feel pleasantly heavy and fuzzy as I pull on cozy pajamas and in my room. Sliding under my thick-down comforter, breathing in the comforting scents of home, I feel myself quickly drifting off. Curled on my side I vaguely wonder if Charlie is tucking himself into bed at that moment too...with that image floating in my drowsy mind, I slip into pleasant dreams of the brown-eyed dragon tamer.

I wake up the next morning, the sunlight filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow in my room. Stretching lazily, I yawn and glance at the clock. It's Christmas morning, and excitement bubbles within me.

After a quick trip to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I decide to embrace the festive spirit without changing out of my Unicorn PJs. Skipping down the stairs, the anticipation of the day ahead makes me feel lighter than air. However, my cheerful descent comes to a sudden halt on the second-to-last step as my eyes take in an unexpected scene in the living room.

The entire Weasley family plus Harry are crowded into our living room still wearing pajamas - the adults clutching mugs of coffee while sleepy teens try to smooth down bedheads. A small tree glitters in the corner by the fire as Christmas music plays softly, at odds with the somber mood.

"Merry Christmas, Lyra!" Ginny exclaims, breaking the initial silence. Every head turns in my direction, and I can't help but smile sheepishly. "Merry Christmas! What's..." I start to ask, but before I can finish my question, Dad interjects with a grave tone.

"The Burrow was attacked," His face is grim. "So the Weasleys will be staying with us until repairs are made and extra protective enchantments added." (I am too lazy to write more explanation but we all know the bellatrix attack at the burrow in the movie this is the morning after that)

My heart sinks at the unexpected news. The joy of Christmas morning is replaced by concern and confusion.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp, hurrying down the last steps. My heart pounds, imagining what could have happened. I rush over to give Ginny a hug "That's just awful, I'm so glad you're all okay!" I whisper.

As I release Ginny from a fierce, relieved hug, my eyes scan the room searchingly. Where's Charlie? Is he alright? Before I can give into panic, Ginny seems to read my mind.

"Don't worry, Charlie already left on a mission for the Order early this morning," she whispers. "He's fine though."

I feel my cheeks flush, knowing I must be extremely transparent. "I wasn't...I mean I was just..." I stammer unconvincingly.

Ginny smirks knowingly. "Mmhmm...sure you weren't looking for my dear brother..."

I elbow her in the ribs but can't keep a small smile from quirking my lips. Trust Ginny to help lighten even the most tense situation. I exhale slowly, trying to let the knots in my stomach loosen now that I know Charlie's safe absence is merely Order business. Still, I wish I could've seen for myself that he was unharmed...

"Come along dears, enough gloom," Mrs. Weasley bustles over to us, pasting a bright smile on her face. "Let's enjoy our Christmas, shall we? Presents first, then a nice meal."

Everyone murmurs agreement, the younger ones especially eager for gifts to distract from the attack's pall. I follow Ginny over to the twinkling tree surrounded by colorfully wrapped packages. My gaze keeps drifting unconsciously to the window though, anxiously anticipating the first sign of Charlie swooping in on his broom.

"Go ahead and open this one from me first," Ginny urges with a knowing look, pressing a neatly wrapped box into my hands. I lift the lid curiously, to find a book called 'Love Hypothesis.' "Its a very famous muggle book." She says.

After all the gifts have been opened and exclaimed over, we gather in the dining room for a sumptuous breakfast, courtesy of Kreacher's excellent cooking. Everyone seems in brighter spirits, especially the younger Weasley siblings who chatter excitedly about new prank items, books, and Quidditch gear they received.

I keep glancing towards the window, scanning the blue skies for any approaching broom silhouettes. Mum notices and pats my arm reassuringly. "Not to worry love, Arthur said they expected Charlie and the others back before lunch." I nod, comforted that at least his mission is apparently on schedule. And Ginny had said he was fine...

After seconds, and even thirds for some of the boys like Ron, breakfast finally winds down. As the dining table is cleared I flip curiously through the intriguing muggle novel Ginny gifted me - The Love Hypothesis. Everyone disperses to shower and change and I settle comfortably onto the plush rug in front of the fireplace to continue reading. The scent of cinnamon pine cones and crackling birch logs soothes my lingering worries.

I become completely absorbed in the entertaining story of a grad student and professor reluctantly fake-dating, laughing aloud at their awkward forced intimacy.

"Honestly, who just goes and full-on snogs a random stranger?" I giggle to myself. Although if that stranger happened to be a certain brown-eyed, dragon-taming Weasley...I feel my cheeks flush and I nibble my lip imagining such a scenario.

Just then the fire gives a crackling pop behind me. I glance back absently, expecting to see another freshly showered Weasley heading to rummage the kitchen. Instead, emerald flames erupt revealing two tall figures staggering out onto the stone hearth - Charlie and Remus!

I let out a squeal of surprise and delight, throwing my book aside and launching myself at Charlie's staggering form before he's even fully stepped clear of the fireplace. His arms instinctively wrap around me, steadying us both as I nearly bowl him over in my enthusiasm.

"Whoa! Hello to you too!" Charlie laughs, hugging me back tightly. I cling to him, breathing in that smoky outdoorsy scent I've been longing for all morning.

Over Charlie's shoulder I see Remus brushing soot off his shabby coat, smiling knowingly at our enthusiastic reunion. "I'll just...go let the others know we've returned safely," he chuckles. With a wink at me, he heads out towards the kitchens. God did mom tell Uncle Remus as well.

I feel my cheeks burning as I bury my face against Charlie's neck, still wrapped in his arms. Did Mum tell the whole Order about my pathetic pining?

"Thank god you're alright," I mumble into his skin, inhaling that woodsmoke scent. Charlie sighs, his hands rubbing slow circles on my back.

"Of course, although late at night your idiot brother ran out behind Lestrange to avenge Sirius and almost got himself killed," he says ruefully. "Harry really needs to stop learning from you."

I pull back to glare up at him in mock offense, swatting his arm. "Oh? And who says I'm not the one learning from him?"

At that, Charlie leans in closer, our noses almost touching. My heart skips wildly. "Then I'll have to kill him for making you so reckless," he growls. Despite the teasing complaint, his eyes darken with something that sends tingles down my spine.

I tip my chin up defiantly, unwilling to let him intimidate me...or admit how much I like this commanding side of sweet Charlie. "I can take care of myself, thanks very much," I inform him pertly.

His gaze drops briefly to my lips before locking intensely with mine again. "Clearly..." he murmurs, his voice low and raspy. He gives his head a small shake, like clearing cobwebs. When his eyes meet mine again, that strange darkness has vanished, replaced by gentle affection.

"C'mon you," Charlie says lightly, steering me towards the kitchens by the shoulders. "Mum's dying to fuss over me, then I expect a full report on your Christmas gifts!" His familiar lopsided grin makes my knees weak all over again. Charlie attempts to steer me toward the bustling sounds of everyone gathered in the kitchen. But I slip out from under his arm and flop back down onto the plush sofa, grabbing my discarded novel.

"You go on ahead," I tell him breezily, trying to act casual while my heart continues pounding at light speed. "I want to get back to my book while things are still quiet out here."

Charlie smirks and shakes his head fondly. "Alright bookworm, suit yourself." He reaches out to lightly rumple my already unruly dark waves. "Don't get too lost in your imaginary world now."

I make a face at him but can't keep a stupid giddy grin off my face. "Yeah yeah..." Honestly at this point, I already have everything in the world I could wish for.

As Charlie starts to head off, he tosses a question casually back over his shoulder that makes my heart skip faster again. "I hope you liked my gift as much as you seem to like Ginny's book there?"

I glance down, startled, at The Love Hypothesis in my hands. "Oh! Um..." I falter. Charlie raises an expectant eyebrow.

"I actually...haven't opened your gift yet," I admit, feeling suddenly shy.

At that admission, he turns fully back around to face me again. "No? And why's that, Lyra?" There's an undercurrent of something meaningful in his playful tone that makes my stomach flutter.

I tug self-consciously on the sleeve of my oversized unicorn pajamas. "Well, I um...I thought it might be nice to wait until you were here when I opened it," I mumble, my cheeks warming. "Since you weren't around earlier..." I trail off and peek up at him through my messy hair.

A slow, pleased grin spreads across Charlie's freckled face at my confession, making him even more handsome. "Waiting all morning just for me eh?" He teases. But the delight crinkling in his eyes warms me to my toes. "Alright then, let me grab some breakfast first, and then we'll open your gift together." He flashes me that lopsided grin I adore before disappearing around the corner.

I bury my burning cheeks back in my book, unable to focus on the words any longer. My heart feels near to bursting after the emotional rollercoaster of this Christmas Day already. I may tease Harry but I certainly understand now how he feels about a certain Weasley...with exhilarated butterflies still fluttering wildly, I give up reading and lean dreamily into the sofa cushions to daydream about my own redhead.

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