Violet Evans

Av FeliciaKing758

111 6 0

What if harry had another cousin named Violet lily Evan's that petunia hated more then harry but unknown to V... Mer

meet Violet
the letter
Diagon Alley
platform 9 3/4 cross station
The sorting
first day
The claiming
Troll in the dungeon

school supplies

6 1 0
Av FeliciaKing758

Violet P.O.V

'' Here is where you get your quills and your ink," Hagrid poked to a store, " And over there is where you get your Bits and Bobs, as for you witch and wizardry.'' He pointed to another store.

'' Brilliant '' I said.

We walked past multiple stores, heading towards a big white building, and as we were walking, we had walked past a broom shop and Harry looked at it in amazement, I was looking at the broom in the window.

'' Wow the new nimbus 2000'' I heard a kid say.

'' It's the fastest broom yet'' Another one said.

I turned to see Harry looking at it with wide eyes.

But I turned to Hagrid with one question on my mind, '' Hagrid how are we to pay for all of this'' I asked curiously,

'' We don't have any money'' Harry said

'' There is your money pointing back to the white building." Hagrid point out ahead of us.

'' Gringotts the wizard bank, ain't not place safer place, not one, except, Hogwarts'' He informed

We entered the banks and what I saw surprise me

'' uhh Hagrid what are they'' I asked watching the creatures as they worked.

'' They're goblins, clever as they come, not the most friendly of beast, best stay close you two" Hagrid replied quietly as we walk up the white stone steps toward him. The goblin was about a head shorter than Harry and I. He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and, I noticed he has very long fingers and feet. He bowed as we walk inside. Now we were facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved upon them:

Enter, stranger, but take heed of what awaits the sin of greed, for those who take, but do not earn, must pay most dearly in their turn. ​So if you seek beneath our floors a treasure that was never yours, thief you have been warned, beware of finding more than treasure there.

We walked up to the counter where a goblin was working.

'' Mr harry potter and Miss Violet Evans wish to make a withdrawal from their valut. '' Hagrid stated.

The goblin looked over at Hagrid with disgusted look. '' Ooh'' He reach over the counter to look at Harry and I. '' Does Mr. Potter and Miss Evans have their key?" asked the goblin.

'' Oh wait a minute! I got it here somewhere'' Hagrid said reaching into his deep pocket coat and pulled out various things, but in the end, he ended up pulling out a key.

'' Ha here it is'' He placed the key on the counter

'' Oh there is something else as well, Professor Dumbledore gave me this'' He said as he handed a letter to the goblin.

'' It's about you -know- what, in vault you know- what'' Hagrid whispered to the goblin.

Harry and I shared a confused look.

'' Very well'' said the goblin said

he called for another goblin name riphook who led us towards a cart that we had to ride in to get to the vaults

once we were go there i turn to look at Hagrid who look a bit green from the wild ride on they way here as riphook ask for the key

''vault 687, key please'' he asked.

Hagrid gave him the key and he opens the vault

harry had a shock on his face when he saw the gold '' wow'' he said

Hagrid turn to look at me '' you aunt and uncle also leave you some gold'' to he point the gold next to Harry's i look at it in shock

'' didn't think your mom and dad would leave you with nuthin do ya'' he said looking back at harry with amassment look on his face

harry and i grab a sack full each of coins and we made our way to vault 713 '' what in there?" i ask Hagrid as riphook told us to stand back as he open the vault.

'' can't tell you violet, it's Hogwarts business, very secret'' he replied I only only nodded understanding as the vault door open i was thinking it was full on gold like ours but when i look inside it only had something small and wrap in a sack.

Hagrid walk into the vault and pick it as he walk out he turn to harry and i with a look '' best not to mention this to anyone, Violet, harry'' i nodded my head before following them back to cart i look at Hagrid who had that sick look back on his face when saw the cart i only shock my head before claiming back on and sitting down next to harry waiting to go back up.


we made it back up onto the crowded streets of Diagon ally i start reading the listen again on things we need I looked around of all the stores when Hagrid pointed them out again. We walked inside one of the stores to get our books.

I got separated from Harry as I went looking around in the store on my own. When I stopped at a certain shelf to get a book, there was one problem. I was too short to reach it. I tried again, but I couldn't. Until someone from behind, who was taller grabbed the book.

I turn around to see a boy about two years older then me holding the book I was after in his hand with a smile on his face as he hand me the book.

I took his appearance in he was tall with dark hair and the most bright greys eyes i have ever seen. I smiled at him.

"T-thanks." I said nervously. "I'm Violet."

"Well Violet, it's nice to meet you." He said. "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" Violet asked curiously as she glanced down at the parchment to see what else she needs.

Cedric nodded. "I do actually. I'll be going into third year and i see you're going into your first year''

'' yes i am '' i nodded

'' what house are you hoping to be in?'' he asked i frowned when he asked that

''house?'' i asked him

''oh i guessing you're a muggleborn since you don't know about Hogwarts houses'' he said in amazement '' our school has different houses you get sort into on the first night of school''

'' oh cool what house are you in"? i asked him

'' well i am in Hufflepuff but there four house's in Hogwarts they are Gryffindor ,Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin''

'' wow'' i said he only smiled at my reply as he explain the houses values

'' i guess i'm hoping to get into Gryffindor if not Hufflepuff would be my second hope'' he smile grown wider when i said that

'' well i hop you get Hufflepuff two'' he started talking more about Hogwarts and other things i started getting a strange feeling i have never had before as i was about to ask him something until I saw Hagrid came in to the shop with Harry.

I sighed and then looked at Cedric.

"I should probably be going." I told him. "But it was nice meeting you, I'll see you at Hogwarts."

Before Cedric could reply, I saw Hagrid walking over to us.

"Ah, Violet there you are." Hagrid said. "I've looked everywhere for you."

'' sorry Hagrid'' i said ask i turned back to Cedric

'' it was nice meeting you Cedric i' ll see you at Hogwarts i guess'' i said smiling up at Cedric as he said goodbye as i followed Hagrid out the door back into the street to finish the rest of the list Hagrid turn to look at me with a smile as i turn to look back at Cedric as he stepped out of the shop with his father i guessed.

'' i see you have meet Mr Cedric diggory nice boy'' he said

'' yes i did'' i said as i turn to look at harry who was glaring at Cedric for some reason

i look down at the list with only one thing on the list left

'' we still need a wand i said'' i turn to look up at Hagrid when i ask him

'' you two should go to Ollivanders, there ain't not better place. why don't you guys go get your wands, there is just one thing i have to do'' Hagrid said before scurrying off

i turn to look at harry with amassment on my face '' what was that about'' i asked him

'' i have not idea come on'' he shrugged before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards Ollivanders as we entered there was no at the counter when we approached it

'' hello?'' said harry as he called out

but no-one came or answered i looked around at all the box filling the walls i guessing are the wands.

'' hello'' i called out again i jumps at a men i guessing is Ollivanders came rolling out on his ladder i went to grab my dagger but stop when he spoke.

''I wonder when I'd I'll see you mr potter and miss Evan's'' he said '' it's seems only yesterday you mother and father were in here buying their first wands'' he said as he ask if where left or right hand i said right hand same as harry he the then pulled out two wands and hand one to harry first and then one two me.

'' we'll go on then give them a wave'' he said as i stood there for moment just holding the wand not know what do with it

i gave it wave and the box's behind Ollivanders came flying off the shelfs i put the one back on the desk as fast i could and apologist to him for doing that.

he just waved it off and grab more wands for harry and i to try.

'' try these'' i waved the next wand and the glass shattered all over the place

'' nope, not those either'' he muttered as grab the wands and walked off to find more for us to try as he put those away.

he walk deeper in the shop i watched as him stop at a glowing gold box he pulled it out and held it into his hands looking at it for moment thinking none of other's have done that before as grab another one behind him and looking at both of in his hands.

'' i wonder'' he said as he look up at both harry and i thinking for a moment before walk towards us will the two box's as put the one for harry down before carefully opening the glowing one as pulled out the wand i notice it had what look like lighting engrave into the wood i look at it in shock.

'' this wand is made from a very special tree black pine that is only fine on one place in this world with dragon heartstring as it core along with something very special but you not ready to know yet'' he said as he handed it to me

as i held it there was a very powerfully felling when i taught it and sparks with look it light came sparkling out of the tip of it when i held it

'' very interesting i have had that wand here for many years and not one has every being about to hold it until today i can tell you going to be very powerfully when you older just like the one who wanted it made he came in one day and told me to keep it until the right person came for it you both have bright blue eyes'' he said with a smile

i just looked at him in shock when he said all that ,knowing only one man he could be has to be talking about but i am surprised he broke his own law

as Ollivanders pick up the box for harry and hand him the wand as the harry look at his wand with wide eyes.

'' Curious..'' Ollivanders said '' very curious''

'' Excuse me, sir, but what's Curious'' harry asked

'' i remember every wand i sold here Mr potter and Ms Evans, it so happens that the Phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather, just one other! it is curious that you destined for this one when is brother gave you that scars'' he replied talking mostly to harry at this point i frown what after person has the other wand and what happened to him.

''and what happen to that wand'' harry ask thinking the same thing is just he asked it

'' we do not speak his name'' he whispered.

''The wand chooses the Wizard Mr potter and miss Evans and it's obvious that we expect great things from both of you. After all who- must- not - be named did get things , horrible things.

we paid for our wands not speaking a word to each only with thinking about what mr Ollivanders said as a tap came from the window i turn around to see Hagrid with holding something i realized that it was owls in to cage's i smiled and ran outside to get a better look at them.

one was white and the other was a Eagle owl.

'' wow'' i said


we were having dinner back in the leaky cauldron but harry was not toughing his food

'' you very quit harry'' said Hagrid

'' he killed my parents didn't he'' harry ask Hagrid as he pointed his scar on

'' you know Hagrid , i know you do'' harry said

i only sat look between them two i frown when Hagrid froze before pushed his stew away before he turn to look at harry

'' first understanding guys, 'cause it's really important, not all wizards are good, some of them go as bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard, who went as bad you can go. And his name V-V-'' he struggled to say.

'' maybe if you wrote it down'' i suggested,

'' no i can't spell it'' Hagrid replied

'' All right Voldemort'' he whispered

''Voldemort'' harry said out loud

'' SHHH'' Hagrid shushed him as i look around to see if anyone was listen and looking for monster i had my hand on my dagger i had hiding in my pocket but saw non so i turn back as Hagrid spoke again.

'' it was dark times, dark time, Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him, ended up dead. Your parents fought against him... and you aunt didn't give in ever after one of his follows found her.... but nobody lived once he decided to kill them em. no one but you'' he said looking at harry.

''me'' said harry '' he tried to kill me?''

''Yes, that's not an ordinary cut on your forehead there, a mark that only comes from touched by a curse, and an evil curse at that''.

'' what happened to him'' asked harry

'' some say he died, codswallop in my opinion. I reckon he's still out there two tried to carry on'' he whispered '' but one thing's absolutely certain. something you stop him that night, that's why you famous, that why everyone know your name. Your the boy who lived.''

'' what about my mother you said she didn't give in ever'' i ask him

'' oh sweet Jasmine lily's twin she was just as stubborn as they come but when she had you she was very secret about you Violet like she was hiding something or hiding from someone she only really spoke to lily and james'' he smile remember my mother

'' i only meet her a couple of times but was sadly killed by Bellatrix Lestrange one of his followers she tortared her for information on your aunt and uncle and she never gave in when Dumbledore found your mother and Bellatrix i have never seen him so angry''.

i sat there not very hungry anymore as i push my own food way i looked down for a moment as only one more question stay in my mind before i looked back up him

'' then who is my father i have been wanting to know since i have been in camp all my life having to stay in a crowed cabin i just aways know my mother was not around anymore but i didn't know she was killed'' i said and asked

Hagrid only had a sad look on his face '' i sadly can't tell you anything he has to claim you violet but you already know that''

'' i have been waiting my whole life for him to claim me as he child but he won't i don't know what i did to make him hate me but i have learned what happen to Thalia.''

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