Just A Game

By xXunknown2000xX

662 45 8

An Improved Version Of The Chishiya Fan-Fiction! Based Off Of Season 1 Of Alice In Borderlands! More

Before - The Hospital
Before - The Agreement
Five Of Spades
Ace Of Hearts
Three Of Hearts
Eight Of Spades
Hatter's what?
Ten Of Hearts
It's Not Over Yet...


35 4 0
By xXunknown2000xX

Another meeting happened today before Hatter was getting ready to leave, Hatter had to check a few things. When I sat down next to Chishiya, I noticed a bruise on his neck. Looks like he did fuck some random woman. I also noticed in the corner of Chishiya's lips was smudged pink lipstick confirming he definitely hooked up with some woman last night. Chishiya was talking to Hatter about what he was able to do whilst Hatter wasn't here. I took a good look at Chishiya, at least he was cute. I was really angry about the fact that I had to marry him but he was cute so I guess that was a benefit, his hair suited him and I had decided he looked better with his hair down. Chishiya had finished talking and felt my stare so he looked at me, he smirked at me but said nothing. The meeting ended and I walked out of the room, "Roof come on" Chishiya said as he walked out. Seriously? What now?? I sighed and followed Chishiya up to the roof, it was just us two again making me really wonder what he wanted now?

Chishiya walked back near the edge of the roof and I stopped halfway, crossing my arms. Chishiya smirked and looked at me, "I wasn't going to bring this up but with the attitude you are giving me, you deserve this" Chishiya said laughing. Deserve what? "I saw the way you looked at me in that meeting" Chishiya said smirking. Aw shit, I wish he hadn't. "That was a very interesting look I got from you, usually you are glaring at me or looking at me because you're bored of me, that one however was, hmm how do I say this?" Chishiya said walking over to me. "That look you gave me said you find me attractive" Chishiya spoke, I said nothing, just kept my arms crossed defensively. 

"I'm right, aren't I? Your body language tells me it all Yasmin" Chishiya said to me. I rolled my eyes at him, "I can barely stand you Chishiya" I said bluntly. Chishiya put his hand to his heart faking that it hurt him. "I want Arisu and Usagi to join the plan" Chishiya said to me. "What? Why?" I asked him confused. "I think we could use them in the plan, they are both smart" Chishiya explained to me. "It's your plan, you decide what happens" I said to him, shrugging. "Oh I know, just thought I'd let you know" Chishiya said grinning at me. "Alright, are you done? Can I go now?" I asked him sighing. "Yeah, you can" Chishiya said to me. I turned around and started walking away. "But don't pretend to me that you don't like me. I don't really like fake people and I would prefer if my wife was honest?" Chishiya shouted to me. Oh I was going to kill him, I hated Fiancé and now he's using wife.

"Fine, I see your ego doesn't like one woman saying no to you" I said not looking at him. Chishiya laughed under his breath, "You are an attractive man, I thought that when I first saw you in the hospital and I think you are quite attractive with your hair down" I started to explain. I turned around to look at him, he was smirking at me. "But that does not mean that I like you Shuntaro Chishiya" I said shaking my head at him. "We are using our full names now huh?" Chishiya said amused. I rolled my eyes at him, "Oh and stop calling me your fiancé and wife" I said coldly. I walked away as he said something else, "But you are in the real world! See you later wifey!" Chishiya shouted laughing. I hated that man!

I walked back down into the main area of the beach, Was that Sakura? I guess I could shout and find out. "Sakura!" I shouted out. Some women turned to look at me including that little girl with the light pink hair. She wanted her hair pink and wouldn't stop until she got it. "S-Sakura!" I cried out as I ran towards her. Sakura noticed me and ran towards me as well. "Y-Yasmin" Sakura shouted back starting to cry. I bent down on the floor with my arms open wide, she ran into them. I hugged her tightly, picking her up and spinning her around. She loved it when I did that. I then put her down but still hugged her tightly. Kuina walked into the main area with Chishiya, Arisu and Usagi. 

They were all looking at me hug this little girl. "Sakura?" Arisu asked as he realised who it was. "Arisu!" Sakura shouted, she wouldn't let go of me but she did want a hug with Arisu. Arisu laughed and walked over hugging Sakura, which meant he also hugged me. "She looks like you except from the hair" Kuina said smiling at me. "Yeah we look like our mother a lot don't we Sakura" I said, she smiled shyly. Chishiya grinned at me, "Sakura this is Usagi and Kuina" I introduced her to the women. Sakura looked at the annoying blonde who stood there smirking at me, "Who's that sissy?" Sakura asked me pointing to him. "That's Chishiya, you won't talk to him much" I said shrugging at her. "Chishiya? That sounds familiar" Sakura said looking at me. "Huh?" I asked her confused, Chishiya also looked puzzled. "Mummy and Daddy were speaking about a man called Chishiya, your husband? They said" Sakura said shyly. I blushed extremely bad as Kuina looked at me smirking. "Mummy and daddy should be more quiet" I said through gritted teeth. Chishiya shrugged knowing that it was out now, "So this is my sister in law?" Chishiya asked me amused. He was biting the bullet pissing me off.

"Am I thinking about the right Chishiya?" Sakura asked me anxiously. I couldn't lie to her, "Yes sweetie, that's him" I said sighing deeply. "Where's Dachi?" I asked Sakura trying to change the awkward subject. "He went to get me some water" Sakura replied to me shyly. "I would ask if Dachi was your boyfriend but apparently you two are getting married in the real world?" Kuina said laughing. I blushed again, "He's my twin brother" I said looking down at the floor. "No fucking way!" I heard a deep voice say. 

It's like I summoned him or something? Dachi was walking in from the pool area with a bottle of water and his eyes on me, "Swearing in front of Sakura!" I told him off, Dachi laughed. "She knows swear words" Dachi said shrugging. "I don't care, swear again and I will drown you in the pool" I warned him, Dachi laughed putting his hands up in surrender. "Here Sakura" Dachi said passing her the water bottle. Dachi then looked at me and hugged me ruffling my hair, "Ugh get off idiot" I said pushing him away making him laugh even more. "I know you hate hugs but I've sort of missed you" Dachi said to me grinning. "Only sort of?" I asked him amused. "Yeah, you are still my annoying sister" Dachi said rolling his eyes and laughing. "Dachi, this is Usagi and Kuina" I said introducing him to the two women stood watching. Dachi's eyes landed on Kuina, was he seriously checking her out, right now? I flicked him on the ear, "Ouch, what was that for?" He asked me rubbing his ear. "Instead of being a weirdo, just talk to her" I said rolling my eyes at him. Dachi rolled his eyes then he saw Chishiya. "Oh ho! This is your future husband, right!?" Dachi said nudging me.

"Why is it everyone else in that house knew before I did?" I asked Dachi with a serious tone. "You moved out" Dachi said shrugging. "A text would have been nice from mother, father or even you?" I asked him sighing. "Would you have even seen that text? replied?" Dachi questioned me sighing. "Fine, you have a point but can we please get over the fact that Chishiya is here?" I asked Dachi sighing. "Yeah, she's a handful though dude so good luck, and Kuina do you wanna maybe get a drink?" Dachi asked Kuina, walking over to her before I could hit him. Kuina nodded laughing, Dachi and Kuina left the main area and went out to the pool area. Usagi and Arisu felt the awkwardness rise in the room, "Hey if it's alright with you Yasmin, me and Arisu could take her out to the pool for a swim?" Usagi asked me smiling. I looked at an excited Sakura, she looked at me with hope in her eyes that I'd say yes. I knew Arisu so I allowed it, Usagi took Sakura outside. Arisu followed them, It was just me and Chishiya looking at each other awkwardly.

"I know why they didn't tell me about you" I said sighing. Chishiya looked at me, "It's because I didn't obey them, I moved out into my own apartment and they wanted to get me back" I said rolling my eyes. "I'm not that bad, jeez!" Chishiya said offended a little. "I don't know Chishiya" I said sighing. "AHHHH!" A girl screamed loudly, her scream reverberated off of the walls. I turned to look so did Chishiya, Mio screamed running at me. She jumped on me, making me fall on the floor with her on top of me, she was hugging me tightly. I heard a deep voice chuckle, "Mio, get off me!" I shouted making her laugh even more. 

"Sorry! I'm just so happy to see you!" Mio hugged me tightly again as I stood up. I sighed shaking my head at her but hugged her back, I saw Botan at the side of her grinning. I gestured for him to join in on the hug so he did. "I'm happy to see the both of you two too" I said to them. They hugged me tighter making me regret that sentence. "Mio...Botan...I cant breathe" I said to them. Mio and Botan let go of me, I bent down putting my hands on the floor to steady myself whilst I caught my breath again. "Sorry again" Mio said smiling at me.

"Oooh It's your crush Mio!" Botan said noticing Chishiya first. Mio looked and blushed badly. "Um...I'm not like that usually, honest" Mio said to Chishiya awkwardly. "Alright?..." Chishiya responded confused. "My name is Mio and that's Botan, we are Yasmin's best friends" Mio said holding her hand out to shake Chishiya's hand. "She has best friends?" Chishiya said amused looking at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Mio and Botan ignored that, not thinking that we actually knew each other. "Are you um, are you alright?" Chishiya asked her awkwardly.

I looked at Mio and she was bright red, "Like Botan said, Mio fancies you. She told me in the hospital" I said to Chishiya smirking. "YASMIN!" Mio shouted at me embarrassed. "What? you was just being a weirdo staring at him?" I said laughing. "I have to agree with Yasmin there" Botan said also laughing. "Okay? I get that a lot" Chishiya said shrugging. I was expecting him to chuckle, smirk or anything like that but he just shrugged at her? That was very out of character for the blonde? "Aw, didn't feed your big ego?" I asked Chishiya rolling my eyes. "You are very nice Yasmin...not" Chishiya said sarcastically. "Wait, do you two know each other?" Mio asked me confused. "Unfortunately" I responded to Mio. Chishiya shot an annoyed look my way. "Yeah we do, we used to have playdates when we were younger" Chishiya said shrugging. "Oh, someone else managed to get Yasmin's attention?" Botan said nudging me and grinning. "Don't even think about it Botan, I already have enough with my parents" I said sighing.

"What?" Botan asked me confused. "I got to theirs, they had dropped the marrying Ryu idea and instead arranged a marriage between me and Chishiya" I said rolling my eyes. Mio looked at me awkwardly, "Mio, don't be like that. You can have him, hook up with him all you want. I don't care" I said shrugging. Chishiya glared at me for some reason, "Are you sure? back in the other world he's going to be your husband Yasmin?" Mio asked me blushing. "I'm positive" I said rolling my eyes. Chishiya shot another glare my way. "Me and my future wife need to talk, right now" Chishiya said through gritted teeth. "Uh oh trouble in paradise" Botan said laughing as he pulled a reluctant Mio away. Chishiya grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the beach, he didn't stop walking until we were a little away from the entrance.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him amused. "I don't like her, she's not my type and I think you knew that somehow, you wanted to annoy me for some reason?" Chishiya questioned me annoyed. I didn't answer, just smirked at him like he usually did to me. "You have a type? wow I guess I thought you'd fuck anyone as long as they were female" I said shrugging. Chishiya was getting mad with me now, I could tell by his body language. "At least I have a type, I'm warning you Yasmin. You don't want me as your enemy" Chishiya said angrily to me. "Bless, I'm so scared" I said putting my hands up amused. "You are an actual bitch, you know that!?" Chishiya stated angrily. "Did I hit a nerve Chishiya, aw?" I asked him rolling my eyes. 

"What's wrong with you?! What have I done to you!? Why are you being such a bitch towards me? But a nice person towards everyone else?" Chishiya asked me throwing his hands up in the air. I looked at the expression on his face, the way his voice was, his body language. I was actually upsetting him? "Who hurt you!? Seriously!" Chishiya asked me rolling his eyes. I did date someone in school, his name was Toby. I was in love with him, or so I thought? At the time I thought he felt the same but I found him cheating on me with my best friend. I guess that explained why I was so cold to the world and its people.

"You know what.. forget it. This is pathetic, I don't know what I was thinking.. I should have never spoken to you here" Chishiya said starting to walk away. I sighed, maybe I had been a bitch towards him, even more so when I figured out who my type was. Chishiya fit my type, I guess I was trying to protect myself from liking him.. I was stupid of course, that didn't stop it. Recently, every time I seen Chishiya, I would get these butterflies that formed in my stomach, I would feel almost shy around him. I was starting to actually like the man I despised from the beginning. Not as a friend, but something more. And I was scared, that was it. I was scared so I would be bitchy to him but that didn't excuse how much I had actually upset him this time. 

"Chishiya!" I shouted as he grabbed a hold of the door handle. "What?" He asked me coldly. I deserved that.. "I'm sorry" I said sighing. Chishiya let go of the handle and turned to look at me, "I'm sorry I've been a bitch to you. You don't deserve that, you are helping me get out of here which means I could try and get Dachi and Sakura away from this place too. You don't deserve the way I've been acting" I said looking down at the floor. I found it hard to say sorry due to being stubborn but I did. Chishiya sighed and walked over to me, he was standing in front of me. At first he had his hood up but he had taken it down to discuss this with me.

"Why have you been like that with me? I mean you were cold with me from the beginning due to our parents but ever since I asked you if you found me attractive, you've just been so bitchy?" Chishiya asked me confused. I couldn't let him know, I wouldn't let him know. The only problem was that I didn't know what to say. Chishiya sighed looking at me, "Is it something more? Is there something you aren't telling me?" Chishiya asked me. I felt butterflies form in my stomach again as he looked at me. "Do you not like me? I get it, many people don't" Chishiya said sighing deeply. 

I sighed, my breathing shaking, Chishiya noticed that then grabbed my arm, he was losing his patience. "Just tell me! We are supposed to be working together, how can we work together if you don't communicate with me?" Chishiya asked me getting annoyed again. "It doesn't matter, soon we will leave the beach and we will never have to see each other again as long as we remain in this world" I said, my voice failed me as it sounded sad. "But, you don't want that? Do you?" Chishiya asked me studying my body language. "I'm only going to ask you this once" Chishiya said, moving his hand from my arm to my hand. A weird feeling like a jolt of electricity went through my body as our hands touched. I don't like him! I can't like him! Not only can I not allow my parent's to win, I also can't do that again.

"Do you feel something for me?" Chishiya asked me that dreaded question. I gulped my tears back and looked at Chishiya with a blank face. "No" I said bluntly, Chishiya looked at me, he didn't believe me. "I don't want to talk about this anymore, I'm going to bed" I said to him pulling my hand out of his. I quickly ran back inside the beach away from him.

Chishiya wasn't stupid, he knew that I did. He wasn't leaving this conversation though...

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