Just A Game

By xXunknown2000xX

662 45 8

An Improved Version Of The Chishiya Fan-Fiction! Based Off Of Season 1 Of Alice In Borderlands! More

Before - The Hospital
Before - The Agreement
Five Of Spades
Three Of Hearts
Eight Of Spades
Hatter's what?
Ten Of Hearts
It's Not Over Yet...

Ace Of Hearts

31 3 0
By xXunknown2000xX

I didn't do people, but if Hatter was respected here, I'd need to earn my place on that team with him. I might find out some information while I'm on the team about this place, about the games and everything that was happening. I still didn't want to return to that shit world I came from but it never hurts to gain knowledge of the situation and the world I was in. Hatter made a speech about the people at the beach and the games. He was very respected by this crowd around me, very. Two different men walked around the crowd, giving out paper. The man wearing a blue robe walked over to me and passed me a piece of paper, he smirked at me then walked away. 

I looked down and saw one word and one number written on the paper. Team 6? So the games were maybe clubs? "Team 6 and Team 5 make your way out to the cars in the front" The man in the blue robe shouted to the crowd. I didn't have much time to react as the crowd started pushing me towards the door. Ugh! People! Once I was out of the beach, I stepped aside from the crazy crowd. "Here" Aguni said to me, I walked over to Aguni, shaking my head at the people. "That's pathetic how much they want to please Hatter" I said, shaking my head still. Aguni chuckled and looked down at my paper. "You're with me. Come on, get in" Aguni said opening the car door. At least I recognised someone in the car. Soon enough, the car was full of other players, and we were driving to the game.

"Do you think it's a spades game?" A red-headed girl asked confidently. "Why" One of the guys asked. "Oh, because I'll definitely win" The girl said smirking. "Well, aren't we confident?" I said, looking at her. Aguni chuckled again, "You are only saying that because you'd lose." The girl spat at me. I rolled my eyes, "Maybe it's a hearts game?" Another girl asked. I hope so. That red-headed girl was pissing me off. "It could be diamonds though?" The driver spoke up. He's right, It could be. "We won't know until we get there" The red-headed girl said rolling her eyes. "So why ask if its a spades game? Are you dumb or something?" I asked her rolling my eyes. 

The other people in the car were laughing at what I said to her. We arrived at our game venue, another hotel building. How interesting. Aguni got out of the car and also looked at the hotel. "Come on, I need to speak to you alone" Aguni said to me. I raised an eyebrow but followed Aguni into the hotel. The first thing we noticed at the reception was that phones were laid out on a table. More phones? I walked towards one and grabbed one. "Facial recognition in progress, please wait" I heard the same woman say to me again. Aguni grabbed a phone too, then turned to face me. "This game is to see if you have potential for an executive post" Aguni explained to me.

"So you know the game, huh?" I asked him puzzled. Aguni said nothing as the others walked into the building. I noticed arrows painted on the walls, so that way then? I followed the arrows upstairs until I was in a long hallway. There were doors all the way down the hallway. I started to count down the doors, hm? 10 doors. Maybe that meant something? My thinking was interrupted by the red head walking towards me. "Oh, this is going to be a piece of cake" She said sneering at me. I really hope a laser gets her or something. The others joined shortly after, and all of our phones chimed. "Difficulty: Ace of hearts" The woman said. Ha, that's funny. I noticed the red head seems less confident now. Karma is about to get to her. "Game: Greed, There are a total of 10 participants" The woman stated. Wait 10? I turned around and saw 5 more players waiting. I bet they came from the other car that was driving behind us on the way here. 10 players, huh? This was getting interesting.

"Rules: In front of you is a hallway with ten doors. Each door is marked with a number from one to ten in ascending order from where you begin. If you enter the wrong room, it is game over and you will die. If you enter a correct room, you will be given two choices. Accept the door you entered, and it is game clear. The number of visa points you will get corresponds to the room number you are in, or you can leave the room and choose a higher numbered room. There is a risk to leaving the room however, you may get a higher amount of Visa points but you could enter a wrong room and die. The time limit for this game is 20 minutes. The time limit starts now" The woman explained as the timer on my phone started counting down. 

Greed? That was the game's name. Ace of hearts? Did that mean it was the easiest game or the hardest game? If ten of hearts were the hardest, then surely Ace was the easiest. "You! You seem to have it all figured out!?" a blonde haired girl said to the red head. I looked over at them both, this will be good. "What's your name?" The red head asked the blonde. "Kagome" The blonde replied to her. The red head nodded, "What's yours?" Kagome asked the red head. "Sunako" The red head replied. Her name meant dark which suited her attitude perfectly. "As for your question, don't pick Room 1, it's obviously a trap, maybe pick 5?" Sunako responded to Kagome. "Are you sure it's 5?" Kagome asked her, "Positive" Sunako smiled sweetly. I had a bad feeling but this was a hearts game, I wasn't going to help her. Kagome nodded her head as she walked towards room number 5. She carefully opened the door and was struck instantly by a laser, Kagome fell to the floor dead inside the room.

"Oops, maybe I was wrong" Sunako said pretending to be sad. Bitch. So she wanted to play that game did she? pretending to be sweet and innocent but really was manipulating people into choosing the wrong doors so that they would die. It was definitely a bitch move but a smart one in this situation, I decided to remove the cold look from my face and turned to one of the guys who had joined the game. "Hey, you look anxious?" I asked him putting my hand on his arm. "I just want to survive you know, I don't care who else dies as long as it isn't me" The guy said with confidence after I touched him. "Well maybe, if you choose room 7, it could be correct and after we could maybe go into your room back at the beach?" I asked him in a flirtatious manner. 

The guy was selfish anyway, he looked at my bikini top grinning then nodded, he walked over to room 7 and opened the door. "Hey! It's correct!" He shouted happily, fuck! Suddenly, the room set on fire as he walked in and he burned to death. Interesting? I watched as another woman approached room 5, what was she doing? Kagome opened that door and died? The woman opened the door but didn't die, instead she was asked the two choices that were mentioned earlier. She chose to leave to find a higher numbered door. I thought about the game for a second, so if Kagome died when she opened the number 5 door but that woman didn't.. Did that mean it was different for each person? Different for each ID? My suspicions were confirmed correct as another man tried the number five door and died by a laser.

"7 Participants remaining, 15 minutes remaining" The woman said. 7 out of 10 of us already. I leant against the wall thinking about the doors and how they worked. Some people would try a door and live, some people would try that same door and die? So was my questions earlier right? Was it due to our ID's that we had? I noticed Aguni watching me closely, he did say that this game was a test for the executive post at the beach. I watched as people started tricking each other, how they managed to do that though surprised me? 

They didn't know the doors, none of us did, not really? It wasn't a diamonds game so I didn't need to figure out the solution, It was a hearts game so I just needed to survive and possibly betray other people such as that guy from earlier. "4 Participants remaining, 10 minutes remaining" The woman announced. 4 of us were left. Aguni, me, Sunako and a 14 year old boy who had told us that his name was Akuma. No one asked for his name because no one cared. I watched as Sunako successfully entered a room but she didn't accept it, she was going for the higher rooms. The game was called greed so did that mean that every time someone declined a room, they were greedy because they knew if they declined and went for a higher room they would earn more visa points? More days to live without playing a game? It made sense but I could be wrong.

"Akuma, I know what I'm doing, you have seen me go into different rooms and seen me walk back out of them right?" Sunako asked Akuma. Akuma looked anxious, it was understandable, he could die if he didn't pick the right room for his ID. By ID I meant our ID number that appears when the phone does its facial recognition scanning. "Right" Akuma replied nervously. "So I think that you should try the number 8 door" Sunako told him smiling sweetly. "Why number 8?" Akuma asked her anxiously. "Well like it was explained at the beginning, the room numbers are our visa points, so if you picked 8, you would get 8 visa points" Sunako told him. Akuma didn't look convinced, "Just think, 8 days without needing to play a game" Sunako manipulated him. 

"8 days does sound good" Akuma said softly smiling at her. Sunako smiled sweetly back at him, her smile was so fake, I could see that but Akuma couldn't and walked over to the number 8 door. I could have said something but I didn't, Akuma died when he stepped into the room, he burnt to death. There was no time for sadness in a hearts game, I had more empathy towards children and teenagers being a medical student. "Five minutes remaining, there are a total of 3 participants alive" The woman explained. "I think you should pick the ninth door" Sunako said turning to me. I didn't have a good feeling about that door, I didn't have a good feeling about any of the doors. It was pure luck, I looked at the first door. What was I missing? Like the other game, there had to be something hidden that hadn't been explained. I looked at Sunako, I could be a bitch she deserved it back but I decided to manipulate her just like she manipulated the others.

I know I manipulated that guy earlier but I didn't care. "Sunako, I'm quite smart and I've worked out that there are obvious traps with these doors but I think that room number ten wouldn't be a trap" I explained to her. Sunako raised an eyebrow at me, "Why wouldn't it be?" She asked me confused. "The tenth door is a massive risk, it's the highest number. People will automatically be afraid to pick that door but in reality that door is correct" I explained to her again. "Ten days does sound great" Sunako said smirking coldly. 

She wasn't hiding her true self now that it was just me, her and Aguni. "We have 5 minutes left, we are going to die if we don't pick our doors soon" I said to her sighing. I then walked away from her towards the number one door, I just had a feeling that this room was the hidden meaning behind the game "greed". Sunako started laughing coldly as she walked to the tenth door, "Room 1 is obviously a trap! Have fun dying loser!" Sunako said as she opened the tenth door. I watched as Sunako burned to death which was fitting for how she murdered that 14 year old boy. 

I opened the number one door, Aguni was watching with a grin on his face. "Do you choose to accept this room or leave for a higher numbered room?" The woman spoke through my phone. "I accept" I said to the woman. My phone chimed and I looked down, "Game cleared, congratulations, you now have one day added to your visa" The woman told me. Aguni chose the same room, he didn't die. I then figured out something. "Room 1 was never a trap was it? you was supposed to pick room 1 that's why the game is called greed, right?" I asked Aguni. Aguni nodded grinning at me. So Ace was the easiest when you thought about it.

"You betrayed her then?" Aguni asked me curiously. "It wasn't hard to, I just had to play with her ego, make her believe she was better then me. When in reality she was just dumb as fuck" I said shrugging. Aguni agreed, "Our driver is dead, I don't mind driving back though?" I asked Aguni. "No, I'll drive. You can rest after such a great game" Aguni said impressed as we walked out of the hallway, out of the hotel and back into the car. Aguni was impressed? Did this mean I got the executive job? We sat in silence as we drove back to the beach, I didn't mind Aguni but I still wasn't a fan of social interaction. 

As soon as we got back to the beach, Aguni told me to follow him to Hatter's suite. We both entered Hatter's suite, he grinned at me. "You are back?" Hatter asked me not that surprised. I nodded in response, "Card?" Hatter asked simply. I didn't have the card from the game, shit! I never grabbed it! Aguni passed Hatter the card, I felt relieved that he had picked it up. "Ace of hearts? Yes!" Hatter shouted happily. Clearly he needed that one for his collection? "So you cleared a hearts game? And you also brought me back a card that I needed, I definitely think a promotion is in order, welcome to the beach executives Yasmin" Hatter said smirking at me. "How do you know my name?" I asked him confused but also a little suspicious by him. "I know a lot of things Yasmin, It's part of my job as leader to know these things" Hatter explained to me, shrugging. Alright then? Hatter then dismissed me and Aguni for the night, so I was an executive now, who were the others?

"Aguni, are you an executive?" I asked him curiously. "I'm the general of the militant corps here at the beach" Aguni answered me. "Militant corps?" I asked him confused. "We keep everyone in the beach safe, we are the only ones that can carry guns and different weapons" Aguni explained to me. Hm Interesting? Aguni then walked away, he was probably busy checking over the beach as he was out on a game. I had cleared that hearts game easily enough, I didn't need to betray that many people as I thought I would though. Would I betray people? I won't answer that..

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